#LiGhTdABoSs ConFiG me { name "irc.LNO.GoV"; info "LNO IRC"; numeric 1; }; admin { "LiGhT"; }; class clients { pingfreq 150; maxclients 20000; sendq 1000000; #DONT TOUCH recvq 4000; }; allow { ip *@*; hostname *@*; class clients; maxperip 1; #DONT BE A BITCH N CHANGE THIS FUCKER }; listen *:443; oper LNO { class clients; from { userhost *@*; }; password "LiGhT"; flags { global; services-admin; can_rehash; can_die; can_restart; helpop; can_wallops; can_globops; can_localroute; can_globalroute; can_localkill; can_globalkill; can_kline; can_gzline; can_gkline; can_unkline; can_localnotice; can_globalnotice; netadmin; can_zline; get_umodew; get_host; can_override; }; snomask *; maxlogins "6"; }; drpass { restart "iMAGaYJeW"; die "N0DoNTK1llM3"; }; set { network-name "LNO IRC"; default-server "irc.LNO.CoM"; services-server "services.LNO"; help-channel "#LNO"; hiddenhost-prefix "LiGhT"; cloak-keys { // Don't use the same keys "aIRgFoAr1HnF5h5sDb7x4YwA6pW"; "P9FdZnR1gl5sJ7hVz4Zb7x4YwpW"; "OI8r1ZnR6gl3sJ7hVz4Zb7x4YnX"; }; hosts { local "LNO.com"; global "LNO.com"; coadmin "LNO.com"; admin "LNO.com"; netadmin "LNO.com"; servicesadmin "LNO.com"; host-on-oper-up "yes"; }; }; set { allowed-nickchars { latin1; }; kline-address "kline@creavix.de"; modes-on-connect "+xwGM"; modes-on-oper "+xwgspH"; restrict-usermodes "G"; restrict-channelmodes "G"; modes-on-join "+nust"; oper-auto-join "#LNO#"; dns { nameserver; timeout 2s; retries 2; }; options { hide-ulines; show-connect-info; show-opermotd; allow-part-if-shunned; flat-map; fail-oper-warn; }; maxchannelsperuser 30; anti-spam-quit-message-time 100s; static-quit "Remote user closed the connection"; oper-only-stats "*"; throttle { connections 3; period 60s; }; anti-flood { nick-flood 50:60; }; spamfilter { ban-time 1d; ban-reason "Spam/Advertising"; virus-help-channel "#help"; }; default-bantime "0"; }; include "help.conf"; include "badwords.channel.conf"; include "badwords.message.conf"; include "badwords.quit.conf"; include "spamfilter.conf"; loadmodule "src/modules/commands.so"; loadmodule "src/modules/cloak.so"; log ircd.log { maxsize 5MB; flags { errors; kills; sadmin-commands; chg-commands; oper-override; spamfilter; kline; tkl; }; }; ban nick { mask "*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Gesperrt"; }; ulines { services.priv8.com; stats.priv8.com; }; tld { mask *@*; motd "motd.conf"; rules "rules.conf"; };