LCFC\AiXia.Jiang a870bff2f4 1.Frist commit
2022-09-30 14:59:06 +08:00

1232 lines
55 KiB

BpmGen Tool Version 2.7.5
Command Line: F:\ADL-L05-35\Intel\AlderLake\AlderLakePlatSamplePkg\Tools\BpmGen2\BpmGen2.exe GEN F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\AlderLakeP_FIT.fd bpmgen2.params -BPM F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\Manifest.bin -U F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\AlderLakeP.fd -KM F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\KeyManifest.bin -d:2
Start BPM Gen function
--Will Produce BPM binary output file F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\Manifest.bin
--Will generate modified BIOS file F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\AlderLakeP.fd with updated BPM and with KM from F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\KeyManifest.bin
--Verbose level 2
## DEBUG (ReadInputFile) start - Filename: F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\AlderLakeP_FIT.fd
@@ malloc (FileBufferRaw) 02e39020
## DEBUG (ReadInputFile) End - Filename: F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\AlderLakeP_FIT.fd
Opened BIOS File 16384 KBytes (0x1000000)
## DEBUG (ReadInputFile) start - Filename: F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\KeyManifest.bin
@@ malloc 011ee708
## DEBUG (ReadInputFile) End - Filename: F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\KeyManifest.bin
Parsing input parameter file
Processing BPM parameter file bpmgen2.params
--readBuffer: FileVersion pValue: 1
Header valid -- Parsing rest of the file
0: ToolVersion '2'
0: ToolDate '20160710'
0: # BPM_DEF '# BPM_DEF'
Processing BPM Header section
1: PlatformRules 'ICL Client'
1: BpmStrutVersion '0x20'
1: BpmRevAutoInc 'FALSE'
1: BpmRevision '0x01'
1: BpmRevocation '1'
1: AcmRevocation '2'
1: NEMPages '3'
1: IbbSetCount '2'
1: CurrentIbbSet '0'
1: # IBB_SET '# IBB_SET'
Processing IBB Elements section
2: IbbSetType '0:ColdBoot'
2: IbbSetInclude 'TRUE'
2: PBETValue '0x0F'
2: MCHBAR '0x00000000FED10000'
2: VTD_BAR '0x00000000FED91000'
2: DmaProtBase0 '0x00100000'
2: DmaProtLimit0 '0x00F00000'
2: DmaProtBase1 '0x00000000000000'
2: DmaProtLimit1 '0x00000001000000'
2: IbbFlags '0x10'
2: IbbHashAlgID '0x0B:SHA256'
2: IbbEntry '0xFFFFFFF0'
2: PostIbbHashAlgID '0x10:NULL'
2: PostIBBHashSource 'Calculate'
2: PostIbbHashFile 'PostIbbDigest.hash'
2: IbbSegSource 'FIT'
2: IbbSegFile ''
2: IbbGuid '4a4ca1c6-871c-45bb-8801-6910a7aa5807'
2: # IBB_SET '# IBB_SET'
Processing IBB Elements section
2: IbbSetType '1:S3Resume'
2: IbbSetInclude 'FALSE'
2: PBETValue '0'
2: MCHBAR '0'
2: VTD_BAR '0'
2: DmaProtBase0 '0'
2: DmaProtLimit0 '0'
2: DmaProtBase1 '0'
2: DmaProtLimit1 '0'
2: IbbFlags '0'
2: IbbHashAlgID '0x0B:SHA256'
2: IbbEntry '0xFFFFFFF0'
2: PostIbbHashAlgID '0x10:NULL'
2: PostIBBHashSource 'File'
2: PostIbbHashFile 'PostIbbDigest.hash'
2: IbbSegSource 'BIOS'
2: IbbSegFile ''
2: IbbGuid '1BA0062E-C779-4582-8566-336AE8F78F08'
Processing TXT Element section
3: TxtInclude 'TRUE'
3: TxtFlags '0x00000000'
3: AcpiBase '0x400'
3: PwrmBase '0xFE000000'
3: PdUseDefault 'TRUE'
3: PdMinutes '5'
3: PdSeconds '10'
3: PttCmosOffset0 '0xFE'
3: PttCmosOffset1 '0xFF'
3: TxtSegSource 'IBB'
3: TxtSegGuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
3: TxtSegHashAlgID '0x10:NULL'
Processing Platform Config Data Element section
4: PdReqLocation 'TPM'
4: CmosIndexRegister '0x70'
4: CmosDataRegister '0x71'
4: CmosIndexOffset '0x2B'
4: CmosBitFieldWidth '3'
4: CmosBitFieldPosition '0'
4: TpmIndexHandle '0x50000004'
4: TpmByteOffset '7'
4: TpmBitFieldWidth '3'
4: TpmBitFieldPosition '0'
4: TpmIndexHandle '0x01C10104'
4: TpmByteOffset '7'
4: TpmBitFieldWidth '3'
4: TpmBitFieldPosition '0'
4: TpmIndexHandle '0x01C10104'
4: TpmByteOffset '7'
4: TpmBitFieldWidth '3'
4: TpmBitFieldPosition '0'
Processing Platfrom Manufacturer's Element section
5: PmdeInclude 'FALSE'
5: PmdeFile ''
Processing Signature Element section
6: BpmSigSource 'Internal'
6: BpmSigHashAlgID '0x0B:SHA256'
6: BpmSigKeyType '0x01:RSA'
6: BpmSigScheme '0x16:RSAPSS'
6: BpmKeySizeBits '2048'
6: BpmSigPubKey 'pubkey.pem'
6: BpmSigPrivKey 'privkey.pem'
6: BpmSigBatch 'ExampleExternalSigning.bat'
6: BpmSigData 'Bpm2Sign.bin'
6: BpmSigXSig 'X-SignedBpm.bin'
6: #EOF '#EOF'
Parsing FIT Table 2e40000 1000000
## DEBUG (ParseFitIntoContext) start
## FitTableFlashAddr: ffffabc0
## Actual FIT Addr: 3e3abc0
## DEBUG ACM Size: 25000 (151552)
## FIT BIOS Module 0, Addr: 0xFFD3D000, Size: 0x86000, Next Addr: 0xFFDC3000
## FIT BIOS Module 1, Addr: 0xFFE72000, Size: 0x150000, Next Addr: 0xFFFC2000
## FIT BIOS Module 2, Addr: 0xFFFC2000, Size: 0x10000, Next Addr: 0xFFFD2000
## FIT BIOS Module 3, Addr: 0xFFFD2000, Size: 0x1000, Next Addr: 0xFFFD3000
## FIT BIOS Module 4, Addr: 0xFFFD3000, Size: 0x271C0, Next Addr: 0xFFFFA1C0
## FIT BIOS Module 5, Addr: 0xFFFFACC0, Size: 0x5340, Next Addr: 0x0
## DEBUG - GetFillCount at 3E3AC80 = 72
## DEBUG - GetFillCount at 3E3AC80 = 0
## DEBUG (ParseFitIntoContext) FitCount: 12 and 4 spare
# FIT Table: #
FIT Pointer Offset: 0x40
FIT Table Address: 0xffffabc0
====== ================ ====== ======== ============== ==== ======== (====== ==== ====== ==== ======)
Index: Address Size Version Type C_V Checksum (Index Data Width Bit Offset)
====== ================ ====== ======== ============== ==== ======== (====== ==== ====== ==== ======)
00: 2020205f5449465f 00000c 0100 00-'_FIT_ ' 01 59
01: 00000000ffc81000 000000 0100 01-MICROCODE 00 00
02: 00000000ffcbc000 000000 0100 01-MICROCODE 00 00
03: 00000000ffc40000 000000 0100 02-STARTUP_ACM 00 00
04: 00000000ffd3d000 008600 0100 07-BIOS_MODULE 00 00
05: 00000000ffe72000 015000 0100 07-BIOS_MODULE 00 00
06: 00000000fffc2000 001000 0100 07-BIOS_MODULE 00 00
07: 00000000fffd2000 000100 0100 07-BIOS_MODULE 00 00
08: 00000000fffd3000 00271c 0100 07-BIOS_MODULE 00 00
09: 00000000ffffacc0 000534 0100 07-BIOS_MODULE 00 00
10: 00000000ffffa1c0 000400 0100 0b-KEYMANIFEST 00 00
11: 00000000ffffa5c0 000600 0100 0c-BP_MANIFEST 00 00
====== ================ ====== ======== ============== ==== ======== (====== ==== ====== ==== ======)
Index: Address Size Version Type C_V Checksum (Index Data Width Bit Offset)
====== ================ ====== ======== ============== ==== ======== (====== ==== ====== ==== ======)
## DEBUG - BPM Address: 0xffffa5c0, Max Size: 0x0600, KM Address: 0xffffa1c0, Max Size: 0x0400
Generating BPM
## DEBUG (GenerateBpm) START
## Added FIT and ACM, now adding other regions to exclusion arrray:
## 0: FIT Type: 0xB -- Added to exclusion range
## 1: FIT Type: 0xC -- Added to exclusion range
## Adding uCode patch region @ FFC81000 Size: 32800
## Adding uCode patch region @ FFCBC000 Size: 32400
## Regions to be excluded from IBB Segments:
Base: FFFFABC0 Size 0xC0
Base: FFC40000 Size 0x25000
Base: FFFFA1C0 Size 0x400
Base: FFFFA5C0 Size 0x600
Base: FFC81000 Size 0x32800
Base: FFCBC000 Size 0x32400
--Processing IBB set 0 Set Type: 0:ColdBoot
IbbSegSource: FIT
IBB segments from FIT
--Checking IBB Segments for Overlap with excluded regions
Checking Base:FFD3D000, Size: 0x86000 OK OK OK OK OK OK
Checking Base:FFE72000, Size: 0x150000 OK OK OK OK OK OK
Checking Base:FFFC2000, Size: 0x10000 OK OK OK OK OK OK
Checking Base:FFFD2000, Size: 0x1000 OK OK OK OK OK OK
Checking Base:FFFD3000, Size: 0x271c0 OK OK OK OK OK OK
Checking Base:FFFFACC0, Size: 0x5340 OK OK OK OK OK OK
## Checking for 0-length segments: SegCount = 6
## IBB Segments after removing any overlaps
Base: FFD3D000, Size: 0x86000
Base: FFE72000, Size: 0x150000
Base: FFFC2000, Size: 0x10000
Base: FFFD2000, Size: 0x1000
Base: FFFD3000, Size: 0x271C0
Base: FFFFACC0, Size: 0x5340
## DEBUG (GenerateBpm) Size of IBB Set: 300, PostIBB Segments: 0, IBB Segments: 6
## DEBUG Sorting Segments
## DEBUG (GenerateBpm) IBB Set processing done
--Processing TXT Element data
--Processing Platform Configuration data
TPM NV Index 0x50000004
TPM NV Index 0x1C10104
TPM NV Index 0x1C10104
## DEBUG - TPM PdReqLocation - Count: 3
## DEBUG (GenerateBpm) 6 -- Size of PCD Element 52
--Processing signature info
Creating the BPM
## DEBUG (BuildBpm) START
@@ malloc 011eea70
Generating BPM Header
## DEBUG (BuildBpm) Buffer address = 0x11EEA70, Size: 0x3b9
Generating IBB Elements
## DEBUG IBB Set address = 0x11EEA84
Number of IBB Sets: 1
--IBB Set: 0
**** WARNING **** DMA protect flag must be set -- Setting DMA Protect bit in IBB Flags
**** WARNING **** TPM Startup from Locality 3 flag not set -- Setting TPM Startup from Locality 3 bit in IBB Flags
Getting OBB, IBB & Post IBB hash digests
## DEBUG (BuildBpm) - PostIBB HashAlg 0x10
## DEBUG (BuildBpm) - Calculate IBB Digest
## DEBUG - Selected IBB digest size 32, at 0x11EEACE
## DEBUG - calc IBB digest gpBufOrigBIOS: 0x2E40000; Hashbuffer: 0x11EEAD0; HashAlg: 0xb; Set: 0
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash) - 0x2E40000, 0x1000000, 0x11EEAD0, 0xB, 0x0
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash - IPP) Hash Ctx Size: 232
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0xB
