/* ISC License Copyright (c) 2023, aiden (aiden@cmp.bz) Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ // acmec // a small (and incomplete) acme client written in rust // implements some of https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8555.html // jws uses account key // csrs embed public keys of keypairs generated per certificate; csr representations are placed in a jws payload use std::{env, os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt, str::from_utf8, ops::Deref, thread::sleep, time::Duration, ffi::OsString}; use openssl::{ rsa::Rsa, sign::Signer, hash::MessageDigest, pkey::{PKey, Private}, symm::Cipher, x509::{X509Req, extension::SubjectAlternativeName, X509Builder}, stack::Stack, base64::encode_block as b64e, asn1::Asn1Time, }; use reqwest::{self, header::HeaderValue, blocking::{Client as HttpClient, Response as HttpResponse}}; use {serde, serde_json}; use dropfile::DropFile; mod acme; use acme::*; mod config_file; use config_file::*; mod acmec_context; use acmec_context::AcmecContext; mod lazy_mut; fn stringify_ser(s: T) -> Result { return serde_json::to_string(&(s)).map_err(|_| "failed to stringify"); } fn stringify>(s: T) -> Result { return stringify_ser(s.as_ref()); } fn decode_response(resp: HttpResponse) -> Result { return resp.json().map_err(|_| "failed to decode response"); } fn gen_keypair() -> Result, &'static str> { return Rsa::generate(2048) .and_then(|keypair| PKey::from_rsa(keypair)) .map_err(|_| "failed to generate rsa keypair"); } fn privkey_to_pem(kp: &PKey, passphrase: Option) -> Result, &'static str> { return if let Some(passphrase) = passphrase { kp.private_key_to_pem_pkcs8_passphrase( Cipher::aes_256_cbc(), passphrase.as_os_str().as_bytes() ) } else { kp.private_key_to_pem_pkcs8() }.map_err(|_| "failed to encode private key as pem"); } fn pem_to_keypair(pem: &[u8], passphrase: Option) -> Result, &'static str> { return if let Some(passphrase) = passphrase { PKey::private_key_from_pem_passphrase(pem, passphrase.as_os_str().as_bytes()) } else { PKey::private_key_from_pem(pem) }.map_err(|_| "failed to decode account keypair pem"); } fn b64ue>(u8s: T) -> String { return b64e(u8s.as_ref()).replace("+", "-").replace("/", "_").replace("=", ""); } fn ektyn(kp: &PKey) -> Result { let rsa = kp .rsa() .map_err(|_| "kp.rsa() failed")?; let e = stringify(b64ue(rsa.e().to_vec()))?; let n = stringify(b64ue(rsa.n().to_vec()))?; return Ok(format!(r#"{{"e":{e},"kty":"RSA","n":{n}}}"#)); } fn token_shit(kp: &PKey, token: String) -> Result { /* * aight, so, the rfcs (namely 8555 and 7638) say pretty much the following (paraphrased): * * Thumbprint(...) { * 1. Construct a JSON object containing only the required * members of a JWK representing the key and with no whitespace or * line breaks before or after any syntactic elements and with the * required members ordered lexicographically by the Unicode code * points of the member names. * * 2. Hash the octets of the UTF-8 representation of this JSON object * with a cryptographic hash function H. * } * * keyAuthorization = token || '.' || base64url(Thumbprint(accountKey)) * The "Thumbprint" step uses the SHA-256 digest * * The client then computes the SHA-256 digest of the key authorization. * The record provisioned to the DNS contains the base64url encoding of this digest. * * * the json shit there is such a fuck; why use json for this? * anyway, the shit pretty much boils down to: * b64ue(sha256(format!("{}.{}", token, b64ue(sha256(ektyn(kp)))))) */ use openssl::sha::Sha256; let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(ektyn(kp)?.as_bytes()); let hash = hasher.finish(); let b64u_hash = b64ue(&(hash)); let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(format!("{token}.