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2020-12-30 02:52:35 -05:00
mcmxi first commit 2020-12-30 02:52:35 -05:00
.gitignore first commit 2020-12-30 02:52:35 -05:00
conf.example.yml first commit 2020-12-30 02:52:35 -05:00
dev.md first commit 2020-12-30 02:52:35 -05:00
Pipfile first commit 2020-12-30 02:52:35 -05:00
Pipfile.lock first commit 2020-12-30 02:52:35 -05:00
README.md first commit 2020-12-30 02:52:35 -05:00


  • This bot uses notices to send information that is personalized or private to you, use one of the following two sections (irssi or weechat)




  • /set irc.msgbuffer.notice = current


  • pipenv is required, install it with pip install pipenv or your OS package manager.
  • Clone this repository
  • copy the configuration example, to config.yml and edit it. Not much is required to start, just the obvious settiings.
  • run pipenv shell
  • run pipenv sync
  • run python -m mcmxi.mcmxi


  • the bot uses IPython embedded for control and development
 python -m mcmxi.mcmxi
INFO|mcmxi-><module> bot is initialized, press C-d at any point for a smooth and easy exit, starting REPL...
Python 3.6.10 (default, Jan 16 2020, 09:12:04) [GCC]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.16.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.



  • To extend the bot, create a script to the following effect:
from mcmxi import mcmxi
if __name__ == "__main__":
    l = UTIL.setup_logging(bot_config())

    bots = mcmxi.start_bots()

    l.info("bot is initialized, press C-d at any point for a smooth and easy exit, starting REPL...")


  • then add a tuple containing an instance of a class that contains your fantasy command functions, the prefix of the method names if any or "", and a lambda method call wrapper to any or all of the bot instance's executables list. Each bot has an executable list that looks like this:
        self.executables          = [
             lambda event, instance: instance(event) ),
             lambda event, instance: instance(event) ),
             lambda event, instance: instance(event) ),
             lambda event, instance: instance(event) ),
             lambda event, instance: instance(event) ),
             lambda event, instance: instance(event) ),
             lambda event, instance: instance(event) ) ]
  • CARD is the singleton class
  • cmd is the prefix for methods that should be exposed as fantasy commands
  • lambda event, instance: instance(event) is a method call wrapper (default example)

When fantasy commands are sent to a channel, an executor defined in the UTILS class is invoked, which is technically also extensible / customizable. The default simply looks for methods in each of the whitelisted classes (in self.executables) for method's prefixed with cmd or whatever prefix is specified, the rest of the fantasy command that was specified corresponds directly to the rest of the method name:`

        self.executor          = (
            lambda bot, obj, method_prefix, call_wrapper, event: call_wrapper(
                obj.__getattribute__(next(filter(lambda t: (
                    method_prefix != ""
                    and "{prefix}_{command}"
                    or "{prefix}{command}").format(
                    prefix  = method_prefix,
                    command = t[ 0 ]
                ) == t[ 1 ] and t[ 1 ], zip(ITER.cycle([event.data(
                ).arguments[ 0 ].split(" "
                )[ 0 ].strip(next(filter(lambda x: x.channel_name(
                ) == event.target().lower(
                ), bot.conf.channels() )
                ).command_prefix() ) ]
                ), dir(obj) ) )
                )[ 1 ] ) ) )