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* This file is part of Codecrypt.
* Codecrypt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* Codecrypt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Codecrypt. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "codecrypt.h"
using namespace ccr;
using namespace ccr::mce_qd;
#include "decoding.h"
#include "qd_utils.h"
#include <set>
int mce_qd::generate (pubkey&pub, privkey&priv, prng&rng,
uint m, uint T, uint block_discard)
priv.fld.create (m);
priv.T = T;
uint t = 1 << T;
gf2m&fld = priv.fld;
std::vector<uint>&essence = priv.essence;
std::vector<uint> support, Hsig;
polynomial g;
uint i, j;
//prepare for data
Hsig.resize (fld.n / 2);
support.resize (fld.n / 2);
essence.resize (m);
//note that q=2^m, algo. n=q/2, log n = m-1
//retry generating until goppa code is produced.
for (;;) {
std::set<uint> used;
//first off, compute the H signature
Hsig[0] = choose_random (fld.n, rng, used);
essence[m - 1] = fld.inv (Hsig[0]);
//essence[m-1] is now used as precomputed 1/h_0
for (uint s = 0; s < m - 1; ++s) {
i = 1 << s; //i = 2^s
Hsig[i] = choose_random (fld.n, rng, used);
essence[s] = fld.add (essence[m - 1], fld.inv (Hsig[i]) );
used.insert (fld.inv (essence[s]) );
for (j = 1; j < i; ++j) {
Hsig[i + j] = fld.inv
(fld.inv (Hsig[i]),
fld.add (
fld.inv (Hsig[j]),
essence[m - 1]
) ) );
used.insert (Hsig[i + j]);
used.insert (fld.inv
(fld.inv (Hsig[i + j]),
essence[m - 1]) ) );
//assemble goppa polynomial.
g.resize (1, 1); //g(x)=1 so we can multiply it
polynomial tmp;
tmp.resize (2, 1); //tmp(x)=x-1
bool consistent = true;
for (i = 0; i < t; ++i) {
tmp[0] = fld.inv (Hsig[i]);
if (used.count (tmp[0]) ) {
consistent = false;
used.insert (tmp[0]);
g.mult (tmp, fld);
if (!consistent) continue; //retry
//compute the support, retry if it has two equal elements.
for (i = 0; i < fld.n / 2; ++i) {
support[i] = fld.add (
fld.inv (Hsig[i]),
essence[m - 1]);
if (used.count (support[i]) ) {
consistent = false;
//as we are having z's in used, this is not necessary.
//TODO verify, then TODO maybe delete.
if (g.eval (support[i], fld) == 0) {
consistent = false;
used.insert (support[i]);
if (!consistent) continue; //retry
//now the blocks.
uint block_size = 1 << T,
h_block_count = (fld.n / 2) / block_size,
block_count = h_block_count - block_discard;
//assemble blocks to bl
std::vector<polynomial> bl, blp;
bl.resize (h_block_count);
for (i = 0; i < h_block_count; ++i) {
bl[i].resize (block_size);
for (j = 0; j < block_size; ++j)
bl[i][j] = Hsig[i * block_size + j];
//permute them
priv.block_perm.generate_random (h_block_count, rng);
priv.block_perm.permute (bl, blp);
//discard blocks
blp.resize (block_count);
//permute individual blocks
priv.block_perms.resize (block_count);
bl.resize (blp.size() );
for (i = 0; i < block_count; ++i) {
priv.block_perms[i] = rng.random (block_size);
permutation::permute_dyadic (priv.block_perms[i],
blp[i], bl[i]);
//try several permutations to construct G
uint attempts = 0;
for (attempts = 0; attempts < block_count; ++attempts) {
priv.hperm.generate_random (block_count, rng);
permutation hpermInv;
priv.hperm.compute_inversion (hpermInv);
std::vector<std::vector<bvector> > hblocks;
bvector col;
//prepare blocks of h
hblocks.resize (block_count);
for (i = 0; i < block_count; ++i)
hblocks[i].resize (fld.m);
//fill them from Hsig
for (i = 0; i < block_count; ++i) {
col.from_poly_cotrace (bl[hpermInv[i]], fld);
for (j = 0; j < fld.m; ++j)
col.get_block (j * block_size,
/* do a modified QD-blockwise gaussian elimination on hblocks.
