2018-03-31 16:23:07 +02:00

1037 lines
26 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::process;
macro_rules! println_stderr(
($($arg:tt)*) => (
if let Err(e) = writeln!(&mut io::stderr(), $($arg)* ) {
panic!("Unable to write to stderr: {}", e);
fn write_bytes_or_panic<L: Write>(locked_io: &mut L, bytes: &[u8]) {
if let Err(e) = locked_io.write_all(bytes) {
panic!("Unable to write to stderr: {}", e);
fn blame_path(path: std::ffi::OsString, blame: &str) {
let printable = path.to_string_lossy();
println_stderr!("{}: {}", printable, blame);
fn blame_path_io(path: std::ffi::OsString, e: &std::io::Error) {
let printable = path.to_string_lossy();
println_stderr!("{}: {}", printable, e);
fn main() {
let mut args: std::env::ArgsOs = env::args_os();;
let mut sett = Settings {
osel: OutputSelector::DIFF,
syntax: true,
let mut exit_code: i32 = 0;
loop {
let arg = match {
Some(arg) => arg,
None => { break; }
let nonopt = match arg.into_string() {
Ok(comparable) => {
match comparable.as_ref() {
"--suggest" => {
"--syntax" => {
"--syntax-suggest" => {
"--besserwisser" => {
"--help" => {
"Naziquote: A bash syntax highlighter that encourages\n\
(and can fix) proper quoting of variales.\n\
naziquote filename.bash\n\
cat filename.bash | naziquote ''\n\
--suggest Output a colored diff suggesting changes.\n\
--syntax Output syntax highlighting with ANSI colors.\n\
--syntax-suggest Diff with syntax highlighting (default mode).\n\
--besserwisser Output suggested changes.\n\
_ => Some(std::ffi::OsString::from(comparable))
Err(same) => Some(same)
if let Some(path) = nonopt {
if let Err(e) = treatfile(&path, &sett) {
perror_error(path, &e);
exit_code = 1;
enum OutputSelector {
struct Settings {
osel :OutputSelector,
syntax :bool,
struct UnsupportedSyntax {
ctx: Vec<u8>,
pos: usize,
typ: &'static str,
msg: &'static str,
enum Error {
type ParseResult = Result<WhatNow, UnsupportedSyntax>;
fn perror_error(path: std::ffi::OsString, e: &Error) {
match e {
&Error::Stdio(ref fail) => { blame_path_io(path, &fail); },
&Error::Syntax(ref fail) => {
blame_path(path, fail.typ);
fn blame_syntax(fail: &UnsupportedSyntax) {
if fail.pos < fail.ctx.len() {
let mut i = fail.pos;
while i > 0 {
i -= 1;
if fail.ctx[i] == b'\n' {
let failing_line_begin = if fail.ctx[i] == b'\n' { i + 1 } else { 0 };
let mut i = fail.pos;
while i < fail.ctx.len() && fail.ctx[i] != b'\n' {
i += 1;
let failing_line_end = i;
// FIXME: This counts codepoints, not displayed width.
