2020-02-23 21:38:38 +01:00

209 lines
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* Copyright 2016 - 2019 Andreas Nordal
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
use crate::situation::Situation;
use crate::situation::Transition;
use crate::situation::WhatNow;
use crate::situation::flush;
use crate::situation::flush_or_pop;
use crate::situation::COLOR_NORMAL;
use crate::situation::COLOR_CMD;
use crate::situation::COLOR_MAGIC;
use crate::microparsers::is_whitespace;
use crate::commonargcmd::keyword_or_command;
use crate::commonargcmd::common_arg_cmd;
use crate::commonargcmd::find_lvalue;
use crate::commonargcmd::Tri;
use crate::sitrvalue::SitRvalue;
pub struct SitNormal {
pub end_trigger :u16,
pub end_replace :Option<&'static [u8]>,
impl Situation for SitNormal {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> WhatNow {
for (i, &a) in horizon.iter().enumerate() {
if is_whitespace(a) || a == b';' || a == b'|' || a == b'&' || a == b'<' || a == b'>' {
if u16::from(a) == self.end_trigger {
return WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Pop, pre: i, len: 1,
alt: self.end_replace
return keyword_or_command(
self.end_trigger, &horizon, i, is_horizon_lengthenable
fn get_color(&self) -> u32 {
pub struct SitCmd {
pub end_trigger :u16,
impl Situation for SitCmd {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> WhatNow {
for (i, &a) in horizon.iter().enumerate() {
if a == b' ' || a == b'\t' {
return WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Replace(Box::new(SitArg{end_trigger: self.end_trigger})),
pre: i, len: 1, alt: None
if a == b'(' {
return WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Pop, pre: i, len: 0, alt: None
if let Some(res) = common_arg_cmd(self.end_trigger, horizon, i, is_horizon_lengthenable) {
return res;
fn get_color(&self) -> u32 {
struct SitArg {
end_trigger :u16,
impl Situation for SitArg {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> WhatNow {
for (i, _) in horizon.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(res) = common_arg_cmd(self.end_trigger, horizon, i, is_horizon_lengthenable) {
return res;
fn get_color(&self) -> u32 {
pub struct SitDeclare {
pub end_trigger :u16,
impl Situation for SitDeclare {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> WhatNow {
for (i, _) in horizon.iter().enumerate() {
let (found, len) = find_lvalue(&horizon[i..]);
if found == Tri::Maybe && (i > 0 || is_horizon_lengthenable) {
return flush(i);
if found == Tri::Yes {
return WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitRvalue{end_trigger: self.end_trigger})),
pre: i + len, len: 0, alt: None
if let Some(res) = common_arg_cmd(self.end_trigger, horizon, i, is_horizon_lengthenable) {
return res;
fn get_color(&self) -> u32 {
use crate::testhelpers::*;
use crate::sitextent::SitExtent;
use crate::sitvec::SitVec;
use crate::situation::COLOR_KWD;
use crate::situation::COLOR_HERE;
fn mk_assignment(pre: usize) -> WhatNow {
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitRvalue{end_trigger: 0})),
pre, len: 0, alt: None
fn mk_cmd(pre: usize) -> WhatNow {
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitCmd{end_trigger: 0})),
pre, len: 0, alt: None
fn mk_kwd(pre: usize) -> WhatNow {
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitExtent{
len: 0,
color: COLOR_KWD,
end_insert: None
})), pre, len: 0, alt: None
fn test_sit_normal() {
let subj = || {
SitNormal{end_trigger: 0, end_replace: None}
sit_expect!(subj(), b"esa", &flush(0), &mk_cmd(0));
sit_expect!(subj(), b"esa=", &mk_assignment(4));
sit_expect!(subj(), b"esac", &flush(0), &mk_kwd(0));
sit_expect!(subj(), b"esac=", &mk_assignment(5));
sit_expect!(subj(), b"esack", &flush(0), &mk_cmd(0));
sit_expect!(subj(), b"esack=", &mk_assignment(6));
sit_expect!(subj(), b";esa", &flush(1));
sit_expect!(subj(), b";esa=", &mk_assignment(5));
sit_expect!(subj(), b";esac", &flush(1));
sit_expect!(subj(), b";esac=", &mk_assignment(6));
sit_expect!(subj(), b";esack", &flush(1));
sit_expect!(subj(), b";esack=", &mk_assignment(7));
fn test_sit_arg() {
let found_heredoc = WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(
SitVec{terminator: vec![b'\\'], color: COLOR_HERE}
pre: 0, len: 8, alt: None
let subj = || {
SitArg{end_trigger: 0}
sit_expect!(subj(), b"", &flush_or_pop(0));
sit_expect!(subj(), b" ", &flush_or_pop(1));
sit_expect!(subj(), b"arg", &flush_or_pop(3));
sit_expect!(subj(), b"<<- \"\\\\\"\n", &found_heredoc);
sit_expect!(subj(), b"a <<- \"\\\\\"", &flush(2));
sit_expect!(subj(), b"a <<- \"\\", &flush(2));
sit_expect!(subj(), b"a <<- ", &flush(2));
sit_expect!(subj(), b"a <", &flush(2));
sit_expect!(subj(), b"a ", &flush_or_pop(2));