## --SHA256 is 2
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash - IPP) Module count: 0x6
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFD3D000 (0x3B7D000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x86000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFE72000 (0x3CB2000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x150000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFC2000 (0x3E02000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x10000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFD2000 (0x3E12000): [0x48 46 ... FF FF] Size: 0x1000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFD3000 (0x3E13000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x271C0
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFFACC0 (0x3E3ACC0): [0xFF FF ... FD FF] Size: 0x5340
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash) -2 Ready to get Digest
0000: 23 66 b8 a7 26 3e d4 fa 3d 9c 04 ec 81 b0 7a a8
0010: 08 f0 64 e4 33 c7 67 e3 e0 75 f6 ae 19 90 39 8f
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash) -End of function
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash) - 0x2E40000, 0x1000000, 0x11EEAF4, 0x4, 0x0
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash - IPP) Hash Ctx Size: 232
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0x4
## -- SHA1 is 1
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash - IPP) Module count: 0x6
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFD3D000 (0x3B7D000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x86000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFE72000 (0x3CB2000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x150000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFC2000 (0x3E02000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x10000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFD2000 (0x3E12000): [0x48 46 ... FF FF] Size: 0x1000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFD3000 (0x3E13000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x271C0
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFFACC0 (0x3E3ACC0): [0xFF FF ... FD FF] Size: 0x5340
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash) -2 Ready to get Digest
0000: 97 e6 6c 56 42 ad 88 56 8d 4e 2c e1 f4 0a 79 95
0010: d5 e1 dd 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash) -End of function
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash) - 0x2E40000, 0x1000000, 0x11EEB0C, 0xC, 0x0
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash - IPP) Hash Ctx Size: 232
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0xC
## -- SHA384 is 5
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash - IPP) Module count: 0x6
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFD3D000 (0x3B7D000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x86000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFE72000 (0x3CB2000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x150000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFC2000 (0x3E02000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x10000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFD2000 (0x3E12000): [0x48 46 ... FF FF] Size: 0x1000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFD3000 (0x3E13000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x271C0
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFFACC0 (0x3E3ACC0): [0xFF FF ... FD FF] Size: 0x5340
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash) -2 Ready to get Digest
0000: 64 c7 15 9b 96 90 1c d9 2f 1d 72 0a 54 f8 66 d0
0010: e0 ce 0c a3 1b 07 58 b7 37 a3 2c 68 0c b5 09 47
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash) -End of function
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash) - 0x2E40000, 0x1000000, 0x11EEB40, 0x12, 0x0
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash - IPP) Hash Ctx Size: 232
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0x12
## -- SM3 is 7
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash - IPP) Module count: 0x6
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFD3D000 (0x3B7D000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x86000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFE72000 (0x3CB2000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x150000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFC2000 (0x3E02000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x10000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFD2000 (0x3E12000): [0x48 46 ... FF FF] Size: 0x1000
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFD3000 (0x3E13000): [0x00 00 ... FF FF] Size: 0x271C0
## DEBUG -- Flash Addr: 0xFFFFACC0 (0x3E3ACC0): [0xFF FF ... FD FF] Size: 0x5340
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash) -2 Ready to get Digest
0000: 81 3c 4b ee b2 4e 44 c3 d0 7a 39 bd a5 27 18 80
0010: 7b ff c1 be dd f4 13 88 65 d5 56 d0 30 a4 8f 06
## DEBUG (CreateIbbBiosHash) -End of function
## DEBUG (BuildBpm) - Obb HashAlg 0x0
## DEBUG (GetObbBHash) - BIOS Addr: 0x2E40000, Size: 0x1000000, Set: 0x0
## DEBUG (GetObbBHash) - Obb HashAlg 0x0
Generating TXT Element
TXT Segment Count: 0
TXT Element Size: 0x28 (40)
Generating Platform Configuration Data Element
Signing the BPM
Generated BPM Body to be signed --
0000: 5f 5f 41 43 42 50 5f 5f 21 20 14 00 a8 01 01 01
0010: 02 00 03 00 5f 5f 49 42 42 53 5f 5f 20 00 2c 01
0020: 00 00 00 0f 13 00 00 00 00 00 d1 fe 00 00 00 00
0030: 00 10 d9 fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 f0 00
0040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00
0050: 10 00 00 00 f0 ff ff ff 98 00 04 00 0b 00 20 00
0060: 23 66 b8 a7 26 3e d4 fa 3d 9c 04 ec 81 b0 7a a8
0070: 08 f0 64 e4 33 c7 67 e3 e0 75 f6 ae 19 90 39 8f
0080: 04 00 14 00 97 e6 6c 56 42 ad 88 56 8d 4e 2c e1
0090: f4 0a 79 95 d5 e1 dd 75 0c 00 30 00 64 c7 15 9b
00a0: 96 90 1c d9 2f 1d 72 0a 54 f8 66 d0 e0 ce 0c a3
00b0: 1b 07 58 b7 37 a3 2c 68 0c b5 09 47 80 38 d3 45
00c0: e8 92 3b b4 36 ca 5d 4d c3 13 7d 0c 12 00 20 00
00d0: 81 3c 4b ee b2 4e 44 c3 d0 7a 39 bd a5 27 18 80
00e0: 7b ff c1 be dd f4 13 88 65 d5 56 d0 30 a4 8f 06
00f0: 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 d0 d3 ff
0100: 00 60 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 e7 ff 00 00 15 00
0110: 00 00 00 00 00 20 fc ff 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00
0120: 00 20 fd ff 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 fd ff
0130: c0 71 02 00 00 00 00 00 c0 ac ff ff 40 53 00 00
0140: 5f 5f 54 58 54 53 5f 5f 20 00 28 00 00 00 00 00
0150: 00 00 00 00 3e 00 fe ff 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 fe
0160: 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5f 5f 50 43 44 53 5f 5f
0170: 20 00 34 00 00 00 24 00 5f 5f 50 44 52 53 5f 5f
0180: 10 19 00 00 00 04 00 00 50 03 00 07 01 04 01 c1
0190: 01 03 00 07 02 04 01 c1 01 03 00 07 5f 5f 50 4d
01a0: 53 47 5f 5f 20 00 00 00
## DEBUG (PrepareRsaSignature) - 0 pubkey.pem
## DEBUG (ReadKey) - 0 pubkey.pem - looking for Public Key
## DEBUG (ReadInputFile) start - Filename: pubkey.pem
@@ malloc 011ddb38
## DEBUG (ReadInputFile) End - Filename: pubkey.pem
## Opened Key file
## FileData = 2d 2d 2d 2d
## DEBUG (GetDerFromPEM)
-- Found 0x0A at offset 27 (0x1b)
-- pPemHeader: 0x11ddb38
-- pPemHeader: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
## processing header at 11ddb38
## Base64 data starting address: 11ddb54
## Found '-' at offset 434 (0x1b2) - start of trailer
## Base64 data length: 0x196 (0x196)
@@ malloc 011cf7c0
## Placing result in DER Buffer at address: 11cf7c0 (size=304 0x130)
## DEBUG (Base64Decode) pB64String: 11ddb54, B64Length: 0x196 pDecodeLocation: 11cf7c0
## PEM Type = 9
## DEBUG (ReadKey) - Processing DER
## Debug (GetKeyFromDER) - 0 PEM Type = 9
## DEBUG (ParseASN1) ASN.1 Size: 294 Starting Index: 0
## DEBUG Index: 0, Offset: 0x0 :: 30 82 1 22
## [0] Adjust (2), Type: 0x30, Length: 290, Value[0] = 30
## Processing embedded Sequence
## DEBUG (ParseASN1) ASN.1 Size: 290 Starting Index: 1
## DEBUG Index: 1, Offset: 0x0 :: 30 d 6 9
## [1] Adjust (0), Type: 0x30, Length: 13, Value[0] = 6
## Processing embedded Sequence
## DEBUG (ParseASN1) ASN.1 Size: 13 Starting Index: 2
## DEBUG Index: 2, Offset: 0x0 :: 6 9 2a 86
## [2] Adjust (0), Type: 0x6, Length: 9, Value[0] = 2a
## DEBUG Index: 3, Offset: 0xb :: 5 0 3 82
## [3] Adjust (0), Type: 0x5, Length: 0, Value[0] = 3
## DEBUG Index: 4, Offset: 0xf :: 3 82 1 f
## [4] Adjust (2), Type: 0x3, Length: 271, Value[0] = 0
## Processing embedded Sequence in BitString
## DEBUG (ParseASN1) ASN.1 Size: 270 Starting Index: 5
## DEBUG Index: 5, Offset: 0x0 :: 30 82 1 a
## [5] Adjust (2), Type: 0x30, Length: 266, Value[0] = 2
## Processing embedded Sequence
## DEBUG (ParseASN1) ASN.1 Size: 266 Starting Index: 6
## DEBUG Index: 6, Offset: 0x0 :: 2 82 1 1
## [6] Adjust (2), Type: 0x2, Length: 257, Value[0] = 0
## DEBUG Index: 7, Offset: 0x105 :: 2 3 1 0
## [7] Adjust (0), Type: 0x2, Length: 3, Value[0] = 1
DER ASN.1 Decode (8 elements)
[0] Type: 0x30, Length: 290, Value[0] = 30 0d 06 09 ...
