; +----------------------------------------------------------+ ; ; | Sample ASKASCII program for use with the Magic Assembler | ; ; +----------------------------------------------------------+ ; mov ah,09 mov dx,offset(headtxt) int 21 mov dx,offset(crlf) int 21 @5 mov ah,09 mov dx,offset(quest) int 21 mov ah,00 int 16 push ax mov ah,0e mov bh,00 int 10 mov ah,09 mov dx,offset(a1) int 21 pop ax push ax mov al,ah call wrtnum mov ah,09 mov dx,offset(a2) int 21 pop ax push ax call wrtnum mov ah,09 mov dx,offset(crlf) int 21 mov ah,0a mov al,'Ä' mov bh,00 mov cx,50 int 10 mov ah,09 mov cx,offset(crlf) int 21 pop ax cmp ax,011b jne @5 int 20 wrtnum mov ah,00 mov bl,64 div bl cmp al,00 je @1 push ax mov ah,0e add al,30 mov bh,00 int 10 pop ax mov cl,01 jmps @2 @1 mov cl,00 @2 mov al,ah mov ah,00 mov bl,0a div bl cmp cl,00 jne @3 cmp al,00 je @4 @3 push ax mov ah,0e add al,30 mov bh,00 int 10 pop ax @4 mov al,ah add al,30 mov ah,0e mov bh,00 int 10 ret a1 db 0a 0d 'Scan code: $' a2 db '; ASCII code: $' crlf db 0a 0d '$' headtxt db 'Ask ASCII - Written by Bert Greevenbosch for Magic Software' 0a 0d db 'Public Domain Version' 0a 0d '$' quest db 'Enter character to give ASCII code for (ESC quits): $'