{b64u_hash}").as_bytes()); let hash = hasher.finish(); return Ok(b64ue(&(hash))); } fn jws(context: &AcmecContext, nonce: HeaderValue, url: &str, payload: &str) -> Result { let keypair = context.keypair(); let key = if let Some(url) = context.key_id() { format!(r#""kid":{}"#, stringify(url.deref())?) } else { format!(r#""jwk":{}"#, ektyn(keypair)?) }; let nonce = stringify( nonce .to_str() .map_err(|_| "invalid Replay-Nonce HeaderValue")? )?; let url = stringify(url)?; let header = b64ue(format!( r#"{{ "alg": "RS256", {key}, "nonce": {nonce}, "url": {url} }}"#, ).as_bytes()); let body = b64ue(payload.as_bytes()); let data_to_sign = format!("{}.{}", header, body); let mut signer = Signer::new(MessageDigest::sha256(), keypair).map_err(|_| "Signer::new(...) failed")?; signer.update(data_to_sign.as_bytes()).map_err(|_| "signer.update(...) failed")?; let signature = stringify( b64ue( signer.sign_to_vec().map_err(|_| "signer.sign_to_vec() failed")? ) )?; let header = stringify(header)?; let body = stringify(body)?; return Ok(format!( r#"{{ "protected": {header}, "payload": {body}, "signature": {signature} }}"#, )); } fn get_nonce(cl: &mut HttpClient) -> Result { let mut resp = cl .head(relevant_directory::NEW_NONCE) .send() .map_err(|_| "get_nonce failed")?; let headers = resp.headers_mut(); let replay_nonce = headers.remove("replay-nonce").ok_or("failed to get Replay-Nonce")?; return Ok(replay_nonce); } fn acme_post, P: AsRef>( context: &mut AcmecContext, url: U, payload: P ) -> Result { let nonce = get_nonce(context.http_client())?; let body = jws( context, nonce, url.as_ref(), payload.as_ref() )?; let resp = context.http_client() .post(url.as_ref()) .body(body) .header("content-type", "application/jose+json") .send() .map_err(|_| "http post request failed")?; return Ok(resp); } const NO_PAYLOAD: &'static str = ""; /* * csr (required, string): A CSR encoding the parameters for the * certificate being requested [RFC2986]. The CSR is sent in the * base64url-encoded version of the DER format. */ fn b64ue_csr(csr: X509Req) -> Result { return Ok(b64ue(csr.to_der().map_err(|_| "failed to serialize X509Req")?)); } fn gen_csr(kp: &PKey, dns_names: &Vec) -> Result { let mut builder = X509Req::builder().map_err(|_| "X509::builder() failed")?; let mut alt_names = SubjectAlternativeName::new(); dns_names.into_iter().for_each(|dns_name| { alt_names.dns(&(dns_name)); }); let alt_names = alt_names.build(&(builder.x509v3_context(None))).map_err(|_| "alt_names.build(...) failed")?; let mut stack = Stack::new().map_err(|_| "Stack::new() failed")?; stack.push(alt_names).map_err(|_| "stack.push(...) failed")?; builder.add_extensions(&(stack)).map_err(|_| "builder.add_extensions(...) failed")?; builder.set_pubkey(&(kp)).map_err(|_| "builder.set_pubkey(...) failed")?; // yes, this really will set the public key builder.sign(&(kp), MessageDigest::sha256()).map_err(|_| "builder.sign(...) failed")?; return Ok(builder.build()); } // account // fn create_account(context: &mut AcmecContext) -> Result { let mut resp = acme_post( context, relevant_directory::NEW_ACCOUNT, r#"{ "termsOfServiceAgreed": true }"# )?; if !resp.status().is_success() { if let Ok(err) = resp.text() { eprintln!("error: {err}"); } return Err("request failed"); } let headers = resp.headers_mut(); let location = headers.remove("location").ok_or("failed to get Location")?; return Ok(location); } fn deactivate_account(context: &mut AcmecContext) -> Result<(), &'static str> { return acme_post( context, context.key_id().unwrap().deref(), r#"{ "status": "deactivated" }"# ).map(|_| ()); } fn main() -> Result<(), &'static str> { let pem_passphrase = env::var_os("ACMEC_PASSPHRASE"); let pkey_passphrase = env::var_os("ACMEC_PKEY_PASSPHRASE"); let mut args_iter = env::args(); args_iter.next().ok_or("expected program path")?; let config_path = args_iter.next().ok_or("expected a config path")?; let action = args_iter.next().ok_or("expected an action")?; match action.as_str() { "create" => { if let None = pem_passphrase { eprintln!