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The user agrees to hold ;the author harmless for any consequences that may occur directly or ;indirectly from the use of this program by utilizing this program/file ;in any manner. ;ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ;Modifications: ; None as of 08/05/93 - Initial Release. .model tiny .radix 16 .code org 100 extrn _ULTMUTE:near, _END_ULTMUTE:byte start: call GetFilename call Get_Passes call EncryptGP call Do_File mov ax,4c00 int 21 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetFilename: mov ah,09 mov dx,offset Message int 21 mov dx,offset Filename_Data mov al,60 call gets ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get_Passes: Clear_Out_Passes: mov di,offset Entered_Pass mov cx,0ch ;Clear out entered pass. xor ax,ax repnz stosb mov di,offset Password mov cx,0ch ;Clear out entered pass. xor ax,ax repnz stosb mov ah,09 mov dx,offset Req_Pass int 21 mov di,offset Entered_Pass mov cx,0ch call GetPass mov ah,09 mov dx, offset Dup_Pass int 21 mov di,offset Password mov cx,0ch call GetPass call Check_Passwords jc Get_Passes mov di,offset Entered_Pass mov cx,0dh ;Clear out entered pass. xor ax,ax repnz stosb Randomize_Keys: push ds xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov ax,word ptr ds:[46c] ;Randomizes encryption pop ds mov word ptr [Key1],ax xor ax,1f3eh ror ax,1 mov word ptr [Key2],ax Encrypt_Password: ;This algorithm needs extra work... mov bx,word ptr [Key1] mov dx,word ptr [Key2] ;Encrypt the password mov si,offset Password mov di,si mov cx,6 EncryptIt: lodsw xor ax,bx add bx,dx stosw loop EncryptIt ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: db 'PassCOM 2.0 (c) 1993 Black Wolf Enterprises.',0a,0dh db 'Enter Filename To Protect -> $' ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Req_Pass db 0a,0dh,'Now Enter Password (up to 12 chars): $' Dup_Pass db 0a,0dh,'Re-Enter Password: $' Passes_Not db 0a,0dh,'Passwords do not match. Try again.',0a,0dh,24 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check_Passwords: mov si,offset Entered_Pass mov di,offset Password mov cx,0c repz cmpsb jcxz Password_Good stc ret Password_Good: clc ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- gets: ;get string mov ah,0a push bx mov bx,dx mov byte ptr ds:[bx],al mov byte ptr ds:[bx+1],0 pop bx int 21 push bx mov bx,dx mov al,byte ptr ds:[bx+1] xor ah,ah add bx,ax mov byte ptr ds:[bx+2],0 pop bx ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetPass: KeyHit_Loop: ;Load in password push cx sub ax,ax int 16 cmp al,0dh je HitReturn stosb pop cx loop KeyHit_Loop ret HitReturn: pop cx xor al,al repnz stosb ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time dw 0 Date dw 0 GetTime: mov ax,5700 ;Get file date/time from handle BX int 21 mov word ptr cs:[Time],cx mov word ptr cs:[Date],dx ret SetTime: ;Set file date/time for handle BX mov ax,5701 mov cx,word ptr cs:[Time] mov dx,word ptr cs:[Date] int 21 ret Do_File: mov ax,3d02 mov dx,offset Filename int 21 ;Open file read/write jc Terminate xchg bx,ax call GetTime ;Get file date/time call BackupFile ;make a copy.... mov ah,3f mov cx,4 mov dx,offset Storage_Bytes ;Read in first four bytes for jump int 21 mov ax,4202 xor cx,cx xor dx,dx ;go to the end of the file int 21 sub ax,3 mov word ptr [JumpBytes+1],ax ;Save Jump size push bx mov si,offset begin_password ;On Entry -> CS=DS=ES mov di,offset _END_ULTMUTE ;SI=Source, DI=Destination mov bx,ax ;BX=Next Entry Point add bx,103 mov cx,end_password-begin_password+1 ;CX=Size to Encrypt mov ax,1 ;AX=Calling Style call _ULTMUTE ;Encrypt Code ;On Return -> CX=New Size pop bx mov dx,offset _END_ULTMUTE mov ah,40 ;Write encrypted code and int 21 ;decryptor to end of file mov ax,4200 xor dx,dx ;Go back to beginning of file xor cx,cx int 21 mov ah,40 mov cx,4 mov dx,offset JumpBytes ;Write in jump to decryptor int 21 call SetTime ;Restore file date/time mov ah,3e int 21 ;close file ret Terminate: mov ah,09 mov dx,offset BadFile int 21 ret BadFile db 'Error