Quote strings with variables holistically

This commit is contained in:
anordal 2017-07-08 12:31:12 +02:00
parent 2b8058a9d4
commit c991eeafc1
2 changed files with 303 additions and 135 deletions

@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ fn stackmachine(
sett: &Settings,
) -> Result<usize, Error> {
let mut pos :usize = 0;
while pos < buf.len() {
loop {
let horizon :&[u8] = &buf[pos .. buf.len()];
let is_horizon_lengthenable = pos > 0 && !eof;
let whatnow :WhatNow = try!(state.last_mut().unwrap().as_mut().whatnow(
@ -262,11 +262,54 @@ fn stackmachine(
try!(out.write(&horizon[.. whatnow.pre]).map_err(|e| Error::Stdio(e)));
let replaceable = &horizon[whatnow.pre .. whatnow.pre + whatnow.len];
let progress = whatnow.pre + whatnow.len;
let whatnow = match whatnow.tri {
Transition::FlushPopOnEof => {
if eof {
tri: Transition::Pop,
pre: whatnow.pre,
len: whatnow.len,
alt: whatnow.alt,
} else {
tri: Transition::Flush,
pre: whatnow.pre,
len: 0,
alt: None,
_ => whatnow
match whatnow.tri {
Transition::Same => {
Transition::Flush => {
if progress == 0 {
if pos == buf.len() {
Transition::FlushPopOnEof => {
panic!("This case shall be filtered out");
Transition::Replace(newstate) => {
let ix = state.len() - 1;
let color_pre;
let color_final;
if sett.syntax {
color_pre = state[ix].get_color();
color_final = newstate.get_color();
} else {
color_pre = COLOR_NORMAL;
color_final = COLOR_NORMAL;
out, sett, replaceable, whatnow.alt,
color_pre, color_pre, color_final,
).map_err(|e| Error::Stdio(e)));
state[ix] = newstate;
Transition::Push(newstate) => {
let color_final = if sett.syntax {
@ -393,7 +436,9 @@ trait Situation {
enum Transition {
@ -422,13 +467,15 @@ impl Situation for SitCommand {
if horizon[i] == b'#' {
return Ok(WhatNow {
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitComment{})),
return Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitUntilByte{
until: b'\n', color: 0x01282828, end_replace: None
pre: i, len: 1, alt: None
if horizon[i] == b'\'' {
return Ok(WhatNow {
return Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitUntilByte{
until: b'\'', color: 0x00ffff00, end_replace: None
@ -436,17 +483,25 @@ impl Situation for SitCommand {
if horizon[i] == b'\"' {
return Ok(WhatNow {
return Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitStrDq{})),
pre: i, len: 1, alt: None
let common_with_str_dq = try!(common_str_cmd(&horizon, i, is_horizon_lengthenable, true));
match common_with_str_dq {
Some(thing) => {
return Ok(thing);
match common_str_cmd(&horizon, i, is_horizon_lengthenable, true) {
CommonStrCmdResult::None => {},
CommonStrCmdResult::Err(e) => { return Err(e); },
| CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithoutQuotes(consult)=> {
return Ok(consult);
CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(_) => {
return Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitStrPhantom{
cmd_end_trigger: self.end_trigger,
})), pre: i, len: 0, alt: Some(b"\"")
None => {}
let (ate, delimiter) = find_heredoc(&horizon[i ..]);
if i + ate == horizon.len() {
@ -471,21 +526,76 @@ impl Situation for SitCommand {
struct SitStrPhantom {
cmd_end_trigger: u16,
impl Situation for SitStrPhantom {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> ParseResult {
let mouthful = predlen(&is_phantomstringfood, &horizon);
if mouthful == horizon.len() {
if is_horizon_lengthenable {
return Ok(flush(0));
} else if horizon[mouthful] as u16 != self.cmd_end_trigger {
match horizon[mouthful] {
b'\"' => {
return Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Replace(Box::new(SitStrDq{})),
pre: mouthful, len: 1, alt: Some(b"")
b'$' | b'\\' | b'`' => {
match common_str_cmd(&horizon, mouthful, is_horizon_lengthenable, true) {
CommonStrCmdResult::None => {},
CommonStrCmdResult::Err(e) => { return Err(e); },
CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(consult) |
CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(consult) => {
match &consult.tri {
&Transition::Flush | &Transition::FlushPopOnEof => {
return Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::FlushPopOnEof,
pre: 0, len: 0, alt: Some(b"\"")
&Transition::Pop | &Transition::Replace(_) => {}
&Transition::Push(_) => {
return Ok(consult);
CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithoutQuotes(_) => {},
_ => {}
// Dutifully end the string.
return Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Pop, pre: 0, len: 0, alt: Some(b"\"")
fn get_color(&self) -> u32{
struct SitStrDq {}
impl Situation for SitStrDq {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> ParseResult {
for i in 0 .. horizon.len() {
if horizon[i] == b'\"' {
return Ok(WhatNow{tri: Transition::Pop, pre: i, len: 1, alt: None});
let common_with_cmd = try!(common_str_cmd(&horizon, i, is_horizon_lengthenable, false));
match common_with_cmd {
Some(thing) => {
return Ok(thing);
match common_str_cmd(&horizon, i, is_horizon_lengthenable, false) {
CommonStrCmdResult::None => {},
CommonStrCmdResult::Err(e) => { return Err(e); },
CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(x) => { return Ok(x); },
CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(x) => { return Ok(x); },
CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithoutQuotes(_) => {
panic!("Unreachability assertion failed");
None => {}
@ -496,100 +606,104 @@ impl Situation for SitStrDq {
fn flush(i: usize) -> WhatNow {
WhatNow{tri: Transition::Same, pre: i, len: 0, alt: None}
WhatNow{tri: Transition::Flush, pre: i, len: 0, alt: None}
enum CommonStrCmdResult {
fn common_str_cmd(
horizon: &[u8],
i: usize,
is_horizon_lengthenable: bool,
need_quotes: bool
) -> Result<Option<WhatNow>, UnsupportedSyntax> {
ctx_cmd: bool,
) -> CommonStrCmdResult {
if horizon[i] == b'`' {
let cmd = Box::new(SitCommand{
end_trigger: b'`' as u16,
end_replace: if_needed(need_quotes, b")\"")
end_replace: Some(b")")
return CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(cmd), pre: i, len: 1, alt: Some(b"$(")
return Ok(Some(WhatNow {
tri: Transition::Push(cmd),
pre: i, len: 1, alt: if_needed(need_quotes, b"\"$(")
if horizon[i] == b'\\' {
let esc = Box::new(SitExtent{len: 1, color: 0x01ff0080, end_insert: None});
return Ok(Some(WhatNow{
return CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(esc), pre: i, len: 1, alt: None
if horizon[i] == b'$' {
if i+1 < horizon.len() {
let c = horizon[i+1];
if c == b'\'' {
if need_quotes {
return Ok(Some(WhatNow {
if ctx_cmd {
return CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithoutQuotes(WhatNow {
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitStrSqEsc{})),
pre: i, len: 2, alt: None
} else if c == b'(' {
let cmd_end = identifierlen(&horizon[i+2 ..]);
if i+2+cmd_end+1 >= horizon.len() {
let cand: &[u8] = &horizon[i+2 ..];
let (idlen, pos_hazard) = pos_tailhazard(cand, b')');
if pos_hazard == cand.len() {
if is_horizon_lengthenable {
return Ok(Some(flush(i+1)));
return CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(flush(i));
} else if horizon[i+2+cmd_end] == b')' && horizon[i+2 .. i+2+cmd_end].eq(b"pwd") {
let replacement: &'static [u8] = if need_quotes {
} else if idlen == 3 && pos_hazard >= 4 && cand[.. 3].eq(b"pwd") {
let tailhazard = is_identifiertail(cand[pos_hazard]);
let replacement: &'static [u8] = if tailhazard {
} else {
let tailhazard = is_identifiertail(horizon[i+2+cmd_end+1]);
if tailhazard {
} else {
let sit = Box::new(SitExtent{
len: 0,
color: 0x000000ff,
end_insert: None,
return Ok(Some(WhatNow {
return CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(sit),
pre: i, len: 6,
alt: Some(replacement)
let cmd = Box::new(SitCommand{
end_trigger: b')' as u16,
end_replace: if_needed(need_quotes, b")\"")
end_replace: None
return Ok(Some(WhatNow {
return CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(cmd),
pre: i, len: 2, alt: if_needed(need_quotes, b"\"$(")
