CyberMonitor 5aaf091fe4 fix
2019-02-12 15:00:18 +08:00

159 lines
6.5 KiB

# Code from https://github.com/nnazifi/HC128_Python
# Slightly modified
class hc128:
" Constructor creates P,Q,W tables as well as storing the generated
" key stream and how many bytes are left in the key stream. It also
" store the step number the cipher is on
def __init__(self):
self.P = []
self.Q = []
self.W = []
self.count = 0
self.current_stream = 0
self.current_in_stream = 0
def key_size(self):
" Returns this stream cipher's key size in bytes. If the stream cipher
" includes both a key and a nonce, <TT>keySize()</TT> returns the size of
" the key plus the nonce in bytes.
" @return Key size.
return 32
def set_key(self, key):
" Set the key for this stream cipher. <TT>key</TT> must be an array of
" bytes whose length is equal to <TT>keySize()</TT>. If the stream cipher
" includes both a key and a nonce, <TT>key</TT> contains the bytes of the
" key followed by the bytes of the nonce. The keystream generator is
" initialized, such that successive calls to <TT>encrypt()</TT> will
" encrypt or decrypt a series of bytes.
" @param key Key.
"""Initiailization Step 1: Fill W table with key, IV and generated values"""
for i in range(0, 4):
temp = key[4 * i]
for shift in range(1, 4):
temp ^= key[4 * i + shift] << (8 * shift)
# temp = temp << 8 ^ key[4 * i + shift]
self.W.insert(i, temp)
self.W.insert(i + 4, temp)
for i in range(4, 8):
temp = key[4 * i]
for shift in range(1, 4):
temp ^= key[4 * i + shift] << (8 * shift)
# temp = temp << 8 ^ key[4 * i + shift]
self.W.insert(i + 4, temp)
self.W.insert(i + 8, temp)
for i in range(16, 1280):
f2 = ((self.W[i - 2] >> 17) ^ (self.W[i - 2] << (32 - 17))) ^ (
(self.W[i - 2] >> 19) ^ (self.W[i - 2] << (32 - 19))) ^ (self.W[i - 2] >> 10)
f1 = ((self.W[i - 15] >> 7) ^ (self.W[i - 15] << (32 - 7))) ^ (
(self.W[i - 15] >> 18) ^ (self.W[i - 15] << (32 - 18))) ^ (self.W[i - 15] >> 3)
self.W.insert(i, (f2 + f1 + self.W[i - 7] + self.W[i - 16] + i) % (2 ** 32))
"""Initiailization Step 2: Starting at element 256, copy 512 elements to P and other 512 to Q"""
for i in range(0, 512):
self.P.insert(i, self.W[i + 256])
for i in range(0, 512):
self.Q.insert(i, self.W[i + 768])
"""Initiailization Step 3: Run cipher 1024 steps"""
for i in range(0, 512):
g1 = ((((self.P[(i - 3)] >> 10) ^ (self.P[(i - 3)] << (32 - 10))) ^ (
(self.P[(i - 511)] >> 23) ^ (self.P[(i - 511)] << (32 - 23)))) + (
(self.P[(i - 10)] >> 8) ^ (self.P[(i - 10)] << (32 - 8)))) % 2 ** 32
pTemp = [self.P[(i - 12)] >> shift & 0xff for shift in (24, 16, 8, 0)]
h1 = (self.Q[pTemp[3]] + self.Q[(pTemp[1] + 256)]) % 2 ** 32
self.P[i] = ((self.P[i] + g1) % 2 ** 32) ^ h1
for i in range(0, 512):
g2 = ((((self.Q[(i - 3)] << 10) ^ (self.Q[(i - 3)] >> (32 - 10))) ^ (
(self.Q[(i - 511)] << 23) ^ (self.Q[(i - 511)] >> (32 - 23)))) + (
(self.Q[(i - 10)] << 8) ^ (self.Q[(i - 10)] >> (32 - 8)))) % 2 ** 32
qTemp = [self.Q[(i - 12)] >> shift & 0xff for shift in (24, 16, 8, 0)]
h2 = (self.P[qTemp[3]] + self.P[(qTemp[1] + 256)]) % 2 ** 32
self.Q[i] = ((self.Q[i] + g2) % 2 ** 32) ^ h2
def generate(self):
" Generate 32-bits of the key stream.
i = self.count % 512
if self.count % 1024 < 512:
g1 = ((((self.P[(i - 3)] >> 10) ^ (self.P[(i - 3)] << (32 - 10))) ^ ((self.P[(i - 511)] >> 23) ^ (self.P[(i - 511)] << (32 - 23)))) + ((self.P[(i - 10)] >> 8) ^ (self.P[(i - 10)] << (32 - 8)))) % (2 ** 32)
self.P[i] = ((self.P[i] + g1) % 2 ** 32)
p_temp = [self.P[(i - 12)] >> shift & 0xff for shift in (24, 16, 8, 0)]
h1 = (self.Q[p_temp[3]] + self.Q[(p_temp[1] + 256)]) % (2 ** 32)
self.current_stream = h1 ^ self.P[i]
self.current_in_stream = 4
g2 = ((((self.Q[(i - 3)] << 10) ^ (self.Q[(i - 3)] >> (32 - 10))) ^ (
(self.Q[(i - 511)] << 23) ^ (self.Q[(i - 511)] >> (32 - 23)))) + (
(self.Q[(i - 10)] << 8) ^ (self.Q[(i - 10)] >> (32 - 8)))) % (2 ** 32)
self.Q[i] = ((self.Q[i] + g2) % 2 ** 32)
qTemp = [self.Q[(i - 12)] >> shift & 0xff for shift in (24, 16, 8, 0)]
h2 = (self.P[qTemp[3]] + self.P[(qTemp[1] + 256)]) % (2 ** 32)
self.current_stream = h2 ^ self.Q[i]
self.current_in_stream = 4
self.count += 1
def crypt(self, b):
" Encrypt or decrypt the given byte. Only the least significant 8 bits of
" <TT>b</TT> are used. If <TT>b</TT> is a plaintext byte, the ciphertext
" byte is returned as a value from 0 to 255. If <TT>b</TT> is a ciphertext
" byte, the plaintext byte is returned as a value from 0 to 255.
" @param b Plaintext byte (if encrypting), ciphertext byte (if
" decrypting).
" @return Ciphertext byte (if encrypting), plaintext byte (if decrypting).
"""If no keystream currently generated, generate 32-bits"""
if self.current_in_stream == 0:
"""Once there is keystream, encrypt the byte and remove used keystream from queue"""
temp = (self.current_stream >> (8 * (4 - self.current_in_stream))) & 0x000000ff
self.current_in_stream -= 1
return temp ^ b
def encrypt(message, key):
hc = hc128()
hc.set_key([ord(c) for c in key])
_input = [ord(c) for c in message]
_output = []
for _in in _input:
_output = ''.join([chr(c) for c in _output])
return _output
def decrypt(message, key):
hc = hc128()
hc.set_key([ord(c) for c in key])
_input = [ord(c) for c in message]
_output = []
for _in in _input:
_output = ''.join([chr(c) for c in _output])
return _output