Opening File.',07,0dh,0a,24 JumpBytes db 0e9,0,0,'á' EncryptGP: ;Encrypt GoodPass routine in pw_com xor ax,ax ;with value from password itself... mov cx,0c mov si,offset Password GetValue: lodsb add ah,al ror ah,1 ;Get value to use for encrypt... loop GetValue mov si,offset Goodpass mov cx,EndGoodPass-GoodPass Decrypt_Restore: ;This needs improvement.... mov al,[si] xor al,ah mov [si],al inc si loop Decrypt_Restore ret BackupFile: ;Create copy of file... mov si,offset Filename mov cx,80 Find_Eofn: lodsb cmp al,'.' ;Find file extension je FoundDot or al,al jz FoundZero loop Find_Eofn jmp Terminate FoundZero: mov byte ptr [si-1],'.' inc si FoundDot: mov word ptr [si],'LO' mov byte ptr [si+2],'D' ;Change extension to 'OLD' mov byte ptr [si+3],0 mov dx,offset Filename mov word ptr [SourceF],bx mov ah,3c xor cx,cx int 21 jnc GCreate jmp Terminate GCreate: mov word ptr cs:[Destf],ax BackLoop: mov ah,3f mov bx,word ptr cs:[Sourcef] mov cx,400 mov dx,offset FileBuffer ;Copy file to backup int 21 mov cx,ax mov ah,40 mov bx,word ptr cs:[Destf] mov dx,offset Filebuffer int 21 cmp ax,400 je BackLoop DoneBack: mov bx,word ptr cs:[Destf] call SetTime ;Save original date/time stamp in ;backup mov ah,3e mov bx,word ptr cs:[Destf] int 21 ;Close file mov ax,4200 xor cx,cx xor dx,dx mov bx,word ptr cs:[Sourcef] ;Go back to the beginning of the int 21 ;source file ret SourceF dw 0 DestF dw 0 ;This is code from PW_COM compiled converted to data bytes.. ;If you modify PW_COM, you must compile it and convert it, then ;place it here. Note that the byte 0ffh marks the beginning and ;end of Goodpass for simplicity.... begin_password: db 0e8h, 02dh, 01h, 02eh, 0c6h, 086h, 09h, 01h, 0eah, 0ebh db 06h, 00h, 0ebh, 011h, 090h, 0adh, 0deh, 0bbh, 021h, 01h db 03h, 0ddh, 053h, 02eh, 0c6h, 086h, 011h, 01h, 0c3h, 0ebh db 0edh, 0ebh, 0f0h, 0fah, 050h, 01eh, 033h, 0c0h, 08eh, 0d8h db 08dh, 086h, 01ch, 02h, 087h, 06h, 00h, 00h, 050h, 08ch db 0c8h, 087h, 06h, 02h, 00h, 050h, 01eh, 0eh, 01fh, 02eh db 0c7h, 086h, 044h, 01h, 090h, 090h, 033h, 0c9h, 0f7h, 0f1h db 01fh, 058h, 087h, 06h, 02h, 00h, 058h, 087h, 06h, 00h db 00h, 01fh, 058h, 0fbh, 0e8h, 0aah, 00h, 02eh, 080h, 086h db 05eh, 01h, 010h, 0ebh, 03h, 090h, 0eah, 09ah, 0e8h, 081h db 00h, 0e8h, 069h, 00h, 072h, 038h, 033h, 0c0h, 0b9h, 0ch db 00h, 08dh, 0b6h, 04eh, 02h, 0ach, 02h, 0e0h, 0d0h, 0cch db 0e2h, 0f9h, 08dh, 0b6h, 090h, 01h, 0b9h, 011h, 00h, 08ah db 04h, 032h, 0c4h, 088h, 04h, 046h, 0e2h, 0f7h, 0e8h, 039h db 00h, 0ebh, 01h, 0ffh GoodPass: db 0bfh, 00h, 01h, 057h, 08dh, 0b6h db 03eh, 02h, 0a5h, 0a5h, 033h, 0c0h, 08bh, 0f0h, 08bh, 0f8h db 0c3h EndGoodPass: db 0ffh, 0b4h, 09h, 08dh, 096h, 0afh, 01h, 0cdh, 021h db 0b8h, 01h, 04ch, 0cdh, 021h, 0ah, 0dh, 050h, 061h, 073h db 073h, 077h, 06fh, 072h, 064h, 020h, 049h, 06eh, 063h, 06fh db 072h, 072h, 065h, 063h, 074h, 02eh, 07h, 024h, 090h, 0ebh db 05h, 090h, 0eah, 0f8h, 0c3h, 09ah, 0fch, 0ebh, 0fah, 08dh db 0b6h, 04eh, 02h, 08dh, 0beh, 042h, 02h, 0b9h, 0ch, 00h db 0f3h, 0a6h, 0e3h, 03h, 0f9h, 0c3h, 0e9h, 0f8h, 0c3h, 00h db 08bh, 09eh, 03ah, 02h, 08bh, 096h, 03ch, 02h, 08dh, 0b6h db 04eh, 02h, 08bh, 0feh, 0b9h, 06h, 00h, 0adh, 033h, 0c3h db 03h, 0dah, 0abh, 0e2h, 0f8h, 0c3h, 0eah, 0b9h, 0ch, 00h db 08dh, 0beh, 04eh, 02h, 051h, 02bh, 0c0h, 0cdh, 016h, 03ch db 0dh, 074h, 05h, 0aah, 059h, 0e2h, 0f3h, 0c3h, 059h, 032h db 0c0h, 0f2h, 0aah, 0c3h, 0b4h, 09h, 08dh, 096h, 025h, 02h db 0cdh, 021h, 0cfh, 050h, 061h, 073h, 073h, 077h, 06fh, 072h db 064h, 02dh, 03eh, 024h, 05dh, 0ebh, 01h, 0eah, 055h, 081h db 0edh, 03h, 01h, 0c3h ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ Key1 dw 0 Key2 dw 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ Storage_Bytes db 90,90,0cdh,20 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password db 'Greetings to' Entered_Pass db 'everyone! ' db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 end_password: dw 0 dw 0 Filename_data dw 0 Filename db 80 dup(0) ;These are stored as zeros to FileBuffer db 400 dup(0) ;keep from overwriting ultimute... end start