[1] Type: 0x30, Length: 13, Value[0] = 06 09 2a 86 ...
[2] Type: 0x06, Length: 9, Value[0] = 2a 86 48 86 ...
[3] Type: 0x05, Length: 0
[4] Type: 0x03, Length: 271, Value[0] = 00 30 82 01 ...
[5] Type: 0x30, Length: 266, Value[0] = 02 82 01 01 ...
[6] Type: 0x02, Length: 256, Value[0] = ca fe 82 0f ...
[7] Type: 0x02, Length: 3, Value[0] = 01 00 01
## DEBUG - Extracting RSA key
## DEBUG (GetKeyFromDER) - end /key RSA Key Size: 256
## Result of GetKeyFromDER(Public): KeySizeBytes = 0x100
@@ -- Free 0x011ddb38
@@ -- Free 0x011cf7c0
## DEBUG (ReadKey) end
Signing Internally
## DEBUG (CreateRsaSignatureIpp) - Start (PrivateKey: privkey.pem
## DEBUG (ReadKey) - 0 privkey.pem - looking for Public Key
## DEBUG (ReadInputFile) start - Filename: privkey.pem
@@ malloc 011eee98
## DEBUG (ReadInputFile) End - Filename: privkey.pem
## Opened Key file
## FileData = 2d 2d 2d 2d
## DEBUG (GetDerFromPEM)
-- Found 0x0A at offset 32 (0x20)
-- pPemHeader: 0x11eee98
-- pPemHeader: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
## processing header at 11eee98
## Base64 data starting address: 11eeeb9
## Found '-' at offset 1675 (0x68b) - start of trailer
## Base64 data length: 0x66a (0x66a)
@@ malloc 011ef550
## Placing result in DER Buffer at address: 11ef550 (size=1231 0x4cf)
## DEBUG (Base64Decode) pB64String: 11eeeb9, B64Length: 0x66a pDecodeLocation: 11ef550
## PEM Type = 4
## DEBUG (ReadKey) - Processing DER
## Debug (GetKeyFromDER) - 0 PEM Type = 4
## DEBUG (ParseASN1) ASN.1 Size: 1192 Starting Index: 0
## DEBUG Index: 0, Offset: 0x0 :: 30 82 4 a4
## [0] Adjust (2), Type: 0x30, Length: 1188, Value[0] = 2
## Processing embedded Sequence
## DEBUG (ParseASN1) ASN.1 Size: 1188 Starting Index: 1
## DEBUG Index: 1, Offset: 0x0 :: 2 1 0 2
## [1] Adjust (0), Type: 0x2, Length: 1, Value[0] = 0
## DEBUG Index: 2, Offset: 0x3 :: 2 82 1 1
## [2] Adjust (2), Type: 0x2, Length: 257, Value[0] = 0
## DEBUG Index: 3, Offset: 0x108 :: 2 3 1 0
## [3] Adjust (0), Type: 0x2, Length: 3, Value[0] = 1
## DEBUG Index: 4, Offset: 0x10d :: 2 82 1 1
## [4] Adjust (2), Type: 0x2, Length: 257, Value[0] = 0
## DEBUG Index: 5, Offset: 0x212 :: 2 81 81 0
## [5] Adjust (1), Type: 0x2, Length: 129, Value[0] = 0
## DEBUG Index: 6, Offset: 0x296 :: 2 81 81 0
## [6] Adjust (1), Type: 0x2, Length: 129, Value[0] = 0
## DEBUG Index: 7, Offset: 0x31a :: 2 81 80 68
## [7] Adjust (1), Type: 0x2, Length: 128, Value[0] = 68
## DEBUG Index: 8, Offset: 0x39d :: 2 81 81 0
## [8] Adjust (1), Type: 0x2, Length: 129, Value[0] = 0
## DEBUG Index: 9, Offset: 0x421 :: 2 81 80 4
## [9] Adjust (1), Type: 0x2, Length: 128, Value[0] = 4
DER ASN.1 Decode (10 elements)
[0] Type: 0x30, Length: 1188, Value[0] = 02 01 00 02 ...
[1] Type: 0x02, Length: 1, Value[0] = 00
[2] Type: 0x02, Length: 256, Value[0] = ca fe 82 0f ...
[3] Type: 0x02, Length: 3, Value[0] = 01 00 01
[4] Type: 0x02, Length: 256, Value[0] = c9 1d fd 78 ...
[5] Type: 0x02, Length: 128, Value[0] = e5 52 3f 5c ...
[6] Type: 0x02, Length: 128, Value[0] = e2 9c 2c a8 ...
[7] Type: 0x02, Length: 128, Value[0] = 68 49 9b 1f ...
[8] Type: 0x02, Length: 128, Value[0] = bc 46 29 4c ...
[9] Type: 0x02, Length: 128, Value[0] = 04 1a e8 15 ...
## DEBUG - Extracting RSA key
## DEBUG (GetKeyFromDER) - end /key RSA Key Size: 256
## Result of GetKeyFromDER(Public): KeySizeBytes = 0x100
@@ -- Free 0x011eee98
@@ -- Free 0x011ef550
## DEBUG (ReadKey) end
## DEBUG (ReadKey) - 0 privkey.pem - looking for Private Key
## DEBUG (ReadInputFile) start - Filename: privkey.pem
@@ malloc 011eee98
## DEBUG (ReadInputFile) End - Filename: privkey.pem
## Opened Key file
## FileData = 2d 2d 2d 2d
## DEBUG (GetDerFromPEM)
-- Found 0x0A at offset 32 (0x20)
-- pPemHeader: 0x11eee98
-- pPemHeader: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
## processing header at 11eee98
## Base64 data starting address: 11eeeb9
## Found '-' at offset 1675 (0x68b) - start of trailer
## Base64 data length: 0x66a (0x66a)
@@ malloc 011ef550
## Placing result in DER Buffer at address: 11ef550 (size=1231 0x4cf)
## DEBUG (Base64Decode) pB64String: 11eeeb9, B64Length: 0x66a pDecodeLocation: 11ef550
## PEM Type = 4
## DEBUG (ReadKey) - Processing DER
## Debug (GetKeyFromDER) - 0 PEM Type = 4
## DEBUG (ParseASN1) ASN.1 Size: 1192 Starting Index: 0
## DEBUG Index: 0, Offset: 0x0 :: 30 82 4 a4
## [0] Adjust (2), Type: 0x30, Length: 1188, Value[0] = 2
## Processing embedded Sequence
## DEBUG (ParseASN1) ASN.1 Size: 1188 Starting Index: 1
## DEBUG Index: 1, Offset: 0x0 :: 2 1 0 2
## [1] Adjust (0), Type: 0x2, Length: 1, Value[0] = 0
## DEBUG Index: 2, Offset: 0x3 :: 2 82 1 1
## [2] Adjust (2), Type: 0x2, Length: 257, Value[0] = 0
## DEBUG Index: 3, Offset: 0x108 :: 2 3 1 0
## [3] Adjust (0), Type: 0x2, Length: 3, Value[0] = 1
## DEBUG Index: 4, Offset: 0x10d :: 2 82 1 1
## [4] Adjust (2), Type: 0x2, Length: 257, Value[0] = 0
## DEBUG Index: 5, Offset: 0x212 :: 2 81 81 0
## [5] Adjust (1), Type: 0x2, Length: 129, Value[0] = 0
## DEBUG Index: 6, Offset: 0x296 :: 2 81 81 0
## [6] Adjust (1), Type: 0x2, Length: 129, Value[0] = 0
## DEBUG Index: 7, Offset: 0x31a :: 2 81 80 68
## [7] Adjust (1), Type: 0x2, Length: 128, Value[0] = 68
## DEBUG Index: 8, Offset: 0x39d :: 2 81 81 0
## [8] Adjust (1), Type: 0x2, Length: 129, Value[0] = 0
## DEBUG Index: 9, Offset: 0x421 :: 2 81 80 4
## [9] Adjust (1), Type: 0x2, Length: 128, Value[0] = 4
DER ASN.1 Decode (10 elements)
[0] Type: 0x30, Length: 1188, Value[0] = 02 01 00 02 ...