* If it fails, retry. */
if (!qd_to_right_echelon_form (hblocks) ) continue;
pub.qd_sigs.resize2 (block_count - fld.m,
block_size * fld.m, 0);
for (i = 0; i < block_count - fld.m; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < fld.m; ++j)
(hblocks[i][j], block_size * j);
if (attempts == block_count) //generating G failed, retry all
//finish the pubkey
pub.T = T;
return 0;
int privkey::prepare()
uint s, i, j;
std::vector<uint> Hsig, support;
uint omega;
uint block_size = 1 << T,
block_count = hperm.size();
//compute H signature from essence
Hsig.resize (fld.n / 2);
Hsig[0] = fld.inv (essence[fld.m - 1]);
for (s = 0; s < fld.m - 1; ++s) {
i = 1 << s; //i = 2^s
Hsig[i] = fld.inv (fld.add (essence[s], essence[fld.m - 1]) );
for (j = 1; j < i; ++j)
Hsig[i + j] = fld.inv
(fld.inv (Hsig[i]),
fld.add (
fld.inv (Hsig[j]),
essence[fld.m - 1]
) ) );
//goppa polynomial with omega=0
std::set<uint> used;
polynomial g, tmp;
g.resize (1, 1); //g(x)=1
tmp.resize (2, 1); //tmp(x)=x+1
for (i = 0; i < (1 << T); ++i) {
tmp[0] = fld.inv (Hsig[i]); //tmp(x)=x+1/h_i
if (used.count (tmp[0]) )
return 1;
used.insert (tmp[0]);
g.mult (tmp, fld);
//compute the support with omega=0
support.resize (fld.n / 2);
for (i = 0; i < fld.n / 2; ++i) {
//don't check discarded support
if (block_perm[i / block_size] >= block_count) continue;
support[i] = fld.add
(fld.inv (Hsig[i]),
essence[fld.m - 1]);
//support consistency check
if (used.count (support[i]) )
return 1;
used.insert (support[i]);
//choose omega
omega = fld.n;
for (i = 0; i < fld.n; ++i)
if (!used.count (i) ) {
omega = i;
if (omega == fld.n) return 1;
//modify support to omega-ized version
for (i = 0; i < support.size(); ++i)
support[i] = fld.add (support[i], omega);
//modify g to omega-ized version
g.resize (1, 1); //g(x)=1
tmp.resize (2, 1); //tmp(x)=x+1
for (i = 0; i < (1 << T); ++i) {
tmp[0] = fld.add (fld.inv (Hsig[i]), omega);
g.mult (tmp, fld);
// prepare permuted support, from that prepare permuted check matrix
// (so that it can be applied directly)
uint pos, blk_perm;
std::vector<uint> sbl1, sbl2, permuted_support;
sbl1.resize (block_size);
sbl2.resize (block_size);
permuted_support.resize (block_size * block_count);
//permute support
for (i = 0; i < (fld.n / 2) / block_size; ++i) {
pos = block_perm[i];
if (pos >= block_count) continue; //was discarded
blk_perm = block_perms[pos];
pos = hperm[pos];
//permute i-th block of support
for (j = 0; j < block_size; ++j)
sbl1[j] = support[j + i * block_size];
permutation::permute_dyadic (blk_perm, sbl1, sbl2);
//store support to permuted support
for (j = 0; j < block_size; ++j)
permuted_support[j + pos * block_size] = sbl2[j];
//prepare Hc
Hc.resize (block_size * block_count);
for (i = 0; i < block_size * block_count; ++i) {
Hc[i].resize (block_size * 2);
Hc[i][0] = fld.inv (g.eval (permuted_support[i], fld) );
Hc[i][0] = fld.mult (Hc[i][0], Hc[i][0]);
for (j = 1; j < 2 * block_size; ++j)
Hc[i][j] = fld.mult (permuted_support[i],
Hc[i][j - 1]);
//convert the permuted support to actual lookup
//fld.n in support lookup means that it isn't there (we don't have -1)
support_pos.resize (fld.n, fld.n);
for (i = 0; i < block_size * block_count; ++i)
support_pos[permuted_support[i]] = i;
return 0;
int pubkey::encrypt (const bvector& in, bvector&out, prng&rng)
uint s = cipher_size(),
t = 1 << T;
if (t > s) return 1;
//create error vector
bvector e;
e.resize (s, 0);
for (uint n = t; n > 0;) {
uint p = rng.random (s);
if (!e[p]) {
e[p] = 1;
return encrypt (in, out, e);
int pubkey::encrypt (const bvector & in, bvector & out, const bvector&errors)
uint t = 1 << T;
bvector p, g, r, cksum;
uint i, j, k;
* shortened checksum pair of G is computed blockwise accordingly to
* the t-sized square dyadic blocks.
//some checks
if (!qd_sigs.width() ) return 1;
if (qd_sigs.height() % t) return 1;
if (in.size() != plain_size() ) return 2;
if (errors.size() != cipher_size() ) return 2;
uint blocks = qd_sigs.height() / t;
cksum.resize (qd_sigs.height(), 0);
p.resize (t);
g.resize (t);
r.resize (t);
for (i = 0; i < qd_sigs.size(); ++i) {
//plaintext block
in.get_block (i * t, t, p);
for (j = 0; j < blocks; ++j) {
//checksum block
qd_sigs[i].get_block (j * t, t, g);
//block result
fwht_dyadic_multiply (p, g, r);
cksum.add_offset (r, t * j);
//compute ciphertext
out = in;
out.insert (out.end(), cksum.begin(), cksum.end() );
out.add (errors);
return 0;
int privkey::decrypt (const bvector & in, bvector & out)
bvector tmp_errors;
return decrypt (in, out, tmp_errors);
int privkey::decrypt (const bvector & in, bvector & out, bvector & errors)
if (in.size() != cipher_size() ) return 2;
polynomial synd;
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < cipher_size(); ++i)
if (in[i]) synd.add (Hc[i], fld);
polynomial loc;
//compute_alternant_error_locator (synd, fld, g, loc);
compute_alternant_error_locator (synd, fld, 1 << T, loc);
bvector ev;
if (!evaluate_error_locator_trace (loc, ev, fld) )
return 1; //couldn't decode
//TODO evaluator should return error positions, not bvector. fix it everywhere!
out = in;
out.resize (plain_size() );
errors.resize (cipher_size(), 0);
//flip error positions of out.
for (i = 0; i < ev.size(); ++i) if (ev[i]) {
uint epos = support_pos[fld.inv (i)];
if (epos == fld.n) {
//found unexpected support, die.
return 1;
if (epos >= cipher_size() ) return 1;
errors[epos] = 1;
if (epos < plain_size() )
out[epos] = !out[epos];
return 0;