How to do things safely: Change hashbang recommendation

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Andreas Nordal 2018-05-13 10:28:15 +02:00
parent eb8ec5f411
commit f678f211e1

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ How to begin a bash script
Something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if test "$BASH" = "" || "$BASH" -uc 'a=();true "${a[@]}"' 2>/dev/null; then
# Bash 4.4, Zsh
set -euo pipefail
@ -102,7 +102,9 @@ Something like this:
This includes:
* The hashbang: Note: No language flavor options like `-euo pipefail` here! The hashbang is not the right place for options that influence the meaning of the script, because it can be overridden, which would make it possible to run your script the wrong way. However, options that don't influence the meaning of the script, such as `set -x` is just a bonus to make overridable (if used).
* The hashbang:
* Portability consideration: The absolute path to `env` is likely more portable than the absolute path to `bash`. Case in point: [NixOS]( POSIX mandates `/bin/sh` and [the existence of `env`](, but bash is not a posix thing. If you want to be 100% covered by posix, give up wrap it in a posix script instead.
* Safety consideration: No language flavor options like `-euo pipefail` here! It is not actually possible when using the `env` redirection, but even if your hashbang begins with `#!/bin/bash`, it is not the right place for options that influence the meaning of the script, because it can be overridden, which would make it possible to run your script the wrong way. However, options that don't influence the meaning of the script, such as `set -x` would be a bonus to make overridable (if used).
* What we need from [Bash's unofficial strict mode](, with `set -u` behind a feature check. We don't need all of Bash's strict mode because being shellcheck/shellharden compliant means quoting everything, which is a level beyond strict mode. Furthermore, `set -u` **must not be used** in Bash 4.3 and earlier. Because that option, in those versions, [treats empty arrays as unset](, which makes arrays unusable for the purposes described herein. With arrays being the second most imporant advice in this guide (after quoting), and the sole reason we're sacrificing POSIX compatibility, that's of course unacceptable: If using `set -u` at all, use Bash 4.4 or another sane shell like Zsh. This is easier said than done if there is a possibility that someone might run your script with an obsolete version of Bash. Fortunately, what works with `set -u` will also work without (unlike `set -e`). Thus why putting it behind a feature check is sane at all. Beware of the presupposition that testing and development happens with a Bash 4.4 compatible shell (so the `set -u` aspect of the script gets tested). If this concerns you, your other options are to give up compatibility (by failing if the feature check fails) or to give up `set -u`.
* `shopt -s nullglob` is what makes `for f in *.txt` work correctly when `*.txt` matches zero files. The default behavior (aka. *passglob*) pass the pattern as-is if it happens to match nothing is dangerous for several reasons. As for *globstar*, that enables recursive globbing. Globbing is easier to use correctly than `find`. So use it.