[1] Type: 0x02, Length: 1, Value[0] = 00
[2] Type: 0x02, Length: 256, Value[0] = ca fe 82 0f ...
[3] Type: 0x02, Length: 3, Value[0] = 01 00 01
[4] Type: 0x02, Length: 256, Value[0] = c9 1d fd 78 ...
[5] Type: 0x02, Length: 128, Value[0] = e5 52 3f 5c ...
[6] Type: 0x02, Length: 128, Value[0] = e2 9c 2c a8 ...
[7] Type: 0x02, Length: 128, Value[0] = 68 49 9b 1f ...
[8] Type: 0x02, Length: 128, Value[0] = bc 46 29 4c ...
[9] Type: 0x02, Length: 128, Value[0] = 04 1a e8 15 ...
## DEBUG - Extracting RSA key
## DEBUG (GetKeyFromDER) - end /key RSA Key Size: 256
## Result of GetKeyFromDER(Private): KeySizeBytes = 0x100
@@ -- Free 0x011eee98
@@ -- Free 0x011ef550
## DEBUG (ReadKey) end
## Creating RSA PubKey Context - KeyLength: 2048 (exp: 0x00010001)
@@ malloc 011eee98
##-- Setting Modulus and Exponent (0x00010001)
0000: dd d5 d1 ef ba 0b 58 6e
## Creating BigNumber Context - NumBytes: 256
@@ malloc 011ddb38
##-- BigNumInit
##-- Created BigNumber Context @0x 11DDB38 size: 547
##-- pData: 10ff608
## Creating BigNumber Context - NumBytes: 4
@@ malloc 011e5f68
##-- BigNumInit
##-- Created BigNumber Context @0x 11E5F68 size: 43
##-- pData: 10ff458
@@ -- Free 0x011ddb38
@@ -- Free 0x011e5f68
##-- Created RSA PubKey Context @0x 11EEE98 size: 1386
## Creating RSA PrivateKey Context - KeyLength: 2048
@@ malloc 011ef410
##-- Setting Modulus:
0000: dd d5 d1 ef ba 0b 58 6e
##-- Setting PrivateExp:
0000: 55 35 f3 0f 6d a5 2f d3
## Creating BigNumber Context - NumBytes: 256
@@ malloc 011ddb38
##-- BigNumInit
##-- Created BigNumber Context @0x 11DDB38 size: 547
##-- pData: 10ff608
## Creating BigNumber Context - NumBytes: 256
@@ malloc 011efaa0
##-- BigNumInit
##-- Created BigNumber Context @0x 11EFAA0 size: 547
##-- pData: 10ff488
@@ -- Free 0x011ddb38
@@ -- Free 0x011efaa0
##-- Created RSA PrivateKey Context @0x 11EF410 size: 1666
@@ malloc 011efaa0
Random Number (256 bits): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Creating PRNG Context
@@ malloc 011cf7c0
## -- Randomize the seed
## -- seed: 17822768
## Creating BigNumber Context - NumBytes: 4
@@ malloc 011e5cc8
##-- BigNumInit
##-- Created BigNumber Context @0x 11E5CC8 size: 43
##-- pData: 10ff430
@@ -- Free 0x011e5cc8
@@ -- Free 0x011cf7c0
Random Number (256 bits): 34 9c 96 93 5f 36 7 14 2e 2b 6e 64 df 7d b0 f ba 34 f9 4b 6b e4 a4 71 11 a1 84 da 18 c6 71 5a
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0xB
## --SHA256 is 2
@@ -- Free 0x011eee98
@@ -- Free 0x011ef410
@@ -- Free 0x011efaa0
Generating the KeyAndSignature structure
0000: 5f 5f 50 4d 53 47 5f 5f 20 00 00 00 10 01 00 10
0010: 00 08 01 00 01 00 dd d5 d1 ef ba 0b 58 6e 93 3c
0020: 3d fb f7 aa 84 de ab a6 71 6c 57 74 7c 51 7b 82
0030: 43 88 4f 0f a5 dc 57 eb b2 ed e5 0c 1f 3d fe 5b
0040: 07 c9 c3 2c 8f 46 3f cb 73 85 66 74 b7 99 6d f5
0050: 67 36 66 be 1a 4e 98 90 84 f3 a5 19 b0 3f 1a 4a
0060: d2 97 51 66 ff 4c 75 09 7f 30 0b 32 8f d6 1e 87
0070: 9a 38 fb f3 41 c1 b3 4f 89 6b 1a 82 df c5 1b b2
0080: 85 7d 64 a8 e0 52 62 1e f5 7e d6 a9 e6 d3 93 9f
0090: e9 68 82 6d dc 69 e2 a1 2e 29 3a 56 9f d5 04 3c
00a0: e3 3b b0 92 69 79 fa 24 07 1b b1 74 85 8d 94 1f
00b0: 50 39 0f db c4 14 fd 46 69 43 4c 76 41 99 78 dd
00c0: 01 9b 0c 54 96 37 76 41 cc cf 13 67 5a c5 73 db
00d0: 0e 52 5c 47 d4 c8 75 ed 8a 73 74 f3 25 60 9f 7c
00e0: 57 1a 95 e9 ea 0d 14 4f ad cf d6 a5 7c 01 3b 9d
00f0: ae dd d0 6e 15 68 31 fc a8 33 e8 b3 fd 94 1b 28
0100: 0d 59 55 89 42 7f 9a 3e 33 1e 9f 47 b1 50 27 be
0110: 6c 96 0f 82 fe ca 16 00 10 00 08 0b 00 7d 9b 64
0120: 63 1b a5 ac f6 8f 5d c4 c9 96 c6 eb 64 73 3d c4
0130: b3 8e f0 e4 df 79 ed af dd bb e1 6a 82 86 6e e0
0140: dd eb 60 f8 61 3a 2c 9d 65 eb bb 9e 6a 01 86 41
0150: 45 e4 63 03 32 e0 79 f7 fc 82 ba 57 07 c4 47 0a
0160: 5d cb 71 07 a5 b9 0b e5 d4 d5 08 22 ab 15 94 e3
0170: ad 3c cb a0 e0 61 5f 66 b6 56 60 0b d0 be 57 0e
0180: 24 d5 b4 d8 9c 19 7d d8 53 e9 0b 86 64 2d 45 98
0190: 3d f6 54 3b e8 d2 69 0d c9 36 20 50 bc a0 5f d0
01a0: 27 80 26 9d 1f 3a 18 08 da 4e 0e a4 d9 17 3b 66
01b0: 2e 06 3e a2 61 23 84 c2 07 e6 f5 6d ca 97 d6 06
01c0: 17 50 9f 31 ad 07 8c 3a 6b ab 78 a5 57 3d d7 4a
01d0: 07 36 ff c1 4b 6d 8b 65 95 ac 00 ea 43 c3 52 ba
01e0: db 1f ef 3b 7a 2c 32 3e b2 a5 d9 55 57 26 ac 10
01f0: 67 ed 3c a2 f6 19 9e 87 22 40 60 73 6a 5c 12 e6
0200: 71 03 c2 91 b4 42 0b a6 42 94 33 7c 11 b4 5b 39
0210: 5e 07 91 ff 13 21 0b 41 e2 20 a7 60 9c
## DEBUG BuildBpm -- BPM created
**** BPM Generated ****
## DEBUG (VerifyBpm) start
Start Bpm Verification...
