/* full configuration file example at * https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ircd-hybrid/hopm/master/doc/reference.conf */ options { pidfile = "/dev/shm/hopm.pid"; command_queue_size = 64; command_interval = 10 seconds; command_timeout = 180 seconds; negcache_rebuild = 12 hours; dns_fdlimit = 102400; dns_timeout = 5 seconds; }; irc { nick = "SCANNER"; realname = "n3tw3rk 1ns3cur1ty c0rp pr0xy sc4nn3r"; username = "sc4nn3r"; server = ""; port = 6868; tls = no; tls_hostname_verification = yes; readtimeout = 15 minutes; reconnectinterval = 30 seconds; nickserv = "NS IDENTIFY password"; oper = "SCANNER password"; mode = "+c"; away = "go privmsg someone else"; channel { name = "#hopm"; invite = "CS INVITE #hopm"; }; connregex = "\\*\\*\\* Notice -- Client connecting.*: ([^ ]+) \\(([^@]+)@([^\\)]+)\\) \\[([0-9a-f\\.:]+)\\].*"; kline = "OS AKILL ADD +3h *@%i Open proxy found on your host. Try connecting through proxy-dmz or Tor instead."; notice = "You are now being scanned for open proxies"; }; opm { blacklist { name = "dnsbl.dronebl.org"; address_family = ipv4, ipv6; type = "A record reply"; ban_unknown = yes; reply { 2 = "Sample data used for heuristical analysis"; 3 = "IRC spam drone (litmus/sdbot/fyle)"; 5 = "Bottler (experimental)"; 6 = "Unknown worm or spambot"; 7 = "DDoS drone"; 8 = "Open SOCKS proxy"; 9 = "Open HTTP proxy"; 10 = "ProxyChain"; 11 = "Web Page Proxy"; 12 = "Open DNS Resolver"; 13 = "Automated dictionary attacks"; 14 = "Open WINGATE proxy"; 15 = "Compromised router / gateway"; 16 = "Autorooting worms"; 17 = "Automatically determined botnet IPs (experimental)"; 18 = "DNS/MX type hostname detected on IRC"; 255 = "Uncategorized threat class"; }; kline = "KLINE 180 *@%i :You have a host listed in the DroneBL"; }; blacklist { name = "rbl.efnetrbl.org"; type = "A record reply"; ban_unknown = yes; reply { 1 = "Open proxy"; 2 = "spamtrap666"; 3 = "spamtrap50"; 4 = "TOR"; 5 = "Drones / Flooding"; }; kline = "KLINE 180 *@%i :Blacklisted proxy found"; }; blacklist { name = "tor.efnetrbl.org"; type = "A record reply"; ban_unknown = no; reply { 1 = "TOR"; }; kline = "KLINE 180 *@%i :TOR exit node found"; }; }; scanner { name = "default"; protocol = HTTP:80; protocol = HTTP:8080; protocol = HTTP:3128; protocol = HTTP:6588; protocol = SOCKS4:1080; protocol = SOCKS5:1080; protocol = ROUTER:23; protocol = WINGATE:23; protocol = DREAMBOX:23; protocol = HTTPPOST:80; fd = 102400; max_read = 4 kbytes; timeout = 30 seconds; target_ip = "irc.clandestine.network"; target_port = 6667; target_string = ":irc.clandestine.network NOTICE * :*** Looking up your hostname"; target_string = "ERROR :Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled."; }; scanner { name = "extended"; protocol = HTTP:81; protocol = HTTP:8000; protocol = HTTP:8001; protocol = HTTP:8081; protocol = HTTPPOST:81; protocol = HTTPPOST:6588; protocol = HTTPPOST:4480; protocol = HTTPPOST:8000; protocol = HTTPPOST:8001; protocol = HTTPPOST:8080; protocol = HTTPPOST:8081; protocol = SOCKS4:4914; protocol = SOCKS4:6826; protocol = SOCKS4:7198; protocol = SOCKS4:7366; protocol = SOCKS4:9036; protocol = SOCKS5:4438; protocol = SOCKS5:5104; protocol = SOCKS5:5113; protocol = SOCKS5:5262; protocol = SOCKS5:5634; protocol = SOCKS5:6552; protocol = SOCKS5:6561; protocol = SOCKS5:7464; protocol = SOCKS5:7810; protocol = SOCKS5:8130; protocol = SOCKS5:8148; protocol = SOCKS5:8520; protocol = SOCKS5:8814; protocol = SOCKS5:9100; protocol = SOCKS5:9186; protocol = SOCKS5:9447; protocol = SOCKS5:9578; protocol = SOCKS5:10000; protocol = SOCKS5:64101; protocol = SOCKS4:29992; protocol = SOCKS4:38884; protocol = SOCKS4:18844; protocol = SOCKS4:17771; protocol = SOCKS4:31121; fd = 102400; }; scanner { name = "ssh"; protocol = SSH:22; target_string = "SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_5.1"; target_string = "SSH-2.0-dropbear_0.51"; target_string = "SSH-2.0-dropbear_0.52"; target_string = "SSH-2.0-dropbear_0.53.1"; target_string = "SSH-2.0-dropbear_2012.55"; target_string = "SSH-2.0-dropbear_2013.62"; target_string = "SSH-2.0-dropbear_2014.63"; target_string = "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3"; target_string = "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1"; target_string = "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.5p1"; target_string = "SSH-2.0-ROSSSH"; target_string = "SSH-2.0-SSH_Server"; }; user { mask = "*!*@"; scanner = "default"; }; user { mask = "*!squid@*"; mask = "*!nobody@*"; mask = "*!www-data@*"; mask = "*!cache@*"; mask = "*!CacheFlowS@*"; mask = "*!*@*www*"; mask = "*!*@*proxy*"; mask = "*!*@*cache*"; scanner = "extended"; }; exempt { mask = "*!*@"; mask = "*!*@"; mask = "*!*@*.n3tw3rk.1ns3cur1ty.c0rp"; };