pre: i, len: 2, alt: None
} else if c == b'#' || c == b'?' {
let ext = Box::new(SitExtent{
len: 0,
len: 2,
color: 0x000000ff,
end_insert: None
return Ok(Some(WhatNow {
return CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(ext),
pre: i, len: 2, alt: None
pre: i, len: 0, alt: None
} else if c == b'*' {
let ext = Box::new(SitExtent{
len: 0,
color: 0x000000ff,
end_insert: None
return Ok(Some(WhatNow {
return CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(ext),
pre: i, len: 2, alt: if need_quotes { Some(b"\"$@\"") } else { Some(b"$@") }
pre: i, len: 2, alt: Some(b"$@")
} else if predlen(&|c|{c >= b'0' && c <= b'9'}, &horizon[i+1 ..]) > 1 {
return Err(UnsupportedSyntax {
return CommonStrCmdResult::Err(UnsupportedSyntax {
typ: "Unsuported syntax: Syntactic pitfall",
ctx: horizon.to_owned(),
pos: i+2,
@ -612,96 +726,71 @@ fn common_str_cmd(
let ext = Box::new(SitExtent{
len: 2,
color: 0x000000ff,
end_insert: if_needed(need_quotes, b"\"")
end_insert: None
return Ok(Some(WhatNow {
return CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(ext),
pre: i, len: 0, alt: if_needed(need_quotes, b"\"")
} else if is_identifierhead(c) {
let boks = Box::new(SitVarIdent{
end_replace: if_needed(need_quotes, b"\"")
pre: i, len: 0, alt: None
} else if is_identifierhead(c) {
let tailhazard;
if ctx_cmd {
let cand: &[u8] = &horizon[i+1 ..];
let (_, pos_hazard) = pos_tailhazard(cand, b'\"');
if pos_hazard == cand.len() {
if is_horizon_lengthenable {
return CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(flush(i));
tailhazard = true;
} else {
tailhazard = is_identifiertail(cand[pos_hazard]);
} else {
tailhazard = false;
return CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitVarIdent{
end_insert: if_needed(tailhazard, b"}")
})), pre: i, len: 1, alt: if_needed(tailhazard, b"${")
return Ok(Some(WhatNow {
tri: Transition::Push(boks),
pre: i, len: 1, alt: if_needed(need_quotes, b"\"$")
} else if c == b'{' {
let cand :&[u8] = &horizon[i+2 ..];
let idlen = identifierlen(cand);
let cand: &[u8] = &horizon[i+2 ..];
let (idlen, pos_hazard) = pos_tailhazard(cand, b'}');
let mut rm_braces = false;
let mut is_number = false;
if idlen == cand.len() {
if pos_hazard == cand.len() {
if is_horizon_lengthenable {
return Ok(Some(flush(i)));
} else if cand[idlen] == b'}' {
if idlen+1 == cand.len() {
if is_horizon_lengthenable {
return Ok(Some(flush(i)));
} else {
rm_braces = !is_identifiertail(cand[idlen+1]);
return CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(flush(i));
} else if idlen < pos_hazard {
rm_braces = !is_identifiertail(cand[pos_hazard]);
} else if idlen == 0 && (cand[0] == b'#' || cand[0] == b'?') {
is_number = true;
let replace_begin :Option<&'static [u8]>;
let replace_end :Option<&'static [u8]>;
match (need_quotes && !is_number, rm_braces) {
(true, true) => {
replace_begin = Some(b"\"$");
replace_end = Some(b"\"");
(true, false) => {
replace_begin = Some(b"\"${");
replace_end = Some(b"}\"");
(false, true) => {
replace_begin = Some(b"$");
replace_end = Some(b"");
(false, false) => {
replace_begin = None;
replace_end = None;
let until = Box::new(SitUntilByte{
until: b'}', color: 0x000000ff, end_replace: replace_end
return Ok(Some(WhatNow {
tri: Transition::Push(until),
pre: i, len: 2, alt: replace_begin
let wn = WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitUntilByte{
until: b'}', color: 0x000000ff, end_replace: if_needed(rm_braces, b"")
})), pre: i, len: 2, alt: if_needed(rm_braces, b"$")