Bpm Verification...TempBuf: 11eea70
Bpm Verification...BpmVersion: 0x21 HdrStructVersion: 0x20
Bpm Verification1...IbbElement: 11eea84 0 0 0 0
Bpm Verification2...TempBuf: 11eea84 11eea84 0 0 0 0
Bpm Verification3...IbbElement: 11eea84 IbbEntry: 40 pHashList: 44 Digest: 48 pObbHash: dc pSegmentCount: e3
SegCount: 6
Checking Digest for IBB Set Type:: 00
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0xB
## --SHA256 is 2
## DEBUG - IBB Segment [0] 0xFFD3D000 [0x3B7D000 = 0x00000000 - 00085FFC] 0x86000
## DEBUG - IBB Segment [1] 0xFFE72000 [0x3CB2000 = 0x00000000 - 0014FFFC] 0x150000
## DEBUG - IBB Segment [2] 0xFFFC2000 [0x3E02000 = 0x00000000 - 0000FFFC] 0x10000
## DEBUG - IBB Segment [3] 0xFFFD2000 [0x3E12000 = 0x4D444648 - 00001044] 0x1000
## DEBUG - IBB Segment [4] 0xFFFD3000 [0x3E13000 = 0x00000000 - 000271BC] 0x271C0
## DEBUG - IBB Segment [5] 0xFFFFACC0 [0x3E3ACC0 = 0xFFFFFFFF - 0000543B] 0x5340
--PASS: IBB Set Digest Verification
Checking Digest for TXT Set Type: 00
--No segments to check
Checking Platform Configuration Data Element
Checking BPM signature
## DEBUG (VerifyRsaSignatureIpp) - 0
## Creating RSA PubKey Context - KeyLength: 2048 (exp: 0x00010001)
@@ malloc 011eee98
##-- Setting Modulus and Exponent (0x00010001)
0000: dd d5 d1 ef ba 0b 58 6e
## Creating BigNumber Context - NumBytes: 256
@@ malloc 011ddb38
##-- BigNumInit
##-- Created BigNumber Context @0x 11DDB38 size: 547
##-- pData: 11eec22
## Creating BigNumber Context - NumBytes: 4
@@ malloc 011e5f68
##-- BigNumInit
##-- Created BigNumber Context @0x 11E5F68 size: 43
##-- pData: 11eec1e
@@ -- Free 0x011ddb38
@@ -- Free 0x011e5f68
##-- Created RSA PubKey Context @0x 11EEE98 size: 1386
@@ malloc 011ef410
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0xB
## --SHA256 is 2
@@ -- Free 0x011eee98
@@ -- Free 0x011ef410
--PASS: Manifest RSA Signature Valid
## DEBUG (VerifyRsaSignatureIpp) - End of process
--Verify Bpm - PASS
Saving BPM to file F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\Manifest.bin
WriteOutputFile: F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\Manifest.bin, BPM Buf: 11eea70, Size: 3b9
0000: 5f 5f 41 43 42 50 5f 5f 21 20 14 00 a8 01 01 01
0010: 02 00 03 00 5f 5f 49 42 42 53 5f 5f 20 00 2c 01
0020: 00 00 00 0f 13 00 00 00 00 00 d1 fe 00 00 00 00
0030: 00 10 d9 fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 f0 00
0040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00
0050: 10 00 00 00 f0 ff ff ff 98 00 04 00 0b 00 20 00
0060: 23 66 b8 a7 26 3e d4 fa 3d 9c 04 ec 81 b0 7a a8
0070: 08 f0 64 e4 33 c7 67 e3 e0 75 f6 ae 19 90 39 8f
0080: 04 00 14 00 97 e6 6c 56 42 ad 88 56 8d 4e 2c e1
0090: f4 0a 79 95 d5 e1 dd 75 0c 00 30 00 64 c7 15 9b
00a0: 96 90 1c d9 2f 1d 72 0a 54 f8 66 d0 e0 ce 0c a3
00b0: 1b 07 58 b7 37 a3 2c 68 0c b5 09 47 80 38 d3 45
00c0: e8 92 3b b4 36 ca 5d 4d c3 13 7d 0c 12 00 20 00
00d0: 81 3c 4b ee b2 4e 44 c3 d0 7a 39 bd a5 27 18 80
00e0: 7b ff c1 be dd f4 13 88 65 d5 56 d0 30 a4 8f 06
00f0: 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 d0 d3 ff
0100: 00 60 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 e7 ff 00 00 15 00
0110: 00 00 00 00 00 20 fc ff 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00
0120: 00 20 fd ff 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 fd ff
0130: c0 71 02 00 00 00 00 00 c0 ac ff ff 40 53 00 00
0140: 5f 5f 54 58 54 53 5f 5f 20 00 28 00 00 00 00 00
0150: 00 00 00 00 3e 00 fe ff 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 fe
0160: 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5f 5f 50 43 44 53 5f 5f
0170: 20 00 34 00 00 00 24 00 5f 5f 50 44 52 53 5f 5f
0180: 10 19 00 00 00 04 00 00 50 03 00 07 01 04 01 c1
0190: 01 03 00 07 02 04 01 c1 01 03 00 07 5f 5f 50 4d
01a0: 53 47 5f 5f 20 00 00 00 10 01 00 10 00 08 01 00
01b0: 01 00 dd d5 d1 ef ba 0b 58 6e 93 3c 3d fb f7 aa
01c0: 84 de ab a6 71 6c 57 74 7c 51 7b 82 43 88 4f 0f
01d0: a5 dc 57 eb b2 ed e5 0c 1f 3d fe 5b 07 c9 c3 2c
01e0: 8f 46 3f cb 73 85 66 74 b7 99 6d f5 67 36 66 be
01f0: 1a 4e 98 90 84 f3 a5 19 b0 3f 1a 4a d2 97 51 66
0200: ff 4c 75 09 7f 30 0b 32 8f d6 1e 87 9a 38 fb f3
0210: 41 c1 b3 4f 89 6b 1a 82 df c5 1b b2 85 7d 64 a8
0220: e0 52 62 1e f5 7e d6 a9 e6 d3 93 9f e9 68 82 6d
0230: dc 69 e2 a1 2e 29 3a 56 9f d5 04 3c e3 3b b0 92
0240: 69 79 fa 24 07 1b b1 74 85 8d 94 1f 50 39 0f db
0250: c4 14 fd 46 69 43 4c 76 41 99 78 dd 01 9b 0c 54
0260: 96 37 76 41 cc cf 13 67 5a c5 73 db 0e 52 5c 47
0270: d4 c8 75 ed 8a 73 74 f3 25 60 9f 7c 57 1a 95 e9
0280: ea 0d 14 4f ad cf d6 a5 7c 01 3b 9d ae dd d0 6e
0290: 15 68 31 fc a8 33 e8 b3 fd 94 1b 28 0d 59 55 89
02a0: 42 7f 9a 3e 33 1e 9f 47 b1 50 27 be 6c 96 0f 82
02b0: fe ca 16 00 10 00 08 0b 00 7d 9b 64 63 1b a5 ac
02c0: f6 8f 5d c4 c9 96 c6 eb 64 73 3d c4 b3 8e f0 e4
02d0: df 79 ed af dd bb e1 6a 82 86 6e e0 dd eb 60 f8
02e0: 61 3a 2c 9d 65 eb bb 9e 6a 01 86 41 45 e4 63 03
02f0: 32 e0 79 f7 fc 82 ba 57 07 c4 47 0a 5d cb 71 07
0300: a5 b9 0b e5 d4 d5 08 22 ab 15 94 e3 ad 3c cb a0
0310: e0 61 5f 66 b6 56 60 0b d0 be 57 0e 24 d5 b4 d8
0320: 9c 19 7d d8 53 e9 0b 86 64 2d 45 98 3d f6 54 3b
0330: e8 d2 69 0d c9 36 20 50 bc a0 5f d0 27 80 26 9d
0340: 1f 3a 18 08 da 4e 0e a4 d9 17 3b 66 2e 06 3e a2
0350: 61 23 84 c2 07 e6 f5 6d ca 97 d6 06 17 50 9f 31
0360: ad 07 8c 3a 6b ab 78 a5 57 3d d7 4a 07 36 ff c1
0370: 4b 6d 8b 65 95 ac 00 ea 43 c3 52 ba db 1f ef 3b
0380: 7a 2c 32 3e b2 a5 d9 55 57 26 ac 10 67 ed 3c a2
0390: f6 19 9e 87 22 40 60 73 6a 5c 12 e6 71 03 c2 91
03a0: b4 42 0b a6 42 94 33 7c 11 b4 5b 39 5e 07 91 ff
03b0: 13 21 0b 41 e2 20 a7 60 9c
## DEBUG (WriteOutputFile) start Filename: F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\Manifest.bin, BufAddress: 11eea70, Size 0x3b9
## DEBUG (WriteOutputFile) opened
## DEBUG (WriteOutputFile) written
## DEBUG (WriteOutputFile) end
## DEBUG (GenerateBpm) End of proceedure
# BootPolicyManifest #
StructureID: __ACBP__
StructVersion: 0x21
HdrStructVer: 0x20
HdrSize: 0x0014
KeySigOffset: 0x01a8
BpmRevision: 0x01
BpmRevocation: 0x01
AcmRevocation: 0x02
Reserved: 00
NEMPages: 0x0003
StructureID: __IBBS__
StructVersion: 0x20
Reserved: 00
Element Size: 012c (300)
Reserved: 00
SetType: 0x00
Reserved: 00
PBETValue: 0x0f
Flags: 0x00000013
Enable VT-d: 1
InitMeasLoc3: 1
TPM on Error: 0
Top Swap: 1
IBB_MCHBAR: 0x00000000fed10000
