Georges Varouchas 38156e8461
Gv/issue 165 unlock race condition (#175)
* add failing test case to highlight the race condition on bug

note : the test "TestLock" is non deterministic, its outcome depends
on the sequence of instructions yielded by the go scheduler on each run.

There are two values, "goroutines" and "succesfulLockCount", which can
be edited to see how the test performs.
With the committed value, resp "20" and "50", I had a 100% failure on
my local machine, running linux (Ubuntu 20.04).

Sample test output :

$ go test . -run TestLock
--- FAIL: TestLock (0.17s)
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 14] lockCounter was > 1 on  5 occasions, max seen value was  2
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 03] lockCounter was > 1 on  2 occasions, max seen value was  3
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 02] lockCounter was > 1 on  3 occasions, max seen value was  3
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 00] lockCounter was > 1 on  1 occasions, max seen value was  2
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 12] lockCounter was > 1 on  7 occasions, max seen value was  3
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 01] lockCounter was > 1 on  8 occasions, max seen value was  2
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 04] lockCounter was > 1 on  6 occasions, max seen value was  4
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 13] lockCounter was > 1 on  1 occasions, max seen value was  2
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 17] lockCounter was > 1 on  4 occasions, max seen value was  2
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 10] lockCounter was > 1 on  3 occasions, max seen value was  2
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 08] lockCounter was > 1 on  6 occasions, max seen value was  2
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 09] lockCounter was > 1 on  4 occasions, max seen value was  2
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 05] lockCounter was > 1 on  1 occasions, max seen value was  2
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 19] lockCounter was > 1 on  3 occasions, max seen value was  3
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 07] lockCounter was > 1 on  4 occasions, max seen value was  3
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 11] lockCounter was > 1 on  9 occasions, max seen value was  2
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 15] lockCounter was > 1 on  1 occasions, max seen value was  3
    lock_test.go:91: [runner 16] lockCounter was > 1 on  1 occasions, max seen value was  3
FAIL	0.176s

* flock: create a wrapper module, local to bitcask, around gofrs.Flock

the racy TestLock has been moved to bitcask/flock

* flock: add test for expected regular locking behavior

* flock: replace gofrs/flock with local implementation

* update go.sum

* Add build constraint for flock_unix.go

Co-authored-by: James Mills <>
2020-12-11 20:56:58 +10:00

237 lines
5.8 KiB

package flock
// the "nd" in "nd_test.go" stands for non-deterministic
import (
// The two tests in this file are test some concurrency scenarios :
// 1- TestRaceLock() runs several threads racing for the same lock
// 2- TestShatteredLock() runs racing racing threads, along with another threads which forcibly remove the file from disk
// Note that these tests are non-deterministic : the coverage produced by each test depends
// on how the runtime chooses to schedule the concurrent goroutines.
var lockerCount int64
// lockAndCount tries to take a lock on "lockpath"
// if it fails : it returns 0 and stop there
// if it succeeds :
// 1- it sets a defer function to release the lock in the same fashion as "func (b *Bitcask) Close()"
// 2- it increments the shared "lockerCount" above
// 3- it waits for a short amount of time
// 4- it decrements "lockerCount"
// 5- it returns the value it has seen at step 2.
// If the locking and unlocking behave as we expect them to,
// instructions 1-5 should be in a critical section,
// and the only possible value at step 2 should be "1".
// Returning a value > 0 indicates this function successfully acquired the lock,
// returning a value == 0 indicates that TryLock failed.
func lockAndCount(lockpath string) int64 {
lock := New(lockpath)
ok, _ := lock.TryLock()
if !ok {
return 0
defer func() {
x := atomic.AddInt64(&lockerCount, 1)
// emulate a workload :
<-time.After(1 * time.Microsecond)
atomic.AddInt64(&lockerCount, -1)
return x
// locker will call the lock function above in a loop, until one of the following holds :
// - reading from the "timeout" channel doesn't block
// - the number of calls to "lock()" that indicate the lock was successfully taken reaches "successfullLockCount"
func locker(t *testing.T, id int, lockPath string, successfulLockCount int, timeout <-chan struct{}) {
timedOut := false
failCount := 0
max := int64(0)
for successfulLockCount > 0 {
select {
case <-timeout:
timedOut = true
break lockloop
x := lockAndCount(lockPath)
if x > 0 {
// if x indicates the lock was taken : decrement the counter
if x > 1 {
// if x indicates an invalid value : increase the failCount and update max accordingly
if x > max {
max = x
// check failure cases :
if timedOut {
t.Logf("[runner %02d] timed out", id)
if failCount > 0 {
t.Logf("[runner %02d] lockCounter was > 1 on %2.d occasions, max seen value was %2.d", id, failCount, max)
// TestRaceLock checks that no error occurs when several concurrent actors (goroutines in this case) race for the same lock.
func TestRaceLock(t *testing.T) {
// test parameters, written in code :
// you may want to tweak these values for testing
goroutines := 20 // number of concurrent "locker" goroutines to launch
successfulLockCount := 50 // how many times a "locker" will successfully take the lock before halting
// make sure there is no present lock when startng this test
// timeout implemented in code
// (the lock acquisition depends on the behavior of the filesystem,
// avoid sending CI in endless loop if something fishy happens on the test server ...)
// tweak this value if needed ; comment out the "close(ch)" instruction below
timeout := 10 * time.Second
ch := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for i := 0; i < goroutines; i++ {
go func(id int) {
locker(t, id, testLockPath, successfulLockCount, ch)
func isExpectedError(err error) bool {
switch {
case err == nil:
return true
case err == ErrInodeChangedAtPath:
return true
case errors.Is(err, syscall.ENOENT):
return true
return false
// TestShatteredLock runs concurrent goroutines on one lock, with an extra goroutine
// which removes the lock file from disk without checking the locks
// (e.g: a user who would run 'rm lockfile' in a loop while the program is running).
// In this scenario, errors may occur on .Unlock() ; this test checks that only errors
// relating to the file being deleted occur.
// This test additionally logs the number of errors that occurred, grouped by error message.
func TestShatteredLock(t *testing.T) {
// test parameters, written in code :
// you may want to tweak these values for testing
goroutines := 4 // number of concurrent "locker" and "remover" goroutines to launch
successfulLockCount := 10 // how many times a "locker" will successfully take the lock before halting
// make sure there is no present lock when startng this test
assert := assert.New(t)
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
stopChan := make(chan struct{})
errChan := make(chan error, 10)
for i := 0; i < goroutines; i++ {
go func(id int, count int) {
for count > 0 {
lock := New(testLockPath)
ok, _ := lock.TryLock()
if !ok {
err := lock.Unlock()
if !isExpectedError(err) {
assert.Fail("goroutine %d - unexpected error: %v", id, err)
if err != nil {
errChan <- err
}(i, successfulLockCount)
var wgCompanion = &sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {
defer wgCompanion.Done()
for {
select {
case <-stopChan:
var errs = make(map[string]int)
go func() {
for err := range errChan {
for err, count := range errs {
t.Logf(" seen %d times: %s", count, err)