let mut width = 0;
for c in &fail.ctx[failing_line_begin .. fail.pos] {
if c >> b'\x06' != b'\x02' {
width += 1;
let width = width;
let stderr = io::stderr();
let mut stderr_lock = stderr.lock();
write_bytes_or_panic(&mut stderr_lock, &fail.ctx[.. failing_line_end]);
write_bytes_or_panic(&mut stderr_lock, b"\n");
for _ in 0 .. width {
write_bytes_or_panic(&mut stderr_lock, b" ");
write_bytes_or_panic(&mut stderr_lock, b"^\n");
println_stderr!("{}", fail.msg);
enum FileOrStdinInput<'a> {
trait OpenAndRead {
fn open_file(path: &std::ffi::OsString) -> Result<FileOrStdinInput, std::io::Error>;
fn open_stdin(stdin: &std::io::Stdin) -> FileOrStdinInput;
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, std::io::Error>;
impl<'a> OpenAndRead for FileOrStdinInput<'a> {
fn open_file(path: &std::ffi::OsString) -> Result<FileOrStdinInput, std::io::Error> {
fn open_stdin(stdin: &std::io::Stdin) -> FileOrStdinInput {
fn read(&mut self, mut buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, std::io::Error> {
match self {
&mut FileOrStdinInput::Stdin(ref mut fh) => buf),
&mut FileOrStdinInput::File (ref mut fh) => buf),
fn treatfile(path: &std::ffi::OsString, sett: &Settings) -> Result<(), Error> {
const BUFSIZE :usize = 128;
let mut fill :usize = 0;
let mut buf = [0; BUFSIZE];
let mut state :Vec<Box<Situation>> = vec!{Box::new(SitCommand{
end_trigger: 0x100,
end_replace: None
let stdin = io::stdin();
let mut fh: FileOrStdinInput = if path.is_empty() {
} else {
try!(FileOrStdinInput::open_file(path).map_err(|e| Error::Stdio(e)))
let stdout = io::stdout();
let mut out = stdout.lock();
loop {
let bytes = try!( buf[fill ..]).map_err(|e| Error::Stdio(e)));
fill += bytes;
let eof = bytes == 0;
let consumed = try!(stackmachine(&mut state, &mut out, &buf[0 .. fill], eof, &sett));
let remain = fill - consumed;
if eof {
assert!(remain == 0);
for i in 0 .. remain {
buf[i] = buf[consumed + i];
fill = remain;
if state.len() == 1 {
} else {
typ: "Unexpected end of file",
ctx: buf[0 .. fill].to_owned(),
pos: fill,
msg: "The file's end was reached without closing all sytactic scopes.\n\
Either, the parser got lost, or the file is truncated or malformed.",
fn stackmachine(
state: &mut Vec<Box<Situation>>,
out: &mut std::io::StdoutLock,
buf: &[u8],
eof: bool,
sett: &Settings,
) -> Result<usize, Error> {
let mut pos :usize = 0;
loop {
let horizon :&[u8] = &buf[pos .. buf.len()];
let is_horizon_lengthenable = pos > 0 && !eof;
let whatnow :WhatNow = try!(state.last_mut().unwrap().as_mut().whatnow(
&horizon, is_horizon_lengthenable
).map_err(|e| Error::Syntax(e)));
try!(out.write(&horizon[.. whatnow.pre]).map_err(|e| Error::Stdio(e)));
let replaceable = &horizon[whatnow.pre .. whatnow.pre + whatnow.len];
let progress = whatnow.pre + whatnow.len;
let whatnow = match whatnow.tri {
Transition::FlushPopOnEof => {
if eof {
tri: Transition::Pop,
pre: whatnow.pre,
len: whatnow.len,
alt: whatnow.alt,
} else {
tri: Transition::Flush,
pre: whatnow.pre,
len: 0,
alt: None,
_ => whatnow
match whatnow.tri {
Transition::Flush => {
if progress == 0 {
if pos == buf.len() {
Transition::FlushPopOnEof => {
panic!("This case shall be filtered out");
Transition::Replace(newstate) => {
let ix = state.len() - 1;
let color_pre;
let color_final;
if sett.syntax {
color_pre = state[ix].get_color();
color_final = newstate.get_color();
} else {
color_pre = COLOR_NORMAL;
color_final = COLOR_NORMAL;
out, sett, replaceable, whatnow.alt,
color_pre, color_pre, color_final,
).map_err(|e| Error::Stdio(e)));
state[ix] = newstate;
Transition::Push(newstate) => {
let color_final = if sett.syntax {
} else {
out, sett, replaceable, whatnow.alt,
COLOR_NORMAL, color_final, color_final,
).map_err(|e| Error::Stdio(e)));
Transition::Pop => {
let color_pre;
let color_final;
if sett.syntax {
color_pre = state[state.len() - 1].get_color();
color_final = state[state.len() - 2].get_color();
} else {
color_pre = COLOR_NORMAL;
color_final = COLOR_NORMAL;
out, sett, replaceable, whatnow.alt,
color_pre, color_pre, color_final,
).map_err(|e| Error::Stdio(e)));
pos += progress;
const COLOR_NORMAL: u32 = 0xff000000;
fn write_transition(
out: &mut std::io::StdoutLock,
sett: &Settings,
replaceable: &[u8],
alternative: Option<&[u8]>,
color_pre: u32,
color_transition: u32,
color_final: u32,
) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let mut color_cur = color_pre;
try!(match (alternative, sett.osel) {
(Some(replacement), OutputSelector::DIFF) => {
write_diff(out, &mut color_cur, color_transition, replaceable, &replacement)
(Some(replacement), OutputSelector::BESSERWISSER) => {
write_colored_slice(out, &mut color_cur, color_transition, replacement)
(_, _) => {
write_colored_slice(out, &mut color_cur, color_transition, replaceable)
if color_cur != color_final {
try!(write_color(out, color_final));
// Edit distance without replacement; greedy, but that suffices.