VTD_BAR: 0x00000000fed91000
DmaProtBase0: 0x00100000
DmaProtLimit0: 0x00f00000
DmaProtBase1: 0x0000000000000000
DmaProtLimit1: 0x0000000001000000
HashAlg: 0x0010 - 0x10:NULL
Size: 0x0000
IbbEntry: 0xfffffff0
HashList (Number of Digests: 4, Total Size: 152)
[0] HashAlg: 0x000b - 0x0B:SHA256
Size: 0x0020
HashBuffer: 2366b8a7263ed4fa3d9c04ec81b07aa808f064e433c767e3e075f6ae1990398f
[1] HashAlg: 0x0004 - 0x04:SHA1
Size: 0x0014
HashBuffer: 97e66c5642ad88568d4e2ce1f40a7995d5e1dd75
[2] HashAlg: 0x000c - 0x0C:SHA384
Size: 0x0030
HashBuffer: 64c7159b96901cd92f1d720a54f866d0e0ce0ca31b0758b737a32c680cb509478038d345e8923bb436ca5d4dc3137d0c
[3] HashAlg: 0x0012 - 0x12:SM3
Size: 0x0020
HashBuffer: 813c4beeb24e44c3d07a39bda52718807bffc1beddf4138865d556d030a48f06
OBB Digest:
HashAlg: 0x0010 - 0x10:NULL
Size: 0x0000
Reserved: 00 00 00
-- Debug (PrintpIbbElement -1- 0x11EEB04, pIbbEntry 0x11EEAC4, pDigest 0x11EEB60, pFlashSegment 0x11EEB68,
Segment Count: 0x06
Seg# Base------ Size------ Flags- Reserved Measured Cache Type---
[ 0] 0xffd3d000 0x00086000 0x0000 00, 00 Yes Write Protect
[ 1] 0xffe72000 0x00150000 0x0000 00, 00 Yes Write Protect
[ 2] 0xfffc2000 0x00010000 0x0000 00, 00 Yes Write Protect
[ 3] 0xfffd2000 0x00001000 0x0000 00, 00 Yes Write Protect
[ 4] 0xfffd3000 0x000271c0 0x0000 00, 00 Yes Write Protect
[ 5] 0xffffacc0 0x00005340 0x0000 00, 00 Yes Write Protect
StructureID: __TXTS__
StructVersion: 0x20
Reserved: 00
Element Size: 0028 (40)
Reserved: 00
SetType: 0x00
Reserved: 00 00
Flags: 0x00000000
...........TXT Profile: - Default
..........Scrub Policy: - Trust Verified BIOS
.........Backup Policy: - Default
.....AUX Reset Control: - AUX Reset
PwrDown Interval: 62 (310 Seconds or 5.2 Minutes)
PttCmosOffset0: 0xfe
PttCmosOffset1: 0xff
AcpiBaseOffset: 0x0400
Reserved: 0x0000
PrwmBaseOffset: 0xfe000000
Digest List:
HashList (Number of Digests: 0, Total Size: 4)
Reserved: 00 00 00
SegmentCount: 0x00
--No Segments
StructureID: __PCDS__
StructVersion: 0x20
Reserved: 0x00
Element Size: 0x0034 (52)
Reserved: 0x0000
PDR Size: 0x0024
StructureID: __PDRS__
StructVersion: 0x10
Struct Size: 0x0019
Reserved: 0x00
TPM Power Down Request Location:
..........Media Type: 0x00 - TPM1.2
.............NVIndex: 0x50000004
.......BitFieldWidth: 0x03
....BitFieldPosition: 0x00
..........ByteOffset: 0x07
TPM Power Down Request Location:
..........Media Type: 0x01 - TPM2.0
.............NVIndex: 0x1c10104
.......BitFieldWidth: 0x03
....BitFieldPosition: 0x00
..........ByteOffset: 0x07
TPM Power Down Request Location:
..........Media Type: 0x02 - PTT
.............NVIndex: 0x1c10104
.......BitFieldWidth: 0x03
....BitFieldPosition: 0x00
..........ByteOffset: 0x07
Boot Policy Manifest Signature Element:
StructureID: __PMSG__
StructVersion: 0x20
Reserved: 0x00 00 00
Signature Structure:
Version: 0x10
KeyAlg: 0x0001 0x01:RSA
Version: 0x10
KeySize: 0x0800
Exponent: 0x00010001
0000: dd d5 d1 ef ba 0b 58 6e 93 3c 3d fb f7 aa 84 de
0010: ab a6 71 6c 57 74 7c 51 7b 82 43 88 4f 0f a5 dc
0020: 57 eb b2 ed e5 0c 1f 3d fe 5b 07 c9 c3 2c 8f 46
0030: 3f cb 73 85 66 74 b7 99 6d f5 67 36 66 be 1a 4e
0040: 98 90 84 f3 a5 19 b0 3f 1a 4a d2 97 51 66 ff 4c
0050: 75 09 7f 30 0b 32 8f d6 1e 87 9a 38 fb f3 41 c1
0060: b3 4f 89 6b 1a 82 df c5 1b b2 85 7d 64 a8 e0 52
0070: 62 1e f5 7e d6 a9 e6 d3 93 9f e9 68 82 6d dc 69
0080: e2 a1 2e 29 3a 56 9f d5 04 3c e3 3b b0 92 69 79
0090: fa 24 07 1b b1 74 85 8d 94 1f 50 39 0f db c4 14
00a0: fd 46 69 43 4c 76 41 99 78 dd 01 9b 0c 54 96 37
00b0: 76 41 cc cf 13 67 5a c5 73 db 0e 52 5c 47 d4 c8
00c0: 75 ed 8a 73 74 f3 25 60 9f 7c 57 1a 95 e9 ea 0d
00d0: 14 4f ad cf d6 a5 7c 01 3b 9d ae dd d0 6e 15 68
00e0: 31 fc a8 33 e8 b3 fd 94 1b 28 0d 59 55 89 42 7f
00f0: 9a 3e 33 1e 9f 47 b1 50 27 be 6c 96 0f 82 fe ca
SigScheme: 0x0016 0x16:RSAPSS
Version: 0x10
KeySize: 0x0800
HashAlg: 0x000b 0x0B:SHA256
0000: 7d 9b 64 63 1b a5 ac f6 8f 5d c4 c9 96 c6 eb 64
0010: 73 3d c4 b3 8e f0 e4 df 79 ed af dd bb e1 6a 82
0020: 86 6e e0 dd eb 60 f8 61 3a 2c 9d 65 eb bb 9e 6a
0030: 01 86 41 45 e4 63 03 32 e0 79 f7 fc 82 ba 57 07
0040: c4 47 0a 5d cb 71 07 a5 b9 0b e5 d4 d5 08 22 ab
0050: 15 94 e3 ad 3c cb a0 e0 61 5f 66 b6 56 60 0b d0
0060: be 57 0e 24 d5 b4 d8 9c 19 7d d8 53 e9 0b 86 64
0070: 2d 45 98 3d f6 54 3b e8 d2 69 0d c9 36 20 50 bc
0080: a0 5f d0 27 80 26 9d 1f 3a 18 08 da 4e 0e a4 d9
0090: 17 3b 66 2e 06 3e a2 61 23 84 c2 07 e6 f5 6d ca
00a0: 97 d6 06 17 50 9f 31 ad 07 8c 3a 6b ab 78 a5 57
00b0: 3d d7 4a 07 36 ff c1 4b 6d 8b 65 95 ac 00 ea 43
00c0: c3 52 ba db 1f ef 3b 7a 2c 32 3e b2 a5 d9 55 57
00d0: 26 ac 10 67 ed 3c a2 f6 19 9e 87 22 40 60 73 6a
00e0: 5c 12 e6 71 03 c2 91 b4 42 0b a6 42 94 33 7c 11
00f0: b4 5b 39 5e 07 91 ff 13 21 0b 41 e2 20 a7 60 9c
BPM Body Size: 0x1A8, Signature Element Size: 0x21D
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0xB
## --SHA256 is 2
## DEBUG (CreateHash) size=32
0000: 68 83 7d d0 9e 6d b4 ba 7f 08 d3 85 a0 2f 5a 82
0010: 3d b8 ba 7c 03 e4 1a e5 b0 06 af cb c2 2a 16 cf
# FYI: Public Key Hash Digest #
Algorithm: 0x0B:SHA256
68 83 7d d0 9e 6d b4 ba 7f 08 d3 85 a0 2f 5a 82
3d b8 ba 7c 03 e4 1a e5 b0 06 af cb c2 2a 16 cf
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0x12
## -- SM3 is 7
## DEBUG (CreateHash) size=32
0000: 10 19 09 f5 0e e5 f2 ea 39 8d 60 96 e9 d4 3a b0
0010: 68 8f 9c 5e 24 a1 37 b2 90 1a a8 f4 ed a6 86 5a
# FYI: Public Key Hash Digest #
Algorithm: 0x12:SM3
10 19 09 f5 0e e5 f2 ea 39 8d 60 96 e9 d4 3a b0
68 8f 9c 5e 24 a1 37 b2 90 1a a8 f4 ed a6 86 5a
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0xC
## -- SHA384 is 5
## DEBUG (CreateHash) size=48
0000: 69 ff c9 48 53 21 c0 f3 c8 05 76 72 8b 2c c3 45
0010: 77 1b e7 ea 27 4e 43 8b 04 af 4f 2e 61 61 d1 a1
0020: 5b 93 f6 77 a6 31 bb 5f 81 9a fe 5f e5 e5 a5 5b
# FYI: Public Key Hash Digest #
Algorithm: 0x0C:SHA384
69 ff c9 48 53 21 c0 f3 c8 05 76 72 8b 2c c3 45
77 1b e7 ea 27 4e 43 8b 04 af 4f 2e 61 61 d1 a1
5b 93 f6 77 a6 31 bb 5f 81 9a fe 5f e5 e5 a5 5b
## DEBUG (VerifyRsaSignatureIpp) - 0
## Creating RSA PubKey Context - KeyLength: 2048 (exp: 0x00010001)
@@ malloc 011efea0
##-- Setting Modulus and Exponent (0x00010001)
0000: dd d5 d1 ef ba 0b 58 6e
## Creating BigNumber Context - NumBytes: 256
@@ malloc 011ddb38
##-- BigNumInit
##-- Created BigNumber Context @0x 11DDB38 size: 547
##-- pData: 11eec22