("using the ACMEC_PASSPHRASE environment variable is highly recommended."); } if args_iter.next().as_deref() != Some("accept") { eprintln!("use `create accept` to accept the terms of service at {}", relevant_directory::TOS); return Err("terms of service not agreed to"); } let config_file = ConfigFile::open(config_path, true)?; let kp = gen_keypair()?; let pem_kp = privkey_to_pem(&(kp), pem_passphrase)?; let mut context = AcmecContext::new(kp); let header = create_account(&mut(context))?; let kid = header.to_str().map_err(|_| "invalid key id")?.to_owned(); config_file.set_account_details(AccountDetails { pem_kp, kid, }); return Ok(()); }, "delete" => { let config_file = ConfigFile::open(config_path, false)?; let mut context = AcmecContext::with_config_file(&(config_file), pem_passphrase)?; println!("REALLY delete \"{}\"? this cannot be undone! [yes / any other line]", config_file.path().display()); let mut buf = String::new(); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut(buf)).expect("failed to read line from stdin"); if buf != "yes\n" { return Err("aborted; did not delete account"); } deactivate_account(&mut(context))?; config_file.delete()?; } "order" => { let mut config_file = ConfigFile::open(config_path, false)?; let mut context = AcmecContext::with_config_file(&(config_file), pem_passphrase)?; match args_iter.next().as_deref() { Some("place") => { config_file.order_details().as_ref().map_or(Ok(()), |_| Err("there is already an order pending"))?; let mut payload = String::from(r#"{"identifiers":["#); let dns_names: Vec = args_iter.collect(); let mut iter = dns_names.iter(); let mut dns_name = iter.next().ok_or("no dns names were passed")?; loop { payload += &(format!(r#"{{"type":"dns","value":{}}}"#, stringify(dns_name)?)); if let Some(next) = iter.next() { dns_name = &(next); payload.push(','); } else { break; } } payload.push_str("]}"); let mut resp = acme_post( &mut(context), relevant_directory::NEW_ORDER, payload )?; if !resp.status().is_success() { if let Ok(err) = resp.text() { eprintln!("error: {err}"); } return Err("request failed"); } let headers = resp.headers_mut(); let location = headers.remove("location").ok_or("failed to get Location")?; let url = location.to_str().map_err(|_| "invalid header")?.to_string(); let order: AcmeOrder = decode_response(resp)?; let mut challenge_urls = Vec::new(); let mut output_string = String::new(); for auth_url in &(order.authorizations) { let resp = acme_post(&mut(context), auth_url, NO_PAYLOAD)?; let auth: AcmeAuthorization = decode_response(resp)?; let Some(challenge) = auth.challenges.into_iter().find(|challenge| &(challenge.r#type) == "dns-01") else { eprintln!("no dns-01 challenge for {}", auth.identifier.value); // to-do: additional error handling if there are no dns-01 challenges _at all_ (for any dns name)? continue; }; challenge_urls.push(challenge.url); output_string += &(format!("_acme-challenge.{} {}", auth.identifier.value, token_shit(context.keypair(), challenge.token)?)); } config_file.set_order_details(OrderDetails { url, challenges: challenge_urls, finalize: order.finalize.to_string(), dns_names, }); println!("{}", output_string); return Ok(()); }, Some("finalize") => { let borrow = config_file.order_details(); let Some(order) = borrow.as_ref() else { return Err("no order pending"); }; let cert_path = args_iter.next().ok_or("expected path to cert file")?; let pkey_path = args_iter.next().ok_or("expected path to pkey file")?; let mut cert_file = DropFile::open(cert_path, true)?; let mut pkey_file = DropFile::open(pkey_path, true)?; for url in &(order.challenges) { acme_post(&mut(context), &(url), "{}")?; } loop { let resp = acme_post(&mut(context), &(order.url), NO_PAYLOAD)?; let acme_order: AcmeOrder = decode_response(resp)?; match acme_order.status.as_str() { "ready" => break, "pending" => (), status => { eprintln!