# For *NIX, uncomment these 2 lines: loadmodule src/modules/commands.so; loadmodule src/modules/cloak.so; # For WINDOWS, uncomment these 2 lines: #//loadmodule modules/commands.dll; #//loadmodule modules/cloak.dll; # ME block [REQUIRED] me { # Server name name "MyMOM.bot"; # Server description info "Anti's Bitch"; # Server numeric. Must be between 1 and 255. # This number must be unique among the servers in the network. numeric 120; }; # ADMIN block [REQUIRED] admin { # Anything can go in this block, most people just put their nick and email. "Nick: The Antichrist"; "Email:KEK@KEK.com"; }; # CLASS block [RECOMMENDED] class clients { # How often do we ping clients? pingfreq 90; # How many clients should this class hold? maxclients 30024; # How much are they allowed to send or receive at one time? sendq 100000; recvq 8000; }; # ALLOW block [REQUIRED] allow { # Host OR IP to match. Note this is OR not AND! ip *@*; hostname *@*; # password "#CMD2014"; #Sets server password # What class do these users go into? class clients; # How many per IP? maxperip 1; }; # LISTEN block [REQUIRED] # You can have as many of these as you want. # The syntax is: listen :port; listen *:9999 { options { ssl; clientsonly; }; }; listen *:443; # OPER block [RECOMMENDED] # You can have as many oper blocks as you want. oper "Christian" { # What are MrSmith's hosts? These ARE NOT email addresses! from { # Put as many as you need. userhost *@*; }; # What is MrSmith's password? password "Christian#!"; # The class MrSmith will belong to when he opers. class clients; # What permissions should we give MrSmith? flags { # netadmin includes: can_rehash, helpop, can_globops, can_wallops, # can_localroute, can_localkill, can_kline, # can_unkline, can_localnotice, can_globalnotice, # can_dccdeny, can_setq netadmin; # netadmin does not include: can_die, can_restart, can_zline, can_gkline can_zline; can_gkline; # When adding flags, be sure none of the ones you are setting include # other flags. If you are careless, it'll look sloppy and be harder to # manage or fix if there is a problem or you want to change it later. # See doc/unreal32docs.html for more info about oper flags. }; }; oper "" { # What are MrSmith's hosts? These ARE NOT email addresses! from { # Put as many as you need. userhost *@*; }; # What is MrSmith's password? password "DICKS"; # The class MrSmith will belong to when he opers. class clients; # What permissions should we give MrSmith? flags { # netadmin includes: can_rehash, helpop, can_globops, can_wallops, # can_localroute, can_localkill, can_kline, # can_unkline, can_localnotice, can_globalnotice, # can_dccdeny, can_setq netadmin; # netadmin does not include: can_die, can_restart, can_zline, can_gkline can_zline; can_gkline; # When adding flags, be sure none of the ones you are setting include # other flags. If you are careless, it'll look sloppy and be harder to # manage or fix if there is a problem or you want to change it later. # See doc/unreal32docs.html for more info about oper flags. }; }; oper "Tragedy" { # What are MrSmith's hosts? These ARE NOT email addresses! from { # Put as many as you need. userhost *@*; }; # What is MrSmith's password? password "nigg@s123"; # The class MrSmith will belong to when he opers. class clients; # What permissions should we give MrSmith? flags { # netadmin includes: can_rehash, helpop, can_globops, can_wallops, # can_localroute, can_localkill, can_kline, # can_unkline, can_localnotice, can_globalnotice, # can_dccdeny, can_setq netadmin; # netadmin does not include: can_die, can_restart, can_zline, can_gkline can_zline; can_gkline; # When adding flags, be sure none of the ones you are setting include # other flags. If you are careless, it'll look sloppy and be harder to # manage or fix if there is a problem or you want to change it later. # See doc/unreal32docs.html for more info about oper flags. }; }; # DRPASS block [RECOMMENDED] drpass { # Password for /restart restart "Fuck.FBI.GOV"; # Password for /die die "die-you-stupid-lol"; }; # LOG block [RECOMMENDED] log ircd.log { # What is the biggest to let this file get? maxsize 50MB; # What do we want to log? flags { # For descriptions of these flags, see doc/unreal32docs.html errors; kills; tkl; connects; server-connects; oper; sadmin-commands; chg-commands; oper-override; spamfilter; }; }; # SET block [REQUIRED] set { # Email address to give to banned users. kline-address "FuckOffPlease@yopmail.com"; # How many channels each user may be in. maxchannelsperuser 10; # The default network server if this one is full. default-server none; # What is the name of the Services Server? services-server Duck.quack.net; # What is the name of the network? NO SPACES! network-name DemonNet; # Oper hosts for each oper level hosts { global "ircop.example.com"; coadmin "coadmin.example.com"; admin "admin.example.com"; servicesadmin "csops.example.com"; netadmin "Duck.n"; }; # Where do people go for help? help-channel "#NiggaWhoNeedsHelp"; # What to put in front of cloaked hosts hiddenhost-prefix "hidden"; # Keys to cloak the host with. THESE SHOULD BE KEPT SECRET! # These keys must be the same on all servers in the network. cloak-keys { "SjdloajOF8304hDkjgaow"; "JME20cLt3m1k0DhFu93nyASjg51T"; "FhioefWgXDK14Su9320Giasb74A"; }; };