## Creating BigNumber Context - NumBytes: 4
@@ malloc 011e5f68
##-- BigNumInit
##-- Created BigNumber Context @0x 11E5F68 size: 43
##-- pData: 11eec1e
@@ -- Free 0x011ddb38
@@ -- Free 0x011e5f68
##-- Created RSA PubKey Context @0x 11EFEA0 size: 1386
@@ malloc 011f0418
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0xB
## --SHA256 is 2
@@ -- Free 0x011efea0
@@ -- Free 0x011f0418
--PASS: Manifest RSA Signature Valid
## DEBUG (VerifyRsaSignatureIpp) - End of process
Debug (PrintBootPolicyManifest) - End of proceedure
# Key Manifest #
StructureID: __KEYM__
StructVersion: 0x21
Reserved: 0x00 00 00
KeySigOffset: 0x0044
Reserved: 0x00 00 00
KeyManifestVer: 0x01
KMSVN: 0x01
KeyManifestID: 0x01
KmPubKey Alg: 0x000c - 0x0C:SHA384
Number of Manifest Key Digests: 1
[1] Usage: 0x0000000000000001 For: Boot Policy Manifest,
HashAlg: 0x000b - 0x0B:SHA256
Size: 0x0020
HashBuffer: 68837dd09e6db4ba7f08d385a02f5a823db8ba7c03e41ae5b006afcbc22a16cf
Signature Structure:
Version: 0x10
KeyAlg: 0x0001 0x01:RSA
Version: 0x10
KeySize: 0x0c00
Exponent: 0x00010001
0000: d9 03 fc 44 eb ad 15 79 bf b1 a5 45 22 f2 af a8
0010: 6e bd b8 62 f5 4b 59 fe 6b 97 a6 9a f0 74 59 89
0020: e2 35 27 00 74 7e 8b 10 df ef 15 84 d0 d9 a7 77
0030: e8 af f3 7e de 4a 2a 1a 18 5f 50 ed 01 b7 4d a4
0040: bd b4 65 a5 74 88 10 8a 22 f6 b0 c6 e6 a1 ba 64
0050: 5e d8 5e 8f fc 91 37 ef fa 88 66 56 40 1d 9a 60
0060: 43 91 dc 0b 6d 8b 01 28 4a 5b 4d b7 1f fc 0f 79
0070: 8e 92 b4 03 0b 02 b8 3b 16 ba d3 a7 f4 70 72 d8
0080: 4e e7 c0 0c 52 57 b1 05 74 c7 24 d2 6b c6 b7 5a
0090: ba 35 6e 81 0f ca 0c 46 cf 8f bb f4 8d fc 5b 3d
00a0: 85 59 b0 35 7b 30 c2 10 4e 93 3c 6e cc 66 cc 2d
00b0: d1 4f 5a 5e ce 73 4c 25 78 f1 73 4c e2 25 33 25
00c0: 18 9c 63 9b 21 58 1f c5 6f aa 40 36 58 25 78 a4
00d0: a8 6d c5 ca 5f 95 11 d2 03 6e 00 fa 74 61 9d 2b
00e0: 18 16 41 0a 3c cf 84 e8 bb b4 a7 76 d3 d9 86 2b
00f0: 42 68 f3 1e 31 31 4e ad 28 ec f6 66 53 e5 26 9f
0100: c6 fa 39 6d 17 04 bf 5b d3 3e 55 24 0e b1 1f 20
0110: 90 60 8d 97 c5 b3 b7 ed dc 9f 46 9f 2f 62 5d 10
0120: e9 80 e8 4c cc 0d 64 e0 1a b2 11 d6 03 44 24 aa
0130: 41 14 07 28 0d e3 a8 a6 e7 27 17 23 65 88 46 ed
0140: 9b de 9a c2 37 e2 2f 4f 14 3d 32 2a e2 0e 2c 41
0150: 36 7a d6 9b f1 a4 ea 8d 26 a9 a8 85 f0 56 69 00
0160: 65 88 47 ca 3b 7d 17 f6 7b e9 cb 5a 49 39 8b 41
0170: f0 f6 5b d0 11 30 c8 92 c8 98 51 af c6 4a 76 d8
SigScheme: 0x0016 0x16:RSAPSS
Version: 0x10
KeySize: 0x0c00
HashAlg: 0x000c 0x0C:SHA384
0000: 83 48 d7 2c 27 c0 0f 9c ae 14 58 49 74 0b 32 10
0010: 2b 90 98 13 37 1f 9d f5 79 d3 78 ef 92 cd 1c fa
0020: 3b 3d 95 db 23 79 9d 87 67 5e 22 0c 99 19 5c e3
0030: 33 67 41 c7 f8 9b a9 83 ae dd b2 d5 b6 88 c4 23
0040: b8 32 fa f6 0f ca b3 8e eb 0d 7f 80 46 6e 6e bd
0050: d2 e9 33 87 20 fc 6c a6 dc 2c 9b 94 75 33 6c 73
0060: b1 4b ff 1e 15 29 2a 0d 91 fb d7 59 95 08 80 41
0070: 23 dc 5f 95 77 8a 8f e1 9c e4 36 a7 fd 90 9e de
0080: cb 25 34 c9 bc 8e d4 be 11 e2 a9 93 db 87 b2 a2
0090: a6 83 18 40 4d 0c 71 e7 77 96 aa 04 31 50 75 37
00a0: ed b0 26 34 87 cf 46 22 e7 23 1a 6c 62 89 0d fe
00b0: 08 82 21 b6 37 06 ab 81 1b e7 03 52 51 99 77 c3
00c0: 2b fb 1a a4 ed 01 03 b1 60 39 bb 40 35 6d 1d 16
00d0: 05 ef a7 f8 dd b0 7d 33 0c b3 41 4f b1 9a 4c 6f
00e0: 61 15 dd 1b 71 63 81 8c 9d ee 5b 29 65 02 d5 a8
00f0: 28 e0 0b e3 3d 56 54 8c f3 6a 94 f2 b1 ea e7 38
0100: 54 20 c3 2e eb a0 19 43 6b 1a 32 3a 23 5d 5f 37
0110: 1c 7c d6 87 1d 3d 84 b2 57 d8 06 fe 45 53 81 a5
0120: 65 5b 06 13 32 d0 ed d3 ab e8 db 90 19 e3 4f ee
0130: 98 43 38 ef 82 e2 ff ad 26 d8 4c 94 9e c9 7f 84
0140: 59 f6 cb ea 81 ac 37 5f 1c b7 70 45 88 dc ee 01
0150: e4 3b e2 09 ae 4c 83 0a a7 ee 6e 32 e0 4e 3c af
0160: 10 31 88 9d 65 19 5f c3 bd 2e de 69 fc 63 fd 35
0170: c7 95 b1 0e 99 6d bf ea 2c e4 a0 68 2a 4c 27 15
Key Manifest Size: 0x355
## DEBUG (PrintKmKeyHash)
## Hash Ctx Size: 232
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0xC
## -- SHA384 is 5
# FYI: KM Public Key Hash Digest (Modulus+Exponent)#
78 9a ca fe 0b b6 aa 6e b4 ef 7d 90 15 f6 19 16
8e a4 24 fc c1 3f ea ae 2d 57 7f 2c 1c b0 d3 a1
6f cf 12 68 31 db 67 99 5b 7c 36 45 f2 a7 4b a1
# FYI: KM Public Key Hash Digest (Modulus Only)#
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0xC
## -- SHA384 is 5
## DEBUG (CreateHash) size=48
0000: 15 44 bc c0 d3 aa 55 a5 66 c6 13 b5 6f a0 a8 dc
0010: 54 72 4d 24 76 7d 35 2b 49 68 a0 12 07 7f d8 a8
0020: e5 96 32 cc 4f b5 c5 55 e4 1d 4f b8 3b 88 ad dc
15 44 bc c0 d3 aa 55 a5 66 c6 13 b5 6f a0 a8 dc
54 72 4d 24 76 7d 35 2b 49 68 a0 12 07 7f d8 a8
e5 96 32 cc 4f b5 c5 55 e4 1d 4f b8 3b 88 ad dc
Updating BIOS Image with new BPM(BPM Size=0x3B9)
## DEBUG (UpdateBIOS)
Updating BIOS with new KM (F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\KeyManifest.bin)
## DEBUG (GetKmSize)
## DEBUG (GetKmSize) Version 2.x RSA sigend KM
Updating FIT KM size to 0x355 (853)
0000: 5f 46 49 54 5f 20 20 20 0c 00 00 00 00 01 80 59
updating FIT Checksum
0000: 5f 46 49 54 5f 20 20 20 0c 00 00 00 00 01 80 4f
Final FIT table
# FIT Table: #
FIT Pointer Offset: 0x40
FIT Table Address: 0xffffabc0
====== ================ ====== ======== ============== ==== ======== (====== ==== ====== ==== ======)
Index: Address Size Version Type C_V Checksum (Index Data Width Bit Offset)
====== ================ ====== ======== ============== ==== ======== (====== ==== ====== ==== ======)
00: 2020205f5449465f 00000c 0100 00-'_FIT_ ' 01 4f
01: 00000000ffc81000 000000 0100 01-MICROCODE 00 00
02: 00000000ffcbc000 000000 0100 01-MICROCODE 00 00
03: 00000000ffc40000 000000 0100 02-STARTUP_ACM 00 00
04: 00000000ffd3d000 008600 0100 07-BIOS_MODULE 00 00
05: 00000000ffe72000 015000 0100 07-BIOS_MODULE 00 00
06: 00000000fffc2000 001000 0100 07-BIOS_MODULE 00 00
07: 00000000fffd2000 000100 0100 07-BIOS_MODULE 00 00
08: 00000000fffd3000 00271c 0100 07-BIOS_MODULE 00 00
09: 00000000ffffacc0 000534 0100 07-BIOS_MODULE 00 00
10: 00000000ffffa1c0 000355 0100 0b-KEYMANIFEST 00 00
11: 00000000ffffa5c0 0003b9 0100 0c-BP_MANIFEST 00 00
====== ================ ====== ======== ============== ==== ======== (====== ==== ====== ==== ======)
Index: Address Size Version Type C_V Checksum (Index Data Width Bit Offset)
====== ================ ====== ======== ============== ==== ======== (====== ==== ====== ==== ======)
Verifying BPM and KM
## DEBUG (VerifyBpm) start
Start Bpm Verification...
