This program listens for beacons sent from wireless access points in the range of your wireless station. Once received the program extracts the BSSID of the AP and transmits deauthentication packets using the broadcast MAC address. This results to the disconnection of all clients connected to the AP at the time of the attack. This is essencially a WiFi DoS attack tool created for educational purposes only. It works only in Linux and requires wireless card drivers capable of injecting packets in wireless networks. How to use it: Just run it as root and put as first argument the card interface. It will automatically put your interface in monitor mode and it will listen at channel range 1-14. If there is no AP in the channel, it will change channel every 1 second, or else it will start the attack which it takes approximately 30 seconds. After that it will change channel. compile: make install: make PREFIX=/usr install ARM cross-compile: make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-