
90 lines
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package error
// #include <libbladeRF.h>
import "C"
type Code int
const (
Unexpected Code = -1
Range Code = -2
Inval Code = -3
Mem Code = -4
Io Code = -5
Timeout Code = -6
Nodev Code = -7
Unsupported Code = -8
Misaligned Code = -9
Checksum Code = -10
NoFile Code = -11
UpdateFpga Code = -12
UpdateFw Code = -13
TimePast Code = -14
QueueFull Code = -15
FpgaOp Code = -16
Permission Code = -17
WouldBlock Code = -18
NotInit Code = -19
func codeToString(code Code) string {
switch code {
case Unexpected:
return "An unexpected failure occurred"
case Range:
return "Provided parameter is out of range"
case Inval:
return "Invalid operation/parameter"
case Mem:
return "Memory allocation error"
case Io:
return "File/Device I/O error"
case Timeout:
return "Operation timed out"
case Nodev:
return "No device(s) available"
case Unsupported:
return "Operation not supported"
case Misaligned:
return "Misaligned flash access"
case Checksum:
return "Invalid checksum"
case NoFile:
return "File not found"
case UpdateFpga:
return "An FPGA update is required"
case UpdateFw:
return "A firmware update is required"
case TimePast:
return "Requested timestamp is in the past"
case QueueFull:
return "Could not enqueue data into full queue"
case FpgaOp:
return "An FPGA operation reported failure"
case Permission:
return "Insufficient permissions for the requested operation"
case WouldBlock:
return "Operation would block, but has been requested to be non-blocking. This indicates to a caller that it may need to retry the operation later."
case NotInit:
return "Device insufficiently initialized for operation"
return "InvalidError"
type errorString struct {
s string
func (e *errorString) Error() string {
return e.s
func New(code int) error {
if code == 0 {
return nil
return &errorString{s: codeToString(Code(code))}