[Command] SignToolSign= SignToolFd= SignToolSHA256= SignToolP7= SignToolPath= SignToolP7co= SignToolNumber= SignToolP7ce= SignToolDetachedSignedData= SignToolN= ;SignToolSign default : sign ; String : Sign files using an embedded signature. ;SignToolFd default : /fd ; String : Specifies the file digest algorithm to use for creating file signatures.(Default is SHA1) ;SignToolSHA256 default : sha256 ; String : SHA256 for digest. ;SignToolP7 default : /p7 ; String : Specifies that for each specified content file a pkcs7 file is produced. The pkcs7 file will be name:(pathh)\(file).p7 ;SignToolPath default : .\ ; String : Path of the (OID) that identifies the signed content. ;SignToolP7co default : /p7co ; String : Specifies the (OID) that identifies the signed content. ;SignToolNumber default : 1.2.840.113549.1.7.1 ; String : Specifies the (OID). ;SignToolP7ce default : /p7ce ; String : The sub option for this command: ; : Embedded - Embeds the signed content in the pkcs7. ; : DetachedSignedData - Produces the signed data part of a detached pkcs7. ; : The default is 'Embedded'. ;SignToolDetachedSignedData ; default : DetachedSignedData. ;SignToolN default : /n ; String : Specify the Subject Name of a Root cert that the signing cert must chain to. [Option] EnableMultipleUnsignedAreaSupport=1 ;EnableMultipleUnsignedAreaSupport ; default : 1. (for signefi method) ; 0 : Backup frist found unsigned area FV before signing. ; 1 : Searching whole efi file and backup all unsigned area FV before signing.