("order status: {status}"); drop(borrow); config_file.discard_order(); return Err("bad order status"); } } sleep(Duration::from_secs(3)); } let mut pem_borrow = config_file.pkey_pem(); let (cert_kp, pkey_pem) = if let Some(pkey_pem) = pem_borrow.as_ref() { (pem_to_keypair(&(pkey_pem), pkey_passphrase)?, pkey_pem) } else { let cert_kp = gen_keypair()?; drop(pem_borrow); config_file.set_pkey_pem(privkey_to_pem(&(cert_kp), pkey_passphrase)?); pem_borrow = config_file.pkey_pem(); (cert_kp, pem_borrow.as_ref().unwrap()) }; let pkey_pem_view = from_utf8(&(pkey_pem)).expect("invalid utf-8 bytes in pem-encoded private key"); acme_post( &mut(context), &(order.finalize), format!( r#"{{ "csr": {} }}"#, stringify(b64ue_csr(gen_csr(&(cert_kp), &(order.dns_names))?)?)? ) )?; let acme_order = loop { let resp = acme_post(&mut(context), &(order.url), NO_PAYLOAD)?; let order: AcmeOrder = decode_response(resp)?; match order.status.as_str() { "valid" => break order, "processing" => (), status => { eprintln!("order status: {status}"); // safe to discard order i think drop(borrow); drop(pem_borrow); config_file.discard_order(); return Err("bad order status"); } } sleep(Duration::from_secs(3)); }; let cert = acme_post(&mut(context), &(acme_order.certificate.expect("expected response to contain certificate")), NO_PAYLOAD)? .text() .map_err(|_| "failed to read response")?; if let Err(_) = cert_file.write_trunc(cert.as_bytes()) { eprintln!("failed to write certificate to file, printing to stdout instead"); println!("{}", cert); } if let Err(_) = pkey_file.write_trunc(pkey_pem) { eprintln!("failed to write private key to file, printing to stdout instead"); println!("{}", pkey_pem_view); } drop(borrow); drop(pem_borrow); config_file.discard_order(); return Ok(()); }, _ => return Err("valid subactions for order: place, finalize"), } } other => match args_iter.next().as_deref() { Some("test") => { let (cert_path, key_path) = (config_path, other.to_owned()); let kp = gen_keypair()?; let priv_pem = privkey_to_pem(&(kp), pkey_passphrase)?; let mut builder = X509Builder::new().map_err(|_| "X509Builder::new() failed")?; builder.set_pubkey(&(kp)).map_err(|_| "builder.set_pubkey(...) failed")?; let year_from_now = Asn1Time::days_from_now(365).map_err(|_| "Asn1Time::days_from_now(365) failed")?; builder.set_not_before(&(Asn1Time::from_unix(0).unwrap())).unwrap(); builder.set_not_after(&(year_from_now)).unwrap(); let mut alt_names = SubjectAlternativeName::new(); args_iter.for_each(|dns_name| { alt_names.dns(&(dns_name)); }); let alt_names = alt_names.build(&(builder.x509v3_context(None, None))).map_err(|_| "alt_names.build(...) failed")?; builder.append_extension(alt_names).map_err(|_| "builder.append_extension(...) failed")?; builder.sign(&(kp), MessageDigest::sha256()).unwrap(); let cert_pem = builder.build().to_pem().map_err(|_| "failed to encode certificate as pem")?; let mut cert_file = DropFile::open(cert_path, true)?; let mut priv_file = DropFile::open(key_path, true)?; if let Err(_) = cert_file.write_trunc(&(cert_pem)) { eprintln!("failed to write certificate! printing to stdout instead..."); println!("{}", from_utf8(&(cert_pem)).unwrap()); } if let Err(_) = priv_file.write_trunc(&(priv_pem)) { eprintln!("failed to write private key! printing to stdout instead..."); println!("{}", from_utf8(&(priv_pem)).unwrap()); } } _ => return Err("valid actions: create, delete, order") } } return Ok(()); }