fn write_diff(
out: &mut std::io::StdoutLock,
mut color_cur: &mut u32,
color_neutral: u32,
replaceable: &[u8],
replacement: &[u8],
) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let color_a = 0x02800000;
let color_b = 0x02008000;
let remain_a = replaceable;
let mut remain_b = replacement;
for i in 0 .. remain_a.len() {
let color_next;
let a: u8 = remain_a[i];
if let Some(pivot_b) = remain_b.iter().position(|&b| b == a) {
color_next = color_neutral;
try!(write_colored_slice(out, &mut color_cur, color_b, &remain_b[0 .. pivot_b]));
remain_b = &remain_b[pivot_b+1 ..];
} else {
color_next = color_a;
try!(write_colored_slice(out, &mut color_cur, color_next, &remain_a[i .. i+1]));
write_colored_slice(out, &mut color_cur, color_b, &remain_b)
fn write_colored_slice(
out: &mut std::io::StdoutLock,
color_cur: &mut u32,
color: u32,
slice: &[u8],
) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
if slice.len() > 0 && *color_cur != color {
try!(write_color(out, color));
*color_cur = color;
fn write_color(out :&mut std::io::StdoutLock, code :u32) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
if code == COLOR_NORMAL {
write!(out, "\x1b[m")
} else {
let b = code & 0xff;
let g = (code >> 8) & 0xff;
let r = (code >> 16) & 0xff;
let bold = (code >> 24) & 0x1;
let bg = (code >> 25) & 0x7f;
write!(out, "\x1b[{};{}8;2;{};{};{}m", bold, bg+3, r, g, b)
trait Situation {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> ParseResult;
fn get_color(&self) -> u32;
enum Transition {
struct WhatNow {
tri :Transition,
pre :usize,
len :usize,
alt :Option<&'static [u8]>,
struct SitCommand {
end_trigger :u16,
end_replace :Option<&'static [u8]>,
impl Situation for SitCommand {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> ParseResult {
for i in 0 .. horizon.len() {
if horizon[i] as u16 == self.end_trigger {
return Ok(WhatNow {
tri: Transition::Pop, pre: i, len: 1,
alt: self.end_replace
if horizon[i] == b'#' {
return Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitUntilByte{
until: b'\n', color: 0x01282828, end_replace: None
pre: i, len: 1, alt: None
if horizon[i] == b'\'' {
return Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitUntilByte{
until: b'\'', color: 0x00ffff00, end_replace: None
pre: i, len: 1, alt: None
if horizon[i] == b'\"' {
return Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitStrDq{})),
pre: i, len: 1, alt: None
match common_str_cmd(&horizon, i, is_horizon_lengthenable, true) {
CommonStrCmdResult::None => {},
CommonStrCmdResult::Err(e) => { return Err(e); },
| CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithoutQuotes(consult)=> {
return Ok(consult);
CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(_) => {
return Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitStrPhantom{
cmd_end_trigger: self.end_trigger,
})), pre: i, len: 0, alt: Some(b"\"")
let (ate, delimiter) = find_heredoc(&horizon[i ..]);
if i + ate == horizon.len() {
if is_horizon_lengthenable {
return Ok(flush(i));
} else if delimiter.len() > 0 {
return Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(
SitVec{terminator: delimiter, color: 0x0077ff00}
pre: i, len: ate, alt: None
} else if ate > 0 {
return Ok(flush(i + ate));
fn get_color(&self) -> u32 {
struct SitStrPhantom {
cmd_end_trigger: u16,
impl Situation for SitStrPhantom {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> ParseResult {
let mouthful = predlen(&is_phantomstringfood, &horizon);
if mouthful == horizon.len() {
if is_horizon_lengthenable {
return Ok(flush(0));
} else if horizon[mouthful] as u16 != self.cmd_end_trigger {
match horizon[mouthful] {
b'\"' => {
return Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Replace(Box::new(SitStrDq{})),
pre: mouthful, len: 1, alt: Some(b"")
b'$' | b'\\' | b'`' => {
match common_str_cmd(&horizon, mouthful, is_horizon_lengthenable, true) {
CommonStrCmdResult::None => {},
CommonStrCmdResult::Err(e) => { return Err(e); },
CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(consult) |
CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(consult) => {
match &consult.tri {
&Transition::Flush | &Transition::FlushPopOnEof => {
return Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::FlushPopOnEof,
pre: 0, len: 0, alt: Some(b"\"")
&Transition::Pop | &Transition::Replace(_) => {}
&Transition::Push(_) => {
return Ok(consult);
CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithoutQuotes(_) => {},
_ => {}
// Dutifully end the string.
return Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Pop, pre: 0, len: 0, alt: Some(b"\"")
fn get_color(&self) -> u32{
struct SitStrDq {}
impl Situation for SitStrDq {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> ParseResult {
for i in 0 .. horizon.len() {
if horizon[i] == b'\"' {
return Ok(WhatNow{tri: Transition::Pop, pre: i, len: 1, alt: None});
match common_str_cmd(&horizon, i, is_horizon_lengthenable, false) {
CommonStrCmdResult::None => {},
CommonStrCmdResult::Err(e) => { return Err(e); },
CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(x) => { return Ok(x); },
CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(x) => { return Ok(x); },
CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithoutQuotes(_) => {
panic!("Unreachability assertion failed");
fn get_color(&self) -> u32{
fn flush(i: usize) -> WhatNow {
WhatNow{tri: Transition::Flush, pre: i, len: 0, alt: None}
enum CommonStrCmdResult {
fn common_str_cmd(
horizon: &[u8],
i: usize,
is_horizon_lengthenable: bool,
ctx_cmd: bool,
) -> CommonStrCmdResult {
if horizon[i] == b'`' {
let cmd = Box::new(SitCommand{
end_trigger: b'`' as u16,
end_replace: Some(b")")
return CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(cmd), pre: i, len: 1, alt: Some(b"$(")
if horizon[i] == b'\\' {
let esc = Box::new(SitExtent{len: 1, color: 0x01ff0080, end_insert: None});
return CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(esc), pre: i, len: 1, alt: None
if horizon[i] != b'$' {
return CommonStrCmdResult::None;
if i+1 >= horizon.len() {
if is_horizon_lengthenable {
return CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(flush(i));
return CommonStrCmdResult::None;
let c = horizon[i+1];
if c == b'\'' {
if ctx_cmd {
return CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithoutQuotes(WhatNow {
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitStrSqEsc{})),
pre: i, len: 2, alt: None
} else if c == b'(' {
let cand: &[u8] = &horizon[i+2 ..];
let (idlen, pos_hazard) = pos_tailhazard(cand, b')');
if pos_hazard == cand.len() {
if is_horizon_lengthenable {
return CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(flush(i));
} else if idlen == 3 && pos_hazard >= 4 && cand[.. 3].eq(b"pwd") {
let tailhazard = is_identifiertail(cand[pos_hazard]);
let replacement: &'static [u8] = if tailhazard {
} else {
let sit = Box::new(SitExtent{
len: 0,
color: 0x000000ff,
end_insert: None,
return CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(sit),
pre: i, len: 6,
alt: Some(replacement)
} else if cand.len() >= 1 && cand[0] == b'(' {
let sit = Box::new(SitVec{
terminator: vec!{b')', b')'},
color: 0x00007fff,
return CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(sit),
pre: i, len: 3,
alt: None
let cmd = Box::new(SitCommand{
end_trigger: b')' as u16,
end_replace: None
return CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(cmd),
pre: i, len: 2, alt: None
} else if c == b'#' || c == b'?' {
let ext = Box::new(SitExtent{
len: 2,
color: 0x000000ff,
end_insert: None
return CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(ext),
pre: i, len: 0, alt: None
} else if c == b'*' {
let ext = Box::new(SitExtent{
len: 0,
color: 0x000000ff,
end_insert: None
return CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(ext),
pre: i, len: 2, alt: Some(b"$@")
} else if predlen(&|c|{c >= b'0' && c <= b'9'}, &horizon[i+1 ..]) > 1 {
return CommonStrCmdResult::Err(UnsupportedSyntax {
typ: "Unsuported syntax: Syntactic pitfall",
ctx: horizon.to_owned(),
pos: i+2,
msg: "This does not mean what it looks like. You may be forgiven to think that the full string of \
numerals is the variable name. Only the fist is.\n\
Try this and be shocked: f() { echo \"$9\" \"$10\"; }; f a b c d e f g h i j\n\
Here is where braces should be used to disambiguate, \
e.g. \"${10}\" vs \"${1}0\".\n\
Syntactic pitfalls are deemed too dangerous to fix automatically\n\
(the purpose of Naziquote is to fix brittle code code that mostly \
does what it looks like, as opposed to code that never does what it looks like):\n\
* Fixing what it does would be 100% subtle \
and might slip through code review unnoticed.\n\
* Fixing its look would make a likely bug look intentional."