return if is_number {
} else {
return Ok(Some(flush(i+1)));
return CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(flush(i+1));
if is_horizon_lengthenable {
return CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(flush(i));
return Ok(Some(flush(i)));
fn if_needed<T>(needed: bool, val: T) -> Option<T> {
return if needed { Some(val) } else { None };
struct SitComment {}
impl Situation for SitComment {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> ParseResult {
for i in 0 .. horizon.len() {
if horizon[i] == b'\n' {
return Ok(WhatNow{tri: Transition::Pop, pre: 0, len: i, alt: None});
fn get_color(&self) -> u32{
struct SitExtent{
len : usize,
color: u32,
@ -731,12 +820,18 @@ struct SitUntilByte {
impl Situation for SitUntilByte {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> ParseResult {
for i in 0 .. horizon.len() {
if horizon[i] == self.until {
return Ok(WhatNow{tri: Transition::Pop, pre: i, len: 1, alt: self.end_replace});
let len = predlen(&|x| x != self.until, &horizon);
return Ok(if len < horizon.len() {
WhatNow{tri: Transition::Pop, pre: len, len: 1, alt: self.end_replace}
} else {
tri: if is_controlcharacter(self.until) {
} else {
}, pre: len, len: 0, alt: None
fn get_color(&self) -> u32{
@ -765,7 +860,7 @@ impl Situation for SitStrSqEsc {
struct SitVarIdent {
end_replace :Option<&'static [u8]>,
end_insert: Option<&'static [u8]>,
impl Situation for SitVarIdent {
@ -773,9 +868,12 @@ impl Situation for SitVarIdent {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> ParseResult {
let len = predlen(&is_identifiertail, &horizon);
if len < horizon.len() {
return Ok(WhatNow{tri: Transition::Pop, pre: len, len: 0, alt: self.end_replace});
return Ok(WhatNow{tri: Transition::Pop, pre: len, len: 0, alt: self.end_insert});
tri: Transition::FlushPopOnEof,
pre: horizon.len(), len: 0, alt: self.end_insert
fn get_color(&self) -> u32{
@ -805,6 +903,20 @@ impl Situation for SitHeredoc {
fn pos_tailhazard(horizon: &[u8], end: u8) -> (usize, usize) {
let idlen = identifierlen(&horizon);
let mut pos = idlen;
if idlen < horizon.len() {
if horizon[pos] == end {
pos += 1;
if pos < horizon.len() {
pos += predlen(&|x| x == b'\"', &horizon[pos ..]);
return (idlen, pos);
fn identifierlen(horizon: &[u8]) -> usize {
return if horizon.len() > 0 && is_identifierhead(horizon[0]) {
1 + predlen(&is_identifiertail, &horizon[1 ..])
@ -846,6 +958,12 @@ fn is_controlcharacter(c: u8) -> bool {
return c <= b' ';
fn is_phantomstringfood(c: u8) -> bool {
c >= b'+'
&& c != b';' && c != b'<' && c != b'>'
&& c != b'\\' && c != b'`' && c != b'|'
fn find_heredoc(horizon: &[u8]) -> (usize, Vec<u8>) {
let mut ate = predlen(&|x| x == b'<', &horizon);
let mut found = Vec::<u8>::new();

test/phantomstring.bash Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
echo $a $b
echo $a$b
echo $a/blædi/" "
echo $a/blædi/$b
echo $a/blædi/$(
# Identifiertailhazard
echo $a"/"
echo $a":"
echo $a"."
echo $a"…"
echo $a"a"
echo $a"z"
echo $a"A"
echo $a"Z"
echo $a"_"
echo ${a}"/"
echo ${a}":"
echo ${a}"."
echo ${a}"…"
echo ${a}"a"
echo ${a}"z"
echo ${a}"A"
echo ${a}"Z"
echo ${a}"_"
echo $(a)"/"
echo $(a)":"
echo $(a)"."
echo $(a)"…"
echo $(a)"a"
echo $(a)"z"
echo $(a)"A"
echo $(a)"Z"
echo $(a)"_"
# $(pwd) → $PWD
echo $(pwd)"/"
echo $(pwd)":"
echo $(pwd)"."
echo $(pwd)"…"
echo $(pwd)"a"
echo $(pwd)"z"
echo $(pwd)"A"
echo $(pwd)"Z"
echo $(pwd)"_"
echo $a`";"`
echo $a;";"
echo $a|";"
echo $a>"/dev/null"
echo $a<"/dev/null"