Bpm Verification...TempBuf: 3e3a5c0
Bpm Verification...BpmVersion: 0x21 HdrStructVersion: 0x20
Bpm Verification1...IbbElement: 3e3a5d4 0 0 0 0
Bpm Verification2...TempBuf: 3e3a5d4 3e3a5d4 0 0 0 0
Bpm Verification3...IbbElement: 3e3a5d4 IbbEntry: 40 pHashList: 44 Digest: 48 pObbHash: dc pSegmentCount: e3
SegCount: 6
Checking Digest for IBB Set Type:: 00
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0xB
## --SHA256 is 2
## DEBUG - IBB Segment [0] 0xFFD3D000 [0x3B7D000 = 0x00000000 - 00085FFC] 0x86000
## DEBUG - IBB Segment [1] 0xFFE72000 [0x3CB2000 = 0x00000000 - 0014FFFC] 0x150000
## DEBUG - IBB Segment [2] 0xFFFC2000 [0x3E02000 = 0x00000000 - 0000FFFC] 0x10000
## DEBUG - IBB Segment [3] 0xFFFD2000 [0x3E12000 = 0x4D444648 - 00001044] 0x1000
## DEBUG - IBB Segment [4] 0xFFFD3000 [0x3E13000 = 0x00000000 - 000271BC] 0x271C0
## DEBUG - IBB Segment [5] 0xFFFFACC0 [0x3E3ACC0 = 0xFFFFFFFF - 0000543B] 0x5340
--PASS: IBB Set Digest Verification
Checking Digest for TXT Set Type: 00
--No segments to check
Checking Platform Configuration Data Element
Checking BPM signature
## DEBUG (VerifyRsaSignatureIpp) - 0
## Creating RSA PubKey Context - KeyLength: 2048 (exp: 0x00010001)
@@ malloc 011efea0
##-- Setting Modulus and Exponent (0x00010001)
0000: dd d5 d1 ef ba 0b 58 6e
## Creating BigNumber Context - NumBytes: 256
@@ malloc 011ddb38
##-- BigNumInit
##-- Created BigNumber Context @0x 11DDB38 size: 547
##-- pData: 3e3a772
## Creating BigNumber Context - NumBytes: 4
@@ malloc 011e59b8
##-- BigNumInit
##-- Created BigNumber Context @0x 11E59B8 size: 43
##-- pData: 3e3a76e
@@ -- Free 0x011ddb38
@@ -- Free 0x011e59b8
##-- Created RSA PubKey Context @0x 11EFEA0 size: 1386
@@ malloc 011f0418
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0xB
## --SHA256 is 2
@@ -- Free 0x011efea0
@@ -- Free 0x011f0418
--PASS: Manifest RSA Signature Valid
## DEBUG (VerifyRsaSignatureIpp) - End of process
--Verify Bpm - PASS
Start Key Manifest Verification...
## DEBUG (VerifyKeyManifest) -Verify BP Keyhash
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0xB
## --SHA256 is 2
## DEBUG (CreateHash) size=32
0000: 68 83 7d d0 9e 6d b4 ba 7f 08 d3 85 a0 2f 5a 82
0010: 3d b8 ba 7c 03 e4 1a e5 b0 06 af cb c2 2a 16 cf
--PASS: BPM KeyHash Digest Verification
## DEBUG (VerifyKmSignature) - start
KeyManifest Signature Verification...
0000: 5f 5f 4b 45 59 4d 5f 5f 21 00 00 00 44 00 00 00
0010: 00 01 01 01 0c 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0020: 0b 00 20 00 68 83 7d d0 9e 6d b4 ba 7f 08 d3 85
0030: a0 2f 5a 82 3d b8 ba 7c 03 e4 1a e5 b0 06 af cb
0040: c2 2a 16 cf
KM addr: 3e3a1c0, KmSig Addr: 3e3a204
0000: 10 01 00 10 00 0c 01 00 01 00 d9 03 fc 44 eb ad
0010: 15 79 bf b1 a5 45 22 f2 af a8 6e bd b8 62 f5 4b
0020: 59 fe 6b 97 a6 9a f0 74 59 89 e2 35 27 00 74 7e
0030: 8b 10 df ef 15 84 d0 d9 a7 77 e8 af f3 7e de 4a
0040: 2a 1a 18 5f 50 ed 01 b7 4d a4 bd b4 65 a5 74 88
0050: 10 8a 22 f6 b0 c6 e6 a1 ba 64 5e d8 5e 8f fc 91
0060: 37 ef fa 88 66 56 40 1d 9a 60 43 91 dc 0b 6d 8b
0070: 01 28 4a 5b 4d b7 1f fc 0f 79 8e 92 b4 03 0b 02
0080: b8 3b 16 ba d3 a7 f4 70 72 d8 4e e7 c0 0c 52 57
0090: b1 05 74 c7 24 d2 6b c6 b7 5a ba 35 6e 81 0f ca
00a0: 0c 46 cf 8f bb f4 8d fc 5b 3d 85 59 b0 35 7b 30
00b0: c2 10 4e 93 3c 6e cc 66 cc 2d d1 4f 5a 5e ce 73
00c0: 4c 25 78 f1 73 4c e2 25 33 25 18 9c 63 9b 21 58
00d0: 1f c5 6f aa 40 36 58 25 78 a4 a8 6d c5 ca 5f 95
00e0: 11 d2 03 6e 00 fa 74 61 9d 2b 18 16 41 0a 3c cf
00f0: 84 e8 bb b4 a7 76 d3 d9 86 2b 42 68 f3 1e 31 31
0100: 4e ad 28 ec f6 66 53 e5 26 9f c6 fa 39 6d 17 04
0110: bf 5b d3 3e 55 24 0e b1 1f 20 90 60 8d 97 c5 b3
0120: b7 ed dc 9f 46 9f 2f 62 5d 10 e9 80 e8 4c cc 0d
0130: 64 e0 1a b2 11 d6 03 44 24 aa 41 14 07 28 0d e3
0140: a8 a6 e7 27 17 23 65 88 46 ed 9b de 9a c2 37 e2
0150: 2f 4f 14 3d 32 2a e2 0e 2c 41 36 7a d6 9b f1 a4
0160: ea 8d 26 a9 a8 85 f0 56 69 00 65 88 47 ca 3b 7d
0170: 17 f6 7b e9 cb 5a 49 39 8b 41 f0 f6 5b d0 11 30
0180: c8 92 c8 98 51 af c6 4a 76 d8 16 00 10 00 0c 0c
0190: 00 83 48 d7 2c 27 c0 0f 9c ae 14 58 49 74 0b 32
01a0: 10 2b 90 98 13 37 1f 9d f5 79 d3 78 ef 92 cd 1c
01b0: fa 3b 3d 95 db 23 79 9d 87 67 5e 22 0c 99 19 5c
01c0: e3 33 67 41 c7 f8 9b a9 83 ae dd b2 d5 b6 88 c4
01d0: 23 b8 32 fa f6 0f ca b3 8e eb 0d 7f 80 46 6e 6e
01e0: bd d2 e9 33 87 20 fc 6c a6 dc 2c 9b 94 75 33 6c
01f0: 73 b1 4b ff 1e 15 29 2a 0d 91 fb d7 59 95 08 80
0200: 41 23 dc 5f 95 77 8a 8f e1 9c e4 36 a7 fd 90 9e
0210: de
## DEBUG (VerifyRsaSignatureIpp) - 0
## Creating RSA PubKey Context - KeyLength: 3072 (exp: 0x00010001)
@@ malloc 011efea0
##-- Setting Modulus and Exponent (0x00010001)
0000: d9 03 fc 44 eb ad 15 79
## Creating BigNumber Context - NumBytes: 384
@@ malloc 011f0698
##-- BigNumInit
##-- Created BigNumber Context @0x 11F0698 size: 803
##-- pData: 3e3a20e
## Creating BigNumber Context - NumBytes: 4
@@ malloc 011e5f68
##-- BigNumInit
##-- Created BigNumber Context @0x 11E5F68 size: 43
##-- pData: 3e3a20a
@@ -- Free 0x011f0698
@@ -- Free 0x011e5f68
##-- Created RSA PubKey Context @0x 11EFEA0 size: 2026
@@ malloc 011f0698
## DEBUG (GetIppHashAlgID)- Alg: 0xC
## -- SHA384 is 5
@@ -- Free 0x011efea0
@@ -- Free 0x011f0698
--PASS: Manifest RSA Signature Valid
## DEBUG (VerifyRsaSignatureIpp) - End of process
## DEBUG (VerifyKmSignature) - end of proceedure
--Verify Key Manifest - PASS
**** Writing BIOS Image to file (F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\AlderLakeP.fd) ****
## DEBUG (WriteOutputFile) start Filename: F:\ADL-L05-35\Build\L05AlderLakePMultiBoardPkg\RELEASE_DEVTLSxVC16\FV\AlderLakeP.fd, BufAddress: 2e40000, Size 0x1000000
## DEBUG (WriteOutputFile) opened
## DEBUG (WriteOutputFile) written
## DEBUG (WriteOutputFile) end
@@ -- Free (BootPolicyManifest) 0x011eea70
@@ -- Free (KeyManifest) 0x011ee708
@@ -- Free (FileBufferRaw) 0x02e39020
## DEBUG (BpmGenMain) - end (Status: 0)