} else if c == b'@' || (c >= b'0' && c <= b'9') {
let ext = Box::new(SitExtent{
len: 2,
color: 0x000000ff,
end_insert: None
return CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(ext),
pre: i, len: 0, alt: None
} else if is_identifierhead(c) {
let tailhazard;
if ctx_cmd {
let cand: &[u8] = &horizon[i+1 ..];
let (_, pos_hazard) = pos_tailhazard(cand, b'\"');
if pos_hazard == cand.len() {
if is_horizon_lengthenable {
return CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(flush(i));
tailhazard = true;
} else {
tailhazard = is_identifiertail(cand[pos_hazard]);
} else {
tailhazard = false;
return CommonStrCmdResult::OnlyWithQuotes(WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitVarIdent{
end_insert: if_needed(tailhazard, b"}")
})), pre: i, len: 1, alt: if_needed(tailhazard, b"${")
} else if c == b'{' {
let cand: &[u8] = &horizon[i+2 ..];
let (idlen, pos_hazard) = pos_tailhazard(cand, b'}');
let mut rm_braces = false;
let mut is_number = false;
if pos_hazard == cand.len() {
if is_horizon_lengthenable {
return CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(flush(i));
} else if idlen < pos_hazard {
rm_braces = !is_identifiertail(cand[pos_hazard]);
} else if idlen == 0 && (cand[0] == b'#' || cand[0] == b'?') {
is_number = true;
let wn = WhatNow{
tri: Transition::Push(Box::new(SitUntilByte{
until: b'}', color: 0x000000ff, end_replace: if_needed(rm_braces, b"")
})), pre: i, len: 2, alt: if_needed(rm_braces, b"$")
return if is_number {
} else {
return CommonStrCmdResult::Ok(flush(i+1));
fn if_needed<T>(needed: bool, val: T) -> Option<T> {
return if needed { Some(val) } else { None };
struct SitExtent{
len : usize,
color: u32,
end_insert :Option<&'static [u8]>,
impl Situation for SitExtent {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> ParseResult {
if horizon.len() >= self.len {
return Ok(WhatNow{tri: Transition::Pop, pre: self.len, len: 0, alt: self.end_insert});
self.len -= horizon.len();
return Ok(flush(horizon.len()));
fn get_color(&self) -> u32{
struct SitUntilByte {
until: u8,
color: u32,
end_replace :Option<&'static [u8]>,
impl Situation for SitUntilByte {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> ParseResult {
let len = predlen(&|x| x != self.until, &horizon);
return Ok(if len < horizon.len() {
WhatNow{tri: Transition::Pop, pre: len, len: 1, alt: self.end_replace}
} else {
tri: if is_controlcharacter(self.until) {
} else {
}, pre: len, len: 0, alt: None
fn get_color(&self) -> u32{
struct SitStrSqEsc {}
impl Situation for SitStrSqEsc {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> ParseResult {
for i in 0 .. horizon.len() {
if horizon[i] == b'\\' {
let esc = Box::new(SitExtent{len: 1, color: 0x01ff0080, end_insert: None});
return Ok(WhatNow{tri: Transition::Push(esc), pre: i, len: 1, alt: None});
if horizon[i] == b'\'' {
return Ok(WhatNow{tri: Transition::Pop, pre: i, len: 1, alt: None});
fn get_color(&self) -> u32{
struct SitVarIdent {
end_insert: Option<&'static [u8]>,
impl Situation for SitVarIdent {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> ParseResult {
