#!/bin/sh # creates an overlay qemu image using another image as base # also prepares a script to boot the image # depends: qemu # # configure the br0 interface as global bridge: # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Bridge_with_netctl # # /etc/qemu-ifup: # sudo ifconfig $1 promisc up # sudo brctl addif br0 $1 # sleep 2 # # /etc/qemu-ifdown: # sudo brctl delif br0 $1 # # on the console set the vnc password: # change vnc password xxx USAGE() { echo "Usage: $(basename $0) base [n [mem]]" 1>&2 exit 1 } BASE=$(test -n "$1" && echo "$1") N=$(test -n "$2" && echo "$2" || echo 1) MEM=$(test -n "$3" && echo "$3" || echo 128M) test -f "$BASE" || { echo "File $BASE does not exist" 1>&2 && USAGE; } test "$N" -ge 0 && test "$N" -le 99 || { echo "Provide a number in 0--99 for n" 1>&2 && USAGE; } NN=$(printf "%02d" $N) IMAGE=vm${NN}.img INITSH=vm${NN}.sh MACADDR="52:54:ff:12:34:$NN" test -f "$IMAGE" && { echo "File $IMAGE exists" 1>&2 && USAGE; } test -f "$INITSH" && { echo "File $INITSH exists" 1>&2 && USAGE; } MKBOOT() { cat << EOF > $INITSH #!/bin/sh qemu-system-x86_64 \\ -enable-kvm \\ -m $MEM \\ -hda $IMAGE \\ -net nic,macaddr=$MACADDR -net tap \\ -vnc :$N,password -monitor stdio EOF } qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b $BASE $IMAGE MKBOOT chmod +x $INITSH