# Magento-analytics - Cyber Threat Intelligence These _indicators_ were reported, collected, and generated during the [VulDB CTI analysis](https://vuldb.com/?kb.cti) of the actor known as [Magento-analytics](https://vuldb.com/?actor.magento-analytics). The _activity monitoring_ correlates data from social media, forums, chat rooms, and darknet markets. It helps to determine associated actors, specific activities, expected intentions, emerging research, and ongoing attacks. Our unique _predictive model_ uses _big data_ to forecast activities and their characteristics. _Live data_ and more _analysis capabilities_ are available at [https://vuldb.com/?actor.magento-analytics](https://vuldb.com/?actor.magento-analytics) ## Countries These _countries_ are directly (e.g. origin of attacks) or indirectly (e.g. access by proxy) associated with Magento-analytics: * [US](https://vuldb.com/?country.us) * [CN](https://vuldb.com/?country.cn) * [GB](https://vuldb.com/?country.gb) * ... There are 1 more country items available. Please use our online service to access the data. ## IOC - Indicator of Compromise These _indicators of compromise_ (IOC) indicate associated network resources which are known to be part of research and attack activities of Magento-analytics. ID | IP address | Hostname | Campaign | Confidence -- | ---------- | -------- | -------- | ---------- 1 | [](https://vuldb.com/?ip. | - | - | High 2 | [](https://vuldb.com/?ip. | | - | High 3 | [](https://vuldb.com/?ip. | maildc1526907690.mihandns.com | - | High 4 | ... | ... | ... | ... There are 8 more IOC items available. Please use our online service to access the data. ## TTP - Tactics, Techniques, Procedures _Tactics, techniques, and procedures_ (TTP) summarize the suspected MITRE ATT&CK techniques used by _Magento-analytics_. This data is unique as it uses our predictive model for actor profiling. ID | Technique | Weakness | Description | Confidence -- | --------- | -------- | ----------- | ---------- 1 | T1006 | CWE-22 | Pathname Traversal | High 2 | T1059 | CWE-94 | Cross Site Scripting | High 3 | T1059.007 | CWE-79, CWE-80 | Cross Site Scripting | High 4 | ... | ... | ... | ... There are 9 more TTP items available. Please use our online service to access the data. ## IOA - Indicator of Attack These _indicators of attack_ (IOA) list the potential fragments used for technical activities like reconnaissance, exploitation, privilege escalation, and exfiltration by Magento-analytics. This data is unique as it uses our predictive model for actor profiling. ID | Type | Indicator | Confidence -- | ---- | --------- | ---------- 1 | File | `//` | Low 2 | File | `/interceptor/OutgoingChainInterceptor.java` | High 3 | File | `/uncpath/` | Medium 4 | ... | ... | ... There are 21 more IOA items available (file, library, argument, input value, pattern, network port). Please use our online service to access the data. ## References The following list contains _external sources_ which discuss the actor and the associated activities: * https://blog.netlab.360.com/ongoing-credit-card-data-leak-continues/ * https://blog.netlab.360.com/ongoing-credit-card-data-leak/ * https://community.blueliv.com/#!/s/601a5cb382df413eb53555ce ## Literature The following _articles_ explain our unique predictive cyber threat intelligence: * [VulDB Cyber Threat Intelligence Documentation](https://vuldb.com/?kb.cti) * [Cyber Threat Intelligence - Early Anticipation of Attacks](https://www.scip.ch/en/?labs.20201022) ## License (c) [1997-2023](https://vuldb.com/?kb.changelog) by [vuldb.com](https://vuldb.com/?kb.about). All data on this page is shared under the license [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). Questions? Check the [FAQ](https://vuldb.com/?kb.faq), read the [documentation](https://vuldb.com/?kb) or [contact us](https://vuldb.com/?contact)!