let len = predlen(&is_identifiertail, &horizon);
if len < horizon.len() {
return Ok(WhatNow{tri: Transition::Pop, pre: len, len: 0, alt: self.end_insert});
tri: Transition::FlushPopOnEof,
pre: horizon.len(), len: 0, alt: self.end_insert
fn get_color(&self) -> u32{
struct SitVec {
terminator :Vec<u8>,
color: u32,
impl Situation for SitVec {
fn whatnow(&mut self, horizon: &[u8], is_horizon_lengthenable: bool) -> ParseResult {
if horizon.len() < self.terminator.len() {
if is_horizon_lengthenable {
return Ok(flush(0));
else if &horizon[0 .. self.terminator.len()] == &self.terminator[..] {
return Ok(WhatNow{tri: Transition::Pop, pre: 0, len: self.terminator.len(), alt: None});
return Ok(flush(1));
fn get_color(&self) -> u32{
fn pos_tailhazard(horizon: &[u8], end: u8) -> (usize, usize) {
let idlen = identifierlen(&horizon);
let mut pos = idlen;
if idlen < horizon.len() {
if horizon[pos] == end {
pos += 1;
if pos < horizon.len() {
pos += predlen(&|x| x == b'\"', &horizon[pos ..]);
return (idlen, pos);
fn identifierlen(horizon: &[u8]) -> usize {
return if horizon.len() > 0 && is_identifierhead(horizon[0]) {
1 + predlen(&is_identifiertail, &horizon[1 ..])
} else {
fn predlen(pred: &Fn(u8) -> bool, horizon: &[u8]) -> usize {
let mut i: usize = 0;
while i < horizon.len() && pred(horizon[i]) {
i += 1;
fn is_identifierhead(c: u8) -> bool {
if (c >= b'a' && c <= b'z')
|| (c >= b'A' && c <= b'Z')
|| (c == b'_')
return true;
return false;
fn is_identifiertail(c: u8) -> bool {
if (c >= b'a' && c <= b'z')
|| (c >= b'A' && c <= b'Z')
|| (c >= b'0' && c <= b'9')
|| (c == b'_')
return true;
return false;
fn is_controlcharacter(c: u8) -> bool {
return c <= b' ';
fn is_phantomstringfood(c: u8) -> bool {
c >= b'+'
&& c != b';' && c != b'<' && c != b'>'
&& c != b'\\' && c != b'`' && c != b'|'
fn find_heredoc(horizon: &[u8]) -> (usize, Vec<u8>) {
let mut ate = predlen(&|x| x == b'<', &horizon);
let mut found = Vec::<u8>::new();
if ate != 2 {
return (ate, found);
ate += predlen(&|x| x == b'-', &horizon[ate ..]);
ate += predlen(&is_controlcharacter, &horizon[ate ..]);
// Lex one word.
let herein = &horizon[ate ..];
enum DelimiterSyntax {
let mut state = DelimiterSyntax::WORD;
for byte_ref in herein {
let byte: u8 = *byte_ref;
state = match (state, byte) {
(DelimiterSyntax::WORD, b' ' ) => break,
(DelimiterSyntax::WORD, b'\n') => break,
(DelimiterSyntax::WORD, b'\t') => break,
(DelimiterSyntax::WORD, b'\\') => DelimiterSyntax::WORDESC,
(DelimiterSyntax::WORD, b'\'') => DelimiterSyntax::SQ,
(DelimiterSyntax::WORD, b'\"') => DelimiterSyntax::DQ,
(DelimiterSyntax::SQ, b'\'') => DelimiterSyntax::WORD,
(DelimiterSyntax::DQ, b'\"') => DelimiterSyntax::WORD,
(DelimiterSyntax::DQ, b'\\') => DelimiterSyntax::DQESC,
(DelimiterSyntax::WORDESC, b'\n') => DelimiterSyntax::WORD,
(DelimiterSyntax::WORDESC, _) => {
(DelimiterSyntax::DQESC, b'\n') => DelimiterSyntax::DQ,
(DelimiterSyntax::DQESC, _) => {
if byte != b'\"' && byte != b'\\' {
(_, _) => {
ate += 1;
return (ate, found);