#!/bin/sh # # Ensure you've loaded the loop module with max_part=15 if test "$2" = ""; then echo "Usage: $0 " exit fi root=$1 img=$2 mnt="/mnt/morpheus" set -e -x dd if=/dev/zero of=$img bs=512M count=4 ( cat << EOF o n p 1 a 1 w EOF ) | fdisk $img lodev=$(losetup -f) losetup "$lodev" "$img" partition="$lodev"p1 mkfs.ext2 -L MORPHEUS $partition mkdir -p "$mnt" mount $partition "$mnt" rmdir "$mnt/lost+found" fakeroot cp -arP "$root"/* "$mnt" extlinux --install "$mnt/boot" dd if=stuff/mbr.bin of=$lodev conv=notrunc bs=440 count=1 sync umount "$mnt" sleep 3 losetup -d $lodev