# RAP-optimizations This is a research project. It is Alpha version now. Much of the project may be changed, including the algorithms. Thanks for you attention. *living long and prosper* ### PaX's RAP RAP( Return address protection) is the most powerful kernel CFI implementation invented by PaX team and the 1st public version was released in PaX/Grsecurity 4.5. * [RAP: RIP ROP](https://pax.grsecurity.net/docs/PaXTeam-H2HC15-RAP-RIP-ROP.pdf) * [FAQ RAP](https://grsecurity.net/rap_faq.php) * [Close, but No Cigar: On the Effectiveness of Intel's CET Against Code Reuse Attacks](https://grsecurity.net/effectiveness_of_intel_cet_against_code_reuse_attacks.php)