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2021-10-07 21:00:13 +02:00

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Script for querying information about how muh crypto money wallets received
Data received should be in a json format where wallet addresses are objects containing information
about them. Information must contain "currency" with a correct tag, because script queries only
one API based on that tag. The "currency" is a list in a case when one address may belong to multiple
Example input:
"wallet_address" :
"currency": ["Bitcoin"],
"samples": [sha1, sha2, sha3, sha4],
"any_other_info" : "useful information"
"wallet_address2" :
"currency": ["Ethereum"]
import argparse
import os
import json
import requests
import time
import datetime
from tqdm import tqdm
UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1 #Number of days for which info will not be updated
COIN_VALUES = { 'ReddCoin' : 0.00245} #Dict of crypto worth in dollars (USD)
def api_delay(api: str):
Delays for different APIs to avoid exceeding quotas
delays = {
'Bitcoin' : 2,
'prices' : 1,
'Ethereum' : 1,
'Dogecoin' : 1,
'ReddCoin' : 1,
'default' : 0,
if api in delays:
def get_price(curr: str):
Get price of cryptocurrency curr. It is recommended to check success of this operation.
For more unusual crypto currencies raise the limit in url.
if curr in COIN_VALUES:
resp = requests.get("https://api.coinstats.app/public/v1/coins?skip=0&limit=20&currency=USD")
if resp.status_code == 200:
info = json.loads(resp.text)['coins']
for x in info:
if x['name'] == curr:
COIN_VALUES[curr] = x['price']
print(f'Failed to get price of {curr}')
def get_ReddCoin_info(wallet: str, info: dict):
Get information about wallet. It is expected that in COIN_VALUES is value of this cryptocurrency
Functions receives wallet address and actual information - dictionary.
Function returns original information with these added/updated keys:
- 'received' => how much crypto wallet received
- 'received_dollars' => What amount of USD is worth the crypto in 'received'
- 'updated' => date and time when was info updated (to avoid updating recently updated wallets)
resp = requests.get('https://live.reddcoin.com/api/addr/' + wallet)
if resp.status_code == 200:
response = json.loads(resp.text)
info['received'] = float(response['totalReceived'])
info['received_dollars'] = info['received'] * COIN_VALUES['ReddCoin']
info['updated'] = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
return info
def get_Dogecoin_info(wallet: str, info: dict):
Get information about wallet. It is expected that in COIN_VALUES is value of this cryptocurrency
Functions receives wallet address and actual information - dictionary.
Function returns original information with these added/updated keys:
- 'received' => how much crypto wallet received
- 'received_dollars' => What amount of USD is worth the crypto in 'received'
- 'updated' => date and time when was info updated (to avoid updating recently updated wallets)
resp = requests.get('https://dogechain.info/api/v1/address/received/' + wallet)
if resp.status_code == 200:
response = json.loads(resp.text)
if response['success'] == 1:
info['received'] = float(response['received'])
info['received_dollars'] = info['received'] * COIN_VALUES['Dogecoin']
info['updated'] = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
return info
def get_Ethereum_info(wallet: str, info: dict):
Get information about wallet. It is expected that in COIN_VALUES is value of this cryptocurrency
Functions receives wallet address and actual information - dictionary.
Function returns original information with these added/updated keys:
- 'received' => how much crypto wallet received
- 'received_dollars' => What amount of USD is worth the crypto in 'received'
- 'updated' => date and time when was info updated (to avoid updating recently updated wallets)
resp = requests.get('https://api.blockcypher.com/v1/eth/main/addrs/' + wallet)
if resp.status_code == 200:
response = json.loads(resp.text)
info['received'] = response['total_received'] / 10**18
info['received_dollars'] = info['received'] * COIN_VALUES['Ethereum']
info['updated'] = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
return info
def get_Bitcoin_info(wallet: str, info: dict):
Get information about wallet. It is expected that in COIN_VALUES is value of this cryptocurrency
Functions receives wallet address and actual information - dictionary.
Function returns original information with these added/updated keys:
- 'received' => how much crypto wallet received
- 'received_dollars' => What amount of USD is worth the crypto in 'received'
- 'updated' => date and time when was info updated (to avoid updating recently updated wallets)
resp = requests.get('https://blockchain.info/q/getreceivedbyaddress/' + wallet)
if resp.status_code == 200:
info['received'] = int(resp.text) / 10**8
info['received_dollars'] = info['received'] * COIN_VALUES['Bitcoin']
info['updated'] = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
return info
def get_wallet_info(wallet: str, info: dict):
Receives wallet and information about that wallet. If the cryptocurrency is one of
Bitcoin/Ethereum/Dogecoin/ReddCoin function fills information about wallet with
amounts of crypto received.
Function returns original information with these added/updated keys:
- 'received' => how much crypto wallet received
- 'received_dollars' => What amount of USD is worth the crypto in 'received'
- 'updated' => date and time when was info updated (to avoid updating recently updated wallets)
#return if updated recently
if 'updated' in info:
if datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(info['updated']) + datetime.timedelta(days = UPDATE_INTERVAL) > datetime.datetime.now():
return info
#get the amount of money received to the wallet
#these wallets won't have collisions in tags, so it is save to overwrite old amounts
if 'Bitcoin' in info['currency']:
info = get_Bitcoin_info(wallet, info)
if 'Ethereum' in info['currency']:
info = get_Ethereum_info(wallet, info)
if 'Dogecoin' in info['currency']:
info = get_Dogecoin_info(wallet, info)
if 'ReddCoin' in info['currency']:
info = get_ReddCoin_info(wallet, info)
return info
def main():
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument('--infile', '-if', required = True, help = 'json file with wallets')
argparser.add_argument('--outfile', '-of', required = False, help = 'json to save wallets with new information')
args = argparser.parse_args()
if not os.path.exists(args.infile):
print('Input file does not exist...')
with open(args.infile, 'rb') as f:
data = json.load(f)
#iterate through wallets and information
for wallet, info in tqdm(data.items()):
#query information
data[wallet] = get_wallet_info(wallet, info)
#return results - save to file or just print if outfile is not specified
if args.outfile:
with open(args.outfile, 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f)
if __name__ == '__main__':