package main import ( "os" log "" "" "" "" ) var mergeCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "merge", Aliases: []string{"clean", "compact", "defrag"}, Short: "Merges the Datafiles in the Database", Long: `This merges all non-active Datafiles in the Database and compacts the data stored on disk. Old values are removed as well as deleted keys.`, Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0), Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { path := viper.GetString("path") force, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("force") if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("error parsing force flag") os.Exit(1) } os.Exit(merge(path, force)) }, } func init() { RootCmd.AddCommand(mergeCmd) mergeCmd.Flags().BoolP( "force", "f", false, "Force a re-merge even if .hint files exist", ) } func merge(path string, force bool) int { err := bitcask.Merge(path, force) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("error merging database") return 1 } return 0 }