
66 lines
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## @file
# File to declare variable default information
#* Copyright (c) 2019, Insyde Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#* You may not reproduce, distribute, publish, display, perform, modify, adapt,
#* transmit, broadcast, present, recite, release, license or otherwise exploit
#* any part of this publication in any form, by any means, without the prior
#* written permission of Insyde Software Corporation.
# This file is ini format and Comments are prefixed with a # and continue to the end of the line.
# Optional [Guids] section. uses to declare guid which used in this file.
gVfrSetupVariableGuid = {0xA04A27F4, 0xDF00, 0x4D42, {0xB5, 0x52, 0x39, 0x51, 0x13, 0x02, 0x11, 0x3D}}
gSaSetupVariableGuid = {0x72c5e28c, 0x7783, 0x43a1, {0x87, 0x67, 0xfa, 0xd7, 0x3f, 0xcc, 0xaf, 0xa4}}
# The [Packages] section lists all of the package declaration files that contain
# GUIDs or PCDs that are used by this variable declaration file.
# Below can write Var section to introduce a single UEFI variable default value for the specified
# default stores and specified SKU.
# Section format is [Var.VariableGUID.VariableName] for example [Var.gEfiFileInfoGuid.MyTestVar]
Attribs = BS | RT
Data = name=UsbHotKeySupport | (0x01)
name=LegacyNormalMenuType | (0x01)
name=UserAccessLevel | (0x03)
name=PxeBootToLan | (0x01)
name=NetworkProtocol | (0x02)
# name=PTTEnable | (0x00)
name=PTTEnable | (0x01)
name=TpmHide | (0x00)
Attribs = BS | RT
Struct = SA_SETUP
Data = name=PeiGraphicsPeimInit | (0x00)
# name=VmdEnable | (0x01)
name=VmdEnable | (0x00)
name=SaGv | (0x05)